"Is this a resentful spirit? It's quite useful."

Tao Yukan and Klein's bodyguard possessed Rosago's body, and even the exploded brains reflowed automatically. The damaged body seemed to be 'pieced together', and then left quickly, showing a hint of admiration.

Then he said to Klein

"You go back quickly. I am an informant for the Church of the Night. This matter is easy to handle."

Tao Yu's words made Klein nodded. Unlike Klein who was shady, Tao Yu had a serious official status.

Even though the 'informant' should not be exposed to the light, this kind of thing that can be mentioned directly is already a bright spot for Tao Yu.

This time he was ‘assassinated’, and he was the victim!

Although the townhouse that he rented for the second half of the year at a rent of twenty-five pounds was gone, and the two adjacent buildings were also damaged, Tao Yu didn't care much. These were all caused by assassins, except for insurance. If you spend more money, no one will say anything.

Again, I am the victim, I just successfully completed the counter-attack...

The main thing is to deal with some related inquiries. There are still two dolls buried. They are the murderers, and it is not something that cannot be seen...

There is really too much movement here. Although the genius is bright now, there are already police detectives running towards this side quickly.

In some nearby houses, people were also coming out in pajamas.

Mouthful of ‘Oh my God. ’ ‘A gas explosion? ’ ‘What’s going on? ’.

The people who can live here are more or less wealthy and pay great attention to their own environment.

The windows of many homes were shattered, and there were also some cracks on the streets.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

The police detective came over quickly, and someone turned off the nearby gas main valve. There was no smell when they arrived at the scene, and they were relieved when they saw that there was no open flame.

Fortunately among misfortunes.

Tao Yu, who had some blackening on his body and looked tattered, was really conspicuous here. He took out a gold pound and bought a coat directly from an onlooker and put it on. Tao Yu had some feelings for the police detective. said bitterly

"As you can see, the gas exploded. If I hadn't run fast, I would have been killed."

"Is this your home?"

The detective had a scrutinizing look on his face.

"The place I rent to be exact, things are a little complicated."

Tao Yu went over and whispered a few words to the other party, and simply used "Instigation"

"I am an informant of the Church of the Night. This matter also involves extraordinary people. Please inform the 'Night Watcher'."

The police detective who originally wanted to reprimand him seemed to be shocked, and then looked at Tao Yudao, who had traces of blackening.

"Do you need to go to the hospital for treatment?"

"If there is, of course it is the best..."

In a hospital ward, Leonard came over and looked at Tao Yu who was wrapped in some bandages. He sat beside the bed and said in a low voice.

"What did you do? There are two bodies of Beyonders in the ruins, a Sequence Six Dawn Knight and a Sequence Seven Arsonist."

"I originally wanted to make in-depth inquiries to see what the Witch Sect and the Aurora Society wanted to do, but it seemed to have been noticed. I got a message that the Witch Sect seemed to want the Aurora Society to assassinate Intis. ambassador."

Tao Yu diverted attention by throwing out important information.

I was targeted because of the mission of the church. This was a work-related injury!

Hearing Tao Yu's words, Leonard was also stunned for a moment, and then fell silent.

"It's a little late. Just when you were attacked, Ambassador Intis was assassinated. But it turned out that the Witch Sect commissioned the Aurora Society to do it. This is an important clue..."


Tao Yu couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Originally, he just mentioned it casually, hoping to create some difficulty for Mr. A.

But I didn’t expect Mr. A to be really trustworthy!

For a moment, Tao Yu felt that the undigested 'Instigator' potion had completed its final digestion.

There is a sense of comfort and joy all over the body.

This feeling is really good...

Precisely because Ambassador Intis died when Tao Yu was attacked, Tao Yu's story was further confirmed.

Work injury!

"I originally wanted to find you the next day, but I didn't expect it so soon, and I was also targeted."

Tao Yu said with some complaints.

