The Bridge District is an area similar to the East District in Backlund. Generally, the lower class who are relatively poor live here.

However, no matter how low-cost the area is, there will always be places where people can spend time.

‘The Brave Bar’ is one such location.

Tao Yu followed Klein and then met Sharon's companion, Maric.

Tao Yu was a little surprised when he met Ma Qi for the first time, because this guy didn't look like a living person, and there were many other zombie faces in the room. According to Tao Yu's judgment, they were all controlled by him. corpse.

"The quality of these corpses is not bad. They are much better than zombies. They are almost comparable to ordinary zombies. Can they control so many at once?"

Tao Yu himself was an expert in corpse refining. He thought that if he followed this channel, he could pick up the corpse refining technique again in this world.

In fact, now, it may be possible to use some rituals to make some simple corpse resurrection talismans, and they may be used as trading items.

"What's the matter?"

Maric's expression was a little stiff, but perhaps because of his previous cooperation, it could be felt that his stiff expression was an attempt to show friendliness as much as possible.

If Klein was the only low-sequence person who asked for help before, he wouldn't care much about it.

As a living corpse of Sequence Six, he has quite a reputation in the extraordinary world. If he didn't dare to be famous in order to avoid capture, he and Sharon would be able to cooperate with each other to create an organization similar to the Seven Pirate Generals. .

However, Sharon has mentioned that the Extraordinary who is suspected of being a witch has the strongest strength in the middle sequence.

Because he was being hunted, Maric also felt that he should be on good terms with the local Extraordinaries. After confirming that they could trust each other, there might be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

The main reason why Sharon went out to work as a bodyguard this time was that she was short of money and wanted to buy a targeted item.

Used to deal with the coming pursuers!

This is actually the reason why they fled to Backlund.

Because in Backlund, even high-sequence players have to be cautious, which can limit the enemy from taking risks.

"I want you to introduce an extraordinary party, preferably the one attended by Miss Sharon, one with a higher level."

Tao Yu took the initiative to speak.

He could sense that the opponent was at least mid-sequence, and probably not just sequence seven.

The quality of these living corpses matches the opponent's own abilities, and their frontal combat effectiveness is very strong, which is equivalent to playing a group attack.

But the Extraordinary Sequence itself is fair, and it is impossible for the other party to take advantage of it indefinitely, so Tao Yu estimates that the other party should not have any dirty tricks like soothsayers, spectators, and secret practitioners.

"That party..."

Maric was a little hesitant. It was a high-level party and he couldn't even attend.

But after looking at Tao Yu's face, he seemed to have thought of something and nodded.

"If it were you, I should be able to introduce you."

Tao Yu also saw the other party's reaction, but he didn't find anything strange at all.

Judging from the strength he had shown before, it was enough to arouse Sharon's respect.

At least Klein, as Sharon's employer, knew his name from him. The resentful lady had her own pride...

"Then I don't know what I need to pay?"

Tao Yu was not prepared to accept the free lunch.

This made Maric hesitate for a moment, and then he said

"I'm not sure it will be possible, but if it succeeds, I hope we can ask you to help us for a fee when we need help."

"Okay, but let me declare in advance that if it involves high-sequence or anything very dangerous, I will quit."

"There is danger, but it is not high-sequence. This is Backlund, and our enemy is not the church or the officialdom."

Maric's stiff face changed slightly.

Hearing this, Tao Yu nodded in agreement. It was normal to be in danger. Sharon's strange ability was already extremely strong. Although it seemed to be restrained by Rosago, Tao Yu thought that it would be troublesome for her to deal with it normally.

Therefore, it is natural for them to think that there is danger in matters that are difficult and require foreign aid.

But as long as it doesn't involve high-sequences, Tao Yu is still confident, but it's best to have his own 'Happy Witch' advance to the top.

That way, even if you don't pray for protection, it will be enough to deal with the problem...

"Next time you bring someone over, please explain in advance."

In a secret door, Klein brought Tao Yu to the 'Brave Bar', an extraordinary gathering of children.

A masked figure who led them in was a little dissatisfied with Klein's decision, but he had no intention of chasing them away.

Everyone has been brought here and driven away. If someone gets angry and reports something, everyone will be in a mess.

Although the gathering of wild extraordinary people is not a heinous thing, it can still be regarded as a 'security incident'. It's okay if no one reports it. If you do, you will definitely make a show of it.

"This is a big benefactor who comes to buy materials. Many people may be able to get rid of their things."

