"The divination ritual is quite interesting. Well, I feel like the witch's potion has been digested a bit."

Tao Yu was like a new toy he had just acquired, and Klein was still having fun playing with it after he returned.

In addition to 'dream divination', many divination predictions are a bit mysterious and need to be interpreted by yourself.

But it's very convenient.

The easiest way is to toss a coin.

"But unfortunately, although divination is driven by spirituality, my divinity cannot be leaked, so it is still difficult to eliminate interference. However, there are also some normal anti-divination methods, which can at least serve as a layer of interference to the line of sight."

His strongest anti-divination ability is [Divinity]. If he actively floods all spiritual bodies, including the etheric body, he is at least anti-divination.

But it’s hard to be sure about things outside your own body.

In the same way, when you use objects outside your body for divination, you will also be interfered by the anti-divination ability.

However, if it is 'dream divination', the presentation of this kind of active consciousness, if it can be successfully activated, can also be regarded as possessing some high-level characteristics.

It's a pity that the items for 'Dream Divination' need to have 'spirituality', and divination will consume the 'spirituality' of the item, so there are not many scenarios and times where it can be used.

Whether it is accurate or not depends entirely on your own divination skills...

"And in fact, divination does not stick to the form. You can make some adjustments and modifications yourself."

Tao Yu casually took the coffee cup that Klein had finished drinking before, and then used it as a medium to conduct a simple fortune telling.

I took a few playing cards and wrote on them the marks ranging from 'good luck' to 'bad luck'.

Use your own understanding and changes to perform some whim tests.

If it weren't for the lack of bamboo, he would have prepared some bamboo slips, but no one would know them anyway.


Three consecutive ‘big disasters’…

"Good guy, I think he has a bloody disaster..."

Tao Yu scratched his head a little.

I'm just getting started? Or something else?

Tao Yu then made some simple modifications to make it more precise.

But the result is this.

‘It’s hopeless’, ‘Let’s wait to die’, ‘Farewell’…

Without external force, death is certain!

"Stop being so serious..."

Tao Yu felt a little speechless about the divination result, but after he played for the rest of the night, it was dark and there was no one on the street.

There was a knock on the door in his room.

This made Tao Yu stunned for a moment, and he listened to his footsteps. It wasn't Klein, who was so early...

Going over and opening the door, Tao Yu saw a figure wearing a police sergeant's uniform with a slightly impatient expression.

Extraordinary ones...

Tao Yu could vaguely make a judgment, but judging from some muscle lines, the opponent's physical strength was average and not as good as his current one.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Tao Yu said inquiringly.

"Hello, I'm Fassin. As you can see, I'm a police sergeant. I'm here to consult you on something. You know Detective Sherlock No. 15, right, and you seem to have a good relationship."

After hearing what the other party said, Tao Yu probably understood something. It must be the trouble with Klein. She probably felt that she was close to him, so she came to inquire.

An official Beyonder masquerading as a police detective?

It seems that Klein mentioned that he had a plan before.

"Yes, we are good neighbors. Would you like to come in and sit down?"

Tao Yu made a gesture of invitation, which made Sheriff Fassin hesitate for a moment, and then nodded.

"Tea or coffee?"

"No sugar in the coffee."

While Tao Yu went to prepare things for the guests, he also began to prepare to answer questions, but the next moment he found that his legs were a bit stiff and mechanical.

This made Tao Yu frown. After immersing himself in his spiritual body, relying on his divine personality, he saw that there seemed to be a thread extending on his spiritual body, and was then controlled by the other party.

Slowly start from the etheric body and gradually invade!

When reaching the mental body, it can even give people a fragmented slide-like feeling.

What's going on? Launch a direct attack on yourself?

"If this thread invades the spiritual body, ordinary people will die, right? This is not arresting me, but trying to kill me?!"

Tao Yu felt surprised.

My own sense of crisis is actually not obvious!

The opponent has extremely strong interference ability and can easily hide his murderous intention!

