Backlund Queen District, this is the place chosen by nobles and top businessmen, and it is also the core area with the best security in the entire Backlund.

But this kind of place with the best security is also prone to darkness under the lights.

In a gorgeous courtyard, a beautiful woman wearing a pure white robe with a lazy expression pulled up her hair loosely, revealing her small and delicate ears and slender white neck.

The whole person also exudes a sense of holiness and dignity.

In front of her, stood respectfully Eve, who was not as beautiful as she was, but even more charming.

"Yes, you digest the potion very quickly. How did you do it?"

Panadia praised in a lazy tone.

"I've been working harder lately."

"I will apply for you to apply for the main ingredient of the potion of sequence five. The formula has been given to you, but you should have heard that the higher the sequence in our situation, the easier it is to lose control."

The woman's words made Eve nodded heavily.

"My subordinate understands."

"I heard that you recently recruited a new person? And the sequence is not rising slowly?"

Hearing Panatia's words, Eve was stunned for a moment, but she still answered truthfully.

"Yes, he used to be an assassin. He digested the assassin potion very quickly and is already at sequence eight."

"Keke, very good. Before you finish digesting the instigator, bring him to play with you when you have time, so that I can see him too."

Panatia seemed to have thought of something wonderful, with a charming curve at the corner of her mouth.


Eve did not dare to disobey her immediate boss.

Although the other party looks sweet, he is actually ruthless in action!

At this moment, someone quickly approached and reported:

"The Breeze Ballroom was attacked by the Aurora Society and suffered heavy losses."

Hearing this, Panatia, who was originally smiling, couldn't help but frown, and Eve also said with some loss of voice.

"What's wrong with them?"

"The Aurora Society is still useful now. Just stay away for now and I will find a way to communicate."

As the person in charge of the Witch Church in Backlund this time, Panatia did not lose her cool, but instead stabilized her emotions.

The Aurora Society was originally like this, and they had hunted and killed a Sequence 5 witch before.

Although I don’t know what’s wrong with them, they can only endure it until it happens.

It’s really the matter that needs to be laid out this time. Without Aurora, it’s really not suitable. Only they are suitable to take the blame...

"Are you injured? Are you okay?"

Eve returned to the Breeze Ballroom to clean up the mess. After hearing that Tao Yu seemed to have been here and was injured, Eve also came to Tao Yu's house in the evening.

Then he saw a room filled with the smell of medicine. Tao Yu was lying here with some blood-stained bandages wrapped around her body. It seemed that she was seriously injured.

This made her feel a little angry.

"It's okay. I originally wanted to make an appointment with you for afternoon tea, but I didn't expect such bad luck."

There were blood stains on the bandage on Tao Yu's body, which made Eve's pretty face look a little gloomy.

"What happened this time? Who attacked the organization?"

Tao Yu's instigation started to activate, with the blessing of talent, and the incidental enhancement of the original deification, even if Eve belonged to Tao Yu's high-level sequence, she was immediately brought into the mood, and some said unhappily

"It's those lunatics from the Aurora Society."

"Ah? Mr. A? Didn't you say before that he also hunted down your former boss?"

There was shock on Tao Yu's face.


"This, why is this?"

Seeing that Tao Yu seemed a little aggrieved, Eve also looked a little distressed, and then said

"Don't worry about it, just take good care of yourself recently."

When Tao Yu heard this, he probably understood that the level of cooperation between the two parties was probably really high this time, and the witches were prepared to swallow their anger and suppress it.

There is a very high level of tolerance on one side, and it will undoubtedly be much more difficult for them to start filming, and they may even go bankrupt. I don’t know what they are planning, and it is definitely not a good thing...

However, he was not afraid of reconciliation. He indeed used the power of shadow to attack, which was exactly the same as Mr. A's method.

Even if Mr. A tells the story of his own attack, that's all. He is surrounded by people from the Aurora Society.

Even if it is an extreme member of the Aurora Society who is dissatisfied with Mr. A, there is actually no difference.

And judging from Mr. A's abnormal appearance, there is a high probability that he will not explain it specifically.

"Okay, you can't ruin the organization's plan because of me, don't worry about me, I'm fine, cough~"

Tao Yu coughed twice, and some blood stains appeared at the corners of his mouth, but he quickly wiped them away.

This inexplicably made Eve feel a little angry. Those crazy people had indeed gone too far.

And the organization, too, still swallowed its anger at this time, which made her feel quite dissatisfied and frustrated...

Then Eve sighed, took out a piece of paper and pen from her body, and started writing on it

"This is the recipe for Sequence Seven. I'll give it to you first, but you need to think about it carefully."

"How much?"

