"Cheers~, haha, it's all thanks to Brother Yu for letting me see the world. I'll blow some up when I go back. It's really delicious."

Tao Hu's son Tao Feng, his cousin who is two years older than Tao Yu, said with envy at this time.

As a young man of about the same age, when he first learned about Tao Yu's achievements, he was somewhat jealous.

But now, all I have left is the idea of ​​how to hold my thigh.

It's a pity that I didn't catch up with the new development area. What a pity!

Although he also has a good job with the help of his father, his talent is not as good as his father's, and his upper limit is limited. From now on, he will have to find ways to gain all kinds of opportunities.

"Hehe, Brother Yu hasn't found a girlfriend yet. You don't know, but my little sisters are almost going crazy with questions."

Tao Ling's beautiful eyes rolled around, and she teased her cousin with a half-smile.

She is five years older than Tao Yu, and they played with her when they were children. She is also very talented, but she is still young.

Especially with the emergence of the internal force system, after Tao Hu started teaching them step by step with Tao Yu's consent, the chance of entering the intermediate partner level in the future was quite high.

"No, I'm still in the promotion period, so I don't have the intention."

Tao Yu still had a smile on his face in front of his family, and it was impossible to tell what was on his mind.

When it’s time to eat, drink, talk and laugh.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you're not interested. You can find a few to play around with and gain experience first."

Tao Ling inherited her mother's appearance, and even with some light makeup she was quite beautiful, but she didn't shy away from making such harsh remarks.

"Maybe I'm more picky."

"But there's nothing wrong with your talent selection. In fact, we are not considered to be in the third generation. We can find an opportunity to show you how powerful a bad woman is."

Tao Ling teased Tao Yu with a smile, and asked Tao Hu next to her to hit her hard, cover her head and keep shouting that it hurt.

Next to him, the third brother, third sister-in-law, Shitou, fourth sister and fourth brother-in-law were also involved.

Although they all have Tao Yu as the core, they are considered the closest group of people, so there is nothing formal or rigid, and the scene is very lively.

Everyone is very talkative.

Shitou has always vowed that his internal strength has begun to take effect, and he will awaken a good talent when he awakens.

The whole family was laughing and talking, and Tao Yu was always like this, constantly getting involved in various topics.

It wasn't until the night got darker that the family went out with a full meal.

After seeing that Tao Yu was exempted from the bill, he felt even more envious.

Tao Yu also wanted to save her family from worrying and did not explain specifically.

It's free of charge. I got it by poisoning...

"It's already late. I've booked a hotel room for you. It's near our home. The outer city is still a bit dangerous at night, but the inner city is also somewhat dangerous."

Tao Yu looked around, and there were already people wearing night watchman uniforms wandering around.

There were also lunatics and criminals who slept outside at night, and Tao Yu also received this kind of extra money from their income.

However, Tao Yu and the rest of the group, who had just come out from a dinner party, saw that no one without eyes came to harass them.

For safety reasons, Tao Yu also sent them all to the hotel after confirming it, and then returned home with his family and returned to his room.

It was only then that Tao Yu's originally smiling face turned completely silent and he slowly exhaled.

After taking a look at the Thieves Guild's BB machine and confirming its location, Tao Yu went directly into the demonization. His whole body was covered in pitch black armor, and through the modification of the power of shadow, the image of the armor quickly changed. .

After his body shape changed in all aspects, he put on a coat again, then put on his partner's cloak, escaped directly into the shadows with his mask on, and left the apartment through the window.

After finding a dark corner and emerging, he quickly sped towards the direction of the Thieves Guild.

"No wonder this cowardly union that has been criticized by others keeps resurrecting, because there is indeed such a demand..."

Tao Yu's heart was calm and her feet were as fast as flying.

After all this time, the Thieves Guild is still the same remote and run-down bar as last time.

However, the sign outside, which was half bright before, is now completely broken, and the bar glass also seems to be broken.

It seems that although the place has not changed, something seems to have happened.

Tao Yu stepped on the broken glass on the ground and went in, and saw that the bartender inside had changed.

He is a master...

Almost at the same time that Tao Yu looked at the bartender, the bartender wearing a funny mask also turned his head and saw Tao Yu.

At this point, there is no one in the Thieves Guild.

"Is this another replacement? Is there still a bounty mission?"

Tao Yu didn't care that there was only one person. After the demonization, his voice was hoarse, and his whole body shape was obviously bigger.

"No more. There will be no more bounty missions in this city from now on. There are so many crazy people."

The guy in the funny mask seemed to spit.

"Oh? Did you come from Gray Fog? I've never been there, so I'm a little curious."

"Better never go. You made the right choice. It's a disgusting place."

The bartender didn't seem to care about the small talk, even if it might give him some information for free.

But then he took the initiative to ask

"Does the guest have any needs?"

"I want to buy information."

"What category?"

"Say that directly?"

Tao Yu was a little surprised.

The bartender also shrugged when he heard this and patted the table.

Click click click~

Metal plates rose up near the bar, completely blocking the place.

The obvious sound-absorbing material instantly blocked all movement outside.

