The dust from the Gobi Desert fell on the road. The road, which had not been used by vehicles for a long time, became a little gray. Tao Yu could leave footprints on it.

Walking along the road towards the city, you can see several skinny zombies in the middle of the road.

Several zombies wandered on the road at a very slow speed.

"They can still move after not eating for seven months. What version is this?"

Putting the assault rifle on his back, Tao Yu held the MP5-shaped gun handle on his waist with his left hand, and holding the dog-leg knife in his right hand.

As he approached, a skinny zombie seemed to have discovered Tao Yu and came towards Tao Yu with a sniff.


Tao Yu raised his eyebrows and patted the abandoned car next to him with the dog-leg knife, making a clanging sound.

The next moment, several zombies nearby rushed over here, faster than humans walking normally, but not as fast as jogging.


The first zombie that approached was beheaded without any bumps, and Tao Yu shuttled between several zombies like a crane in the garden, and solved them all smoothly.

Five-form boxing is not just a training method. Some fighting moves are also very practical when used separately.

It is not that you must stick to bare hands. You already have [Basic Weapon·Revised] lv2. Once the force-generating skills are in place, it will naturally become integrated.

A slight swing of the wrist can fully exert the power and be at ease.

The plasma is in a semi-coagulated state, and the amount of bleeding is not large.

Tao Yu looked down at the dog-leg knife. Although it was a beheading, it only left a small and inconspicuous gap. It seems that the bone is more fragile than ordinary bones.

I don’t know if it is weathering or virus erosion.

Walking to a zombie corpse, Tao Yu also squatted down and waited for the gathering of willpower.

“It’s a tooth again, or a back molar…”

The tip of the knife touched the ground, and Tao Yu was also a little helpless, just like pulling out wisdom teeth.

The blade slapped, and the force was slightly shaken, and the zombie's old teeth were knocked out. Then the teeth of willpower were picked out from it. Several zombies were treated in the same way and absorbed.

Very good, less than a unit of willpower, and all of them were some trace amounts of chaotic information, without any trace of skills.

"It can be confirmed, it's not worth wasting time to extract the teeth."

Tao Yu sniffed his nose. It might be because it was almost dried up. Except for the stench of the semi-coagulated plasma when it was killed, the overall smell was better than expected.

After experiencing the baptism of the bad environment in the outer city, it can be easily adapted.

At the beginning, they faced things like giant pythons and aliens. Now that their strength has increased, facing some lone zombies, they are indeed not threatening.

"But this is also because there are few outside the city, and it is estimated that it is a bit bad inside the city."

The most troublesome thing about zombies is still the number!

Ding ding~

A crashing sound came, and Tao Yu saw a zombie wearing a seatbelt in an abandoned pickup truck. It seemed that it wanted to come out because of the noise outside. It also looked a little skinny and obviously couldn't break free.

Tao Yu, who was not interested in paying attention, continued to walk forward. Before, he saw an overturned motorcycle in front of him with the help of the height of the grassland.

For this kind of road conditions, it is more convenient to have two wheels.

After a few steps, he came to the fallen heavy motorcycle. Tao Yu helped it up. I don't know what brand it is. The logo is relatively rare. There are English letters "Kawasaki" below. After trying to start it, it started successfully.

I looked at the amount of oil. There is still more than half a tank, which should be enough.

Tao Yu doesn't play motorcycles, but he has ridden motorcycles. It is easy for him to become proficient with his current physical fitness.

After a simple adaptation, he turned the throttle and sped away in an instant.

The roar of the motorcycle made the nearby zombies pay attention to it, but by the time the zombies reacted, Tao Yu had already moved in the abandoned car group and rushed towards the city.

"The sound is a bit loud, it's still a tram, but the sense of power is really awesome..."

Tao Yu understood why there was a ghost fire boy, and it was really exciting when the speed was increased.

His body has now surpassed the limit of human beings, but even at such a full-speed running speed, he can be easily thrown away by this thing, just by turning the throttle.

What surprised Tao Yu a little was that when he was riding the motorcycle and moving in a snake-like manner, a skill light ball slowly appeared when he was about to arrive in the city.

[Motorcycle Riding] lv1: Motorcycle driving ability.

What made Tao Yu a little strange was that this free auxiliary ability actually required 100 points of willpower to strengthen.

Although he only had 300 willpower left after buying the Qi-boosting pills, Tao Yu still completed the strengthening.

[Motorcycle Riding·Modified] lv1: Improve your adaptability to mounts. You can understand how to control any mount when you hold the reins, and you can communicate with tamed biological mounts.

