"Evil spirit? Tudor family?"

Klein didn't expect Tao Yu to ask such shocking information, but his expression also looked a little excited.

Although he looks very timid and always predicts everything, he is actually very reckless when he is reckless.

However, my fellow countryman can ask things in his dreams that he has not asked. Is this the spiritual blessing brought by the middle sequence?

Is it that big...

Thinking of the speed with which Tao Yu learned the ritual, Klein couldn't help but sigh. Maybe this was a genius.

"Then what does he do? He knows."

Klein looked at Rafter and said hesitantly.

"I planted something in his spirit. If he disobeys it, it will explode. In the short term, there is no problem in controlling it. We must seize the time and get through it together."

Tao Yu quickly said that in fact, it is not a big deal if you don't control it.

As a remnant, this guy is actually even more shady. He is more afraid than the two of them.

And Tao Yu didn't say he would go tonight. It involves evil spirits from two thousand years ago, so he can't get too excited. Miss Sharon from sequence five still needs to be called...

"That evil spirit has lived for two thousand years?"

After Sharon was notified and came over, she seemed quite surprised to hear the news.

"Any questions?"

“Ordinary evil spirits cannot exist for such a long time, especially after listening to his words and maintaining a certain level of sanity.

"Even if the evil spirit can obtain power from the spirit world, if it is not supported by extraordinary characteristics, it will still be affected over time. Its status before death may be very high."

Sharon's words made both Tao Yu and Klein nod thoughtfully.

Extraordinary characteristics are immortal, and without extraordinary characteristics, similar to the temporary weapons they bought, the sealed ability has a time limit.

However, this is the first time I know that the source of the evil spirit's power is the spiritual world.

And this evil spirit can exist for more than two thousand years, from the last era to the present, which is a bit scary.

This is still two thousand years after he became an evil spirit!

I didn’t know how long I lived before.

"As expected of the Era of the Gods."

Tao Yu let out a sigh.

"Are you still going then?"

Klein asked.

"Of course, maybe you can also witness history."

Tao Yu didn't want to give up this place where he had special attacks.

If there was a strong man who was sealed two thousand years ago and was still alive, he would turn around and leave without saying a word.

But if it's just an evil spirit...

This temptation is a bit big.

However, Tao Yu did not completely believe what Rafter said. What if the other party himself did not know the specific truth?

So I called Miss Sharon from the Sequence Five Resentful Soul Path just in case.

It's not that she is stronger than him, but that her ability to sense evil spirits is stronger in this environment, and she can provide secondary insurance...

"We can try it step by step and enter slowly and tentatively."

Sharon also thought she could give it a try.

"Okay, this is the underground palace I discovered when I received the commission. There is a better front entrance there. I think how about we just go in and have a look in the name of the commission? You will be my assistants."

Klein expressed his idea.

It was an accident that he found this underground palace.


"The duration of prayer is about one hour, which should be enough."

Tao Yu was not pure. Before going in, he still prepared to use the full body he could activate in this world. He first prayed to himself and stuffed a large amount of black mud in.

However, this time, he did not cover his whole body with black mud and turn into a shadow person. He just used the witch's original invisibility ability and cooperated with the power of shadow to hide in the shadow and move forward, and finally arrived at the agreed place.

Klein was waiting at the entrance of an alley when he suddenly heard a voice coming from the shadow behind him, which made him feel numb.

"Don't worry, it's me. I used some abnormal power and it's not easy to appear openly."

Tao Yu's words made Klein feel relieved but also felt a little speechless.

At this time, he also felt an extreme negative energy in his shadow!

This reminded him of the content of Azik's letter and the time when the Tingen problem was solved.

Is this the power of fellow villagers?

No matter how you look at it, he is a villain!

Although the extraordinary abilities of this world are inherently weird and ominous, the feeling in the shadow is still a bit too underworld.

"No wonder you chose the witch path."

Klein was murmuring in his heart.

"Come on, there's a time limit. Are you thinking of something rude?"

Tao Yu urged Klein, feeling that this guy was slandering her.