"I'm afraid you might have some misunderstanding."

"Well, it is indeed easy to misunderstand."

Tao Yu raised her eyebrows, but didn't care.

His spiritual sense could tell that this was a strong man, but compared to him, he was still not good enough. The best among the senior partners was more dangerous than the first woman, but that was all.

"Guests, you can tell us anything. Although we are very cautious about assassinations and bounty missions now, we can still give you any information."

"Do you have any information about the auction items? I want to know who bought and who sold them."

Tao Yu said casually.

"Of course, it just depends on whether the customer is willing to bid, what item, which auction house, electronic auction or manual auction."

The other person spoke very smoothly. It probably wasn't the first time he had taken on this kind of job.

"Star Auction House, a manual auction item some time ago, the leader giant's spinal fluid and related blood."

Tao Yu looked casual.

"Oh, I know this item, as well as the seller and buyer. Because of the identity of the buyer, the price is estimated to be fifty thousand."

"Fifty thousand? Come on, the price of that thing is only six hundred thousand. Your asking price is too harsh."

Tao Yu seemed to mumble with some dissatisfaction. In fact, he wanted the seller, but he would not explain it specifically at this time.

"I don't consider the price of the auction items. I just consider the difficulty of obtaining this information and the risk of selling it. If you intercept the seller or buyer, do you think we should bear this risk? Is this value worth it?”

The other party's tone was very calm, and what he said was indeed reasonable.

Perhaps someone might have taken a fancy to an item and want relevant information, or might want to resell it and buy it.

But since you came to the Thieves Guild to ask secretly, the possibility of spoiling your idea is very high.

"Okay, I bought it..."

Tao Yu stopped hiding her words, and her tone returned to calmness.

These words made the bartender with the funny mask pause for a moment, as if he knew it was a troublesome mission.

Then handed over the magnetic card

"Pay first."

"Don't you need the God of Trade?"

"What kind of trade god is there to buy information? Yuanli is so scared."

Tao Yu didn't say anything more and poured in 50,000 willpower.

Being able to carry 50,000 willpower with you and inject it shows your determination and strength!

The Thieves Guild has indeed taken a risk!

"I have collected the money and will provide some relevant reminders and explanations to the guests in advance."

The funny mask seems to be a somewhat solemn opening.

"Say it."

"Guests, don't think that after buying the information, we will have clues pointing to you."

His tone obviously changed a little, and he changed to an honorific.


"What did you really do? We are also accomplices, so as long as you don't tell us about this matter, we will definitely not let go. Besides, I don't know your identity in the first place."


"So don't always think about silencing them afterwards. Really, it was unjust for our people to die like this."

"Are you kidding? I'm not that kind of person."

Tao Yu laughed.

"I hope so. If you are not from the Floating City, you don't need to be so cautious, but it is indeed a bit troublesome, otherwise it wouldn't be worth fifty thousand."

The bartender sighed, and then began to give the corresponding information according to the transaction.

"The buyer is Gant, the representative of the Gan family in the New Development Zone, because it is for use by his subordinates, and the source of this thing should also be in the New Development Zone. They may want to try the native world of this thing. "

Hearing this, Tao Yu also nodded to show that he understood.

In fact, it's normal. Apart from the Floating City and himself, Gant is considered to be the top group of people in the inner city in the new development area. They are indeed capable of planning these things.

After hearing the news about Gant, Tao Yu also knew why it was worth fifty thousand and the other party was cautious.

If he really wanted to do something against Gant, it would really be something that would shock the inner city.

The Gan family is the family of the CEO, the head of the inner-city family, and the Gant family is the core of the Gan family in the new development area. It is no problem to be treated as an ordinary descendant of the floating city!

However, Tao Yu didn't pay much attention to the buyer, and didn't rush him, just waiting for what the other party said later.

"The seller is Hall Lewis of the Lewis family, a descendant of the Lewis family. Judging from the direct auction, there is a high probability that he and his family's team completed the hunt together."

The Lewis family is an upper-middle-class family in the inner city. It is not as good as Dragon Lizard, Baiguo and Taming Beast, and there is no stable industry in the old pioneer area.

The family has four strong senior partners, and the head of the family is considered the best among senior partners.

Moreover, they generally have talents related to "magnetism" and can assemble many exclusive mechanical modification items.

It must be because the family mainly focuses on mechanical transformation, so they are not interested in giant-related abilities.

It is relatively transparent to just hang it up in a simple and straightforward manner.

"I see."

Tao Yu nodded, and after taking a deep look at this guy, he finally chose not to silence him.

It wasn’t that he was moved by the other party’s words, nor did he really believe in the integrity of the Thieves Guild.

It was that he was not sure whether the other party had any cloud backup.

If he kept it, he would indeed be an accomplice. After silencing them, it would be more likely that they would leak this information, because then the Thieves Guild would also be a victim.

In addition, with the disguise insurance of his new vest, it would not be impossible to find another place to share the risk.

Besides, a middle-class family in the inner city would not cause much feedback, and it was not to deal with the Gan family.

After leaving the Thieves Guild, Tao Yu went straight to the Lewis family that night...

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