"Fortunately, I didn't clamor for marriage or anything..."

Relying on her current body, Tao Yu took a cold shower and rubbed her whole body clean. Then she lay on her wooden bed, looked at the dimming night outside the paper window, and lit the lamp of will on the bedside.

Prick your fingertip with a small needle and drop two drops of blood into the lamp oil.

Although it was only a dim light the size of a soybean, it had a warm feeling to the room.

"Since it's [mental immunity], it's okay not to light up tonight, right?"

Tao Yu thought about it in her heart, but she didn't act independently.

This low-level lamp of will originally only had a certain protective effect in urban areas, preventing invisible monsters coming out of the gray fog. It is said that some powerful lamps of will lit by the fire of civilization can take people across the gray fog. other cities.

But due to the danger of gray fog, this kind of contact has become less and less now. Tao Yu has seen a few dusty foreign convoys arriving, bringing some special items from other cities. …

Because he had no relevant experience, Tao Yu did not try to go out at night and spent the first night back quietly.

Compared to Abyss, who had to sleep with one eye open, although the environment at home was also very bad, it surprisingly made Tao Yu feel at ease.

Even though there were occasional sounds of automatic cannons from other areas at night, it increasingly helped Tao Yu fall asleep and restore her tense spirit.

Sure enough, humans are still group animals...

Unfortunately, my talent means that I may have to act alone most of the time...

Early the next morning, Tao Yu went out.

Originally Tao Long wanted to come with him, but Tao Yu persuaded him to go back.

The nearest walled city is not far from Tao Yu's home, less than one kilometer.

Every time something is harvested on this farm, it is actually transported to this city for processing.

There are more than a dozen such fortresses in the outer city.

Although Tao Yu had already gotten up very early, a queue had already begun to form when he arrived at the gate of the walled city. They should all be people from outside the city who went to the walled city to work or set up stalls. Many people also used poles to carry various items. Planting goods.

The walled city in front of us is also very abstract. The entrance is blocked by some abandoned oil barrels and barbed wire on some wooden frames. Walled city guards carrying various weapons are checking the door.

The walled city is also surrounded by a patchwork of wooden planks, barbed wire, and oil barrels, barely surrounding the area where the walled city is located.

In addition, there are some high shelves with automatic turrets for defense against gray fog monsters.

Because they rely directly on cross-fire coverage, these automatic turrets can cover a larger area with fewer numbers, ensuring the safety of the walled city.

This is the most stable environment in the outer city second only to the family area of ​​the security team. Many people in the outer city may have a lifelong goal of trying to move to the walled city, and only a few can do this.

"The walled city has a radio station, a mission hall, and partner missions can also be received. Moreover, this hound walled city has an outer city skill gym recommended by Uncle Tiger..."

Tao Yu's main purpose this time was to sell things. After getting the start-up capital, he began to prepare to use his free learning privileges.

Since you can learn two skills for free, you have to pick the expensive one!

It's a pity that there are no breathing methods other than [Basic Breathing Method] to learn in the outer city. A few people have mastered this breathing method or similar abilities that can increase the upper limit of the human body, and it is not spread to others.

"Even if someone is really willing to teach for a fee, the cost is probably not as good as me deifying the breathing method again."

If he could get that kind of thing for free, of course Tao Yu would want it, but with his own talent, he wasn't that eager.

Learning some skills that can be learned, and then taking advantage of the first cheaper opportunity to deify is the most cost-effective option...

Just as Tao Yu was thinking about it, it was his turn in the team. After he took out a copy of the 'partner' certificate and showed it, he was quickly put in without any difficulty or questioning.

Even if you are just a 'junior partner', you must have at least a level 5 basic skill.

This already has a good status in the outer city.

Besides, Tao Yu looks so young, no one will look for trouble.

Although the oil drums and barbed wire fences outside of Hound City Walled City look very rustic, the internal environment is much cleaner than that in the outer city. At least you won't see Ollie marking these things on the road.

The buildings inside are also quite dense, somewhat similar to the style of a refugee camp. The rows of buildings reveal narrow streets and alleys, but because there are no vehicles, they can still pass normally.

It's just the complex structure that makes this not-so-vast city look like a maze. It's normal for people who come in for the first time to get lost.

Tao Yu has lived here for eighteen years after all, and it is still the closest city to home, so he is quite familiar with it.

When he was selling things, he didn't choose to set up a stall or ask around for prices. Instead, he went straight to the 'Xingyao Recycling Station', which was nominally a company store.

This can save a lot of trouble and energy. There are not many people in the outer city who can spend so much money to buy skills in one go.

Compared to the refugee camp next to it, this 'Xingyao Recycling Station' is barely a normal three-story wooden building. Because Tao Yu arrived early, it seems that it has just opened its doors and there are not many customers.

After all, most people from outside the city are budget-conscious and would not choose to come here if they could make more money by selling.

"Hey, is this a guest? What's the matter?"

The beardless man, who looked to be in his thirties and was much cleaner and cheerful than ordinary outsiders, also smiled when he saw Tao Yu come in.

Judging from the clothes that are more elegant than ordinary people from outside the city, this must be the store manager. He probably came to the door to get some fresh air in the morning.

