"Soothsayers are all riddlers..."

After Tao Yu came down from the gray fog, he also started to study the six pages of his diary.

Mr. 'The Hanged Man' is really a good guy, and I got a lot of mysterious knowledge from him very cheaply.

And it’s still at a very high level.

The first six pages this time were filled with Russell's daily routine, telling the results of his children's divination by Zarathul, knowing that his second son would become an angel, and his eldest daughter would become a big figure in the mysterious world.

I also saw some speculations by Russell about the ‘Sauron Family’.

Then Russell once again mentioned the mysterious organization that controls the second blasphemous tablet, and also explained that this organization is very hostile to the 'True Creator'!

"Huh? Hostility is really the Creator? All the five ways are all here!"

Tao Yu's eyes lit up slightly. Mr. A learned here that he got the magic potion he wanted. It can be determined that there are five adjacent paths, and the corresponding true gods are the 'True Creator', 'Eternal Fierce Sun' and 'Lord of Storms'. God of knowledge and wisdom'!

And the fifth one is in this mysterious organization!

Based on the elimination method and some information mentioned in the diary, Tao Yu determined that the real path represented by this organization should be the 'audience'...

"Miss Justice's approach? It's a pity that we can't tell what the future will be like, high-dimensional observers? Hey, this is indeed consistent with the organization that has been watching with a cold eye.

"I wonder if they have a true god..."

Tao Yu thought in her mind that such a low-key organization might be like this because there is no true god, but thinking about the characteristics of some of Miss Justice's audiences, Tao Yu was a little unable to deduce.

Maybe even if he became a true god, he would still be a dirty thing who sneaks around and observes in secret.

However, I don’t know if my guess about the anchoring of faith and madness is correct. If faith is anchored, it may not be the true God...

"And the belief in the original creator can be completely fulfilled, so the so-called original creator is something that is the fusion of five paths..."


Violent pollution struck, and Tao Yu let the pollution take another bath, successfully replenishing his [Inherent Barrier].

"It's not bad. The shadow channel was originally unstable, and I didn't dare to borrow the magic power from the alien flying dragon to fill it up. It was a bit troublesome to make up for it, but I didn't expect such a good thing..."

There are so many dirty things in this world!

Pollution occurs at every turn!

Fortunately, he obtained the [Innate Demonic Body] due to the black mud baptism of the Great Holy Grail.

"The God of War, the Goddess of Night, and the God of Death are one, but what about the Mother Goddess of the Earth and the God of Steam and Machinery? They don't seem to be hostile at all. What a waste..."

Tao Yu felt as if a cat was scratching her heart.

"And according to the diary, the true god is Sequence 0, not Sequence 1. I guessed wrong before, but it's pretty much the same. Sequence 2 is an angel. What is Sequence 1? Archangel?"

Tao Yu kept digesting the information and thinking in her mind.

This time the diary not only confirmed the existence of Sequence 0, but also learned that there are twenty-two paths on the desecrated tablet!

A lot more than I imagined.

Later, Tao Yu also learned that Russell's twenty-two tarot cards had the characteristics of anti-divination and anti-prophecy, and each card corresponded to a path to becoming a god.

"Unfortunately, it seems that this mysterious organization did not help Russell, but I am not sure. You may not know if the 'audience' thing has taken action, and the 'audience' method..."

Tao Yu frowned a little. He knew a little bit about this method through the "Justice", and there was also a "Psychological Alchemy Association" or something like that.

It seems to mainly involve the psychological aspect, although I don’t know if it will change in the future.

But Tao Yu vaguely sensed that this might be a difficult approach.

"Huh? Wait, that quill..."

Tao Yu immediately thought of the quill represented by 0-08.

Tampering with the rules to some extent!

"Are you saying what you say? Is this, is this a bit too much?"

For a moment, Tao Yu felt a little uncertain, and even had an urge to fill his etheric body with divinity!

Could it be that there is some 'audience' secretly controlling all this behind the scenes?

That strange mysterious organization? !

Dirty stuff, damn!

Originally, the first time Tao Yu saw Sequence Five was Mr. A, who could capture the souls of other extraordinary people to complete their enslavement. He already felt that Mr. A was difficult to deal with, equivalent to one person mastering multiple paths.

Later, when I met Rosago, I also discovered that this thing with the same sequence five was also very dirty!

And Sharon, who can be invisible even to spiritual vision and can possess people, is also very dirty.

