Among the many strange buildings in the outer city, there is a large castle in the shape of a Chinese character U, which stands out from the crowd.

In terms of the uniformity of workmanship and materials, it is much more beautiful than the inner city wall with wooden patches.

This is also the office of Xingyao Company in the outer city, which handles almost all the company's affairs in the outer city. It is a place where the security team has no right to enter without permission, and is collectively called the "black house" by the people in the outer city.

The dark stone material of the outer wall of the building is indeed worthy of this name, but at the same time, it may also have other meanings.

"Hey, Tiger is here, how is it, is the robotic arm adapted?"

There is a permanent security team patrolling directly at the gate and responsible for access control.

When the team leader saw Tao Hu and Tao Yu coming over, he smiled and greeted them, and Tao Hu also distributed a homemade cigarette to each of the six members of the security team.

"My nephew has good talent. Bring him here to handle some business."

"Wow, to be called good by you, he must have at least C-level combat talent, right? He can join the team. Is there any B-level?"

The team leader smiled and lit a cigarette, and replied appropriately.

Tao Hu used to have [Predictive Eyes], and his ability was not weak. Now that he has a mechanical arm, he has become a master in the security team. Naturally, he will sell it well.

"Haha, A-level [Dynamic Vision], but it's a pity that it's an ordinary combat talent. It's a pity."

Tao Hu laughed and had been waiting for this moment for a long time. His face was full of smugness and boasting.


This voice made several members of the security team nearby exclaim in a low voice.

The security team is a very good place in the outer city. To be able to enter, you must have at least D+ level ordinary combat talent, and you also need to be assessed. If you want to enter steadily, you must at least be comparable to C-level ordinary combat talent. It doesn't matter if your strength is temporarily poor, the talent must be in place.

It can be said that their talents are not bad, and they are arrogant on weekdays.

But now when they heard about the A-level talent, they all looked sideways, and many people showed envy.

They brought it here, so it must not be bragging!

What business do you want to do? I guess you have to test it!

Even if it is an ordinary combat talent, it is incredible to reach the A-level.

"Haha, the stinky boy is lucky, lucky."

Tao Hu looked like a fisherman who caught a big catch, with a fake smile on his face, which made Tao Yu a little speechless.

But this was originally meant to be used to meet people, so it’s okay to show off everywhere.

Because of the power of the first kill, the intelligence itself is indeed very important, but the people in the outer city must first ensure that they use their talents to gain benefits!

There needs to be a trade-off, and you can’t give up because of choking.

Just like watching Tao Hu register step by step, he signed and wrote down his destination and entered the castle.

In the dark outside during the day, the castle used electric lights, which was quite luxurious. It was brighter than outside. The walls were a little mottled, but it was much better than the ordinary buildings in the outer city.

Occasionally, the employees passing by had a sense of pride on their faces, while some other people who were obviously from the outer city to handle some business seemed a little restrained.

Whether it was clothing or attitude, they could be distinguished at a glance.

At this time, Uncle Hu's mechanical arm was also a symbol of status, and there was no trouble or difficulty on the road.

Even though it was Uncle Hu, Tao Yu could feel that he was not as natural as outside, but as an old hand in the outer city, he quickly took Tao Yu to an office and knocked on the door.

Tao Yu saw the sign on the office and recognized a few words, "General Office".

"There are not many partners in the outer city. Generally, they just handle business here by the way. But don't worry, everything is available."

Tao Hu quickly said something to Tao Yu, and then he heard the lazy voice in the room

"Come in."

After pushing the door and entering, he saw a middle-aged man with silver hair, crossing his legs and flipping through a magazine.

It's pitiful to see. Tao Yu has been in this world for 18 years. He almost thought that there were no books in this world. He couldn't recognize all the characters and was semi-illiterate.

As a result, he saw a magazine here.

It should be something issued by the inner city. He had never seen it in the outer city. He had only seen the big-character posters full of ink.

"Captain Tao Hu?"

The silver-haired middle-aged man inside raised his eyebrows when he saw Tao Hu glance at his mechanical arm, then put away his legs and threw the magazine on the table next to him.

"What's the matter?"

It was considered to be giving Tao Hu basic respect, but as a direct employee of the company, he could only do this step, and there was no smile service.

"Manager Chen, this is my nephew, he has A-level [Dynamic Vision] talent, and wants to become a partner."

"Hey, don't call me Manager Chen, I'm a few years older than you, just call me Brother Chen."

Chen Yong, who was sitting on the stool, stood up, a smile on his face, and then looked at Tao Yu with a gentle expression

"A-level talent, this is really amazing, and it's a combat talent."

While talking, he rummaged through the drawer next to him, pulled out a form, and then went out and said

"Come, I'll take you to test your talent, and then fill in the form."

