"Is this going to the floating city..."

Tao Yu sat on the motorboat and watched the angle of view quickly increase, with some emotion in her eyes.

Not long after I entered the inner city for the first time, I finally got to go to the Floating City to see the world...

As it rose, Tao Yu also began to be parallel to the base of the floating city, seeing angles that could not be seen from below.

"There should be various factories under the base of the floating city?"

From the side, you can see that on the surface of the base, some magnificent mechanical structures are constantly rotating. The giant gears and the magnificent pendulum seem to represent terrible energy changes every time they move, making a clicking sound.

Ordinary steel strength cannot withstand such a huge stretch. The entire city must be integrated with willing materials.

But since we can only see the surface but not the inside, we can only guess.

The angle of view continued to increase, and Tao Yu also saw the scene above the floating city for the first time.

The inner city is somewhat close to a modern city, but the style is more abstract and the buildings are weird.

However, above the floating city is a standard next-generation picture!

Hover cars and similar hover motor boats flash by from time to time, and giant spheres rotate in the void.

Various space-style smooth curved buildings and tunnels are connected to each other, splicing together the overall structure of a Möbius strip.

However, Sun Shiyu probably took Tao Yu's situation into consideration and did not parade down the street.

Instead, it raised the altitude again, galloped from a high altitude, and finally landed in a forest courtyard.

"There are not many high-rise buildings in the floating city. They are all kinds of courtyards. The comfort level is not the same..."

Tao Yu also felt a little emotional. In addition to a few functional buildings in the central area, and the giant sphere suspended in the air, there were various houses and courtyards along the way, with wide intervals and enough private space.

Looking at the exquisite three-story villa in front of her, Tao Yu also judged in her mind that this should be where the two siblings lived by themselves, and did not live with other family members.

As soon as the motorboat landed, Tao Yu saw a mature curly-haired beauty wearing a maid uniform approaching.

That kind of plump and mature temperament has a sense of dignity even when wearing a maid uniform, but because of the wisps of emptiness at the neckline and the tight waist, it brings a bit of lust.

However, Tao Yu, who had withstood the test and baptism of the little rich woman, could easily control her eyes from glancing in front of her or squinting.

"Master Tao, Gui'an, I am Lalei, the head maid here. If Master Tao has any needs in the future, you can ask me. Now I will take Mr. Tao to see the young master and the young lady."

Lalei bowed to Tao Yu, who had just gotten out of the car, and spoke in a gentle tone.

Judging by her age, she may have taken care of the two of them since childhood.

Tao Yu said equally politely

"Then I'll trouble you."

He will not be complacent just because others are polite.

To be honest, although this person is just a head maid, with her status in the floating city, even if she goes to the inner city, she will definitely be treated politely by the top people in the inner city.

The most important thing is that Tao Yu's spiritual sense can feel that this maid is very strong, very strong!

Anyway, it's best not to show any signs of hostility.

"Master Tao's [Meditation Technique] practice is very good, and his spiritual awareness is very strong."

Lalei, who was walking in front, still spoke in that gentle voice.

"Nowhere, it's still far away."

Tao Yu responded humbly.

"I'm not being polite. [Meditation] reaches a certain level, and after the thoughts are restrained, the mind can be refreshed..."

Lalei's tone was still so gentle, which made Tao Yu feel warm in her heart. She was a typical big sister next door.

But what she said next made Tao Yu's expression stunned.

"But if you face someone with a higher spiritual level and you don't know how to control your gaze, the other person will notice it and sometimes it will appear a bit rude. You need to practice controlling it more."

Tao Yu, who was walking behind, stiffly stopped staring at the other party's peach-shaped body-hugging fabric, with a blank look on his face.


Why hasn't anyone told me?

No one taught me!

"Young master Tao, don't worry, you will make me feel young again, I don't mind."

Lalei turned her head and covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes turned into crescent moons, as if she really didn't mind.

Tao Yu's appearance is shown here, which is justice, and a lot of tolerance can be improved.

"But if you face the young master and young lady, please be more careful."

"Thank you, thank you for reminding me."

Tao Yu smiled stiffly, haha, it seems a little late now...

