"Junior partner..."

Tao Yu said goodbye to Uncle Hu and started to go home. On the way, he looked at the certificate in his hand with a vague look.

Afterwards, before he went to the abyss again, he could go to the task halls of various fortresses in the outer city to check the corresponding partner tasks.

There are no mandatory restrictions for partners. They are "profit-driven" by tasks, and there are no mandatory tasks.

But if a partner completes at least one task every month, the junior partner will give a guaranteed salary of 200 units of willpower. If all twelve months of the year are completed, he can also get a full attendance award of 1,000 units of willpower at the end of each year.

At the same time, completing tasks can also passively increase cannon fodder points, so there is no need to worry about cannon fodder forced conscription.

"The talent certification is over, and the promised 1,000 units of willpower can also be collected. After dealing with Snake Fang's skills and five blood orchids, there should be a good income.

"I don't know if I can go to the gym to learn the skills before entering the abyss next time. If there is a willpower to assist, there should be a chance. "

While walking on the muddy and bumpy ground in the outer city with sewage everywhere, Tao Yu also felt that he had the opportunity to move his family to a better environment.

The nose was full of some "smoke and fire", and there were occasional Olegaies on the road. He didn't know what the stinky sewage was made of.

But looking down at himself, Tao Yu felt that he didn't seem to have the right to dislike this environment.

At Uncle Hu's house, Tao Yu just borrowed water to wash his face and cleaned up his body. He didn't have time to take a shower. Now that he started to think about it, the dirtiness he was used to made him feel itchy all over.

In fact, he was not a clean person in his previous life. It's not uncommon for him to not take a shower for a few days.

But after comparing, he suddenly found that his previous self was simply a germaphobe.

"People's adaptability is really strong. "

Tao Yu walked around the pile of Aoli Ge expressionlessly and saw the farm where his family lived. Although the farm was not his own and he was only responsible for taking care of it, the living environment was relatively okay.

It was not as good as the family quarters of the security team, nor as good as those in the fortress, but it was still okay in the outer city, without having to pay protection fees to those gangs.

Some families did not even have autonomous machine guns to defend against gray fog monsters.

Smelling the familiar smell of cow dung, Tao Yu pushed the door and entered the house.

"I'm back."

"Brother! Are you really an A-level talent?"

A half-grown guy who was a head shorter than Tao Yu, skinny and about the same size as him before, rushed over first, his face full of excitement.

Looking at the eighth brother of the family, Tao Shi, Tao Yu also smiled and touched his head, and then felt a greasy hand and his expression froze.

Head-touching kill killed himself, I give in...

"First master the breathing method and be fully prepared. "

Tao Yu put down his hand and wiped it expressionlessly on his not-so-clean clothes.

"I will also choose a new gathering place in the future, and I want to go with my seventh brother."

Tao Shi kept talking.

But Tao Yu paused and sighed.

"There are still two years left. Let's see. If it's now, I won't let you go. It's too dangerous over there."

"Old Eight, what are you thinking about? Are you looking for a fight? There were only fifty people when Old Seven came back! There were more than two hundred when they left!"

Tao Long was originally repairing a triangular stool, and now he stood up and pretended to fight.

"Tsk, I can also awaken a good talent, I want to help my seventh brother too."

Although Tao Shi was thin, he was still quite flexible. He circled around Tao Yu, made a face at his old father, and ran out happily.

"I'm going out to play, and I won't be back for dinner tonight. "

Tao Yu looked at his younger brother leaving and shook his head helplessly, then turned around and said to his third sister-in-law who was a little reserved.

"Sister-in-law, is Lao Ba still playing with the group of people from Chaoyang Society?"

"Oh, yes, this kid is really something."

Li Li is not talented and does not have a stable job. She usually takes care of the family more and only goes to the Abyss for five days regularly to deal with it. She knows Tao Shi better than anyone else.

Chaoyang Society is one of the many strange societies and gangs in the outer city, a society composed of a group of young people.

Compared to those societies that collect protection fees and run gray businesses, such as the Wild Wolf Gang and the Skeleton Gang, it is much better.

Overall, it is not bad, and often helps some poor families. It is already very good to be able to do such things in this ghost environment of the outer city.

"Forget about that bastard, he seems to have learned some skills from Chaoyang Society. "

Tao Long's wrinkled face didn't care much about Lao Ba fooling around outside. The outer city was free, and he was already in charge of a lot of things.

"Seventh Brother, your mother and I have saved some money. We will borrow some more when the time comes. You must learn all the skills you can. So many people died. It's too dangerous."

Although Tao Yu is talented, Tao Long's face is full of sorrow when talking about the dead.

The inner city has such talents. In the early stage, a lot of resources can be invested and quickly gain a foothold, but he really doesn't have it.

"Don't worry about it. How long will it take to save up with your income? Wait for me to sell the things I brought back first. I asked Uncle Hu to estimate that it will take at least a few thousand units of willpower."

Tao Yu patted his backpack. The previous one thousand willpower startup funds were already squeezed out of the old couple's teeth. It was too difficult to consider his own consumption at their speed of making money.

"A few thousand?"

Tao Long was startled, then walked to the door and looked around, and closed the door that Tao Shi had opened before.

"So many?"

"That's right, danger and opportunity always coexist."

"Why are you so literary?"

Tao Yu was speechless when asked this question. Why is this literary?

But thinking of his semi-illiterate status, it seems that...

"Anyway, don't worry about it. There are many opportunities in the new gathering place. If you want to improve, your income is not enough."

Tao Yu said some harsh words cruelly. If he didn't let his parents understand, he would probably have to save money for himself again. It's better to make life better.

With the improvement of strength, the consumption gap of willpower is getting bigger and bigger. Even for Tao Yu now, it takes a long time for the old couple to save up for a while to take out the goods in the backpack.

Tao's father opened his mouth, but in the end, his dry mouth moved a little, but he still didn't speak.

"Don't worry, I will definitely pay attention to matters related to my life, and I will try my best to use my time to improve myself." Tao Yu looked at the wrinkles on his father's face and smiled from the bottom of his heart. "Well, I really don't have the ability to guide you. Hey, ask your uncle Hu more when you have time, and remember not to come empty-handed." Tao Long looked at his son's obviously stronger body, and sighed at this time. The old Tao family has a good child. "Don't put pressure on yourself, we just want peace." "I'm afraid of death." Tao Yu grinned, and then went to the room to see the third brother. The third brother also has a fighting talent and was also high-spirited. But it was precisely because of this that the broken leg was a big blow to him, and he kept himself in the room every day. "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to get you a mechanical prosthesis in the future." Tao Tong in the room sat on a handmade wooden wheelchair, his legs were empty, but his body was very clean, much cleaner than Tao Yu now, and there was not much stubble left. After hearing Tao Yu's words, Tao Tong's somewhat vicissitudes of life also showed a smile on his face.

"You idiot, do you know the price of prosthetics? It's okay to have the intention. Now your first goal is to improve your strength."

Tao Tong certainly wants mechanical prosthetics, and he even knows that his brother with A-level talent really has a chance to help him!

But, the premise of all this is that his younger brother must grow up. The foundation of the outer city family is too weak. Now the biggest task of the whole family is to find a way not to drag his feet and send him through the adaptation period as soon as possible.

Anything that may affect the improvement of his younger brother's strength and his energy cannot be done!

Never show the slightest desire for prosthetics in front of his younger brother.

Everything, only if the younger brother survives and grows up can there be a better future. This is the consensus of this family!

From today on, Tao Yu is the core of the family...

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