Take the two out and close the door, seemingly not caring about what business someone else is coming to handle.

"Is it just a matter of testing talent? He still has a LV2 shooting level. With the talent and strength, he should be able to meet the standard. There is an access bonus for A-level talents, right?"

Tao Hu quickly pulled Tao Yu to follow him.

"Haha, you also said that as long as the lv2 shooting level matches his talent, the shooting can reach the standard, so why test the strength? I will fill it in for you when the time comes, so as not to have the trouble of running around."

Chen Yong had a smile on his face, and he was much more enthusiastic than before.

Before the test, Tao Yu was still thinking that if he didn't control the speed properly and it became MAX [dynamic vision] again, he would have to explain it to Uncle Hu.

But this kind of professionalism is different from Uncle Hu's casual tests.

After arriving at the training ground-like room, after hearing about the talent and intensity of the test, the operator put a smile on his face and casually operated in front of a seemingly bulky machine before starting the test. content.

On a monitor with a big butt, high-frequency pattern changes continued to appear. Tao Yu had three chances to tell the correct sequence. If the total error tolerance reached the standard or all of them were correct in one time, he would pass.

Naturally, there were no surprises in this assessment.

"It's indeed A-level, and it's all correct three times. It should be pretty good in A-level, maybe close to A+."

Chen Yong smiled all over his face. There will be gaps among talents at the same level. It is not a fixed value, but performance, status, environment, etc. are also closely related, so it is a fluctuating test.

"Thank you, Uncle Chen."

Tao Yu is also acting cute next to her. Uncle Hu is right. As long as his own value is reflected, then if there is no conflict of interest, most of the people around him will still be kind!

Arrogant inner city kids like Wei Nuo are still relatively rare in the outer city.

"Thank you. Can I call you Ayu? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you want me to introduce you two to each other?"

"Ah, I want to improve my strength first. After all, cannon fodder points are not so urgent. There is no need to worry."

Tao Yu waved her hands repeatedly.

To be honest, this body has become very strong after supplementing it with blood orchid, its qi and blood are very strong, and its orientation is normal. After returning to relax, it will have some random thoughts.

From time to time, some scenes and content from past life short videos will appear.

But thinking of the weathered faces in the outer city, Tao Yu quickly suppressed her thoughts.

Moreover, he himself really believes that improving his strength is the top priority now, and he doesn't want to waste time and energy.

"Haha, yes, young people with potential are usually carefully selected."

Chen Yong had a smile on his face and didn't care at all about Tao Yu's rejection. Stalking and putting pressure on him would actually lead to rejection. Isn't this stupid?

But when he started to fill in some application forms, Chen Yong said with some surprise.

"Wait, you are the pioneer of the new gathering place?"

The first group had just returned from the new gathering place. Chen Yong really didn’t expect it to be this group at first.

Should we choose the ‘partner’ model when we are in urgent need of talents?

After thinking of something, Chen Yong was silent for a moment, and then smiled.

"I made my choice with Captain Tao Hu as a reference. It was a very good choice. I know how to make choices. Children from outer cities mature earlier."

Chen Yong felt a little emotional, completed the final signature, and then stamped it.

At the same time, he also found a hard case with a certificate that said "Junior Partner" and framed one of the certificates inside. He also took out a manual and handed it to Tao Yu.

"Congratulations, you have officially become a partner of the company."

After saying this, he paused before continuing.

"It's normal for you to choose to avoid the whirlpool at the beginning. In the past ten days, children from the inner city have entered the new development area every day. With this small number of people, there are not many people who can match your talent, but their accumulation is Much higher."

After seeing Tao Yu's expression of humbly asking for advice, he continued.

"It doesn't matter if you leave the core of the vortex first. Many guys in the inner city are arrogant and arrogant, and young people may not be serious about what they do. Wait until you know what's going on over there before you go back. There will definitely be more people who want to win over you than fear you. of."

This can be regarded as a kind reminder. If it were just an ordinary young man with good talent, Chen Yong would definitely not say so much.

But with A-level talent, still in a new gathering place, and knowing how to make choices, as long as you can survive successfully, you will definitely be able to reach the middle level.

"Thank you, Uncle Chen, for reminding me. I understand."

Tao Yu looked at Chen Yong's kind and admonishing expression, compared with his attitude when he first came in, and the arrogance of almost all the employees he saw along the way, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

Picking up the 'junior partner' certificate, and following Tao Hu back, Tao Yu also found that the arrogance that seemed to exist on the faces of the employees passing by on the road seemed to have disappeared.

It seems that he has always had a normal expression, which was enhanced by the filter he wore before.


It's because my mentality has changed now...

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