"This is where the crime happened."

A shack made of plywood had a large irregular hole in the wall, and the messy interior could be seen through the jagged hole.

Tao Yu came to a damaged house in the outer city. There were several security team members directing gang members to clean up the scene.

The surrounding environment was not very clean. Tao Yu had already put away his robe, but he was still wearing his partner's mask.

Most of the mid-level partners who came to work in other cities didn't know how to wear cloaks, so it would be disgusting if they got stained by those things.

Tao Yu's mask could also reveal his identity. When the security team members saw it, they were all awe-struck. Then one of the security team members came up and asked.

"Mr. Partner, is this to investigate this case? I'm afraid I need to go to the autopsy room for more detailed information..."

"Well, just taking a look."

Tao Yu said casually, while looking at the dense crowd around him and frowning, he actually wanted to use the same method he used to find Cheng Kun last time.

But there are too many people in the outer city and the buildings are too dense. Cheng Kun was alone in the wild last time, and the distance was not too far.

Now here, the search range will definitely be reduced. Howl every time you go to a place?

But then, Tao Yu looked at the other end of the street in surprise.

I saw Lin Chao walking over there with several people.

His sister and Zhang Wei were not with him. Behind him was Wang Xiaoli, the A-level talent owner who had eaten last time, and several other figures who looked good in spirit.

As soon as he came over, he also noticed Tao Yu who was wearing a mask. Even though Tao Yu was wearing a mask, Lin Chao still looked at him with surprise and uncertainty.

"What are you looking at?"

Tao Yu said to Lin Chao with a smile, making the latter seem relieved.

"I thought it might be you. What's wrong? Do you want to track down No. 11?"

At this time, the member of the security team next to him came out again and said helplessly

"Lin Chao, don't embarrass us. There is an order to do what your boss is doing, and there is nothing we can do about it. If we can't say it, we can't say it. How about you go to the autopsy room and have a look?"

Tao Yu also had some thoughts when he heard this.

When I came back before, I knew what the president of Chaoyang Society had done. The security team outside was a little targeted at Chaoyang Society, and it seemed that they were trying to catch their pigtails.

However, it seems that the relationship between these grassroots members and the Chaoyang Society is not so tense at present. It is just because of the order that they may not cooperate with some things.

Lin Chao heard the words of the security team member and said sincerely.

"Brother Tao, you should know that our purpose is just to find this guy. We have had several confrontations with this guy, and we have figured out some of his patterns. We have been letting him kill everyone in the outer city. Don't we? Are you worried that one day it will fall on someone you know?”

Although so much time has passed, Lin Chao still has his persistence, which is no different from when he first met Tao Yu.

"Oh? Have you Chaoyang Society ever touched him?"

At this time, Tao Yu interrupted and asked

"We have actually been tracking him for several years, and many members have died at his hands along the way. However, recently I was leading the team and blocked him twice with my talent, but his ability to escape was too strong."

Lin Chao's answer to Tao Yu made Tao Yu's eyes light up slightly.

"Oh? Can you find him with your talent?"

"As long as I keep chasing him, it will become easier and easier for me to meet him, but I need to keep learning new clues about him."

Lin Chao's words also made Tao Yu a little emotional.

As expected of a rare talent, this [intuition] is really useful.

[Meditation] on his own can also work, and the effect when used is even greater, but this method of finding people in a haystack is not as effective as his passive method.

"Okay, I have clues. Help me find him and I will solve it."

Lin Chao was stunned for a moment by Tao Yu's words, and then nodded quickly.


After finishing speaking, he turned back to the others and said

"You should retreat first and look for other clues."

The energetic young men behind him were a little surprised when they heard Lin Chao's words. Then Wang Xiaoli, who had A-level talent, said worriedly.

"Brother Chao, this is too dangerous. He obviously wanted to sneak attack you the first two times. If you are separated from us, he will probably attack you."

Wang Xiaoli's words did not surprise Tao Yu. The guy took the initiative to attack Lin Chao. He must have felt the threat Lin Chao posed to him.

It shows that Lin Chao's team has indeed moved around the area where he often hangs out.

"It doesn't matter. I believe in Brother Tao's strength. He has never dealt with me when there were many of us."

Lin Chao seemed to want to use himself as bait.

Tao Yu also nodded and slowly took off his mask, revealing his young and handsome face.

"It's really better for us to come forward. Don't worry, I promise you to protect him."

Except for Wang Xiaoli, who had seen Tao Yu before, the others didn't expect Tao Yu to be so young.

However, they had always followed Lin Chao's orders when they came here. Now that they heard this arrangement, although they were somewhat worried and reluctant, they still obeyed the instructions and left together.

"Your members are getting better and better."

Tao Yu looked at the backs of the leaving people and said with a smile that he could sense that these guys were not weak in strength, and judging by their age, most of them should be from the new development area.

"These can be considered the elites of the future. That boy Zhang Wei is infected with 'happy', and now we are trying to find a way to help him quit."

