"Oh my goodness, a real fight has broken out. The old development area of ​​Chaoyang Society is almost forced out of its comfort zone, but Lin Chao is doing well in the new development area..."

Tao Yu looked at the message from Fatal Bullet, as well as some messages from Jack and Panda, and then looked at the public information in the task hall, and he has learned a lot of things.

The first is the overall deterioration of the relationship between Chaoyang Society and some families in the inner city.

It was actually obvious last time that a conflict had already occurred. Now it seems that Chaoyang Society has not chosen to swallow its anger. The two sides have been tit-for-tat, and the contradictions have spiraled up.

Gu Qiu is strong. Judging from the message from Fatal Bullet, he has already vaguely gained the reputation of being the first person in the inner city.

He has been ambushed and besieged by several strong men and has not been defeated.

But it is useless for him to be so strong alone, and he can't split himself!

When he was in the present world, the old development area was attacked, and when he was in the old development area, he was attacked in the present world.

But Gu Qiu has his own principles and bottom line. Although he will take the initiative to knock on the door, he will go there openly and honestly. He never does anything tricky. Sometimes he even feels guilty because he can't find any evidence against the other party.

This has led to the current situation of Chaoyang Society being quite bad.

Fortunately, Lin Chao has the foul talent of [Intuition], and the new development area itself is controlled by the Sun family and tends to be stable.

Moreover, the new development area cannot rely on the power of the old development area, so it is relatively better. This is also the only area of ​​Chaoyang Society that is still good for the time being.

Now it seems that the members of Chaoyang Society with newly awakened talents are all pouring into the new development area.

Even because of this, the task hall has added the reward measure of "maintaining public order", which seems to be to prevent gunfights in the real world.

"Good boy, I heard that you joined "Redemption"?"

Miss Mag, who had gone to the back to move things before, came to the task hall with a big box in her hand. After seeing Tao Yu's inquiry, she also raised her beautiful eyebrows.

A trace of surprise appeared on his delicate face, and a focused sound came from his pupils.

Tao Yu was still wearing a partner uniform. Others didn't know who he was, but Mag seemed to recognize him directly.

I don't know if it was because of the establishment of a database or for some other reason.

"Miss Mag is well-informed."

Tao Yu looked at the task hall administrator with a smile.

In all aspects, her information channels are much faster than normal.

"I was also "redeemed" before, and it was pretty good, but remember that this is just a mutual aid organization. Don't rely on it too much, and don't trust it too much."

Mag put down the big box she was holding with a clang. Tao Yu looked at it and saw that it seemed to be full of monitoring equipment.

It seems that she had caught a glimpse of a "temporary monitoring installation" task before.

Maybe it's a bit too much recently, so some more cameras are temporarily added to ensure deterrence.

"Thank you Miss Mag for your reminder."

Tao Yu smiled and waved to Miss Mag, and then began to use the partner authority, plugged the watch into the interface, and began to import some guild messages.

If you have an information chip, the guild message is instant, which is actually similar to the various groups in the past.

However, because you will enter the abyss, you need to import some information when you leave the mission hall after you come back, and reactivate it.

After that, you can use it at will before entering the abyss next time.

After completing the import, Tao Yu checked the information inside and waved to the small Mag.

"See you next time, I wish Miss Mag forever young and beautiful~"


After understanding the general situation through various information, Tao Yu checked the group information of "Redemption" while walking towards the representative office of "Scripture Pavilion" in the world.

The address of the representative office was sent to me by the rich woman last time, but she gave me the dividends directly last time and I didn't go there. This time I am going to go there to collect the dividends first.

At that time, with Dada's dividends and some things I am about to sell, in addition to some wishes for daily needs, I can also choose a few skills that are ranked in the mythological sequence.

[Demonization] [Corpse Refining Technique] [Lightning Thunder Fist] [Eye Sword Technique] are all in the options.

The cost is not low, but [Demonization] and [Corpse Refining Technique] are relatively cheaper, so you can choose two at the same time.

If you choose the latter two, you can only choose one considering daily consumption.

"In fact, the latter two can only be regarded as 'skills', and they have not added anything fundamental, but the Yin-Yang Five Elements Thunder Replay Chaos has always been a bit awkward. If the Thunder Technique can be deified, it will definitely solve the problem. The Sword Technique is the icing on the cake, but there is no rush for it..."

As for [Demonization], it goes without saying. Last time when [All Types] was used, it was automatically displayed. There must be some corresponding benefits, and [Demonization] and the power of shadow also interact.

At present, the shadow cannot be integrated into the unity of man and nature, because it is a completely additional extra power, but the power of demonization can borrow the power of shadow. If the second deification can open up the connection between them, then almost all of my systems will be integrated.

"Let's wait and see about the skills. There's no rush. I think if I think about it a little more, I can complete the return of thunder magic."

[Corpse Refining Technique] is just a pure auxiliary.

The main thing is to get a few zombies with good materials there, and see if I can deify them to add more variables.

In addition, I am now preparing to travel a long distance to Avatar to take a look.

If the [Corpse Refining Technique] can be used on non-human forms after the second deification, then I can kill a Phantom and refine it into a zombie.

After all, it is useless for Avatar animals to leave because of the air. If they really want to be transformed, they can either be parasitized by the alien and then implanted with spiritual seeds, or they can be refined into corpses.

Spiritual seeds are not omnipotent.

If a thing like the Phantom Dragon is parasitized by the alien, Tao Yu is really not sure what will come out.

After all, the Phantom Dragon can directly grab and explode small spaceships!

If this is transformed into an alien again, the uncertainty is still a bit large.

It should be no problem to kill it by myself, but it is questionable to subdue it.

However, if it is really possible to refine non-human creatures, you can let the alien parasitize it first, then kill it and bury it. Maybe you can make something good...

While Tao Yu was thinking about the subsequent wish plan, he had already entered the chat group of "Redemption".

In general, there is no difference from the previous groups. If there is a difference, it is that communication chips are expensive in this world, so they are not so popular.

The people in the group are all real elites, and they are all superior to others in the inner city.

If the intermediate partners are still the level that ordinary people can touch, then many senior partners have really exceeded this category.

Moreover, there are also grades among senior partners, and the upper and lower limits are very different.

Those who are close to silver medals can also be treated with courtesy by the heads of aristocratic families.

However, the number of senior partners of this level is also very rare. Even in the most famous partner guild of "Redemption", there are less than two hands, and their status is second only to the three silver medals...

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