Mosaic-like images continued to appear on the grassland, and then a fully armed figure was pieced together.

Wearing a tactical helmet, combat uniform with a bulletproof vest, a large backpack on his back, and a smooth black assault rifle in his hand, it can be said that he is armed to the teeth.

"It's really different after changing the equipment."

With the help of his dynamic vision, Tao Yu immediately scanned the surrounding area with several tactical movements. After confirming the safety, Tao Yu relaxed slightly.

Now this is exactly where he was when he left, and this new set of equipment is actually considered a trophy from the Li family.

After more than half a month had passed without any limelight, Tao Yu also checked the location of the buried supplies at night, and finally picked out some more popular items and took them out for his own use.

These things can all be obtained in the outer cities.

Tao Yu has a clear income from selling skills and blood orchids here, and using these equipment is not eye-catching.

Besides, he doesn't sell it, he just uses it for himself. He is still in his room when teleporting, which naturally minimizes the risk.

An assault rifle, a submachine gun that can be held alone, and two pistols, one of which has the power of 'accurate ballistics'.

A willing long dagger with an entry, and two dogleg knives that are easy to replace.

Coupled with tactical helmets, tactical uniforms, bulletproof vests, tactical shoes and other armor, it can be regarded as greatly increasing Tao Yu's own fault tolerance.

Just like Wei Nuo's metal armor, Tao Yu's equipment at least gave him more opportunities to face black guns and sneak attacks.

Li Hui's frontal strength was much stronger than Tao Yu's, but he was killed instantly by Tao Yu's sneak attack. He didn't want to experience this himself.

In the zombie world, if you rely solely on bullets, it will be useless if you bring all the bullets, and it is easy to attract those things. It is poor and troublesome. Normally it is better to get close to fight.

"But we have to find the fragment first. The intelligence says that all the way to the north, the height of that world is ten meters lower than the alien world, but the barrier of the fragment is stronger than the rain forest, which can prevent the alien from making such wishes. Forced creatures enter..."

Tao Yu easily turned over and returned to the rainforest, then found a nearby tree and climbed up to look towards the north. Under Tao Yu's astonishing eyesight, there was still a grassland with no shadow of buildings.

"If the curved surface of the alien world is similar to that of the earth, it will be at least twenty or thirty kilometers away. I hope it's not too exaggerated..."

Tao Yu returned to the tree again, a little helpless to complain.

I originally wanted to buy a motorcycle, but I was too poor after completing [Five Shapes in One].

After coming down, he looked up at the height of the tree and felt the weight of his backpack. Tao Yu also felt that he had become significantly stronger.

It's so easy to go up. You can just dig your fingers into the bark of the tree if you don't have a grip. It's really incomparable to the first time I climbed a tree, when I lost my backpack and had to gasp for air when I went up.

Going north along the way, Tao Yu's journey lasted three days.

We have always been close to the rainforest, and we have not been harassed by aliens on the road. There is plenty of food in the rainforest, and the emergency food in our backpack has not been used at all.

This time, because he could go back every five days, Tao Yu also brought a military green tent, which added some outdoor comfort. It was much better than sleeping in the open air before...

"...The fragment we are in now is extremely cold. It is a civilization that is completely frozen. Even the tsunami has been frozen. The fragment barrier is not strong, but the aliens are not coming. Fortunately, it does not affect the adjacent areas. The fragmented climate is temporarily worthless. We will contact you to arrange a new exploration mission. The various rewards will be half of those in the Zombie 01 world..."

While Tao Yu was basking in the sun to charge his watch, he was also listening to the new broadcast information from the two floating city young masters.

It can only be said that talented people are bold. They are either exploring or on the road of exploration.

However, usually after they have a general understanding, they will arrange the details and go out. Tao Yu has learned that the new development area already has a ranking of cannon fodder points, but there is no intention to start it.

The two guys from the Floating City also know that currently there are not enough manpower. After the forced cannon fodder mission, fewer people will choose the new development area, which will only be a vicious cycle.

