Tao Yu happily left the training room of the gym that rented out the "strongest fighting skills".

Leaving behind the staff who wanted to cry but had no tears.

Flowing rocks are not easy to destroy, but they have to spend a lot of energy and time to restore the dog-eaten training room to a decent state.

It's like kneading asphalt with bare hands.

How can such a master come from home? Was he invited from next door...

"I have to find a way to contact the little rich woman and ask her to pick me up. Otherwise, it will take a long time to rely on the flying machine alone, and I have to charge it. Ask her how much the equipment for communication between the two worlds costs."

Tao Yu pondered in his heart, but then thought of the price of the replica version of the hovercraft.

I'm afraid that ordinary cross-border communication equipment will cost at least several million.

And the communication fee is probably not low.

"The cost-effectiveness still depends on the message in the mission hall. It is much cheaper to rely on the installation of the two-world communication base station to transmit messages."

Tao Yu temporarily eliminated this idea, looked at the time and went to Shizhixuan to order a meal.

The incident last time also had an impact on Shizhixuan. When Tao Yu came here, he found a poster specially posted at the door.

‘Full coverage of surveillance, with the latest cloud surveillance, all information is stored in real time, and automatic alarm for camera failure. ’

It seems that the restaurant owner has spent a lot of money to restore his reputation.

But thinking about the cost here and the approximate daily income, it seems normal to try to make up for it.

“Mr. Tao, you are finally here. I apologize again for the mistake last time.”

It was the lobby manager from last time. After seeing Tao Yu take off the mask and enter the store, he immediately came over in person.

In addition to the apology last time, he should also understand Tao Yu’s identity.

The most popular strong man outside the floating city in the new development area, even let the guild of ‘Redemption’ take the initiative to invite him.

After all, he can open such a restaurant, and he has also had the same intersection with Tao Yu as last time. It is natural that he can learn about it specially.

"Book a room for the evening."

"No problem. To express our apology again, we will waive the bill this time. We also have some fresh food today. Mr. Tao can try our signature dishes with your friends."

The lobby manager seemed very attentive.

At least with this attitude, it is really hard to make people angry. Then Tao Yu asked him to help prepare, told him the approximate number of people and went out first. There was still some time, and the auction house was close, so he sold the wish items made by ordinary zombies.

The items are all in the [Corpse Mirror], and with Tao Yu's current status, it should not be a problem to suppress a storage item of this level.

For some powerful guys on the mechanical transformation side, in addition to some wish equipment that can be repaired automatically, this kind of thing for storing ammunition must be closely related to strength.

And the weapons behind the little rich woman are usually nowhere to be seen, so they must have been put away.

There is no need to show off your current strength and status as before.

In fact, wearing a partner cloak and a mask is more to avoid some trouble.

"Vampire Ashes can ask Panda if they want to buy it. This bloodline is not bad. Good meat is in a rotten pot. It is a personal favor to sell good things to them. Shi Zhixuan's protective jade pendant can be kept for the time being."

[Life and Death Jade]: It can absorb part of the attack and transform it into vitality to supply the wearer. It can absorb three thousand wishes.

A jade pendant that is quite a panacea, and it is also consistent with Shi Zhixuan's ability.

And Shi Zhixuan's immortal seven illusions and phantom magic body skills have been directly asked, and with the current knowledge, it is also very fast to get started.

The phantom magic body skills undoubtedly make up for his shortcomings in straight-line distance.

He also relied on his current ability of the second deification of the Changsheng Jue and the ability of the shadow side to merge the phantom magic body skills and the spiral nine shadows.

Except for the fact that he is not as good as the ladder cloud vertical in terms of vertical body, almost all other aspects of body skills can be made up.

As for the Immortal Seven Illusions, Shi Zhixuan himself combined the Immortal Seal, the Illusion Demon Body Technique, and the essence of his own learning, which is also a kind of "skill".

And it is vaguely similar to Tai Chi, Qiankun Great Shift, and the already integrated Heavenly Demon Technique.

At present, they have not been integrated with each other, but Tao Yu thinks that if he gives himself some time, it can also be transformed into a skill.

When this skill is formed, it can also be included in the queue sequence of secondary deification and converge with [Yi Sword Technique].

But because of this, this [Life and Death Jade] itself is not very useful to Tao Yu himself.

He keeps it because this kind of all-round passive self-defense prop is rare, and see if there is a time to give it away to serve as a greater value.

But because of its own high value, Tao Yu has no intention of giving it to his family.

It was originally very safe, but wearing this is not safe...

Tao Yu is already a VIP of this Xingchen Auction House. After the things he sold a few times before, his handling fee is now only 6%.

The profits of the auction house that I used to envy, my current dividends are almost the same, and my mentality is really different.

Tao Yu walked into the reception room with a VIP card and waited. He saw the old man who often appraised him again, which made him smile

"Are you the only appraiser in your auction house?"