Lin Chao also talked about another acquaintance of Tao Yu, which made Tao Yu also feel a little sad.

Zhang Wei's own talent can only be considered average, but in the end he was infected with this thing. Even if he was indeed a very motivated guy before, he would probably be useless if he couldn't survive it.

"Where's your sister?"

"I'm injured. I'm recovering in the club. I was attacked by No. 11."

When Lin Chao said this, he showed a rare look of annoyance on his face.

That No. 11 did have no taboos. After several failed sneak attacks on Lin Chao, he set his sights on his family.

This made Tao Yu's eyes become more profound.

This scourge really needs to be solved as soon as possible...

The two of them were chatting about each other's clues and sharing intelligence while aimlessly walking through the dirty alleys in the outer city.

Go wherever there are few people, and go wherever there are remote places.

From time to time, Tao Yu would also give the advantage of a secondary meditation technique, which fell directly on Lin Chao.

When the time comes to make a decision, it all depends on following him.

The whole afternoon was wasted in this way, and the sky gradually became dark again.

"It seems that I can't find him today, but I have a strong feeling today that he is near us."

Lin Chao said with some regret.

"That should be soon."

Tao Yu also smiled. He had already felt some malicious intent from peeking in the dark, but he did not choose to shout to scare the snake away.

"I'll take you back to your club first, don't be left alone."

"How about you stay in our club today too."

Lin Chao said to Tao Yu.

"I have something to do today and I have to go back to the inner city. Don't worry, my ability to save my life is still very strong."

Tao Yu patted Lin Chao's shoulder, causing his eyes to move slightly.

Chaoyang Society is now quite a famous society in the outer city, occupying three streets that are already relatively close to the gray fog area.

Logically speaking, with the current performance of the Chaoyang Society president, it would be easy to sweep through the outer city, but Chaoyang Society still operates according to the rules.

There is no money and no money here, and there are no other gangs that want to touch these tough guys.

And because of Chaoyang Society's reputation, many other ordinary people from outer cities moved specifically to these three streets.

Looking around, there are all kinds of shantytowns densely packed.

However, the environment seems to be better than many places in the outer city.

Although the people here look miserable, their mental outlook is better.

The headquarters of Chaoyang Society looked ordinary, just like a factory warehouse, but Tao Yu could feel the vigilant gazes of many secret sentries in the surrounding shanties.

Their philosophy makes it easy for Chaoyang Society to blend in with ordinary people from outer cities, making it impossible to tell who is their informant.

"Super son."

"Brother Chao."


"Brother Lin."


Lin Chao was greeted by people all the way here. Tao Yu could feel their sincerity and enthusiasm. It could be seen that Chaoyang Society was indeed very popular among the people, and Lin Chao was considered very prestigious in Chaoyang Society.

He had been like this before his talent awakened.

Faced with various greetings, Lin Chao nodded with a smile. Until he returned to the warehouse door, Tao Yu also saw Lin Xue limping out with a cane.

You can see that there are traces of bandages on her face, one arm is in a cast, and one leg has even disappeared!

Dark red blood stains can also be seen on the white bandage.

"Brother, Brother Tao."

When Lin Xue saw Lin Chao and Tao Yu, she took two steps forward with a cane to say hello.

Originally, Lin Xue had a lively personality, but this time when she saw Tao Yu, her eyes were a little evasive, and she kept her head down, as if she was a little inferior.

Lin Chao also looked at his sister with pity.

"You need to have a good rest. I will find a way to help you get the vaccine when the time comes."

Lin Chao sighed.

At present, the cheapest way to regenerate a severed limb is to fight against the demonization. If you don't count the vaccine and gamble on luck, the demonization is really not expensive.

Moreover, Lin Xue is also in the new development area, so it will be faster if he goes to the new world to recover.

But if you include vaccines, it’s almost the same as replacing an ordinary mechanical prosthesis.

Although there is already a research team brought by Tao Yu, the production of the vaccine is indeed in a hurry. This makes Tao Yu think of something.

"By the way, I lent one to Panda for the demonization vaccine. He didn't use the vaccine for demonization, and he has been passing it around among several friends. If he hasn't used it yet, you can ask him next time. ask."

The demonization pollution was so serious that it took Panda a month to absorb it. He got through it without using the vaccine.

I left a message last time asking, and Tao Yu agreed. I wonder if the vaccine has been used.

"So, thank you very much."

When it came to his sister, Lin Chao really didn't pretend to be pretentious with Tao Yu and said very gratefully.

"I'm not sure if I'll use it yet, so don't thank me in a hurry."

"Thank you in advance. Be careful when you go back."

Lin Chao knew that Tao Yu probably wanted to use his body as bait, but he still couldn't help but give a reminder.

"Well, have a good rest. See you later..."

Tao Yu waved to the two of them, and then walked out of the Chaoyang Society's control area. At this time, the sky had completely darkened...

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