Tao Yu did not show any abnormality, and was not prepared to reveal his method.

Well, if he was really exposed, then he would rely on his camouflage ability to soften his face a little. Anyway, it was just a slight change in appearance, and it would be fine as long as it was still there...

After all, it was easy to hide from others, but it was not easy to hide Eve.

"Instigate her to betray the Spiritual Knowledge Society and the Witch Church."

Tao Yu kept thinking wildly in his mind.

But on the surface, he still said calmly

"Thanks to the information from Mr. 'Fool' and Mr. 'Hanged Man', I can give Qi Lingos' blood to Mr. 'Hanged Man', and you can agree on a storage location."

"Okay, thank you."

'Hanged Man' was also very happy. He himself did not know how to tell fortunes, but he was a member of the Storm Church after all!

This blood can play a crucial role when necessary.

Then he turned back and said respectfully to the Fool

"I will soon get a batch of Emperor Roselle's diaries, and I will start presenting them to you at the next gathering."

Mr. Fool seemed to be very satisfied with this, and said with a little joy

"Very good."

Tao Yu looked at it eagerly, and I wanted to see it too, but he didn't say it. After all, no one would doubt that the Fool could recognize Chinese characters, but too much information would be exposed on his side.

Find a way to get it by the way, preferably when he asks me for help.

Yes, if he asks me to help deal with Qi Lingos, I can also provide some help, and the price is the diary.

Then the gathering entered the normal communication session. Miss Justice purchased a complete pituitary gland of a seven-colored lizard dragon, which might be a potion material.

Last time, she didn't receive the potion of Sequence 8. Did she get it from the Tarot Club? Or was the acquisition of Sequence 8 just to show it off?

At this time, Tao Yu also keenly caught the answer of the Sun.

"I have only seen this kind of creature in textbooks."

What? There are textbooks on extraordinary creatures? This ‘sun’ doesn’t look very old, but it always feels a bit weird.

In the end, it was ‘Hanged Man’ Alger who agreed to help get this material.

“After I digest the instigator, there will be another channel for the potion material of Sequence 7.”

However, Tao Yu soon found a bright spot from Alger’s tone. This creature is about to become extinct?

But it seems that there is no need to worry about the audience’s path from now on? There must be a substitute?

But Alger didn’t say what it is specifically?

Tao Yu wanted to buy it with gold pounds, but he still held back a little. Let’s stabilize it for the time being. After all, it’s not a critical issue.

“Maybe it’s the conservation of mass and energy. Energy will not disappear, but it will be presented in another way.”

Tao Yu’s first Tarot Club went smoothly.

Later, he also learned that Mr. ‘Sun’ came from a place called Silver City, and the customs were completely different. It felt like he was not in this world. He believed in something like ‘the Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God’, which sounded like a higher status than the current true gods.

Moreover, Mr. Fool also asked Mr. Sun about their prayer ceremony.

In Tao Yu's opinion, it is possible that the Fool is really looking for the power and authority he has lost, just like he started to collect the diary of Emperor Roselle.

In this regard, Tao Yu also pricked up his ears to listen, and he was sure that he would be able to use it at any time.

"I should be sitting at the same table with the children in the Tarot Club now, so I still need to improve as soon as possible, and the prayer ceremony of the Sun seems to have some practical places..."

Tao Yu thought in his heart that with his current understanding and the knowledge he has accumulated in magic, it should be no problem for him to imitate related rituals by analogy.

After hearing the description of the Sun, some more wonderful ideas came to his mind.

After returning from the Tarot Club, he didn't think much and started to decorate his home directly.

"My own power is not suitable for this world and is easily detected, but judging from the residual information of the world's will, I can slowly integrate into it through the power of this world.

"Then by analogy, I pray for the corresponding power in the way of this world, which should be able to complete a layer of 'whitewashing'. I have a high-level 'divinity', so it shouldn't be a big problem, but I must be careful in the designated direction and don't receive those things outside the planet..."

As the ceremony was arranged, Tao Yu began to try

"In my name..."