"No, no, Miss Sharon will control a few living corpses to serve as assistants and cannon fodder. We will wait."

Sharon and Maric are on the same path, and her ability to control corpses after becoming a Sequence Five resentment is even stronger than Maric's.

As she came over with three living corpses and turned invisible herself, a group of 'people' followed Klein to the basement of the house.

Because it was originally a commission for Klein, it was natural and smooth to enter...

The majestic dome and towering stone pillars form an underground palace in front of you.

"At least two thousand years of buried history..."

Tao Yu slowly emerged from Klein's shadow, exuding an extremely strong evil and ominous aura, which was much worse than when he was in the shadow.

This made Klein look sideways. This kind of aura on his body didn't make you crazy?

Sharon had also emerged from the living corpse, looked at Tao Yu with some caution and frowned.

"What's wrong with you?"

When Tao Yu was in Klein's shadow before, she really didn't notice much, but now her temperament is completely different.

Those extraordinary beings who are out of control are nothing more than that, right?

"You are a resentful soul, but you are still surprised at my state..."

Tao Yu couldn't help but feel a little speechless when she saw Sharon floating in the air.

"This is the power I obtained through some special means. It can make me temporarily stronger. Just think of it as me praying to the evil god."

Tao Yu made an analogy.

But this analogy made both Klein and Sharon look at each other. Why don't your words sound like comfort and explanation?

It seems even more scary!

"Actually, there's no need to take such a risk."

Sharon sighed, thinking that the pressure here had cost Tao Yu a lot.

Klein also nodded beside him. He remembered that his fellow villager said that this ability comes with a price.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Although Tao Yu has an aura of evil that makes normal people feel abnormal, but in contrast to his good looks, he has a strange charm and seems to have an alternative nature.

This negative energy seems to go well with the witch.

"Everyone who uses the power of the evil god thinks so, but without exception they all end badly."

Sharon said admonishingly.

But she was not a defender of morality. She just wanted to remind Tao Yu not to use this power indiscriminately, not to shout about beating or killing.

Indeed, as Tao Yu said, her own path is quite the underworld.

Moreover, the 'temperance group' like her is a minority and an outlier, and will be hunted by the 'indulgence group'.

Laugh at fifty steps and laugh at a hundred steps...

The architectural style here is grand and huge, completely different from the current architectural environment.

"I've read in books, this is the style of the Fourth Age."

Klein's identity in this world is that of a serious history college student, so he is quite familiar with these things.

The group of people came to a huge palace. Klein looked at the somewhat asymmetrical relationship and related specifications and said with admiration.

"As expected of the Tudor family, this standard is quite high in the Fourth Era, and the style of the Fourth Era is inherited from the Solomon Empire..."

Klein kept talking about the knowledge he learned from the history book.

In the middle of this extraordinary hall, there are two tall chairs, like giant seats, and at the end of the hall are seven tall and heavy black stone doors.

"Let me do some divination."

Tao Yu, the fortune teller with two swords, started to feel itchy again and started to look at which way to start.

Klein didn't argue with him because Tao Yu did find the difference in Rafter last time.

"The divination shows that as long as you don't go to the middle room first, everything else will be the same. Let's start from the left."

Tao Yu spoke after finishing the ritual and divination.

Klein quietly used a silver coin to make up for it, confirming Tao Yu's statement.

Then I found the icon of the goddess of the night on the first door!

The goddess of the night actually appears?

After pushing the door open and entering, everyone saw a statue of a beautiful woman.

Although there is no description of the specific image of the god, the moment he saw the statue, even Tao Yu felt a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

This is the goddess of the night!

It is the image of a god that has disappeared in this era!

"If this is dark night..."

Tao Yu thought in her mind, who are the other seven gods behind the other six doors?

"No, according to records, the God of Steam and Machinery has not yet become a god at this time, right? There should be six great gods in this period!"

Tao Yu originally had speculations about the battle of the Four Emperors, as well as his knowledge of the True God.

Now suddenly my eyes light up

"Being able to stand side by side with the Six Gods, there is probably something of the same level behind the other door, and this is the territory of the Tudor family..."

"Blood Emperor!"

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