The vegetation on Pandora is extremely lush, and the vines of the plants even form several additional layers of "ground".

The hollow vines and branches look like a dark abyss at a glance, and the dots of fluorescent plants add a bit of weird atmosphere.

Tao Yu came to the border and opened the barrier in advance with the ability of the pioneer.

Because of the influence of illusion, Johnny and the others didn't notice it at all, but said in surprise

"Strange, how can you get in? It crashed before."

"Maybe there is a gap, be careful, the air here is poisonous, check the helmet again."

After Johnny reminded, he took the lead and walked towards the dense rainforest. He stretched out his toes to test it briefly, and found that the vines woven in the air were strong enough before stepping on it.

"Be careful, there is nothing below, don't fall down."

It seems that slowly, Johnny treated Tao Yu and the others who changed clothes as team members.

Although Kisame and the others didn't understand English, they could roughly judge something.

"Mr. Tao is really proficient in everything. I can't see any flaws in this illusion."

Kisame said with some emotion.

"Don't speak too much for now. I will tell you some important words in secret. Pay attention. The world will here is very strong. It seems to suppress us."

Tao Yu reminded.

After thinking for a moment, he injected some wish power into the torn barrier and maintained this opening for a short time.

Since the Sand Village has begun to contact, it means that there must be vacant areas in these barriers.

It's only natural that there is a vacancy here since it just fell into the world not long ago!

There is no need to be too rigorous. It doesn't matter if there are bugs or even being detected. It's okay to be able to deal with it in the short term and pass it successfully.

For the Kaituo Company, which has high firepower but lacks high-end combat power, the best way is to sneak in.

However, when stepping on the vines and feeling the touch of the vines under his feet, Tao Yu felt a faint depression in the state of unity between man and nature.

"The power of the world is really strong, and the way it works is somewhat similar to the present world. When the power exceeds a certain level, the resistance will increase, but it is more sensitive than the present world. However, the stronger the strength, the greater the power exerted here."

Tao Yu has the unity of man and nature, and is very good at coordinating man and nature, so he easily felt the pressure mentioned by the little rich woman.

A simple and rough quantification is that the destructive power of the shadow level becomes a jonin, and the destructive power of the jonin becomes a chunnin. As long as it is not the Pandora system, it will be restricted.

But it is still the strong who are always strong, and it is not the kind of world that will attract the world's will "heavenly punishment" if it exceeds the limit.

"Maybe it will actually attract "heavenly punishment", but even my current level of power cannot reach it."

Tao Yu did not care too much about this problem.

If it is the Tang Dynasty or the Water Country, it will be a headache, because those places have a strong local power system.

And Pandora Planet does not have a cultivation system, and I don't want to use the Five Elements Divine Thunder to brush here crazily.

Similar to the illusion used on Johnny and his team before, some small tricks are enough.

"It's incredible, these are all plants."

"Oh, God, there's nothing below, we are in mid-air, the earth is made of plants!"

"So beautiful, are these fluorescent things poisonous?"

"It's a pity that we can't breathe the air here, why are so many plants poisonous?"


Johnny and his soldiers seemed to be a little excited when they came in.

At first they felt very desperate, isolated and helpless, facing the bugs outside the planet, not knowing what would happen.

Even if the bugs seemed too lazy to climb up and attack them, this psychological pressure was incomparable for these soldiers.

So even if the rainforest might be more dangerous, they were all determined!

They didn't know what the dangers of the rainforest were, but they had an intuitive understanding of the dangers of the bugs!

"See if there is any signal."

Johnny said to the signalman.

In a place where the air is poisonous, if they can't find a safe area, then it will be a problem for them to eat.

So if no signal is found, we have to go back and take other routes.

"We have found radio signals, which are found in this dense forest. They should have a high-power transmitter in the sky. I wonder if it is an orbital spacecraft."

The signalman began to debug with a bulky instrument on his back, and it seemed that he had captured the radio frequency band here.

At least they have entered the interstellar space. Although it looks a bit watery, a communication box is made the same as the one in World War II.

But the functions are indeed very comprehensive.


With a burst of electric sound, they soon completed the connection.

After all, the pioneering company here would not have thought that someone on the indigenous planet could perform such an operation, and the encryption method is not very complicated.

Suddenly accessing a non-company radio frequency band obviously surprised the other side.

"Who are you? Pioneers?"

The radio station also sent standard English, which made Johnny very happy, and then quickly introduced himself.

Tao Yu's illusion effect was still very obvious, so Johnny did not bring them along at all when answering, but just kept explaining their own situation and their world.

And it can be considered that there were no lies throughout the whole process, and it did not cause any resistance to Johnny himself.

This naturally makes communication between the two parties smooth.

Johnny and the others had recently fallen here. In the past, this area might have been the ocean of the future water world. When the development company sent a spacecraft to raise the visual range for a brief confirmation, they also knew what they were saying. It has something.

"Do you have any weapons? To avoid misunderstanding, we need to disarm you."

Having already encountered the Pioneers and characters from other worlds, the Pioneers Company was quite confident about this kind of thing at this time and did not make too much of a fuss.

They also want to get more outside intelligence, and there are people here who can come in, and there are bugs over there. They also have to come and see the cracks to avoid being attacked by bugs behind them!