Thinking about the image of herself and Sun Shiyu when they were alone, there was nothing about her that he had not stared at for a long time!

Not to mention Sun Shiyu, even Sun Shiqing herself had stared at his profile and long legs because of his good looks.


Then Tao Yu thought of the first time she and Sun Shiyu tested the [Domestication] skill in the RV.

When she was lying down, she didn't even look at herself and asked, 'Does it look good? ’, it seems that I was reminded at that time...

But why didn't you remind me later?

Tao Yu felt a bit social.

It's normal for you to take a sneak peek at a beautiful woman you meet on the street, but that doesn't mean you have any evil intentions.

But it would be too embarrassing to notice every glance.

However, before Tao Yu had any idea, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the villa. Lalei opened the door, laid out her slippers, and made a gesture of invitation to Tao Yu.

After Tao Yu entered, he said respectfully

"Master, Miss, Mr. Tao is here."

At this time, Sun Shiyu and Sun Shiqing were staying in the lobby on the first floor.

And they seem to like the type of clothes in the zombie world. They still have a set of large cartoon T-shirts that are similar to last time.

The only difference is that the cartoon pattern has changed a bit, but the same thing is that Sun Shiyu’s cartoon pattern is still deformed.

"Well, please step back."

Sun Shiyu nodded, looking at her movements it seemed that she was practicing meditation just now.

After hearing this, Lalei respectfully closed the door and exited the room.

"Brother Tao is here~"

It was Sun Shiqing who greeted Tao Yu first, smiling and sitting cross-legged on the sofa, waving to Tao Yu with a very nice smile.

This made Tao Yu's expression a little stiff.

Good boy, I also peeked at you, and you didn't even remind me. Also, you also saw me peeking at your sister before I mastered the meditation technique, and you weren't afraid of my legs being broken.

It’s really a bad taste!

After Sun Shiqing saw Tao Yu's somewhat embarrassed expression, the smile on her face became even brighter, and there was an obvious evil curve at the corner of her mouth.

"Oh~, it seems that you have understood something. Why don't you even dare to look at me? Didn't even Lalei peek and be reminded~"

That elongated teasing tone made Tao Yu's expression blank.

When social death reaches a certain level, it doesn't matter anymore, just do whatever you want, I can bear it.


It was Sun Shiyu who interrupted Sun Shiqing's teasing.

"You are the sister, you are the oldest."

Sun Shiqing didn't hesitate, she jumped off the sofa, put on her puppy slippers, then turned and walked upstairs.

As he walked, he waved his hand

"I'm going to take a shower. It will take a long time. Come on."

Hearing Sun Shiqing's public assist, Tao Yu's original slander disappeared, and then she stole a glance at Sun Shiyu.

There's nothing objectionable about it, is it really possible...

"Lalei has already told you, why are you still peeking?"

Sun Shiyu turned around and looked at Tao Yu with some confusion.

"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help it..."

"Just look at it openly."

Tao Yu hadn't finished speaking yet, and her expression was a little stiff as she listened to Sun Shiyu's words.

What do you mean?

"Idiot, you haven't broken your legs yet, which means I don't mind very much."

Sun Shiyu rolled her eyes at Tao Yu, then stretched and ended her original meditation.

The action of pulling on the T-shirt while stretching made Tao Yu look at her openly and openly as she said.

"Come, let's test your skills and see if there is any improvement."

Sun Shiyu patted the sofa next to her. Indeed, she didn't care about Tao Yu's fiery eyes at all, and even puffed out her chest.

"Okay, but my skill level has been improved, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it."

Tao Yu reminded.

"Who do you think I am? Are you looking down on me a little bit..."

Sun Shiyu didn't care at all and was very confident in herself.

She has indeed not been obsessed with that kind of 'reward', she just treats it as an occasional relaxing pastime. At the same time, she is somewhat interested in the precise mental control methods for rewards and punishments.

Tao Yu silently looked at his group in the inner city and returned to the hundreds of thousands of willing power. He chose the second deification of [Domestication] without hesitation. He came as soon as he came. Who is afraid of whom...


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