Although these threads can be dispersed immediately as long as the divinity is released, Tao Yu frowned a little.

This guy is not an official Beyonder...

"Who are you? Why do you do this..."

Tao Yu seemed to be struggling and turned around stiffly.

But the 'Chief Fassin' who was sitting on the sofa with the old god around chuckled lightly, and seemed to relax a little when he saw that the target had entered the weaving trap.

"You are a trouble. Yesterday I kept doing divination, and they said it would be fatal if I came directly. They made me wait all night, so I decided to deal with you first."

Hearing this, Tao Yu also understood.

This is the strong man bribed by that Intis ambassador!

He wanted to kill Klein yesterday, but because Klein came to his home, he has been studying divination since he returned. If he attacked Klein at that time, he would most likely be aware of it and provide support!

If the bodyguards hired by Klein cooperate with him, they will most likely be able to counterattack him.

So this guy decided to deal with me first after divination?

"You are very powerful. Even if I were to deal with you alone, my divination would indicate that there is a medium danger. Moreover, your spirituality is very strong. It feels that you are not much worse than Sequence 5, and you have surpassed Sequence 6 by a lot. Now I can't fully control it."

This guy seems to be a chatterbox. After seeing that the situation was under control and Tao Yu's movements became more and more stiff, he kept talking to himself.

"My name is Rosago. This ability is the most difficult ability under the high sequence. As long as I give me time, I can deal with any enemy."

At this point, Rosago had a smile on his face.

"So, do you know why I told you so much? The longer the time drags on, the better it is for me. It is meaningless for you to keep thinking about how to break the current situation. Time is on my side."

Tao Yu raised his finger with difficulty and pointed lightly.


A piece of black flame that seemed to have no temperature suddenly burst out from Rosago's body.

This flame was extremely strange. It clearly covered Rosago, but it did not hurt the sofa next to him at all, as if it had locked him.

This made Rosago's face reveal a trace of amazement.

"Witch path? Oh, I'm so lucky, it seems that I can get a beautiful doll."

Rosago's smile gradually became a little perverted.

"Sequence 6 Pleasure Witch? No wonder she is so beautiful, but your flame is very strange, and it is more handy than ordinary witches."

Rosago seemed to be burning not himself, and gradually turned into a paper man, and his figure appeared beside Tao Yu with a burst of flames.

This ability to directly convert damage made Tao Yu a little speechless.

It's so weird, this guy's physical ability is not strong, but whether it is the control of silk thread or the means of transferring damage, it is too metaphysical!

The destructive power is not great, but the actual combat power is superior.

Tao Yu raised his hand slowly with difficulty, as if he wanted to attack Rosago, but the slow movement fell into Rosago's eyes, but it looked a little funny.

"Although your Sequence Nine is an 'Assassin', the witch itself is not known for its physical strength. Oh, maybe you can beat me in another way..."

Rosago attacked later, and when Tao Yu's fingers touched his shoulder, they were about to touch Tao Yu's face.

But the next moment, Tao Yu's fingers turned into fists.


Rosago was knocked out like a rag doll, smashing the wall behind him and hitting the bedroom.

Then Tao Yu's restraints were loosened.

Tao Yu, who was relaxed, immediately rushed directly to the room with broken walls and dust.

Must finish off!

But at the same time, a burly figure suddenly broke through the wall in the direction of the street and rushed in, and a huge force attacked Tao Yu directly.


No! It's a puppet!

"Good guy, will the spirit line become a puppet after being controlled?"

Tao Yu didn't know what the big guy in front was, but in terms of physical strength, it was even better than himself!

With a wave of his hand, the wall was crushed into powder and the ground cracked!

However, the movements were too rigid, and there was no fighting skills at all.

Tao Yu pressed the opponent's fist with one hand, and then the whole person was fixed with a scissor leg cross.

Even if the opponent's strength was still above his own, with the rotation of the trend, he easily broke the opponent's arm with a click.