"No problem, we will cooperate with you throughout the entire process. We may not even be able to survive in a place like this."

Johnny obviously has the idea of ​​hugging his thighs now, just for stability.

When both parties had mutual needs and Johnny chose to give in, the agreement was naturally reached easily.

"Don't move around, just stay there and stay alert. This planet is much more dangerous than you think. We don't want to find your bodies when we come here."

The radio station over there also issued a friendly warning.

Thinking of the seven-meter-long black panther that had attacked the barrier before, Johnny nodded with some fear, and then several people were standing nearby with guns on guard.

Perhaps there is a barrier passage behind here, which causes a large amount of oxygen to mix in from the opposite side, making the nearby environment unfriendly to Pandora creatures.

While Tao Yu and the others were waiting here, no wild beasts without eyes attacked them.

On the contrary, Johnny kept looking at the gap from time to time, and said to the radio with a little worry

"Hey, do you think there is air coming in from behind? Will it cause the methane explosion here? Will we have an accident?"

The radio that had been communicating with this place seemed to be stunned, and then said in a helpless tone.

"Sir, are you really a civilization that colonizes alien planets in spaceships?"

"Of course, what's wrong?"

"The explosive concentration of methane is between 4.9% and 16%. Below the concentration, there will be no reaction. Above the concentration, it will burn quietly at best. You can actually light a fire there, and maybe the gap will continuously spray fire to the outside world. ”

Johnny was a little depressed after being lectured like this. Why would I want to be an infantryman if I had good grades? Why would I do this?

They were not made to wait long, and soon two aircraft that were similar to helicopters, but full of science fiction, flew over quickly with the sound of propellers.

The strong wind from the propeller completely blew away the tree crowns above, revealing the sky of Pandora.

Falling leaves and strong wind caused several people below, including Tao Yu and others, to reach out to shield themselves.

The people on the aircraft seemed to have been observing the twelve of them, and they also saw the world on the other side.

"Where is the gap you are talking about?"

An external sound came from the aircraft.

"This way."

Johnny came to the gap and made a rough stroke.

They seemed to have made their own judgments about the impact of the airflow from the helicopter propeller on the opposite area.

Then one of them was on alert in the air and lowered its cannon. The other one dropped directly down the rope ladder. Soon, a three-meter-tall blue-skinned giant quickly climbed down the rope ladder.

Because it should be the Avatar in which human will has entered.

"Don't worry, I'm human."

The Avatar, who didn't know if he was the protagonist or not, came down with a machine gun in his arms, looked at the people on guard and comforted them.

"I'm lucky. I survived with such crude weapons and didn't encounter any trouble."

Then he quickly ran to the gap, stretched out his hand and kept groping along the edge, and then said to the intercom

"The gap is about five meters long and three meters high, about the same as me. There is oxygen on the other side, and the atmospheric pressure is greater than on our side. Do you want to light it up and see the gap?"


Then the blue-skinned avatar took out an instrument and tested the concentration at the opening, then moved away directly and used the firearm in his hand to shoot at the gap.

Sure enough, the next moment, tongues of fire spurted out from outside the gap, like a flamethrower.

This spectacular scene made Johnny and the others a little surprised.

The blue-skinned avatar was currently holding a camera-like thing to take pictures of the gap.

Johnny also quickly came over and pulled him and said

"Brother, take a picture of me as a souvenir."

"Go away, I'm using optical equipment to see the changes in this gap, don't block it."

Sally waved his hand a little speechlessly and drove away Johnny who came to take pictures, leaving an embarrassed look on his face again.

Then I stood aside a little depressed, what's the point of taking pictures.

"It's confirmed. The gap is slowly shrinking. It should be caused by changes in the world next to it. It shouldn't have any bad effects."

Sally explained the situation on the walkie-talkie, which made Johnny a little confused. Did you really find something wrong?

Has it gotten smaller?

He turned around and looked at the gap where the fire was spitting out, with a confused expression on his face.

But Tao Yu watched the blue-skinned avatar's skillful movements and knew that this kind of thing should not be the first time.

It is very likely that the situation in the Sand Village was caused by a similar opening.

"OK, it's not a big problem. I can install a sensor here. It will probably disappear in a few days."

He held his breath and inserted a pole here, then quickly came back and took a long breath.

"This body is made to imitate the Na'vi people. It can breathe freely here, but it may be more or less allergic to oxygen."

The blue Gundam avatar shrugged and showed a humorous smile

"So, brothers who want to take pictures, do you still need to take pictures?"

"No, thank you."

Johnny waved his hand, not wanting to embarrass himself again.

"Well, let's go up. You are all covered in blood. There is a crashed spaceship over there. You are probably all injured. But please give me all the guns."

The avatar seemed very kind, and everyone, including Tao Yu, handed their guns to him. He alone carried more than a dozen guns and began to climb up.

It must be said that the physique of these Na'vi people is not weak. If they have suitable close combat weapons, they should be able to fight ordinary aliens, but they may also be hatched into stronger individuals by aliens.

At least with the protection of their world will, they are indeed good warriors, which can cause a lot of trouble to ordinary pioneers...

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