There is a mission hall in every walled city in the outer city. It mainly releases various missions. The mission hall occupies a large area, but it is relatively simple.

It seemed a bit noisy inside, and the smell of sweat filled the tip of my nose.

Many people keep looking at the notices posted on the task lists everywhere, find the right one, tear it off and start going to the counter to register, which seems a bit primitive.

Conflicts over high-value tasks are commonplace.

But those who cause trouble will have their points deducted or kicked out.

There are various types of tasks, and there are also many tasks in the real world. For example, the tasks of finding clues to the murder of the Li family can also be seen here, as well as cleaning up rats and so on.

In addition to these printed mission notices, there is also the only electronic LED screen in the entire mission hall, on which some more important missions are played in a loop.

As a 'partner', Tao Yu completely skipped the step of grabbing tasks and had a dedicated person to handle them.

A pretty young lady from the outer city respectfully brought Tao Yu to a small cubicle with a book in hand.

The beautiful waitress wore brown linen short-sleeves, revealing her smooth arms with a healthy complexion. Occasionally, a hint of side exposure could be seen while waving her hands.

"Mr. Partner, there are many tasks in the new development area. Many of them are open tasks. You don't need to accept them. If you gain something, you can come back and hand it in directly. You have a W4 task bracelet. I can import the task data into your bracelet for convenience. Check it out anytime.”

The little beauty was close to Tao Yu, and her eyes glanced at the gifted smart watch on Tao Yu's wrist from time to time. Coupled with Tao Yu's good looks, her breath almost hit his face, and his face turned red.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

Tao Yu did not object to the other party's occasional casual contact, but it was absolutely impossible to waste time on his own.

If you are not a rich woman, it will affect your speed of drawing the sword.

While inserting a task library similar to a USB flash drive into his watch so that he could check it in the abyss, Tao Yu flipped through the book in front of him and found a few tasks in the new development area that were particularly bold.

"Abyss Fragment Exploration Mission in the New Development Area: Explore as many abyss fragments as possible. Rewards depend on the harvest. Partial rewards can also be obtained by repeatedly submitting content as soon as possible. Information can include map surveying, biological atlases, and special events. …”

"Reward for Blackwater cracking method: The fragments code-named Alien 01 are filled with a Blackwater toxin. This toxin has biological properties and is extremely difficult to deal with. After infection, it can transform ordinary animals into the first-generation aliens without super physical strength. Pioneers with talents such as , anti-drug and other talents should be cautious..."

"Codename-Zombie 01 fragment development: Codename-Alien 01 fragment goes all the way north, and you will reach Codename-Zombie 01 fragment. This fragment borders both Rainforest 01 and Alien 01. It has an infectious wish creature called a zombie. It is suspected that they are transformed from humans. The zombie strength is low, but the number is huge. Radio signals have been detected. They are suspected of communicating with the language of the alien world. The strength of the debris barrier is acceptable, and aliens cannot enter..."

"Alien Breeder: Responsible for understanding the habits of aliens, finding the best parasites, and recording the parasite's reproductive capacity and willingness output ratio. The cultivation environment, temperature, and feed all need to be summarized. This can be completed as a team. Recommended If you are looking for creatures in the rainforest next door, you can apply for Queen Eggs..."

"Cleaning up aliens: Alien reproduction is extremely strong. For the safety of newcomers, a wild alien cleaning team is organized. In addition to its own value, each alien's wishing item will award an additional 100 units of wishing power. It is recommended to go as a team. Alien implantation systems are not recommended. If you participate, you will be vulnerable to the concentrated capture and hatching of aliens..."


When Tao Yu saw a mission to cultivate aliens and a mission to clean up aliens, he immediately thought of the Cobra Effect.

But then based on the comparison of some mission rewards, it seems that there is no need to worry too much.

"If you have the ability to cultivate aliens, it seems that you can just complete the first task. It seems that it is not worth the gain to keep sneaking and turning them in for hunting. People do not need any evidence to clean up, and they are directly treated as monkeys and killed without any explanation..."

And Tao Yu doesn’t think aliens are so easy to clean up...

But I have to say that with the two legs of the floating city leading people to explore, the exploration speed is quite fast.

When Tao Yu came back, he continued to learn and improve his skills, but for the two guys from the Floating City, I am afraid that this kind of active learning skills were almost learned before the age of eighteen.

Maybe after staying here for five days and taking a break, I rushed in again, so I discovered a lot of new things.

There was some information that partners could access for free, and Tao Yu locked onto the world fragment codenamed Zombie 01.

The main reason is that he has been moving north along the boundary between the rain forest and the grassland, and it is estimated that he is closest to here.

