Dunn has seen the death of many companions, leaving him one after another.

He would even use a special secret method to eat their extraordinary properties so that they could continue to accompany him in his dreams.

But this time when I saw this newcomer, a young college graduate who had just joined the team for two months, my heart was still filled with emotions.

Looking at the streets that were almost empty due to the previous movement, and the twisted and deformed monster in the middle of the streets.

Dunn opened the urn in his hand and inserted one hand directly into it.

"You succeeded in delaying it, now it's my job..."

As his arm twisted, countless black threads swarmed towards the monster bound by the glorious wound.

The deformed monster, whose reaction was much slower, was unable to break free for a while and could only let out a baby cry again.

For a moment, Dunn seemed to be affected. The arm inserted into the urn began to bleed, and the black silk thread that bound it became messy, with a tendency for the monster to break free.

But as he roared, his arm rotated again, the sound of cracking bones appeared, and a large amount of blood gushes out.

The dark silk thread in the urn seemed to be much thicker again.


With his wrist broken, Dunn half-knelt on the ground with his face covered in blood. Holding the urn in one hand, he forcefully inserted half of his arm into it again.

The two sides were once again in a stalemate.

The holy ashes themselves are Sequence 4 ‘Nightwatch’ level extraordinary items, belonging to the demigod level.

But it was Dunn's Sequence Seven that prompted the move.

On the other side, the unfinished offspring of the evil god also had many shortcomings of its own. After being hit by the 'Sun Flame Spell' that Klein desperately used, it was no better.

Both sides are half-assed.

However, as time goes by, if the other two extraordinary organizations of the church, the 'Mechanical Heart' and the 'Punisher', arrive with sealed artifacts, it will be enough to control the situation.

"As long as I can continue to hold on, just for a moment..."

Dunn endured the pain in his body and the frenzy that was almost out of control, and suppressed the opponent tightly.

However, at this moment, there was a puff~

Dunn's wrist holding the urn was broken again.

But this time it was not his self-sacrifice, but was cut off directly by a figure that appeared.

The urn also fell into the hands of the figure.

"Thank you for your hard work. The power of Saint Selina's ashes has been weakened to this level just right. Otherwise, I will be in trouble if I take it away."

A voice came from the side.

Dunn, who was lying on the ground, reluctantly looked sideways.

The visitor was wearing a double-breasted pure black clergy robe and a soft hat. His hair was dark blond and his pupils were so blue that they were almost black. The most eye-catching sign was that he was blind in one eye.

Ince Zangwill, the defected archbishop who stole the 0-08 sealed artifact of the Church of the Night!


Dunn activated the Sequence 4 Sealed Artifact almost to the point of overdraft. Coupled with the physical trauma, his voice was particularly hoarse at this time.

"Oh, you're not dead yet? This is a bit different from my script, so I can only do it myself..."

Before Ince Zangwill finished speaking, black dots suspended in the air seemed to appear in front of his eyes, like floating ink droplets.

The moment his pupils contracted, the suspended ink droplets gathered together and flew towards him in an instant.

The messy ink blades danced in the air, making Ince Zangwill retreat in anger!


A series of wounds appeared on Ince Zangwill's body, as if he would be cut into pieces with random knives if he slowed down even a moment.

"This is different from the script!"

Ince Zangwill looked a little shocked as he looked at the shadowy figure with an unclear face that emerged from the shadows.

He couldn't recognize what the other party's power was used for, the dark night? Prayer? No, none of it is right!

What's this?

Who is this? !

But he already had the thing in hand, but he had no intention of stopping to fight against the enemy at this time.

When he was attacked, a quill instantly wrote a line of words in the air.

'...Although there were some accidents along the way, Megoos was able to escape without the suppression of the sealed object, and launched a frantic attack on those who suddenly appeared...'

Tao Yu had just failed to succeed with his attack, and when he was about to continue the pursuit, he suddenly felt the sound of wind coming from the side.

He had to give up on the guy who was running further and further away, and directly clasped his hands together, countless shadows wrapped around the distorted Megoose.

Sealing technique!

The dark chains appeared out of thin air and instantly penetrated Megoose's body.

The Lock of Heaven, which was purely made of black mud, seemed to have turned into pure black, like an abyss, firmly holding Megoos in place!

If Megoose was still in full strength, she might still be able to struggle, but she forcefully ate Klein’s ‘Sun Flame Talisman’ that overstretched her life, and also suffered the suppression of the Sequence Four Sealed Artifacts.

At this time, facing Tao Yu in this semi-disabled state, he could only struggle in vain.

There were constant roars coming out of his mouth, accompanied by bursts of babies crying!

The baby's cry was extremely strange, as if the nearby stones were coming to life, but it had no effect on Tao Yu, whose divinity filled the etheric body and covered the surface of his body.