But at this moment, Tao Yu himself instantly turned into a black shadow, dissipated like an ink painting, and then appeared in a mirror in the room.

And at the moment when Tao Yu disappeared, a flaming spear passed by.

The source was from another direction.

Another one?

"The body is not strong, but all kinds of weird means are a bit incredible."

Tao Yu used the witch's ability to avoid the gunshot with the help of the mirror, and found that the distance between him and the target was actually farther!

Rosago, who came out of the dust, seemed to have all his original injuries strangely transferred to one arm.

The arm was drooping on one side, but there was no other damage on the body.

After a while, as he took out another paper figure, the injury on his arm was restored to its original state!

It should be that this kind of paper figure cannot be used continuously, which slowed down his transfer.

"A bit shameless..."

Tao Yu, who was next to the mirror, looked a little solemn.

There was no way, he needed to pray for the power of the black mud, and this identity might not be possible.

But at this moment, Tao Yu's expression moved slightly, and he found that Rosago suddenly stiffened, as if he had encountered some difficulties.

Even the two puppets slowed down.

"Grudge! Damn..."

Rosago's expression was a little ugly, which made Tao Yu's eyes bright.

Klein's support arrived.

That's right, with such a big commotion, he should wake up even if he was sleeping like a dead pig.

There's hope!

It seems that Rosago also knows that this is a critical moment, and he is struggling to control the puppets to attack Tao Yu.

It's completely at all costs.

The tall figure with the broken hand had a layer of light armor on his body, and a huge sword condensed in his hand, and he chopped randomly as if both of them were weightless.

The load-bearing pillars around were easily cut off, and the whole room exploded instantly, and the house collapsed.

The flaming spear in the hand of the other figure turned into a sky full of fire crows, igniting the leaked gas...


The rented townhouse exploded instantly, causing a violent roar!

And Rosago seemed to have the ability to jump with the help of flames.

Even in this terrifying impact, he managed to escape in a panic.

Looking at the collapsed house after the explosion, there was also ruthlessness in his eyes.

"I didn't want to make such a big noise at first. Do you really think I can't kill you!"

Although Rosago's body was still stiff, the resentful soul attached to him was also stuck in a stalemate on the line of spirit body.

"Now, it's time to get rid of you!"

Although they both belonged to Sequence 5, Rosago was confident that he could win this final competition and harvest a resentful soul puppet.

However, the consumption in the front was relatively large, which would take some time, and he couldn't be distracted...

But at this moment, Klein, who came late in pajamas, had already pointed the barrel of the gun in his hand at his head.

Bang bang bang~

The empty magazine shot smashed Rosago's head into pieces.

Rosago, who first fought Tao Yu and then fought with the resentful soul of the same sequence with all his strength, finally died in this most ordinary gun muzzle in an extremely aggrieved way.

Sequence Five of the Fortune Teller Path, although his abilities are strange and he can even use paper figures to avoid death, his physical defense is indeed not high...

After shooting Rosago to death, Klein didn't have time to care about the body, nor the window that was gradually lit up due to the explosion nearby, but hurriedly ran towards the ruins.

He kept digging there with his bare hands.

"Asshole, don't die."

The hot debris after the explosion also burned his hands and blistered, but Klein didn't notice it at all.

"Idiot, can't you do a divination first? You fortune tellers are so reckless..."

Tao Yu, whose clothes were a little burnt and torn, revealing the bandage wrapped around her chest and a little smoked on her face, appeared behind Klein weakly and cursed.

If it was an ordinary witch, she would have died long ago, all thanks to her strong foundation.

Good guy, Sequence Five can cause such great destructive power?

Tao Yu has a refreshed understanding of Beyonders.

This weird ability is too difficult to deal with. This is not a matter of pure absolute power.

In terms of destructive power alone, the two puppets that guy brought had more destructive power than him, but this thing became his puppet...

But in the end, he died in frustration under Klein's gun, which was a bit funny...

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