The goddess of the night is not clean in her dreams. The urn used by Dunn is also very strange, and there is also the heir of the evil god.

There are all kinds of things, especially it seems that every extraordinary path now looks not very clean!

"Why do I feel like this is the end of the 'Assassin' path?"

The more Tao Yu thought about it, the pollution from the frame came over him, so much so that he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

It wasn't that he was afraid of contamination, it was because he found that his sofa had begun to talk to him.

If you continue to think like this, you might notice something.

After silently clearing the sofa with a 'purification' talisman, Tao Yu also opened the window and took a breath.

"The water is so deep..."

If you look at it this way, those things in outer space may be similar to the original creator.

Then why are they surrounding this place?

The starry sky is so big, why do they only favor this world?

Well, there is pollution coming, which means that my guess is right.

"This door frame is really ugly, when will I get a new one?"

The window began to complain to Tao Yu, making him silently tear off another "purification" amulet.

He bought a lot of extraordinary materials, and his spirituality was not low, so he still made a lot of things.

He is rich and willful...

Then Tao Yu returned to the room and began to configure the materials and formulas given by Klein.

Sequence 9 magic potion, "Hunter"!

"Refer to the "Assassin" in advance, it melts in the mouth, and the "Hunter" should be about the same..."

Although Tao Yu has only been in the abyss for less than two years, he has seized the time in these two years, and he is not vague about "hunting".

At least for the level of Sequence 9, it is definitely more than enough!

Gurgle Gurgle~

He strengthened his body again, and also guided out some of his original power.

"Unfortunately, pure brute force is a bit useless in this world."

Tao Yu thought of Rosago again. His strength was much weaker than his, and he could be beaten half to death with one punch.

But it was just a paper substitute, nothing happened.

In fact, the witch herself also had a mirror substitute and a wand substitute.

It felt like either it was the path of the armored giant, with enough strength to resist, or it had all kinds of weird ways to resolve it.

However, the 'hunter' also gained some sense of smell and tracking ability, and some instincts to bury traps.

Tao Yu no longer hesitated, and invested 500,000 willpower to complete the deification of the entire class...

"It's a pity that [Instigator] can't continue to digest witches, otherwise Mr. A would have killed the ambassador and asked for money, and the matter of the Church of the Night dealing with them could have been digested in excess...

"[Witch] is still short, let's see if it can be useful to go with Klein to find the evil spirits, and then [Pleasure Witch]'s auxiliary materials are still a little short, it's better to be safe..."

The hunter's auxiliary materials, because I bought more than 2,000 gold pounds of various materials before, I can get them all.

But [Pleasure Witch]'s are still a little short A little less, I have to find a new party.

"Sharon is Sequence Five, she should also have a relatively high-level circle, I'll go ask her..."

Tao Yu didn't know where Sharon was, and then went back to find Klein.

Just as he wanted to explore the underground world, Sharon was originally a resentful soul. With the weirdness and targeting of this world, she must be a very good helper, and he could bring her in together!

"Huh? You're right, she accepted the job because she was short of money before. She must want to buy something, at least a thousand pounds of things, there must be good things in that extraordinary party."

Klein's words made Tao Yu nod his head

"Yes, I'm not short of money, let's go sweep."

But soon, Tao Yu's heart froze slightly.

Ah, this...

Although I have some real money on me, if I want to sweep this level of extraordinary party, I still mainly use counterfeit money, right?

"I took the initiative to do divination, and I can find that there is a problem with the counterfeit money, but no one should be so bored to divine the authenticity of such a real banknote, right? "

Tao Yu hesitated for a moment, but then he put it out of his mind. Mr. A of Sequence 5 did not do this. There would not be high-sequence extraordinary people at Sharon's party, right?

This is a demigod. Isn't he afraid of risks by staying in Backlund?

But just in case, it is better to wash more during this period.

"Let's contact her first to confirm. The extraordinary gatherings in her circle will definitely not be so frequent."

Tao Yu thought in his heart. While washing, he was not going to stop.

"Let's go. In fact, the place where she and her friends are staying is the 'Brave Bar' that Ian told me last time. There is also a small gathering circle there, but it is not the one that Sharon attended. It is also a table for children..."

Klein seemed to laugh at himself. He has not yet become a Sequence 7, and he is also a little stressed now.

To put it bluntly, the extraordinary people of low sequence have too few means...

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