Klein gave a simple explanation, which obviously softened the tone of the masked figure a lot.

"That's it. I hope you can get what you want today..."

Tao Yu had already learned from Klein in advance that the organizer of this extraordinary party was called 'Eye of Wisdom'. Although he didn't know his appearance, he was a knowledgeable elder and his share of the party was considered good.

"I bought a 'Listener' ear here last time. This time I plan to sell two potion formulas and buy a weapon to pay off my debt."

As he walked along the passage, Klein lowered his voice and said to Tao Yu.

"Then I'll take care of everything except your stuff."

Tao Yu still felt that this kind of circle with children at the table was enough to clear the place.

The Tarot Club was afraid of using counterfeit money to leave a bad impression on Mr. Fool, so there was no need to hide it here...


"Sir, I still have 'healing potion' and 'mummy powder' here..."


"I also have a 'slow whip' that can slow down the enemies in battle..."


"I have materials here..."


Tao Yu turned into a shopping maniac and swept away all the collections in this small gathering.

Because of the familiarity of the breath, although the 'Eye of Wisdom' was disguised, Tao Yu also vaguely felt the other party's true identity.

It was the great detective Esinger Stanton, whom he had commissioned twice.

I had suspected this guy was a ‘detective’ sequence before, but now it seems that he is a mid-sequence expert, so it is safer for him to run such a circle.

At first, Tao Yu was a little surprised when he seemed to have a ‘notarization’ type of extraordinary item that could prove the authenticity of the formula sold by Klein.

Fortunately, the other party did not notarize the universal currency of the gold pound.

They are all experienced people, how could they not recognize counterfeit money? Rune’s money printing technology is still quite strong.

This made Tao Yu feel a little relieved. After Mr. A and here had made a sample, he also increased his confidence.

Prepare to wash some real money to buy useful materials, and a large amount of counterfeit money to stock up. If it doesn’t work, resell some extraordinary materials received to wash them.

In fact, as long as the capital is sufficient, it is easy to monopolize and hype extraordinary materials with low circulation in local areas and limited quantity.

I might become a big businessman who resells extraordinary materials...

"But buying too much will be too conspicuous, and it may also attract the attention of official extraordinary people."


In the newly moved home, Tao Yu took out the 'Whip of Slowness' and looked at it carefully.

"This extraordinary item has a time limit. It can be used for two years because it is not made with the extraordinary characteristics itself, but the power of the extraordinary characteristics is extracted to solidify it, similar to a talisman..."

Tao Yu carefully observed the 'Whip of Slowness' and made some guesses.

It's a pity that I didn't see the craftsman making it with my own eyes, otherwise I would have a better chance of imitating it.

Extraordinary characteristics are indestructible. If the items are made with extraordinary characteristics, the loss of use will be slowly replenished and restored by the extraordinary characteristics, so there will be no time limit for use.

And this kind of 'temporary items' that do not rely on extraordinary characteristics have a time limit, which is equivalent to the extraordinary person using his own ability to temporarily 'seal' in the item.

"I am familiar with sealing..."

Tao Yu thought of the corpse at Maric's place. After looking at the material of the whip, he hesitated and started his own attempt.

After lighting the candles and sprinkling the materials to form a spiritual wall, Tao Yu reached out and felt the properties of various extraordinary materials. Finally, he took the ‘mummy powder’, ‘ghost flower juice’ and ‘immortal vine powder’, then injected his own spirituality and began to make subtle secondary modifications to the whip…

After the feeling of spiritual injection was completed and sealed with the sealing technique, a sense of smoothness appeared. Tao Yu took the whip and closed his eyes to sense it carefully.

“Some damage occurred during the modification, and the effective time is only one year at most, but the function has been greatly enhanced. Now if you use this whip to whip the corpse, you can make the corpse get up and work. If you whip the enemy, the corpse will make the opponent more rigid due to the corpse gas. The value should be increased…”

Although the price of appreciation is not important to Tao Yu, he still feels very accomplished after completing the upgrade by himself.

This technology will be improved according to local conditions in the future.

It may not be possible to make artifacts, but it should be possible to make some practical gadgets.

It's a pity that my income from shares is already considerable, and the income from manufacturing is not high in comparison.

Well, now I can also take it to the extraordinary gathering to exchange...

Then Tao Yu used the extra materials to make some amulets.

The 'Lightning' amulet, 'Flame' amulet, and 'Ice' amulet, although their power can only be considered average, barely at the level of Sequence 7, but they are easy to use and are definitely good for emergencies...

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