Tao Yu didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise.

"Consider it as compensation for your injury."

Eve didn't ask for money, but Tao Yu was stunned for a moment, and then she silently took the formula over and thanked her.


Sequence 7, ‘Witch’, should be the beginning of this sequence where there will be forced changes.

"Mr. A's continuous extraordinary weakening can vaguely see the spirit body of a beautiful woman. It should be through this method, right?"

Although he already knew from Tarot meetings that this approach was a scam, now that he had actually started to see it, Tao Yu felt like scolding her mother again.

Why wasn't such important information revealed in the first place?

Also the ‘Assassin’ path!

Assassin, your sister, you call this an assassin.

No wonder I felt that the instigator’s [instigation] was not serious, but it turned out that it was really not serious, and I was not wronged by it!

At first, I thought I was using [instruction] wrong, but in the end, this is actually the correct answer!

If I hadn't had [divine nature], I would have been deceived by you.

Could it be that there are a lot of bastards who want to tear off umbrellas after getting caught in the rain and do this on purpose...

Tao Yu complained feebly in her heart, and then she was silent for a while and asked Eve tentatively.

"This 'witch' means..."

"Literally, so you gotta think about it."

Eve's tone suddenly seemed a little dry.

Seeing Eve's appearance, Tao Yu wanted to confirm something and asked

"Then can I ask you a question?"

"I used to be a woman!"

Eve seemed a little angry.

"Oh, I have no problem. I'll think about it carefully. After all, the potion hasn't been fully digested yet."

"Let's go, take this time to recuperate, and don't ask her about her past as a witch..."

After Eve left, Tao Yu also looked at the formula, and the ingredients were clearly written.

"The main materials are the blood of the black abyss demon fish, the eggs of the agate peacock, what the hell, I've never heard of it. I still lack relevant knowledge, I need to make up for it, and those special languages..."

Although I don’t understand what these extraordinary materials are, it should be no problem to ask them at a party.

"I wonder if Mr. Fool can buy it directly. Hey, I guess he is not interested in gold pounds, and the counterfeit money may be discovered. Mr. A didn't kill him. The party is still there, so you can still find time to go."

Tao Yu thought about his current circle, and calculated that except for Mr. Fool, Mr. A was really the most high-end one.

But at this moment, Tao Yuxing's spiritual body suddenly fell into a trance, and then saw two images projected on a gray mist.

One of the images should be Miss Justice's prayer.

She discovered that Chillinges had actually sneaked into some Duke's ball in Queens.

The other prayer was from Mr. 'The Hanged Man'. He wanted to seek his help and cooperated with him to keep Qilingos with the help of the extraordinary items. He could pay for it and hoped that he could respond. one time.

Thinking of this, Tao Yu hesitated for a moment. After he was able to pray to himself, Qilingos still held it in his hand, but he would not look good. If he went with him, then forget it. If you don't go there alone, just block it.

Miss Justice reported the point in real time, and since she remembered the guy's aura, she could still give it a try.

Then he immediately started praying

"The fool who does not belong to this era...

"I am willing to provide assistance. The reward is to give me a copy of the diary and help me pay attention to the blood of the Black Abyss Demonic Fish and the eggs of the agate peacock. I am willing to pay gold pounds to purchase the latter two materials, or I can only ask for information."

After the prayer was completed, Tao Yu immediately started a new prayer after sensing that the Fool had thrown away the prayer.

“In my name;

"A pioneer who does not belong to this world..."

The next moment, after swallowing a handful of black mud, Tao Yu's whole body turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Zilingos, right?

You just attacked me before, right?

I have changed my mind from a shotgun to a cannon!

With Tao Yu's narrow-mindedness, he would not let Qilinges go even without the commission of 'The Hanged Man'.

I was somewhat injured in the sneak attack before.

Moreover, Tao Yu was also very envious of Qilingers' gloves.

This is an item that can effectively assist the current body's strength outside of this world!

Anyway, whether it's exploding equipment or taking revenge, Tao Yu is quite happy...

On the other side, 'The Hanged Man' Alger has entered Backlund in a debriefing manner.

After hearing the news about Qilinges, he immediately made various preparations.

For this fellow countryman whom he had known since childhood, he had to see him die.

Whether it is using Miss Justice's means, Mr. Fool's favored one, or Mr. Destiny who seems to have powerful extraordinary items.

Whoever finished it, he took it.

At this point, he still felt uneasy, so he started walking towards the Holy Wind Cathedral, preparing to directly look for his immediate boss, the Archbishop sitting in Backlund, the Semi-Saint of Sequence Four, the 'Singer of God' 'Ace Snake!

Qilingos must die!