Reducing the frequency of use of cannon fodder missions and raising usage standards will actually form an excellent competitive relationship with the old gathering place. Coupled with spending money and resources, they may really make things happen.

As for the current investment, with the emergence of output similar to the large-scale breeding of aliens, etc., it may be possible to earn back in the future.

"It has been determined that the alien world has an initial distance of tens of thousands of kilometers from east to west. It cannot be ruled out that there are more extensions or shorter ones in a few places. They should have some good means of transportation."

Tao Yu thought in his mind that the boundaries of the fragments were not static, nor were they pure straight lines. Their estimate should be a rough estimate.

The alien world is not too difficult for the siblings, so they can directly focus on this world and continue to explore other areas.

"The Sun family seems to be a member of the company's board of directors, but I don't know the specific influence..."

Just two young people were able to open such a large stall. Tao Yu was also a little frightened by the energy of the forces in the floating city.

"Maybe it's like some startups in the past. As they become more and more prosperous, more and more forces will invest in shares..."

After listening to today's broadcast, Tao Yu turned off his watch and started charging.

Although there is a solar energy channel, this thing certainly cannot be kept powered on throughout the abyss.

The most important thing is that there is no electricity at home, so he can only use solar energy or wish power to charge.

After listening to today's broadcast, Tao Yu climbed a tree again, and this time he finally saw a new view from the monotonous grassland, and vaguely saw the outlines of some building roofs at the end of the horizon.

"Good guy, we are finally here."

There are about 20 to 30 kilometers to go, but because only some building tops can be seen, it should be about the same or even longer distance to reach the city after reaching the fragment boundary.

Tao Yu is also ready to work harder.

Carrying more than 50 kilograms of weight on his body, he hiked for three days and finally arrived at the world fragment mentioned in the intelligence.

When Tao Yu came to the edge of the world fragment, he stood on the grassland with a height difference of ten meters and looked at the scene in front of him, and his face showed some emotion.

The main scenery in front is the Gobi Desert, which has a style of the Great Beautiful West, with barren Gobi Desert, withered cacti, and a road leading directly to this side that was cut in half.

In the distance, there is the outline of a city, with tall buildings standing in a forest, but it is filled with a sense of dead silence.

Behind the city, there are distant mountains that seem to be the background, with undulating mountains.

There are some wandering figures in this desolate Gobi and on the road, and there are also some scrapped vehicles that have collided on the road.

Especially in the direction of the city entrance and exit, there are two long rows of abandoned convoys, which are stuck because of the collision in front.

Some cars are still stuck in the Gobi.

Accompanied by the dust blown by the strong wind, a sense of wasteland comes to the face.

"There is indeed a debris barrier."

Tao Yu reached out and touched it. There was a little resistance, but soon he quickly integrated into it.

This is an ability given by the will of the world, which cannot be intercepted by these debris barriers.

But the aliens and giant pythons next door may not be able to pass.

At a height of ten meters, carrying a load of fifty kilograms, Tao Yu did not choose to jump down, but stepped deftly on some uneven gaps, relying purely on his feet, and fell lightly like a goat climbing in reverse.

"I wonder if there are any newspapers, oh, yes, radio."

Tao Yu thought of the information in the intelligence and turned on the watch again. The radio frequency band intelligence also had it, and the watch also had an automatic search function. Soon Tao Yu heard a passage from a burst of background noise in the abyss

"... It has been seven months since the virus was rampant, and I don’t know how long I can hold on. Now we don’t have much food here, and the food that can be easily obtained has been found. Next, I am afraid I have to venture to a place where zombies are more dense, and as time goes by, I have to consider the decay of food. Some people say that strange highlands and rainforests have appeared in the south, but no one dares to go..."

Standard English with a big beautiful accent, thanks to Tao Yu’s previous experience as a social animal, can be roughly understood. This is a unique advantage compared to other pioneers who need to meet in person to communicate through willpower.

But for the time being, it is still impossible to determine what world it is...

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