At the same time, Tao Yu also felt a different feeling of the motorcycle under his buttocks, as if he could control it with the same convenience as controlling his hands and feet, as if it was an extension of his body.

As long as it does not violate the physical common sense of the motorcycle, he seems to be able to control it!

Good guy, this is not [Motorcycle Riding] at all.

These 100 points are worth it.

As Tao Yu's will changed, the name of the skill also changed, directly becoming [Riding].


After a strange cry, Tao Yu lifted the front wheel and used the rear wheel alone to maintain balance, enjoying the fun of the ghost fire boy.

Then, relying on his excellent physical fitness, he forcibly pulled the motorcycle to try to ride over the vehicle.

He drove it quite smoothly.

The abandoned cars on the road seemed to have become the "earth mound" in front of Tao Yu for a while, and he would go up and play with it from time to time.

This mount, I really need to get one...

Tao Yu even thought of riding back and catching an alien on the grassland to try to use it as a mount.

But thinking about his strong physical fitness, which has exceeded the limit of the human body, the alien looks relatively slender.

But the power of this kind of willpower creature is naturally far superior to that of humans. It is easy to kill it, but it seems that it is really difficult to capture it violently.

Besides, the aliens usually come in groups, and the number of willpower that can be used for recovery is not enough, so he decided not to take risks for the time being, and save more money to consider it later...

"It would be best to find a horse or something, and see if I can cooperate with riding to come up with some skills such as taming."

Although Tao Yu played with the new toy for a while, it was impossible for him to rush into the city like this.

If he was really surrounded by the zombies, even Tao Yu now could only consider hiding in the shadows and running away. If the zombies were large enough, he might not even have the strength to run away.

"This group of zombies is poor and disgusting. It's better not to waste time on them if you can avoid them."

Tao Yu's excitement had worn off, so he slowed down and the roar became much smaller.

But even so, after he juggled his motorcycle onto the top of a pickup truck, he saw zombies in the city moving slowly towards this side. Apparently, the previous sound had still been transmitted and awakened these things.

It was a dark mass, and the number was quite astonishing.

"It's just that it's too troublesome to pick up teeth, otherwise it would be better to burn them with fire."

Tao Yu looked at the zombies coldly, and at the same time, his powerful eyesight also saw someone peeping behind the curtains in the building at the end of the street.

The people who could peek, in addition to the possible intelligent zombies, were most likely humans.

I just don't know if they were pioneers or the original inhabitants of the world fragments.

"We still need newspapers, or ask the natives."

As long as we can get enough information about the early stage of infection from the natives of the fragments, we can probably confirm whether it is a biochemical crisis.

If it is not a biochemical crisis, then the general zombie world is really barren...

After parking the motorcycle casually on the pickup truck, Tao Yu pulled out the key, then jumped off the road and moved towards the city in an oblique direction.

"There are no landmark buildings. It should not be a famous city. Seven months have passed. It is not likely to be bombed."

The biggest risk in the zombie world may really be the "disinfection" thing.

But the world in front of us should be put aside for the time being.

Watching the zombies slowly move along the road towards the direction of the sound, Tao Yu, who was bypassing from the side, was too lazy to chop down a few scattered zombies. No matter how small the wear and tear is, the knife will be useless. Just take two steps to bypass it.

"If an ordinary person is thrown here on the day of awakening, the risk is not small. Considering the random range of the delivery area, there may be unlucky people."

There are giant pythons in the rainforest, and now there are aliens, but the distribution is still relatively sparse. If the zombies are thrown into the city, it will be very unfriendly to the newbies who have to stay for fifteen days.

But on the other hand, if you choose to enter here for the second time, it is relatively safer, second only to the new world where you only need to pay attention to keeping warm.

Tao Yu bypassed a zombie and tripped it, causing the skinny zombie to fall to the ground. Many thoughts flashed through his mind.

There must be many pioneers who came here, and because of the way the location is described in the intelligence, there may be some who have entered this city.

I came here again after learning skills for more than half a month. Some of them are more hardworking, or those who fell here on the day of awakening may have begun to go deep.

But for the general ability of people outside the city, entering this city full of zombies is at most to protect themselves, draw maps, and search for supplies. It is still a bit difficult to pry too much reaction.

Let alone ordinary people from the outer city, Tao Yu himself would have a hard time really doing anything, there were too many zombies.

His super burst was good at decapitation, but his endurance was indeed a bit poor.

And I don’t know how many people from the inner city would be interested in the mission rewards here...


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