On the steam train leading to Backlund, Tao Yu looked at the scenery moving behind the window. Although the speed was not as fast as the green train, it was the most convenient means of transportation in this era.

"Airships are more expensive, and current airships have little relevance to ordinary people."

When the train turned a corner, Tao Yu looked at the steam and black smoke emitting from the front of the train, shook her head and closed the window.

In the end, he became an informant of the Church of the Night, and after obtaining the materials for the 'Witch' potion, he also agreed to continue to penetrate into the organization suspected of being the vest of the Witch Church. If he had any information, he could directly contact Backlund's Night Watch. connect.

There will also be a corresponding reward mechanism.

"Am I considered a non-staff contractor now? Well, without a basic salary, labor dispatch doesn't even count..."

Tao Yu smiled mockingly, but had no objection to this.

At least he still prefers the behavior of the Witch Sect and the Church of Dark Night.

Tao Yu was touched by the fact that ordinary night watchmen in the rural area of ​​Tingen had such a high level of consciousness.

Although he had been awakened for less than two years, he had already seen a lot of life and death, and had killed a lot of people with his own hands.

But it was still a bit unpleasant to see Klein, a passionate young man, die in front of his eyes to protect someone who had nothing to do with him.

Perhaps, he could have been saved...

Although Tao Yu doesn't like self-PUA and blames herself for the problem, this time she still feels...

Well, although it’s not really guilty, it’s somewhat regretful and sad…

"Although the 'Instigator' has not yet finished digesting it, there is still no problem in drinking the 'Witch's' potion."

Tao Yu's physical condition is good enough, and with the immunity on the mental side, there is no need to worry.

But you still have to think about it a little bit afterwards.

Both the Witch Sect and the Church of the Night knew that they had chosen this path. If they hadn't changed into a living person, it would have been too obvious.

"I don't know what the assassin's adjacent path is, but if you need sequence four to easily jump to the path, it seems that it's too late. Forget it, just go through the neutral point."

Tao Yu thought of Sun Shiqing and wondered how effective it would be to feed her the magic potion.

I feel a little excited for no reason...

Returning to his residence on Minsk Street, Tao Yu did not go to see the launch of his witch sect first, but began to configure the witch potion.

After Gulu Gulu's potion was finished, Tao Yu took a sip without any hesitation.

A sense of soreness ran through my body.

"The impact on the body is stronger, but the biggest change is on the mental side. There are so many more abilities... Sequence Seven is simply a stage of qualitative change."

Tao Yu murmured to himself, the physical strengthening was not much, it just made the body softer. The small skills he learned before were also related, but this time he just 'washed' them out.

As his own strength slowly develops, his body side is no worse than Qilingos.

As for extraordinary abilities, Tao Yu discovered that the witch path has many more practical abilities.

The first is [Invisibility], which directly unlocks part of his own shadow ability, and controls black fire and frost, which also unlocks part of his mental power.

"Although Sequence Eight has not been fully digested, and Sequence Seven has not been digested at all, but in summary, even if you don't pray to yourself, it should be stronger than Qilingos, but in order to avoid suspicion, try not to overdo it."

Tao Yu knew that his identity was shady, so it was best to make a fortune in silence, and just act like a Sequence Seven on weekdays.

He opened his trousers and took another look, he was still so majestic.

Although he is very confident in his [divine] status, when it comes to this kind of thing, he still needs to be more sure.

I took a mirror and looked at it. My facial lines were softer and my temperament was slightly more feminine.

Originally, the [Innate Demonic Body] came with this effect, so I didn’t really care about it.

"But it seems that's not enough..."

Tao Yu relied on the second deification of [Shaping] to fine-tune his appearance.

It was originally slightly adjusted to suit the characteristics of the local people, but now it makes the originally handsome face softer and more delicate.

Although it's just a few minor adjustments, the description can change from 'handsome' to 'beautiful'.

"After all, I have known Sun Shiqing for such a long time, so I still grasp the details very well."

Tao Yu looked in the mirror and felt very satisfied.

A kind of neutral beauty that kills both men and women, or it purely embodies the definition of "beauty".

This is an aesthetic that applies to men, women, old and young.

"How do you get in shape?"

Tao Yu is not a pervert. It doesn't matter if she slightly adjusts her appearance, but her figure is just...

Then he had an idea and pulled out some more bandages and wrapped them around his chest several times.

Pretending to be restraining oneself, but actually restraining a lonely person.

Put on a shirt and trim your hair a little shorter, and you really look dashing.

"That's it, let people who know the truth think that I can't accept this reality."

After putting on the little vest again, Tao Yu was also very satisfied with the current situation.

Guess as much as you like, the most damaging power of brainstorming is...

Tao Yu did not go to find Eve. Anyway, such a short time sequence of seven is probably a bit exaggerated. Anyway, Mrs. Sharon is cold, so it is normal for her to be out of touch, right?

