"I'm really not used to it..."

The outer city was completely dark, with almost no lights visible.

The places where there is some vague light appear are some walled cities or gang strongholds.

From a distance, you can see the magnificent city wall of the inner city and the lights on it, as well as the neon lights of the high-rise buildings beyond the city wall.

But other areas in the outer city were completely dark, without even lights.

However, this kind of environment has no impact on Tao Yu, and he can easily avoid some mosaics on the street.

Just walking in the dark.

As he left the streets of Chaoyang Society, the hidden malice gradually increased.

But in addition to his spiritual sense, with the hearing and perception brought about by Tao Yu's comprehensive strength now, he didn't catch any strange sounds, which surprised him.

"Completely integrated into the sound of the wind? I don't know what kind of ability it is, but the latent ability is still very strong."

There was a burst of admiration in Tao Yu's heart. If he was double lurking and didn't escape into the shadows and just chose the normal mode, that would be the most he could do.

And as he had left the distance of two streets from Chaoyangshe Street, he walked into the middle of two patchwork houses in the outer city.

The hidden malice was finally no longer tolerated.

Da da da~

The first thing that appeared was the continuous shooting.

The firelight and sound were extremely obvious in the darkness, and a large number of bullets were roaring towards Tao Yu!

Special armor-piercing bullets are difficult to block even with body armor!

However, these bullets hit ripples in the air three feet in front of Tao Yu.

The bullet warhead shattered, sputtering out a lot of fragments with sparks.

Intense shots followed like raindrops, but I was stunned that I couldn't get through a single shot!

"Oh, I finally came out, and I was quite careful..."

Before shooting, Tao Yu really couldn't find the opponent's location.

But now, the direction was locked instantly, and he rushed straight towards the source of the shooting, bringing out afterimages in the air!

A look of horror suddenly appeared on the face of the person who fired in secret, and he immediately dropped the gun in his hand and turned around and ran away!

What did you just see?

The opponent actually easily blocked the AT200's strafing attack with an invisible barrier!

Gangqi? Psychodynamic power?

have no idea!

But being able to eat so much and still charge head-on fully demonstrates the opponent's identity!

Senior partner!


The muscles in No. 11's legs deformed, like a grasshopper accumulating power and burst out in an instant. The whole person was ejected into the wind. He was able to spread his hands in the air, brought out a piece of cicada wings, and began to glide out in the air. The speed can be said to be Extremely fast!

Every time he landed, his legs burst out again, each time from a distance of ten or twenty meters. In the air, he completed the accumulation of force in his leg muscles like gears, and began to eject when he landed.

However, when he started to turn his head and look behind him, his eyes nearly popped out!

He was gliding on his wings and relying on the alien implants in his legs. The explosive speed formed by the perfect combination was actually being pulled closer and closer to the opponent!

I saw the other party's foot gently floating out like a leaf, leaving an afterimage.

The speed is so fast that he even surpasses himself!

There is obviously no modification, and it is not a high-speed running with pure brute force. How can it be so elegant?

This is indeed a trap for myself!

This made No. 11 look ferocious.

How could this be, how could it be possible!

You are obviously so young, and I heard you talking and said that you are from the new development area, why is this happening!

I am obviously so cautious!

Before he could have any more thoughts, Tao Yu turned her hand into a flower and flicked it. A stream of light flashed and instantly shattered one of No. 11's legs, causing him to scream and fall to the ground, rolling around.

After rolling on the bumpy ground, his body was covered in foul-smelling sewage.

Tao Yu, on the other hand, fell from the sky elegantly and naturally, and slowly landed in a relatively clean space.

At this time, the alienated leg that he was proud of was broken, and No. 11 was pushed into the quagmire, holding the broken leg with despair on his face.

How could it be!

How could I meet such a strong man!

Gang Qi is bulletproof, has unparalleled speed, and has powerful attacks. What are your shortcomings? !

And soon, what made No. 11's pupils shrink was that when he looked at Tao Yu's shoes that were on relatively clean and dry ground, there were no stains on them!

How is it possible...

He obviously caught up with me so quickly...