According to the intelligence, the two people in the floating city probably didn't care about the harvest of this zombie world at all. After completing the mission, they went to other places to open up wasteland.

However, the zombie world is protected by a world barrier, so it should be a good location for an initial base, so a separate exploration mission was set up.


If it is a zombie world with T-virus like Resident Evil, then whether it is the movie version or the game version, there is a lot of potential that can be tapped, and it is more suitable for your current ability to cope with it.

At least the risk is relatively less than being besieged by aliens.

However, there are too many zombies in the world and there is not much detailed information. Tao Yu really has no way to judge.

Just from the slow movement mode, you can exclude several zombies in the enhanced version of the world and the later stages of Resident Evil.

"On average, each zombie drops 0.01 to 0.05 units of Willpower, and there is no skill information. No wonder they don't like it..."

Tao Yu himself was a bit unable to complain. Judging from the mission, the two wealthy people in the floating city were really planning to raise aliens in captivity, and were even looking for suitable creatures to cultivate.

As for the humble drop of the zombies, Tao Yu also felt a little speechless. This was too poor!

Because one unit of willingness is purely a unit set by the company for the convenience of management, it is not surprising that numbers like 0.01 and 0.05 appear. Many world fragments in the abyss are not under the company's control.

Moreover, to absorb the wish power after each kill, you need to find the wish power items gathered after the death of the wish power creature. It does not mean that the points will jump as long as the death.

Each zombie only has so much, not to mention the energy spent on killing it, and collecting the corpse afterwards is a troublesome job.

Killing 200 to 1,000 zombies every day and collecting the corpses would give you ten points of willpower, which is about equal to your parents' income in a day.

For normal pioneers, it is indeed a thankless, time-consuming and laborious place.

"However, it may be that you want to find a gathering place, and the exploration rewards are relatively rich. If you can explore other adjacent unknown abyss fragments, you will be rewarded 5,000.

"The rewards for map drawing are also good, and there are also rewards for discovering other willing creatures besides zombies, as well as the broadcast source..."

Tao Yu looked at the tasks in the zombie world in detail. These were all extra rewards, and the gains along the way were all his own.

But considering the poor output of zombies, it is estimated that for ordinary pioneers, it may be just to collect some supplies and sell them back.

The only advantage this world has is that there are no giant pythons or aliens with powerful willpower that even ordinary pioneers cannot escape.

And there is a world barrier that can prevent willing creatures from entering!

Security should be the highest for the time being.

"My strongest point is my potential. The threat to me from aliens is still huge. I don't know the number and prevalence of aliens at present. Although the reward for hunting aliens is high, safety still comes first..."

Tao Yu thought in her mind that even if she hunted aliens to make money, she could still run in both directions based on the zombie world.

The most important thing is that even with your current strength, you may still lose money if you are really surrounded by aliens. You can first go to the zombie world and find a way to improve it before hunting aliens.

He didn't want to experience the feeling of having to sleep with one eye open in the rain forest, feeling nervous and exhausted all the time.

"These initial fragments are quite difficult. The mission benefits in the new development area are actually pretty good. When I get my main skills and talents to be deified for the second time, I can almost officially go out to explore. I still have to make money..."

If you have potential, you must be able to endure loneliness and make money to complete your own accumulation. Your own strength is the most real thing.

Looking back at the mission in the zombie world, Tao Yu became more and more satisfied with it, not to mention that his current strength was not weak.

You can go back and forth in five days. As long as you are careful and understand the habits of zombies and explore slowly, it is really not a big problem for ordinary pioneers to complete map surveying once a month.

If you get a car or something, the possibility of reaching other adjacent fragments is not small.

However, the size of the world fragments all depends on luck. If the fragment area is large, it will indeed be a disadvantage. However, according to the current mission reward situation, if that is the case, this itself can be regarded as important information and receive additional rewards.

"This is the mission I registered for, thank you."

It happened that the USB flash drive had already loaded the data for the open mission, and Tao Yu left without any regrets.

I raised my hand to operate the W4 task bracelet on my hand. This small thing like a smart watch has complete functions. It also has the function of auxiliary map surveying, and it is also convenient to hand in tasks.

It can also support solar charging and automatic radio search, and it even has a reserve of more than 100 will power, which should help strengthen certain functions.

The risk of positioning and searching with a small probability cannot be ruled out, but Tao Yu really has nothing worth worrying about for the big people in the floating city, so the possibility is really low.

Or say that your value is not worthy of their bad reputation for the time being.

"This is the rich woman..."

Tao Yu sighed with regret. His talent had gone too far, and he had no choice but to reluctantly give up shortcuts for the sake of unnecessary trouble...


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