"It's really unpleasant. Has anyone ever told you not to make random noises?"

Seeing that Dunn couldn't bear the crying, Tao Yu threw her hands away.

Then the sealing was accelerated.

These two beasts were not very harmful, but extremely insulting. As a descendant of the evil god, how could he bear this anger? He seemed to be twisting more and more crazily.

But when he was about to continue, Tao Yu stuffed a handful of black mud into his mouth like shit.

This made him struggle even more furiously.

Although the chain made a creaking sound.

But he couldn't break free no matter what. As black tadpole lines slowly crawled over his body, the movement became smaller and smaller.

Then there was a digestive feeling that was assimilated and absorbed by the covered black shadow!

"Can it replenish the lost black mud? Excellent material, the second deified [Innate Demonic Body] is really not something you can't cover..."

Tao Yu felt that the black mud was decomposing the thing and filling the gaps in the [Inherent Barrier], and she felt a little amazed in her heart.

I really eat everything...

After stabilizing the scene.

After looking at the people who had escaped, then at Dunn who was still breathing, and at the dead Klein, Tao Yu also sighed.

Looking at Klein's body, Tao Yu was a little touched in her heart. This young man was actually quite a good person, and he helped to obtain many of his conditions.

A separate room with a hot bath and a separate bathroom gave him a good sense of respect as a prisoner.

Taking a look at the badly damaged streets and Dunn, who was desperately trying to prevent the spread of evil, Tao Yu could also feel the responsibility and mission they carried.

Tao Yu himself doesn't like to be shackled, but he will never look down on those who shield others from the wind and rain...

"Thank you, thank you, who are you..."

Dunn was still bleeding and couldn't get up. He just rolled over on the ground with his broken arm and turned to look at the dark figure.

To a certain extent, it is a bit like the disguise of the Night Path, and also like the use of shadows by the Mystic Path.

"A passing believer, I asked the god I believe in, and he acquiesced in my coming..."

Tao Yu looked back at the end of the street. At this time, Leonard was heading this way with another group of extraordinary people.

After taking a look at the aberrant body that had been completely sealed and even partially digested, Tao Yu also withdrew the shadow.

"Well done, retire well, I hope you won't come to arrest me..."

After saying goodbye, Tao Yu jumped up and fell directly into the shadow of the street next to him, and then quickly disappeared.

The partially digested aberration, which looked even more grotesque, also fell to the ground. Its body was covered with some strange black tadpole patterns, which seemed to firmly lock its extraordinary power...

Tingen, Raphael Cemetery.

Tao Yu looked at Klein's sister with her eyes distracted, and watched as Klein's brother and Leonard came over carrying Klein's coffin.

Looking at that photo, it looks bookish, even a little green.

Tao Yu couldn't help but sigh.

"Everything is about profit and loss, everything is considered first and last, and everything is thought twice before taking action. It seems a bit fucked up..."

He and Klein had just met, and his contact with Dunn and the others could even be regarded as the process of his own arrest.

But this group of guys, whose strength and confidence were not as good as theirs, faced the Evil God's children, but they all faced the difficulties without any hesitation, without any hesitation.

Didn't they know they were going to die? Most likely, I still know...

And this is just to save a few ordinary people from dying.

This is hard to imagine in the atmosphere of the Trail Blazers.

Obviously both sides may be facing similar circumstances...

In fact, the lives of ordinary people have little to do with them. After discovering the problem, they come back and concentrate their efforts to make it safer. At most, they will only kill more people.

But they didn't do that.

Shouldn't safety come first...

There was a hazy drizzle in the sky. Tao Yu looked up at the gloomy sky and let the rain fall on him. Before the funeral was over, he turned around and left. He went to the hospital and saw that he could sit up after undergoing ritual magic treatment. Dunn.

At this time, Dunn's body was still covered with bandages, and there were some blood stains on the bandages. He was looking out the window blankly.

Hearing the sound of Tao Yu coming in, he turned around and looked over. His gray eyes blinked and he nodded to him.

"I have already helped you apply for the main materials for the Sequence 7 'Witch', and I will bring them with me when processing the sealed artifact this time."


Tao Yu pulled up a stool and sat on the edge, helped Dunn peel a piece of fruit, and asked casually

"You are not afraid of death."

"Afraid, why not afraid, but someone has to step in, I am the strongest in this city, there is nothing I can do..."

Dunn leaned against the bed and seemed to be sighing.

"Some powerful extraordinary items will have various negative effects when used. It is best not to use them when you can't use them."

Dunn raised his severed hand and looked at Tao Yu seriously.

"So Captain Dunn is saying not to imitate you?"

"That's right, just a piece of advice..."

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