Compared with the company employees in the 'black house', the store manager seems more like a businessman, who makes money by being friendly.

"Selling a set of skills, from the new development area, one set has two skills."

Tao Yu went straight to the point and was not prepared to say anything polite to the other party.

No matter how nice the other person's smile is or how nice his attitude is, he still wants to make money for himself.

"A complete set of skills? I'm lucky today. It's a good start."

The store manager looked a little surprised. It was rare for Outer City to receive a complete set of skills. They were usually scattered wish items, and they had to sort and combine them themselves.

The most rare thing is that the other party said it came from the new development area?

This means that this skill is probably not one that is common in daily life. Maybe the skill itself is very common, but it is most likely that it can be used by people who have never learned it before, and the value will definitely be higher than normal.

And since the other party pointed out this point when he opened his mouth, he couldn't deceive the other party on this point, so the store manager still made a gesture of invitation.

"Guest, come with me. Let's go to the private room, Ah Hua, and serve tea."

The store manager walked in front and asked the clerk to serve tea.

The clerk called Ah Hua has the traditional painting style of people from outside the city. Although she is a woman, she looks a bit powerful, with a style like "I am farming" in Kung Fu.

It can be seen that the work and food here are pretty good.

His hands and feet were also very nimble. As soon as Tao Yu sat down, tea was served.

However, neither Tao Yu nor the store manager drank tea first, and the store manager took the initiative to speak.

"The first batch came back yesterday, and the customers came here so early today. They must know that few people in the outer city can afford this kind of skill, and they can't pay a high price even if they bite the bullet."

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have approached you. You are directly affiliated with the company and have channels in the inner city. Five thousand units are willing to take it away. If you find the person you want in the inner city, you can make thousands by reselling it."

Tao Yu knew that the other party wanted to lower the price, so he simply quoted a relatively high price to silence the other party.

Tao Yu has already discussed this skill with Uncle Hu. Because he comes from the newly developed area, the two skills [Latent · Python] and [Explosion · Python] should interest some people with related talents in the inner city.

With the pockets and financial resources of inner-city residents, if you encounter something that really suits your needs, you can probably sell it for RMB 10,000.

But that being said, if this skill is sold in the outer city, it will cost up to 3,000 units of willingness, because most people in the outer city cannot be like the people in the inner city and have already begun to 'icing on the cake'.

For people from outside the city, there is no difference between the skills in this newly developed area and the ordinary skills produced near their own gathering place.

And Tao Yu himself had no channels to sell to the inner city, not even Uncle Hu.

Therefore, the price difference must be earned by Xingyao Company. Five thousand is already an exaggerated price, and Tao Yu's bottom line is three thousand five.

"Can the guest allow me to identify it conveniently?"

The store manager pondered for a moment, but did not react at all because of Tao Yu's quotation.

"Okay, I have a few extra coins in this set."

Tao Yu took a snake tooth from his backpack and handed it over.

"Haha, it's not like I have to absorb it. Those who work in our industry must master some skills."

The store manager laughed, wrapped the snake tooth in a piece of cloth, and then placed it directly on the table. He stretched out his fingers and moved along the lines on the snake tooth bit by bit.

After a moment, he nodded and said

"There are indeed two skills, but they are relatively common. One should be latent, and the other is muscle explosion, and it may have side effects."

Tao Yu was also a little surprised when he roughly judged the content of the message based on just one snake tooth and without absorbing it.

Sure enough, being able to hold on to the company's thighs is not a simple thing.

Tao Yu himself had to absorb one before he could make a judgment.

"Let's do this. Five thousand, the store will take it. The price is a bit high, just treat it as a friend."

The store manager pondered for a moment and readily agreed to Tao Yu's price.

Tao Yu even briefly thought that he had made a loss!

It can be seen from the company's meat pricing, the price gap between purchase and sale, this is quite dark!

This time Tao Yu and Uncle Hu discussed it. It would be good if it was more expensive than ordinary skills. It would save him time in setting up a stall and the price would be a little higher.

Generally, the tuition fee for learning a simple skill in a gym is 800 to 1,000, and for some excellent ones it can be 2,000 to 3,000.

There is no doubt that if you directly absorb willing items to learn, you will master them faster, but you also have to worry about the problem of contamination, so the price of ordinary skills is generally about 50% more expensive.

These two skills are not considered excellent. The normal price is about three thousand in total. If you pay a premium of five hundred to one thousand, you can accept it as a new gathering place.

However, Tao Yu's initial "high price" was immediately accepted by the other party, which really caught him off guard.

He couldn't even control his expression.

"Brother, do you think I'm too talkative?"

The store manager glanced at Tao Yu with a smile.

"As I said before, I just want to make friends. There must be a lot of good things in the new development area. They are rare in a short time. I hope you can remember to find me first next time you have good things."

He brought back a complete set of skills on his first trip to the new development area. He is an outsider. No matter what the reason is, it is worth his investment!

No matter whether it is talent, mind, or even pure luck, he doesn't mind selling it well.

Anyway, if you sell it to the inner city, you can make a few thousand yuan. If you make a thousand less, it is also the company's profit. It is better to use it to exchange for future performance...

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