Tao Yu was lying on the sofa with her eyes blank, feeling like she had lost all hope. It was over, it was all over...

I have never been in actual combat in this life, so I never knew I was so fast!

What an exaggeration!

"Why should I choose the explosion and assassin route? Why is this even an explosion..."

Tao Yu covered her face with one hand and stood up with her legs weak. After standing up, she staggered and almost lost her balance.

The previous competition was so intense that it was simply unbelievable.

But even though he could already feel his body's weakness, after seeing Sun Shiyu lying on his side on the ground with messy hair.

Tao Yu still felt his mouth go dry unconsciously, swallowed his saliva, and felt inexplicably that he was good again and could still fight for 300 rounds.

With the taming of the second deification and the riding of the second deity, plus it seems that the little rich woman is really interested in him, the battle is really about to break out.

The confrontation lasted for twenty minutes, and it didn't seem like a very bad result. But if it were counted thirteen times, it would have been a complete defeat. Each time they fought at most hundreds of moves, it would make Tao Yu doubt his life.

Although riding and taming helped him get back to a certain level, the little rich woman also lost her helmet and armor, and both parties perished together.

But I obviously relied on cheating to achieve this, which is too exaggerated.

And it seemed that she felt Tao Yu staggering to her feet. Sun Shiyu, who had also just recovered, barely supported the ground and climbed up. In the indescribable scene, she turned around and glanced at Tao Yu lazily.

"That's too much. What's wrong with your skills..."

After slowly pulling down the stuck T-shirt to block the car lights, she heard Tao Yu swallowing.

Then he stood up angrily and reached out his hand to push Tao Yu down.

"Then you have to hurt your foundation. Are you stupid? Look at your lack of energy and blood. You are really messing around. I was only controlled by your skills for more than ten minutes. You are too exaggerated."

"It's twenty minutes, thank you."

Tao Yu corrected the other party's slip of the tongue.

This made Sun Shiyu give him a charming look, which seemed to wash away Tao Yu's fatigue.

It's just that he can recover by eating and even wishing.

But even at this time, he couldn't risk any exposure. He suppressed the thought of recovering his will power and lay on the sofa again with his eyes dazed.

"You were a bit rash this time. I didn't expect it to happen so early."

Sun Shiyu also knocked on his head, and then sat with Tao Yu without any care. Just holding his arm made Tao Yu's face change slightly.

"Use [Meditation], weren't you very good at it in the car last time?"

Sun Shiyu's reminder made Tao Yu quickly use the visualization chart to restrain his thoughts.

It's too exaggerated. It feels like her charm has become even greater after the sparring session. This is unscientific and even the sage's time has no effect.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. When I was restrained by your skills, I almost thought you were going to die. Fortunately, you took the time to strengthen your body, and you strengthened it well."

After Sun Shiyu saw Tao Yu succeed in using [Meditation Technique], he didn't care to be more intimate, and his face was filled with joy.

The little bare feet were posed in front of her in a very eye-catching manner.

It can be said that it is completely opposite to the aloofness and distance in peacetime.

"Is it that exaggerated?"

"What have you experienced? What do you think would happen if you were now in the body of an ordinary person at the limit?"

Sun Shiyu's words made Tao Yu's face change slightly. The high-pressure water gun used for car washing came to mind, and then he shuddered.

Sure enough, it was the little rich woman who had a problem, so she said something was wrong!

"You daredevil, you broke my plan."

Sun Shiyu held Tao Yu's arm and bit her nails, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Until I adapt to and control my new form, I'm afraid I have to stay at home. Over at the gathering place, you and Shiqing should be careful and don't kill the pioneers in the inner city again."

These words made Tao Yu's expression stiffen, and he said with a dry smile.

"How can there be..."

"Then you use the female version of [Inner Scale Armor] because you're a pervert?"

Tao Yu was also silenced when he heard this.


"You don't need to tell me to just kill this one. We have all said hello to the pioneers in the inner city. Do you think they have ever killed each other?"

Tao Yu couldn't help but think that Ta Fu did not kill Qi Men after he defeated him. This was also the power brought by these two men.

Maybe Emperor Shan Gao would kill him when he was far away, but he might have more concerns because the scope of the investigation of the suspect was small.

On the contrary, Tao Yu himself acted lawlessly and casually.

The survival rate of pioneers in the inner city is no better than that in the outer city!

Not only do they cherish their lives more and won't work so hard, but due to the relationship between accumulation and strength, there is almost no reduction in personnel.