I ran out to Fors and Xiou, told them I was back, and checked Miss Justice's diary to see if there was any new diary.

"Wow, why do I feel like you've become prettier? You smell nice."

Xiou opened the door and looked at Taoyu suspiciously. He felt something was a bit strange last time.

"Are you attracted to me? This is called a filter."

Taoyu flicked the dwarf's forehead, causing Xiou to glare at him. He punched Taoyu hard, but Taoyu's superb fighting skills easily caught and resolved it.

"Eh? But it seems like it really is. Did you dress up specially?"

Fors originally wanted to come over to mock him when she heard the voice, but she found that he really became handsome..., well, beautiful...

"I just changed my hairstyle and clothes. You guys are thinking about love."

Taoyu used such shameless words to stop the two of them from worrying about this issue.

"We haven't contacted the young lady recently. You know about Qi Lingos's matter. We are worried about being involved. If there is no problem, I think she will contact us on her own initiative."

"Okay, my address has not changed. Contact me directly if you have anything."

"By the way, we heard a little information about the "Assassin" path. It is said that there will be a big change after Sequence 7. Are you really not an assassin?"

Fors said with some doubts.

"Hehe, guess."

Tao Yu showed a dead fish eye expression. Fortunately, I have my own cheat, otherwise I would be really cheated by this path!

Although it is known information, Tao Yu still paid a reward of one gold pound.

I am not short of money. If I use more money to keep these poor guys hanging, I can also have more channels for information...


"Huh? No. 15 is also rented out."

Tao Yu took a carriage back home and glanced at the room that was originally rented out. It seems that someone is already in it.

But Tao Yu didn't care much.

Today is the new issue of Tarot Club.

Last time, I asked for leave because I was worried about being followed by the official extraordinary people. This time, there is no problem.

As Tao Yu returned home, he lived alone and had no worries. He went directly to the bedroom and waited quietly.

As three o'clock in the afternoon came, Tao Yu felt a spiritual trance again, and then his spiritual perspective was infinitely elevated, and he re-entered the gray fog hall...

The same few people remained unchanged, and Miss Justice was the first to make a cheerful voice that made people feel happy.

"Good afternoon~, Mr. Fool, Mr. Hanged Man, Mr. Sun, Mr. Destiny~"

Several people nodded accordingly.

Mr. Fool did not speak specifically, and several people did not know that the last extraordinary gathering was directly cancelled.

Then it seemed that Mr. Hanged Man was the most anxious, and he took the lead to signal

"Mr. Fool, I got a total of 19 pages of diary this time, but I can't remember so many at one time, please allow me to provide them to you in batches.

"Thank you for sending your followers to help me get rid of Qilingos, these are the rewards I should pay. ”

Hearing the words of the Hanged Man, Tao Yu also had a feeling of ‘as expected’ in his heart.

“Is the guy who brought me an extremely dangerous feeling the supporter of Mr. Fool? The help that the Hanged Man prayed for? No wonder he didn’t attack me.”

“Hey, Mr. Hanged Man, since you have already asked Mr. Fool’s supporter for help, you still asked me to take action. I almost got misunderstood.”

Tao Yu complained, and then saw the Fool sweeping his eyes across his body.

Tao Yu didn’t know why Mr. Fool was looking at him.

On the contrary, the ‘Hanged Man’ kept apologizing

“I’m really sorry. I didn’t think it through. I’ll also give you the diary page that I promised to give you before. "

Alger apologized quickly.

He remembered what the 'Singer of God' said. In addition to the high-sequence person in the Death Path, there seemed to be another person present, but the other person left earlier.

If this person is Mr. 'Fate', then it means that he can leave safely when the 'Singer of God' finds him from a distance!

Although it may be that the 'Singer of God' is concerned about the demigod of the Death Path, it is enough to show that Mr. 'Fate's' strength is not simple. I am afraid it is not just the so-called 'extraordinary items'!

And the next words of Mr. Fool seem to confirm this point.

"Your ability is very interesting. You also stopped the arrival of the evil god's offspring in Tingen. You did a good job. "

Klein saw Tao Yu's prayer only after he was resurrected, which made Mr. Fool a little speechless.

When you prayed, I was almost beaten to death, how could I respond to you?

Fortunately, you felt that you had "acquiesced" to take action, otherwise I don't know what would happen.

Afterwards, Klein performed divination on the gray fog and was able to determine that the power in Mr. Fate was also a high-level existence that could not be divined.

At the same time, combined with the reply from Mr. Azik, who he commissioned, he probably knew that it was Mr. Fate, now a fellow villager named Foko Sosi, who took action.

Although I don't know what kind of power it is, it should be a price paid to temporarily obtain an ability beyond Sequence Five.

I have the gray fog plug-in, and my fellow villager also has his plug-in, which is normal...

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