On the yellow-brown high ground, a damaged transport plane fell here. It was severely deformed and stuck diagonally on the ground, but it did not explode or break into parts.

There were many corpses covered with blood-stained white cloths lying on the ground.

"Hello, I am Colonel Johnny Rigo. I am the top person in charge of the Loku Mountain base on this planet. However, due to a sudden change half a month ago, we lost contact with the outside world. In the absence of supplies, , our base has fallen, and most of those who could escape have escaped..."

There were blood stains on his face and a cut on his forehead, but Johnny Rego, who was in the best condition among the three, gave some explanations to Tao Yu and the others.

Although the three of them had guns, after seeing the scene of these people hunting bugs on the water, they still felt a little worried. The two sides were completely unequal.

Following his explanation, Tao Yu also confirmed the situation. The base here was captured by the Zerg due to lack of supplies.

For the human race, which relies on logistics and heavy firepower, this is simply a matter of course.

They ran in all directions, but their ship chose the direction of Pandora, which looked full of life, and was directly hit and smashed.

It is estimated that they are not the only ones who would choose this way, and it is rare for these three to survive the crash.

"Your situation doesn't look very promising."

Tao Yu looked around and said casually.

"It's really not optimistic. There are only three of us left in the boat. There were two others who were seriously injured, but we lacked medical supplies and conditions. We personally sent them a ride without even asking for insects to come over. We waited until we had finished eating. , I’m almost going to die here.”

Johnny didn't hide his current predicament at all.

Because the environment was already very bad, he didn't think it would get even worse if someone finally broke through and came in.

Death is everywhere. When death becomes a common option, it doesn't really matter which way you choose.

Losing contact with the home planet and losing supplies, the planet suddenly disappeared and turned into fragments. It was inexplicably bordered by many strange worlds.

Now a group of people who can run on the water and fight bugs with their bare hands appear, and Johnny's only thought is to hug his thighs.

"Do you know anything about the world behind you?"

Since the bugs weren't chasing after him, there were no immediate problems, and Tao Yu had time to ask them in detail.

No matter what, they'll get here first.

At present, this highland is directly connected to Pandora, but what is parallel to the other side is not the ground, but the 'mid-air' made up of a large number of plant branches. However, because the branches are dense, it is enough for people to walk on it.

Looking upward, you can see that there are still tree crowns and dense leaves that continue to extend upward, blocking most of the sunlight. From the front, there are many fluorescent plants under the cover of the leaves, which looks very dreamy.

It even has a bit of a beautiful image.

In terms of environment alone, Pandora is truly magnificent.

"We don't know much, we can't get in, but this protective shield is soft, otherwise the three of us might not survive.

"Some of the beasts inside couldn't get out. A black panther at least seven or eight meters long appeared before and attacked the protective shield for a long time, but there was no response."

Johnny also said everything he knew.

After seeing that Tao Yu didn't ask any more questions on the spur of the moment, he quickly answered

"Did you come down from the waterfall? How is the situation over there? Isn't it also very bad? Is there a way to get over? That frozen world seems to only intercept the climate. We have tried, but the temperature there is close to zero. It’s 150 degrees, and our protective suits can’t stay there for a long time.”

When Johnny said this, he also seemed a little helpless. Now he was almost in a desperate situation with no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

If there is a way to go up to the waterfall, you have to take the risk.

"It's all sea over there, and you don't have a boat, so there's probably nothing you can do."

Tao Yu pondered for a moment. He was not a nanny, so he would not do anything to escort them there.

Although this Johnny is guaranteed to be slightly injured in a crash, and he is most likely to be the Chosen One, the money for a Chosen One is not worth Tao Yu's special trip now.

At most, giving him a map would be a convenience, but after seeing one of their wounded men carrying something similar to a signal box on his back, Tao Yu's eyes lit up slightly.

These three guys seem to be able to cooperate and operate with each other.

"Do you have any breathing equipment? The air in the world over there is full of methane and some toxic gases."

The ninjas have their high-tech gas masks. If these guys don't have them, they will have no choice but to wait for death. Tao Yu will not waste too much time on them.

