"I'm just a weak and pitiful Sequence 8. This matter must have nothing to do with me. It turns out that higher Sequences can be so strong. It's a bit embarrassing. Why do so many of them appear..."

Tao Yumao returned home and began to re-wrap herself with blood-stained bandages.

From the moment he entered this world, he knew that the water in this world was relatively deep, so he had always been relatively low-key, and he had just integrated into the circle of the extraordinary world.

The people I have been in contact with so far are all the people at the children's table.

Except for Mr. A, who took the initiative to touch the tiger's beard to confirm its quality, he was also doing his duty honestly.

This time it was originally just to arrest Qilingos, and it was generally confirmed that it was within the scope of handling.

But who knew that two super strong men appeared one after another.

If it's the latter one, it's okay. Although it's strong, I'm very confident that I can survive it with the help of the power of the shadow side.

But the man in front with a sense of vicissitudes of life in his eyes looked like a supermodel!

Although he didn't take action, the aura was frightening.

"I don't know if it's Mr. Fool..."

Although Tao Yu was somewhat confident in his ability to block divination when he was filled with divinity, but just in case, he still planned to sneak out of Backlund for a while to see if there would be any pursuit.

It's so boring here...

"But it's best not to run around overnight. It's too obvious. Just be a little more normal. You happened to be injured. Go back to your hometown and rest..."

"Excuse me, 'Hurricane Lieutenant General' Qilingos was killed..."

Early the next morning, when Tao Yu was about to go out to find Eve for some more 'instigation', she heard today's newspaper.

After casually buying one, he also saw the contents inside.

"The Duke's bodyguard, it's obviously me."

Tao Yu couldn't help curling her lips when she saw the information written in the newspaper about being shot to death by the Duke's bodyguards.

But Tao Yu didn't have the guts to accept the reward or anything.

I still have millions of pounds in my pocket...

But from here, it can also be seen that the official confidentiality level of information about extraordinary people is still quite high.

At least ordinary people won't have the chance to hear it.

This is not a world where information transmission is very advanced...

Breeze Ballroom.

"Your injury hasn't healed yet, why are you out here?"

After Eve saw Tao Yu, she smoothed her hair and said angrily.

"I'm going to leave Backlund for a while and go back to my hometown to visit."

Tao Yu sighed, looking like he had seen through the world.

Under the influence of [Instigation], she didn't say anything, but it made Eve inexplicably fill up a lot of content in her mind.

The expression on his face alternated between sighing and indignation.

Tao Yu didn't know what she was thinking.

This [Instigation] effect is pretty strong...

"Well, there happens to be a mission over there in Tingen. You can show up by the way. You don't have to do anything. I'll just record that you went to support them."

Eve seemed to have thought of something.

"Okay, what's the mission?"

"Some members are asking for help. No one has been available before. But you can come and ask for help. There is no need to really help."

Eve seemed to say it nonchalantly, as if she was just looking for an excuse for Tao Yu.

"Okay, let me stop by and see if there are any materials."

Tao Yu's words made Eve's expression slightly stiff, but she still didn't say much.

"Bon Voyage."

"Before you leave, let's say goodbye properly. In the future, we may not have the chance."



The steam train arrived in Tingen with a roar. The originally four-hour journey may have turned into five hours due to some accident on the way.

Tao Yu walked off the steam train wearing a top hat.

"Tingen City is the hometown of this identity. Eve said that the official Beyonders here are generally around Sequence 7 and above. With the orthodox power of this world, you don't need to pay too much attention to them."

After arriving in Tingen, Tao Yu felt relaxed all over.

When he was causing trouble for Qilinges before, he suddenly encountered two high-sequence experts in a row, especially the first one, which really made Tao Yu feel a little pressured.

"Praise the fool."

Tao Yu was in a very good mood. Looking at the steam station, Tao Yu felt that the whole city was relatively slow-paced and not as depressing as Backlund.

Compared to Backlund, a city of five million people, Tingen has less than one-tenth of its population.

"Although it is small in size and has an average population, it has the title of a university city, with two well-known universities, as well as a technical college, a lawyer's college and a business school."

Tao Yu thought in her mind that she just came here to avoid the limelight.

Even if he is really found out, he will be at the level of the grumpy old man he saw last night, right?

It’s even true that I’m not ‘worthy’ of this standard in theory.

In this case, the certainty of escaping unharmed is still stable.

But if something happened in Backlund, it would be hard to say.

All three churches can at least use demigods, and they may even have stronger powers!

"Staying in Tingen for a few days is also a kind of test. I don't hide my identity specially. If something happens and I come here, I can just leave and change my identity. If I buy a ticket normally and come here without any problem, then it should be okay. It’s none of my business.”