"A pioneer who does not belong to this world;"

As the sound of a sentence fell, Tao Yu had a vague feeling and then tried.

"Unfettered assassin;"

"Owner of the highest [divinity];"

With the previous forced anchoring, Tao Yu also felt a sense of feedback to himself after reading the last two sentences!

"It works as expected. "

With a slight sense of joy in his heart, Tao Yu tried to "bless" himself, and stuffed a handful of black mud from the [Inherent Barrier] into his body.

If someone else really prayed like this, they would probably go crazy if they received a handful of black mud without any preparation, but Tao Yu himself didn't care at all.

With the natural control of the [Innate Demon Body], he immediately felt a surge of power filling his body!

"It can strengthen the body, and can also be transformed into the power of shadow, and even pollute and devour it. However, there is a time limit. It will gradually dissipate in an hour, but you can pray repeatedly."

Tao Yu probably felt it and was very satisfied with this change.

Although he exudes an ominous aura, he doesn't look like a good person.

The power of the gate will only arouse attention and hostility at the level of extraordinary people. It may be similar to the believers of some evil existence. It will not be the same as the previous [Inherent Temporal Control]. It is obviously a very orthodox power, but excessive use may cause Come and pay attention!

There are many evil forces in this world itself, and I have been whitewashed as a local.

From outsider to local gangster?

As Tao Yu thought, a layer of black shadow completely covered her, turning her into a shadow figure similar to that in Conan.

Who can still recognize me?

A new vest is born...

"If he meets Qilingos again, he will never come back."

Tao Yu gradually stuffed the blessed black mud back into the [Inherent Barrier].

Because the reserve volume inside the [Inherent Barrier] is ten times its own magic power!

Therefore, even if he only absorbs part of it to obtain temporary strengthening, Tao Yu feels that it will not be much worse than the normal state during his heyday.

It’s just a completely different style.

The only troublesome thing is that this ominous smell is too strong, and in a world where evil gods really appear, it can easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Although you are obviously a cheerful and good person, you may be misunderstood as a follower of an evil god. You must pay attention to the timing of using it and prepare a little in advance.

“It’s okay to pray in advance when needed, and after praying, you can directly fill the etheric body with divinity, covering the surface layer to prevent divination and the like.

"It can be regarded as an increase in the means of dealing with troubles. But then again, the 'Assassin' path corresponds to the 'Original Witch'. Spreading disasters is not a clean thing in the first place..."

Tao Yu was speechless for a moment.

Why do I seem to have become unclean?

"But now is a good time for me to digest the potion."

Tao Yu would definitely not dare to be so unrestrained when his power was not cleansed and could not be used casually.

But now, maybe you can give it a try...

First, place Qilinges' blood scab in the designated tavern agreed upon with the 'Hanged Man'.

Tao Yu walked towards the original meeting place of Mr. A.

"Mr. A's strength is not clear, but the person who was able to kill Eve's original boss should be around Sequence 5. Considering the sense of crisis when we met last time, I will definitely be able to touch him after praying.

"And I'm not trying to defeat him. I'm just testing it out. It shouldn't be a big problem. He can't see the light either..."

Tao Yu changed her appearance and put on a new vest.

Qilingos Sequence Six has a hand similar to Mr. A’s ‘Creep Hunger’.

It can be used as a reference to some extent.

If Tao Yu couldn't bless him, of course he would go as far as he could without getting sidetracked.

But now, he is still fully confident to test it out.

If the other party only feels the way he did last time, then that's fine. If he has some strong cards, he won't dare to make matters worse.

It shouldn't force out one's own [inherent barrier].

Taking ten thousand steps back, I still have more than one million aspirations.

"But shouldn't instigation rely on words? Why should I rely on hands?"

Tao Yu came to the alley next to the house where Mr. A had a party, and felt a little speechless.

But forget about him, it’s convenient to rely on your hands!

After taking out some ordinary materials and simply forming a spiritual wall and arranging a simple ceremony, Tao Yu began to pray directly.

