
The corpse on the mechanical transformation side fell from the sky and landed directly on the street. The heavy metal body even made a hole.

When passers-by saw the corpse clearly, they screamed and ran away as if they had seen a ghost.

It's not that these inner city dwellers are afraid of corpses.

It's because they're afraid of the corpses on the mechanical transformation side.

What's the difference between this special move and throwing bombs into the street?

However, the inner city security team is not weak in strength and is also very fast.

It didn't take long for a team of three people to come over. Looking at the body from a distance, they could vaguely hear their yelling and cursing.

"Who is so wicked? Is this bomb a dud or something? How do you collect the body? Go bring some cannon fodder."

The team leader among the three said somewhat depressedly.

"No, just collect it. I have already disabled his bomb."

At this time, Tao Yu came out of the door of the apartment building neatly dressed, looked at the three people hiding in the distance and waved.

"Who..., yo, isn't this Master Tao? You are back. This guy offended you and died in vain. We will deal with it now."

The captain of the security team immediately changed his face and trotted over, nodding and bowing.

Their commander-in-chief ordered to strengthen patrols nearby, and several of Tao Yu's relatives were also on the priority list.

Coupled with Tao Yu's reputation as an Eight-Armed King Kong, the captain of the security team would still take him very seriously.

But the reason why he kept such a low profile was because as an insider, he vaguely knew that the captain had been beaten by this guy, and his temper was quite bad.

The corpse on the ground is proof of that!

For good people and decent people, he can be more arrogant and handle business affairs. He is not afraid of being stronger. After all, his identity as a security force lies here.

But when faced with people like Tao Yu, we can only say good things and not suffer immediate losses...

Besides, he also knew about Tao Shi's beating. Although it was because the other party ran out of the city and had nothing to do with him, if he was angered, the beating would be in vain.

I heard that the commander-in-chief has lost a lot of his hair recently.

This is not a reasonable master. He is super protective of his shortcomings, has high strength, and does not follow the rules!

The key is to have high talent, high strength, and a good background, which is a big deal.

For a moment, he cursed the family that had injured the other's brother.

But I definitely didn’t dare to express it, so I could only say it tactfully.

"Master Tao, you also know that this is the inner city after all, and it is actually difficult for our security team to deal with it. He deserves to be punished if he offends you, but, well, I hope you won't make the matter too big..."

He had a bitter look on his face and obviously didn't want to do this kind of persuasion, but after all, wearing this layer of skin, he still had to say some words, and he was even prepared to be beaten.

However, Tao Yu was not a pervert, and did not mean to embarrass the other party. He nodded in approval and said

"You're right. It's not easy to kill people in public in broad daylight. I went to their house, um, the Jin family, right."

When the team leader heard Tao Yu's words, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

You are so reasonable!

But in the end he sighed and nodded.

"It's the Jin family. They originally had two senior partners, but now they are all back. They have also temporarily invited many comrades and best friends, and they have invited friends to stay in this world recently..."

The members of the security team may not be very strong, but they are quite well-informed about various gossips. He did not lie to Tao Yu or anything, he just wanted to let him know how to retreat when faced with difficulties.

"Master Tao, you don't have any family burdens. If your family is too weak, you usually don't have to worry about retaliation, but those families still have more accumulation and connections than you."

The captain of the security team is also very sincere. If things get serious, even if he is in charge of this area, he will be in trouble.

But what he said can be regarded as the ‘truth’.

Although the Jin family is only a lower-middle-class family, it doesn't even have much fixed property.

But after all, it has been passed down for many generations and has its own fixed accumulation. The accumulated resources and connections are still better than those of some strong individual people.

They must want to resolve this conflict, so they will arrange for people to come to deliver gifts.

It's just that they have become accustomed to the Blazers' style of doing things, and they also understand that their own strength is the most important!

Show it when it’s time to show it, and talk about it later.

Tao Yu's suppression of all the strong men in the inner city of the newly developed area was already a clear record, and this alone was enough for them to pay attention to.

"Well, thank you for reminding them. Where is their home? I'll go visit them first."

Tao Yu chuckled.

"Huh? This..."

The captain of the security team was also stunned. He didn't expect that even if he said this, he would come to the door alone?

Isn't this giving away someone's head...

In fact, if Tao Yu wants to sway people, he can still sway a lot even if the Sun family is not involved.

Most of the shareholders of Dada Company are from families similar to his own chosen by Pan Da, and they also have a few senior partners, which is not a big problem.

If you just stand on the ground and assist with punches, you can still pull out another wave if you shake others.

But he was about to leave for the state capital soon. Tao Yu didn't want to waste his favor on such a useless place. It would be better to ask them to take care of his family while he was away.

For such a trivial matter, it would be better to come to your door and resolve it yourself.

By the way, let everyone update their understanding of themselves...

"have no idea?"

Tao Yu asked back.

"No, their home is in the 'Tiancheng Apartment' in Xicheng District, one of the 'Three Tiancheng Apartments'. They seem to be setting up flowing water tables there these days."

"Ha, setting up a flowing water table? Celebrating beating my brother? That's interesting."

Tao Yu chuckled and slapped him first, making the captain's lips twitch, "Master, don't be like this!"

"Probably not. They got the lease of a farm in the old pioneer area. They finally have their own fixed production resources, and they also want to prevent you from coming."

When he said this, he also had a look of envy in his eyes, "Yuanli Crop Farm!"

That is something that can continuously generate money. How much money can be generated as long as the leasehold rights last. These are actually the resources that those families can survive for a long time.

"Oh, do you know which one has the leasehold rights?"

Tao Yu raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

Eighty percent of it is the 'reward' they got this time for actively standing aside and flattering.

"One of the five great families, from the Fox family."

The team leader said cautiously. He vaguely knew the reason why the other party asked, but the matter involved the five families, but he was not afraid to say it, because the Hu family was just to win over the hearts of the inner city families, and they themselves were not very involved. of.

"Thank you. Go and inform your captain. He will come over to wash the floor in a while."

Tao Yu patted his shoulder and spoke in a kind tone.

I didn’t expect that the Five Families would also end up, no wonder.

Among the seven heavenly kings in the new development area, five were from the five families. These were also the five families with the most consolidated status in the inner city, and they all had connections throughout the world.

And because their status is stable enough, they really don't need to do anything against Chaoyang Society.

That's why the Gan family, the head of the five major families, could mediate in the last incident and make Guqiu trust him!

This may be why this Jin family licks so eagerly.

He casually rented out a few farms to the small families standing nearby. Maybe they were the only ones who could easily get it.

Because they no longer have the energy to take care of their own assets personally, they originally handled the withdrawals in the form of leasing and contracting...


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