"Methane? There is some. We have special equipment helmets. If the main component is methane, then it is not a big problem."

After all, it is an interstellar civilization, although it still looks a bit rustic. It needs infantry to guard it, and it has to hold firearms and so on. It is much worse than the power armor of Avatar's pioneering company.

But these necessary items for survival on alien planets are definitely available, and they are considered standard equipment for individual soldiers.

"But we can't get through it."

"It doesn't matter if you can't get through it. It's fine if you can, but you have to cooperate with us..."

Tao Yu's eyes seemed to gradually become brighter, and the three wounded soldiers, including Johnny, began to appear a little dazed.

Suddenly, their trust in Tao Yu increased greatly in their eyes.

[Spirit Containment Method] and [Soul Transfer] cooperate with each other, and with the understanding of some illusions of the Land of Water, Tao Yu directly completed the illusion influence on the three people without a seal!

In the ninja system, any ability that uses chakra will be attenuated to a certain extent after leaving the original world.

But the reason for this attenuation is that the activity of the special mycelium that combines life and spirit in the chakra is weakened.

On the other hand, Tao Yu, because of the unity of spirit, energy and spirit of [All Forms], and relying on the use of Yin and Yang Five Elements of Changsheng Jue, will not be affected by this aspect.

"It's okay, it's just equivalent to suggestion, not as resistant as control."

Tao Yu also looked at Johnny for a while.

This is not a mental attack, but a relatively delicate job. If the willpower is strong enough, ordinary people will have a certain resistance.

Johnny is also this kind, but after all, he is an ordinary person. The gap is really too big, and willpower alone is useless...


When Johnny came back to his senses after a trance, he found that Tao Yu and his group had also changed into the clothes of their dead team members and put on breathing helmets.

Although Kisame and his friends have ninja tools, Tao Yu plans to rely on them to infiltrate the RDA development company over there, so he still has to make sure that their problems are not visible on the surface.

Even Kisame's shark face was simply changed by transformation. Anyway, Kisame has more chakra, so he is not afraid of maintaining this waste.

In addition to the planetary will Eva, there is no extraordinary combat power in the Avatar world.

But this does not mean that the Avatar world is not dangerous!

On the contrary, this technological world is much more dangerous to Tao Yu than the Water Country to some extent.

The only people in the Water Country who can really be considered a threat to him are the two Chuuriki and three Kage-level strongmen.

At this level, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen can only threaten him in theory.

But the Avatar world is different!

Although the pure individual combat power is even the Phantom Flying Dragon, as long as it does not fly all the time, I have the confidence to kill it, and even consider the problem of alien parasitic summoning.

But the power of humans on this side, I don’t know what the limit is.

Even if it is just a pioneering company responsible for mining, who knows if they will suddenly come to clean up the land on a large scale?

Their firepower reserves are much greater than the pioneers who came in.

In this case, Tao Yu plans to let Johnny and others send out some contact or even help signals, which may save a lot of trouble and directly lead the humans stationed here to get a good understanding of the situation here.

It is guaranteed that you can sneak in directly.

As long as it is not a firepower cleanup, let yourself sneak into the human base here, then all kinds of threats will be greatly reduced, and they will not cover their own homes with firepower cleanups.

At present, according to the words of the little rich woman, there has only been a preliminary exploration and contact with the Avatar world. It can be determined that the world here has a strong will and has different degrees of suppression on the forces outside this world.

Although the center of gravity has been decided to tilt towards this side, so far it is mainly concentrating on the border between the two worlds.

Because the humans here still have motherships in the sky, it is not sure whether there are satellite weapons, and it has not yet been determined to take direct action. At present, it is more inclined to negotiate and try to cut sausages.

We are going to occupy a few mining areas first to see the reactions of both sides, and then make the next move based on their feedback.

According to the current intelligence, both humans and Na'vi natives are very vigilant here.

It may be related to the Sand Village of the Wind Country that they have learned about.

However, at present, the people of the Wind Country should not have come to this world on a large scale, and we don't know what happened specifically.

Taking Johnny and the others as an opportunity, we can send out a distress signal, and then we may get more information by understanding it in depth...

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