“In my name;

"A pioneer who does not belong to this world..."

As Tao Yu finished her three-stage prayer, the next moment she stuffed a handful of black mud into her body.

As Tao Yu was wrapped in black shadow, she completely turned into a little black man.

An evil, ominous and depraved aura spread instantly.

The weak spiritual wall suddenly shattered, and a strong wind seemed to sweep across it.

There was no need for Tao Yu to rush in. A black shadow quickly emerged from the shadow of the window, condensing the traces of Mr. A.

Tao Yu also saw Mr. A's face for the first time.

Good guy, he's pretty good-looking, and he's also good at playing with shadows.

After Tao Yu showed this aura and malice, the other party did not take the initiative to attack when he came out, but said in a deep voice

"Who are you and what are you doing."

This made Tao Yu feel that the other party was stupid.

Since the other party was also good at shadows, Tao Yu, who had turned into a little black man, immediately changed his tone and said enthusiastically.

"Let's see if you are worthy of the title Mr. A."

The next moment, an even more evil and ominous black shadow emerged from Tao Yu's body, heading towards Mr. A in the opposite direction.

Seeing Tao Yu's attack, Mr. A also used his shadow to resist, but at the same time he seemed to have completed some kind of switch, making Tao Yu feel that there was something bad in the air around him. Even though he was wrapped in a black shadow, it seemed that It can also corrode your own body.

However, with [One Permanent Certificate], he is not afraid of this kind of weakening ability.

The shadows in the alley were like demons dancing wildly, and all kinds of palms were grabbing at Mr. A.

As an expert in playing with shadows, Mr. A could only passively resist.

The number of shadows controlled by Mr. A was obviously sufficient, and even looked thicker than the shadows controlled by Tao Yu at first.

But when the two sides collided, they were often swallowed by the shadows of the opposite side and turned into accomplices of the other side!

At this time, Tao Yu activated [Instigation], and said with full firepower under the blessing of black mud and his own innate magic body

"Hehe, your strength is just like this, how did you get the identity of a god's messenger? No wonder you have to cooperate with the witch to succeed, shame!"

Tao Yu didn't know what specific cooperation was, but judging from Eve's attitude, there must be cooperation, and it was also a double entendre to ridicule his ability to use the witch's soul.

Anyway, this time it was just to test the strength, to facilitate the positioning of subsequent activities, to clarify the current level, and to instigate...

But at this moment, it seemed that the effect of [Instigation] took effect, and the originally ordinary sentence immediately made Mr. A's emotions break and excited.

Just as Tao Yu's shadow was about to break through the blockade and catch Mr. A, he suddenly shot a gold coin towards Tao Yu.

The next moment, Tao Yu's shadow, which was originally as powerful as a bamboo, was weakened a lot, and immediately stalemate with the opponent's shadow.

Tao Yu felt a little surprised.

"What the hell?"

Taking advantage of this gap, Tao Yu suddenly felt a bad feeling, because Mr. A made a prayer gesture with a little fanaticism on his face.

This moment made Tao Yu restrain his attack, and then he immediately got into the shadow and disappeared.

Mr. A, who was in a praying posture, also showed some hesitation. After a while, he quickly returned to the house, returned to the basement, and came to an upside-down statue to pray, as if he wanted to get an oracle...


On the other side, Tao Yu, who found a place where no one was and left the shadow, also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is he crazy? Doesn't he believe in evil gods? How dare he! This is Backlund..."

Tao Yu's expression was a little surprised and doubtful. This either means that the Creator is really strong and not afraid of the righteous gods, or that all the members of the Aurora Club are really crazy, or both.

"But the goal has been achieved. He plays with shadows, so let's do it the other way around..."

Tao Yu turned around and headed towards the direction of the 'Breeze' dance hall...

It is convenient to rob the thieves of such a shady force. Even if they encounter unexpected situations that exceed their ability to deal with, the other party will have concerns.

As for Eve, let's deal a heavy blow to him, and kill the other witches.

Today, I am a temporary believer of the 'True Creator'!


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