No matter what, Backlund is still the most prosperous city on the northern continent. Tao Yu also feels that the possibility of contacting extraordinary things is greatest here, and he is still a little reluctant to leave.

After the storm has passed, he can go back again.

"The instigator's digestion is a bit unsatisfactory. It should be because of the wrong method. It all depends on the opponent's high sequence to be of some use..."

Tao Yu walked out of the station, directly called a carriage and drove towards the city center.

"Olsner Street."

Tao Yu told the driver the name of a street based on the address given by Eve.

However, Tao Yu was cautious and did not tell the house number directly. After all, the other party was a member of an illegal organization, so he should not implicate himself if anything happened.

Just wait until you find a hotel nearby to stay, and then find a chance to meet.

And soon, Tao Yu discovered that he was not being too cautious!

"Something really happened..."

Tao Yu was a little confused when she saw the police detective from Tingen pulled out a horizontal line to block '15 Olsner Street' in the direction of his target.

Did you just come here and something happened to the person you contacted?

But fortunately, it seems that the situation probably happened before I got on the train, and it has nothing to do with me.

"Good boy, the operator is gone. This is really interesting."

Tao Yu didn't show anything unusual on his face, but he said to the coachman curiously.

"What's going on ahead?"

"Something must have happened. This is Baron Hoy's house."

Tao Yu nodded and didn't ask any more questions, just like asking casually when he saw something unexpected happen on the road.

Finally, he let the carriage take him to a hotel, and then got out of the carriage.

"The person we met is Baron Hoy's widow, Mrs. Sharon, but now it seems that there is no way to meet again..."

Tao Yu has a headache. She wonders if she can receive the materials for the Seventh Sequence Witch...

The sky is getting dark, Tingen Pier area, ‘Evil Dragon Bar’.

Tao Yu pushed open the door of the bar and heard the lively shouts inside.

The traditional smell of alcohol and sweat from the bar came to his face, but Tao Yu's face was expressionless.

There is a semi-public extraordinary market here, where you can find some simple extraordinary materials, and occasionally you may still find something missing.

It was a place Eve told herself, and it should be relatively safe.

"This bar isn't very serious."

Tao Yu saw that on the table in the center of the bar, there was not a dancing beauty, but two shirtless tough men having a fighting match.

The people next to them kept cheering them on.

"The trading market is in the billiard room."

Tao Yu didn't stay here too long and came to the billiard room. There were two guards here. However, after Tao Yu expressed his intention, they stepped aside and allowed him to enter the secret door at the back.

This is a room the size of half a football field, somewhat similar to a warehouse.

Different from the extraordinary gathering at Mr. A's place, here it seems that the emphasis is more on 'setting up a stall', and you are responsible for the profits and losses, and it all depends on your eyesight.

"It's a bit like an antique market. There seem to be more ordinary people. It's more like a gathering place for enthusiasts, but that's right. There shouldn't be many extraordinary people in this city..."

Tao Yu thought in his mind that the possibility of Taobao in the superficial underground market was relatively low.

"Haha, death! Destruction! Ominous! Haha~"

The sudden sound coming from his ears made Tao Yu feel terrified, and then he saw a man with a pale face and unfocused eyes looking at him blankly.

This immediately made Tao Yu's heart sink, damn, what on earth is this.

But he soon discovered that no one else around him seemed to have any reaction to this, but he was the only one who was a little too aggressive.

I couldn't help but feel a little speechless for a while.

The vendor closest to him laughed.

"Is this your first time here? He's always been so talkative. Just get used to it."

"Yeah, it scared me."

Tao Yu looked relieved, but deep down he was a little confused.

Although this man looked like an ordinary person, what he said made me feel different.

But soon Tao Yu's eyes lit up slightly. He saw the materials written on a sign, including a set of auxiliary materials for the Sequence Seven magic potion.

Shadow lizard scales!

Not bad, good luck.

Although they are only auxiliary materials, it is good to prepare these bits and pieces first.

At that time, all we have to do is find a way to exchange for the main material at some orthodox extraordinary gathering.

I just bought the scales and walked around the market, Tao Yu was shining again

"There is also golden mandala juice. I'm very lucky. Although these are just ordinary materials with only a little extraordinary touch. But if it weren't for this kind of place, I wouldn't be able to collect it for a while. At least this time Tingen’s visit was not in vain…”

But after Tao Yu paid for it again, he frowned slightly and suddenly felt like he was being watched.

"Tsk~, I asked you how you got two auxiliary materials so easily. Someone is fishing..."

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