That's why when Tao Yu and the others came back for the first time, Joseph's disappearance attracted so much attention.

In the mission hall, Tao Yu also showed the ability to directly defeat the Inner City Pioneers. Coupled with this female version of the Inner Scale Armor, and the recent abnormal rapid attrition of the Inner City Pioneers.

As the highest combat power in the newly developed area, Sun Shiyu will naturally make his own judgment.

She didn't need any evidence.

This made Tao Yu shrink back a little and complain.

"I always counterattack passively, but I never attack them actively. You also know the face of the Inner City Blazers."

"Okay, just don't kill indiscriminately. In the end, strength speaks for itself in the Abyss. You don't know what the inner-city pioneers have up their sleeves. It would be pointless to overturn."

It turns out that this is what Sun Shiyu cares about.

Tao Yu couldn't help but take a sip of her fragrance, but before her lips could leave, she bit her back and pressed her for a while.

After a while, Tao Yu said in a daze and afterthought.

"I will pay attention to it. In fact, I will keep it in check later."

"I'll just treat it as if you just keep it. Here, I'll give you a red envelope."

Sun Shiyu dug out another magnetic card and threw it to Tao Yu.

Tao Yu subconsciously took a look, and his eyes suddenly went dark. Three hundred thousand willpower!

I worked so hard to go to the new world fragments and picked up the Chosen One, so the total reward is only so much!

After working so hard to complete the missions in the inner city, the bits and pieces are only enough to pay for the deification of riding and domestication.

As a result, the red envelope given here really made Tao Yu feel a little stomachache.

"But that's all I can give you. You can't stand my care now, and I don't want you to just be a freeloader and support yourself."

"I earn all my current income myself."

Tao Yu also retorted after hearing Sun Shiyu's words.

If she had the guts, she would have thrown the card back in her face, but Tao Yu finally put the card away silently.

Giving too much...

This action was also a joy to Sun Shiyu.

"Without accumulation and enough advanced skills, the marginal effect of willingness is too strong. I can help you find some skills, but you must also show the corresponding value yourself.

"Otherwise, just be obedient and be hidden in my golden house. Although I accidentally arrived in the new development area and there is no pressure for marriage, you probably won't be able to see the light. MAX's dynamic vision is just barely passing. It's not like being a son-in-law." It’s too bad, even if you get beaten to death, you’ll die in vain.”

Tao Yu felt a little heavy when he heard this. Even if good things had been accomplished, he knew that the gap between the two sides was still huge.

The eldest lady of Floating City, from the time Sun Shiqing said she had broken other people's legs, we can tell that there must be many people who admire her.

Look at Niu Changchun. Because of his high talent, he dared to look at her secretly, but as a result, he felt like a long-distance licking dog. I'm afraid there are more people here in the floating city who think they are well-matched.

Coupled with the fact that her family members can only do their activities secretly and underground.

As for the marginal effect of willingness and the source of advanced skills, it is equally impossible for Tao Yu to explain, even if it is a little rich woman, she must keep it a secret.

But the fragments of the broken heart of the world should be no problem, at least for the little rich woman!

"Actually, I..."

"Have you obtained the Heart of the World? Developed the physical talent? But you hid it?"

Sun Shiyu didn't wait for Tao Yu to finish speaking, and said nonchalantly while gathering up her messy hair, crushing and cleaning some strange scabs on it with her mind power.

"Uh..., yes."

Tao Yu was a little confused, but Sun Shiyu's expression was cheerful.

"You still have some conscience. You are so cautious and willing to tell me. If you didn't have the physical talent, you might have died today. Do you still have to guess?"

Sun Shiyu glanced at Tao Yu charmingly, which made him embarrassed. Can you please stop mentioning this? I'm not dead...

At this time, Sun Shiqing, who had finished taking a shower, wiped her hair with a towel and walked down the stairs.

As he came down, he sniffed his nose, then stretched out his hand to fan his nose, frowning and saying

"What did you do? You smell bad and are incontinent?"

A wave of telekinesis that made Tao Yu's hair explode instantly, and Sun Shiqing was knocked away again and pinned to the ceiling.

As time goes by, the little rich woman has also become stronger, and the growth rate is also quite amazing!

"Help me, help me..."

Sun Shiqing's beautiful face seemed to be deformed as if it were covered with glass. She kept struggling on the ceiling and asked Tao Yu for help.

And Tao Yu is also looking at the nose and the heart. You speak freely, and your sister becomes angry from shame...

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