"If you are not satisfied, you can change, but I am the chief appraiser here."

The old appraisal man didn't care about Tao Yu's words and said with a smile.

He who is a technical person and has a talented heritage has been practicing since he was a child. Until now, it can be said that he is on a completely different track and he hardly needs to care about anything else.

To put it bluntly, even if his master loses a fight with others, he is still an important asset of the auction house.

"Here, look at these."

Tao Yu poured out all the zombie parts directly from the [Corpse Mirror].

It was either a zombie head or a zombie claw, which really made the situation in the room a bit worse.

Seeing Tao Yu's space items, even the well-informed old man was a little surprised.

"Guests really bring surprises every time..."

He was deeply impressed by this customer. It was a mid-level partner who brought him here the first time, but he sold a few good things at the beginning, so he gave him a VIP card, and then he sold that kind of giant spinal cord.

But this time not only the goods were exchanged, but also the space equipment was directly taken out.

Visible wealth growth.

"What a waste of life. Good luck. But I'm not as stable as you, which is enviable."

Tao Yu didn't mind this exposure in the first place. It was impossible for him to hide it every time he shipped goods in the future. That would be too troublesome.

"Once it was boldness, and twice it was luck. If you can keep it like this, then luck is also a kind of strength."

The little old man smiled, and then picked up a zombie head. He didn't care about the charred image and started to use it directly.

"The pollution is a bit heavy. It should be a skill that favors corpse transformation. Hmm... refining corpse puppet? But maybe I am afraid of things with Yang attributes. In fact, the skill is quite good, but it is best to have meditation skills to cooperate. The mental burden is quite heavy. If the corpse is mechanically modified or implanted with a foreign body, you can take it with you, and you can also carry goods. Are there so many copies? "

The little old man looked curiously at the ones that were poured out on the ground. As a senior appraiser, he naturally knew that these were all the same, but the degree of contamination was different.

"It's a good thing again, but it's a pity that the skill pollution is too heavy. The cost of washing it off is very high. Otherwise, it can be more expensive. Don't sell it all at once. The starting bid is 10,000, and the transaction price is estimated to be 20,000 to 30,000. If it is sold once If sex sells so much, it will take a long time, otherwise it may still be unsold. "

"Then just do as you say, I'll come and get it next time."

Tao Yu still has more than one million willpower left in her body. If she can sell it for more money, it's better to sell more. There's no need to be in such a hurry.

"Haha, I thought you were selling the giant's spinal cord again. Were you the one who sold the giant's spinal cord at the auction house next door?"

The little old man seemed a little curious, but then he waved his hand and said

"I'm just curious. If the guest doesn't want to answer, forget it. Don't break the rules."

But Tao Yu, who was originally smiling, was stunned for a moment, then looked at the little old man and frowned.

"The spinal fluid sold at the auction house next door? From the wise giant?"

Of the nine wisdom giants that I learned from Zeke, only the Warhammer Giant is not under my control, right?

Someone has traveled across the ocean to Marais?

Tao Yu had a vague premonition in her heart.

"Ah, yes."

"I didn't sell it. I only sold it to you. Do you know what its attributes are?"

Tao Yu suppressed some uneasiness in her heart and asked as calmly as possible, seemingly out of curiosity.

After all, as a seller who has sold spinal fluid from giants several times, it is normal to be curious about competitors. It did not surprise the appraiser, and then casually said

"The products sold over there are much better than what you sold before. Although there is still a life limit that limits the price, they are still packaged and sold at a high price of more than 600,000 yuan, because the giant spinal cord and a bloodline packaged together , can control those dementia giants on a small scale..."

When Tao Yu heard this, his heart became cold.

Allen's kid's silly smile flashed in his mind.

Tao Yu didn't like Allen, and he was a little disgusted, stupid, and a little middle-aged, but that didn't mean that he could tolerate others doing this kind of thing!

"Oh, I didn't even kill it myself, but you killed it for me..."

Tao Yu smiled mockingly, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

However, his state of harmony between man and nature was not expressed on his face. He still maintained a curious smile and listened to the little old man's continued chatter.

"Although the production of those dementia giants is very troublesome and requires a special kind of human race, there should have been prepared and simulated for the purpose of intelligent giants. With this control giant, we can find some aborigines to inject spinal fluid, which can be obtained in a short period of time. An army of giants that is not weak, but it is a pity that the transformation time is too short, otherwise even if there is a life limit, it will not be more than this price..."

"Yeah, I don't know which lucky person got this thing and didn't use it himself or give it to his subordinates."

Tao Yu also seemed a little envious.

"Auction houses protect customer information. I don't know. But as you said, this skill has not been digested internally. It is probably from the family on the mechanical transformation side. This kind of giant power and the [demonization] in the new development area 】The same, it will slowly recover on its own, which is a disabled ability on the mechanical transformation side..."

"Oh, that's it..."


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