The 'Redemption' group messages flashed. Tao Yu casually scrolled through it and unexpectedly saw information related to himself.

Rockets in full swing: "Does anyone have a way to learn internal strength?"

Li Dazhuangfei: "No, I'm looking for it too. This thing is a bit interesting."

One Hundred Thousand Horsepower: "I have an eldest nephew who is in the new development area and has already started using full internal power. The effect is indeed as rumored and is also useful for our mechanical transformation side."

Rockets at full speed: "Really? It's not easy. Gangqi requires a lot of energy and blood, and there are not many combat skills to choose from. Internal strength is really a good thing. When will a gym open here in this world?"

Hunter: "The newcomer we joined last time may know, but it seems that he has gone to the abyss. You can ask him then."

"I heard that there are superconducting mines in the new development area, is it true?"

"It's been confirmed, but it hasn't been captured yet. The fragments there are quite powerful, but the new development area has too few manpower."

"I'm looking forward to it. Today's superconductors are a bit expensive and I can't bear to change them. I hope the price can come down."


Tao Yu looked at these contents and unexpectedly discovered that the most exciting ones were those talking about internal forces. The code names and names all seemed to be about mechanical transformation.

That 'Hunter' was the director of 'Redemption' who came to visit him at the beginning. He was considered a successful member among the senior partners. He had extremely powerful firepower and had a Will Planting Equipment, with ominous specific functions.

In terms of destructive power alone, Tao Yu couldn't compare to him.

In other words, the mechanical transformation side itself took shortcuts. Many senior partners may be extremely destructive, but the flaws and shortcomings are also quite obvious, otherwise almost everyone would not have self-destructively transformed them.

No one wants to be a bomb maniac, but they are forced to do so. Without this deterrent, it is too easy to be tricked to death.

Due to a large number of replacements, resulting in insufficient energy and blood, the practice of Gang Qi has almost come to a standstill. Many alien implant systems will also take into account some of their strength or combat skills.

But mechanical modification is difficult.

But this time, the inner strength is at peace. Even if the body is replaced and the remaining part is slightly modified by the master, it is still possible to practice.

Although the effect is not so good, for the mechanical transformation side, they are only trying to make up for shortcomings, not relying on internal force to cause damage.

It can strengthen the body, heal injuries, and strengthen the spirit. This kind of snake oil is more attractive to the mechanical transformation side.

Tao Yu has learned [Spiritual Thorn] from Master Wang. It can be said that most spiritual attacks have similar disadvantages, that is, they have to fight on the enemy's home field. The stronger the enemy, the difficulty will be doubled. It is completely Asymmetric warfare.

It is equivalent to repairing aircraft carriers in the past to compete with the opponent's shore-based anti-ship missiles. The gap is too big, but it can drive straight in. If it has any defense, it will damage the enemy by 800 and damage itself by 1,000.

When meditation cannot be popularized, this internal strength is a good way to make up for shortcomings.

"It's good to be popular. Coupled with the superconducting mine in the newly developed area, the Sun family can be said to be very popular among the pioneers on the mechanical transformation side..."

Tao Yu looked at some news and absorbed some of the gossip they chatted about, but he didn't show up and just watched silently.

Then Tao Yu saw the latest message that popped up.

'Rockets on full blast': "I came to their office to ask, oh my god, there are so many people here. Many of them come to consult and even pay in advance. Should I book one first? It seems that the number of coaches is limited, and entry level is super. Disaster……"

Tao Yu felt happy when she saw this. She didn't expect that someone would pay in advance?

Then maybe my dividend this time will be more than expected, which is equivalent to overdrafting some of the income in the later period.

In today's environment, being willing to pay in advance and book a reservation can actually be seen as a real good thing.

"When Datang's capabilities emerge, the money will definitely come in faster, but unfortunately it will take a while for them to come back. It's too far."

Just looking at his watch, Tao Yu also arrived at the office of the 'Tibetan Scripture Pavilion'.

It is not far from Master Wang's private gym and is close to the central area of ​​the inner city. The prosperity of the nearby area is much higher than that of Nancheng District.

The office is on the second floor, and the first floor seems to be a store similar to a supermarket.

Before entering, Tao Yu saw the queue outside from the stairs.

At the same time, I also saw ‘rockets in full swing’ at a glance.

Tao Yu had heard of this person's name and was well-known among the senior partners, but he didn't go out of his way to take photos.

But at the first sight, I knew it was definitely him, because on his back modification, there is a row of rocket launcher folding racks similar to Katyusha!

The back is bulging very seriously, making the whole person look quite burly.

Even when the rocket launcher is folded, you can see the obvious outline, so you can imagine how much he has loaded.

But this guy is loaded with physical ammunition, or rockets, and its explosive power will be extremely strong.

But if there is no special supply method, the battery life will be very bad.