Then he paused and continued:

"But I can feel that the situation of the two people who attacked me is a bit strange. Logically speaking, they should be difficult to deal with, but their actions, how can I say..."


"Yes, he is just stiff and has no spirituality. The big guy is very strong, but he only knows how to chop. The guy who can set fire is a bit similar. In the end, they chopped up the gas pipe to kill me and then lit it. Fortunately, damn The substitute escaped while looking in the mirror..."

Tao Yu didn't lie, he just didn't mention Rosago.

"I understand, and I will report it truthfully. Has your identity been discovered now? We can recruit you."

I have to say that the Church of the Night has a good attitude towards wild Beyonders.

Tao Yu reported the news in a timely manner in Tingen, and now he also conveyed an important message.

Regardless of whether the information this time was useful or not, let's just say that his attitude was nothing to say, and he was also implicated and attacked.

Leonard also wanted to provide some convenience within his authority.

"Ah, actually, the Witch Sect probably didn't notice my problem. After all, you know, I took the witch's potion."

Tao Yu sighed.

Eve originally came here and wanted to arrange a long-term surveillance mission for someone, but she refused.

Here, he also doesn't want to get too close to the Church of the Night.

No matter what, the deterrence of the True God is still here. It was just a glimpse at the beginning, but the situation in outer space has brought a huge shadow to myself...

"Isn't it dangerous?"

"It should be fine, and..., I don't want to join the church like this..."

Tao Yu had a look of helplessness on her pretty face.

And his words were not difficult for Leonard to understand.

If he had taken the witch potion, he might not want to join any other organization...

"What are you thinking about? I won't take this kind of potion!"

Leonard complained to himself.

"The place you rent is covered by insurance. We will handle the remaining parts that you are responsible for, so that you can recover peacefully. The Extraordinary properties of those two corpses are your trophies. What do you want to do with them?"

Tao Yu was injured on duty, and the Church of the Night would not covet his things. The main reason why they asked was that extraordinary items could cause harm.

They want to determine the purpose of the item itself.

"Can the one from Sequence Six be used in exchange for the witch's materials?"

"I can directly agree to this. It's not a big problem. If you, the arsonist of Sequence Seven, want to transform it into an extraordinary item, we can help contact the Church of Steam and Machinery."

The Church of Steam and Machinery used to be the 'Artisan Church' and was best at this kind of modification. Extraordinary items that the Extraordinaries themselves could not use were usually made into auxiliary props with side effects.

"Give me the materials first, and I'll think about it myself."


Dong Dong Dong~

When Tao Yu was in the hospital at night, suddenly there was a knocking sound from the window.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a blond beauty wearing a black bowler hat, tapping on the glass outside, and her whole body seemed to be in a 'mirror image'.

It's Klein's bodyguard, the resentful spirit.

Tao Yu nodded to her, and then saw her come to him and materialize.

"Are you okay?"

It was purely a ceremonial inquiry, and it seemed like she didn't have much experience in this area.

"I can't die. I've probably dealt with the problem. Don't worry, I haven't asked for my name yet."

"You can call me Sharon. I'm here to discuss the distribution of the spoils. Are the two officially confiscated? If we can't get them back, we will sell the Sequence Five characteristics and the things on him for a share. money."

Sharon's words are a bit meticulous, and combined with her appearance, she looks a bit like a doll, giving her an inexplicable and dull feeling.

"I can take them back. Is it okay to treat those two as my trophies?"

"no problem."

Sharon nodded. This time, it was the tacit cooperation of the three of them that eliminated the guy. In the end, Sharon got all the other items on Rosago, while Klein got Rosago's extraordinary characteristics because of the relationship with the same sequence, and Sharon needs to be compensated for some of the gold pounds.

It just offset Sharon's bodyguard expenses for the next two days, while Tao Yu obtained a Sequence 7 and Sequence 6 extraordinary characteristics, and exchanged them for the Sequence 6 characteristics of the Witch Path.

Everyone got items that were helpful to them, and everyone was happy...

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