Is it possible that while maintaining such a fast pace, he still has the leisure and elegance to choose a clean place to stay?

This is simply unbelievable...

"You're really not crazy. You're just a pure lunatic. How do you know you're so careful? Are there any side effects of your skills?"

Tao Yu looked at the other person with a smile and tried to seal the other person's acupuncture points with her fingers. However, she found that the acupuncture points implanted with this foreign body seemed to be different from those of normal people.

But fortunately, the whole thing is still human-shaped. After trying it a few times, I still locked on a few that can be used.

The pure essence was inserted into the opponent's body through the air with his fingers, immediately making No. 11 stiff, and only his mouth could move.

"S-Sir, can you let me go? I really only target the mud-legged people in the outer city. I only need to kill one pioneer every day, just one!"

No. 11, who had been completely restrained, now showed no ruthlessness like a serial killer. Instead, he began to beg for mercy.

He doesn't want to die!

"What skill requires killing pioneers?"

Hearing this, the red and green face of No. 11, which looked a bit like a grasshopper, showed a trace of bitterness

"I was cheated. It is a highly polluted evil skill that allows me to suck the bone marrow of pioneers to strengthen the jumping ability of my legs. If I stop for a day, my bones will itch all over my body, and I may die in three days! I tried to resist, but I couldn't!"

Tao Yu's spiritual sense could sense that the other party's words should be half true and half false, with some authenticity, but also false.

But this was not something Tao Yu was interested in, so he lied.

"This can't buy your life. You know, capturing you alive is worth 120,000. Do you have equivalent information?"

Tao Yu looked at the other party calmly. To put it bluntly, this guy's cash flow couldn't even take out 120,000.

"Yes, there are evil god believers in the outer city! And there are people in the inner city who want to unite with the evil god believers to deal with Chaoyang Society!"

No. 11 said quickly.

This made Tao Yu frown slightly, because he judged with his spiritual sense that this sentence was actually very credible?

"It's normal to have evil god believers in the outer city, but are there people who dare to cooperate with evil god believers? Are they also evil god believers?"

"No, no, no, they are definitely not evil god believers, because they are very careful and have no direct contact with evil god believers. It's just that they should know the location of evil god believers' activities, and they tacitly threw out some things, which happened to be seen by me. It's definitely not so cautious..."

Hearing this, Tao Yu understood what was going on. Someone secretly wanted to guide the evil god believers to do something, and the evil god believers also knew what the other party wanted them to do, but the two sides just didn't contact each other, and tacitly maintained a kind of remote cooperation.

If this is the case, it really looks like some force in the inner city.

This made Tao Yu think of the Dragon Lizard Family at the first time.

Based on their performance in front of Master Wang, this possibility is very high.

If they can't beat them openly, they will play dirty. Although they always denounce the evil god believers, they have no scruples when they want to use them. This kind of face on these inner city forces makes Tao Yu feel that the painting style is quite normal.

"This information is not worth 120,000."

"I know a base of evil god believers, you can sell it."

"Where is it?"

"In Dongcheng District, Wild Dog Street, the three thatched houses..."

"Not enough."

"I also know..., go to hell!"

No. 11 suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed countless acid water at Tao Yu.

The acid water was in the form of mist, covering the entire front of Tao Yu, and not only did the ground corrode.

Tao Yu's spiritual sense also vaguely reminded him that this kind of thing is very dangerous.

"Maybe it's poisonous, there's really something, which is not in the intelligence."

Tao Yu raised his eyebrows, and then black smoke seemed to come out of his body, letting the acid mist brush past, disappearing like a washed-up ink painting.

When he appeared again, he was already behind No. 11.

A [Spirit Thorn] in his mind shot out and pierced into No. 11's body, causing him to scream and then faint.

"There shouldn't be much information, so I can report now."

Carrying No. 11, whose acupuncture points were sealed and who had fainted, Tao Yu blended into the night like a night ghost with his light skills.

Lucky, a good start!

It only took one day to get one done.

"Lin Chao is quite useful, I'll take him out for a walk tomorrow..."

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