But the 'Singer of God' seemed to have gone for a walk, and he was stunned for a while but couldn't find it...

On the banks of the Tasok River, Qilinges stumbled to the ground, his face a little pale.

The injury on his chest has recovered, and no problem can be seen, but many new scars have been added to his body.

"Damn it, if the traveler hadn't been caught, why would there be so much trouble?"

Qilingos complained a little, looking at the water in front of him but not entering it. He just wanted to create an illusion of escaping with the help of the river.

In fact, the greatest convenience for himself was to use the characteristics of the ‘faceless man’ captured by the ‘creeping hunger’ to change his appearance!

He simply stayed in place for a moment, and just when he was about to leave

The sky full of black shadows suddenly covered him, making him feel creepy.


And extremely powerful!

In an instant, the glove on his left hand burst into golden light, and he also made a gesture to embrace the sun.

Captured by the ‘creeping hunger’, the ability of the sequence 5 of the sun path suddenly bloomed.

A pure and hot light fell from the sky, as if it was going to disperse these black shadows!

However, this ability, which was originally a negative energy nemesis and as high as sequence 5, could not disperse these black shadows!

It was just a slight obstruction for a moment when the golden light appeared.

Those shadows that were darker than darkness, and seemed to be dripping with sticky ink, brought a sense of decadence and ominousness, as if covering the light source!

That light was more like a candle in the dark night, shaking constantly, as if it would go out at any time!

In the only remaining light, Qi Lingos looked at the darkness all around him, and there was also disbelief in his eyes.

Why, why did he attract such a strong man? !

Is there a demigod who has been protecting the target?

The Church of the Night?

However, he had no time to think more.

After just a pause, when the light dissipated, the shadows swarmed in!

The shadows turned into invisible ink blades, like a dance of silk threads, and directly cut Qi Lingos into pieces before he released the light again!

"After all, it's with the help of external forces."

Although the sudden golden light surprised Tao Yu, the so-called restraint is also mutual!

How could the negative energy blessed by his [Innate Demon Body] be purified so easily?

High enough quality is reverse restraint!

Tao Yu was just trying it out. Thinking that the other party might be good at using water, he came to the Tussock River and waited for the rabbit.

He didn't expect to really wait for this rabbit!

Although it seems that he didn't really want to use the river water to escape, he waited for it anyway.

The process is not important.

This guy probably didn't know that there would be such a high-ranking existence as Mr. Fool to conduct instant communication and report the location.

Just when Tao Yu used the shadow to catch the "creeping hunger" and was about to start sealing.

Suddenly, a creepy feeling emerged.


Turning his head, he saw a figure with bronze skin, soft features, but a little vicissitudes in his eyes, quietly watching him next to him.


Tao Yu's spiritual sense jumped.

He had a feeling that this was an enemy that he could not fight against in his prime, and it would be difficult to escape even if he used the [Inherent Barrier]!


Where did the strong man come from?

How come he jumped so much at once?

Is this Backlund? !

"So it's your prey, sorry..."

Tao Yu immediately let go of 'Creeping Hunger' and quickly fled.

Tao Yu, who was ready to mobilize his willpower at any time, was relieved after a simple observation that this big guy didn't chase him.

Strong, so strong!

Then he saw the figure stretched out his hand and swung it, and Qi Lingos's body and everything on his body seemed to be brought into the spirit world by him.

Another big guy who can use the spirit world to shuttle at will, a traveler? Or a high-level sequence of the apprentice path?

No wonder he can be so fast.

"It shouldn't be an official extraordinary person, otherwise he might attack me when he sees this unruly aura on me."

Tao Yu thought in his heart while running away.

But it feels like...

It seems that even if he is not an official extraordinary person, it is normal for him to attack me in such a strange way?

Why didn't the other party do it.

Could it be Mr. 'Fool'? !


Just as Tao Yu was running and thinking, a violent breath emerged from behind.

Looking behind him from a distance, it seemed that someone turned into thunder and flew towards this side with great momentum.

Just talking about the appearance accompanied by thunder, it was even worse than the previous big man!

Another strong man!

The strength is far superior to Mr. A!

"Who did this Qi Lingges offend? What virtue and ability..."

However, compared with the previous big man with vicissitudes in his eyes, the one who appeared behind, although powerful, did not put so much pressure on Tao Yu.

But he also had no intention of meeting the other party, so it was better to leave first...

"Is this the strong man in this world? The water is really deep. It is worthy of being a world with true gods..."

Tao Yu also felt a little emotional. Thinking of the peeping eyes outside the barrier and the true gods in this world, he also felt a sense of motivation.

I may not be able to sit on the throne!

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