"But for him to be able to become a senior partner like this, he either has a special supply vehicle and rides there every time, or a lot of his equipment has a [self-healing] function similar to the [warlord's gun] Yes, dummy ammunition will be loaded regularly..."

Tao Yu thought in his mind and made his own judgment.

Abyss exploration is not a battle of siege, where there is a constant supply. If the opponent does not have the corresponding logistical skills, props or talents to output such extreme firepower, it is obviously impossible to mix.

At this time, Tao Yu could still see the guy "Full Rocket" yelling over there

"I am a senior partner, do I have to queue up too? Please make some concessions, I must have made an appointment to pay."

It turned out that he wanted to cut in line...

And the one who blocked him was an expressionless little beauty. Tao Yu had some impression of her. She had seen her in the floating city. She was a little maid under Lalei. It should be specially arranged by the rich woman to calm the scene.

Although her status is not as good as Lalei, the head maid.

But her identity from the floating city made her not afraid of anyone in the inner city.

Maybe there are people at the top of the inner city who are stronger than her, but they will never disrespect her.

At this time, she was not wearing a maid uniform, but a standard female version of a tuxedo with white gloves.

A maid wearing this kind of clothing still highlights an elegant temperament.

It can only be said that the people in the floating city are very good at controlling their temperament.

"Miss Mumu."

Tao Yu raised her hand and waved.

Mumu, who was originally impatient and ruthlessly rejected the rocket, was stunned and turned around to look after hearing Tao Yu's words.

Although Tao Yu was wearing a cloak and a mask, through the memory of her voice, body shape, and steps, her originally impatient face suddenly thawed and she smiled sweetly

"Master Tao, you are back."

"No, no, no, Miss Mumu is so embarrassed to call me that, just call me Ayu."

Tao Yu waved her hands repeatedly.

Although Mumu is just a maid and her status is lower than Lalei, Tao Yu will not fall behind in these matters.

People respect you and call you Master. Although theoretically, she can definitely bear it with her relationship with the little rich woman, at least Tao Yu will still be humble enough outside.

"Hehe, Brother Yu has a high return. I'll help you register. Come with me."

Mum said with a smile, and her expression was completely different from that in front of Rocket Full.

Tao Yu is good-looking and has a good relationship with his master. The young master and the young lady admire him. Mum will naturally treat Tao Yu as her own person. Naturally, they are completely different.

"This is a friend of my guild. If it's just to pay the fee and make an appointment, please make an exception."

Tao Yu helped this "Rocket Full".

"Redemption" is a mutual aid organization. Now a word can get benefits. In the future, the other party may also casually say some useful gossip.

And when "Rocket Full" saw Mum's completely different attitude, he was a little jealous, feeling that he, as a senior partner, was too embarrassed.

But after hearing Tao Yu's words, his eyes lit up.

"Haha, it must be Brother Eight Arms. Oh, I was really misled by your title. I didn't associate your body shape with it at first. Thank you this time."

"You're welcome."

Since Tao Yu had spoken, Mumu would naturally let Rockets in.

And those people in the queue wouldn't have any objections!

In fact, as a senior partner, no one would say anything if he cut in line, but it just happened that Mumu was here, so it was completely blocked.

Now it's just a matter of opening up again.

Watching Rockets happily go to pay the advance, Tao Yu and Mumu came to the office of the office.

The office is very simple, and it seems that because it has just been opened, there is a smell of decoration materials.

There are some flower beds inside.

"Brother Yu is here to collect dividends, right? It's really enviable to have such a stable and continuous income at such a young age."

Mumu's beautiful eyes moved, not hiding her interest.

Being under the command of her master, and young and promising, with such an achievement, of course she has some ideas.

However, she was professionally trained and a loyal servant carefully selected, so she would only stay at the slight teasing of words. First, she came to a big-butt computer monitor to check it out.

Because it should be to confirm the current amount, then let the printer directly print out two receipts, and she herself said with a little surprise

"The dividend this time is 4.07 million, but because there are many advance payments, the income in the next two months may be less..."

Hearing Mumu's words, Tao Yu's eyes also lit up.

Haha, at first I was still struggling to choose what to deify first.

Now I want all of them!

The cost of deifying all three of [Demonization], [Corpse Refining Technique], and [Lightning Thunder Fist] is enough!

And there will be a lot of surplus to maintain daily life.

This hasn't sold anything yet. There are dozens of ordinary versions of [Corpse Refining Technique]. Although the pollution is a bit serious and the price is not high, the number is enough.

Vampire Ashes are also props worth more than 100,000 or even 200,000, and there is also a jade pendant with a defensive aura that Shi Zhixuan strengthened after his death, which is also more than tens of thousands.

If I dig it out, I'm sure the deification of [Yijianshu] will be enough!

"But I still need to keep some for emergencies, don't be so extreme, it's enough to deify these three first..."


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