All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 469 The Evil Spirit from Two Thousand Years Ago

As the doors at the back opened, I found the statues of the Six Gods, which still had complete images. There is no such statue that can be described in the current era!

"I suspect that behind the last door is the statue of the Blood Emperor, but the divination shows there is danger."

Tao Yu spoke.

"That seems to make sense, but are the 'Blood Emperor' and the Six Gods together?"

"I think the four emperors may all be true gods."

Tao Yu doesn't have any faith or disrespect, so he won't be bound by this kind of restraint.

Klein had read many diaries before, but he was partially constrained by the thoughts of the true god. He speculated that the battle between the four emperors was to become a god, and in the end the 'Pluto Emperor' became the god of death.

Now after suddenly hearing Tao Yu's point, I immediately felt a sense of enlightenment.

But his spirituality reminded him that he could not think deeply anymore, as it would be dangerous!

"Oh, by the way, don't dwell on this issue. Just listen. Don't think about it. If you think too much, there will be pollution from unknown places, and you will go crazy."

After Tao Yu reminded him, he seemed to think of something and quickly opened his mouth to make amends.

This made both Sharon and Klein feel shocked.

"You think my current aura is evil, right? If you know something you shouldn't know, it will be more troublesome than if I stuff all this aura into your body..."

Tao Yu didn't specifically explain why he wasn't afraid of that kind of pollution, but after he said that, both Klein and Sharon automatically figured out that because Tao Yu himself was already dirty, he had some way of resisting pollution.

Looking at his underworld aura, the two of them knew that what he said was true. Putting this kind of pollution on themselves gave them goosebumps just thinking about it.


Klein solemnly thanked him, because he was also studying the diary. If Tao Yu hadn't reminded him that the information was poisonous, he might have fallen into it.

"Then..., shall we continue?"

Klein swallowed. The standards here were much higher than expected.

It actually involves the true god, this...

Is it really something that our mid-range players can consider?

He glanced at Tao Yu, and considering Tao Yu's ability to suppress the descendants of the evil god, he should be regarded as a temporary high-sequence person.


"It's dangerous here, but the danger is restrained. It should be the geographical restraint of evil spirits."

As a Sequence Five resentful soul, Sharon has a strong perception here and makes a judgment about what is behind the door.

It probably means that as long as you don’t go into it too deeply, there shouldn’t be much of a problem.

"Don't worry, we are not without help when necessary."

Tao Yu looked at Klein and smiled, showing an expression that only we know the secret.

This directly made Klein feel his scalp pounding.

What does your expression mean?

Thinking that the other party prayed to him before taking action against the evil god's descendants, Klein felt like he was going crazy.

Don’t you think that you can ask the ‘Great Fool’ for help when you are in trouble?

Mr. Fool at the table of children is now in front of you...

"Wait, I don't think you can interfere with us yet."

But before Klein could finish speaking, Tao Yu had already opened the door and walked inside...

Klein could only bite the bullet and catch up quickly, and then stay alert.

Hey, where do you get such confidence?

Even the revived gods don’t know how much power they have recovered!

But in fact, Tao Yu's greatest confidence was the suppression of his spiritual side by his divinity.

He has a very strong special attack against evil spirits.

However, after everyone came in carrying lanterns and walked a few steps, they found that the front had completely collapsed and was almost blocked.

Only a very small gap was left.

Tao Yu turned on his spiritual vision and looked inside. He could see some spiritual light.

"It should be that an extraordinary person came here before and died inside."

Tao Yu spoke.

"Well, there's a blood-stained door inside, dear, the blood hasn't dried yet, it's still dripping. It's been two thousand years..."

At this moment, Klein, who had been holding Azik's copper whistle in his hand, suddenly felt the cold and deathly feeling coming from the copper whistle.

Azik is the guy who scared Tao Yu away in the first place. He is an angel. His copper whistle can sense undead creatures.

"Be careful! It's an evil spirit!"

At this moment, a sudden burst of darkness struck, and the light of the lantern was instantly swallowed up. Before anyone could react, Tao Yu, who was peeping through the small hole, was completely enveloped.

However, the darkness disappeared in a flash, and soon the lantern returned to light.

But Klein and Sharon looked at Tao Yu with guarded and frightened expressions, as if they were worried that he was possessed.

"Well, bad news, I'm possessed by an evil spirit."

Tao Yu turned her head stiffly. The sudden possession even completely suppressed Tao Yu's own spiritual warning. He was a being of extremely high status.

It even feels higher than the Fool’s Favored One last time!

The evil spirit of Tudor?

"What should I do? Can you still move on your own? Can I drag you out?"

Klein was also a little anxious at this time. He knew that Tao Yu might be comparable to a high-sequence person now and might be able to confront evil spirits, but he didn't know how to help.

Sharon seemed to be hesitating whether to possess herself and see if she could help.

"The good news is that it's not too big. My special ability makes me very resistant to evil spirits and possession. I trapped him in my body, but the key is that now I don't dare to let him out."

Tao Yu also felt a little emotional at this time.

This thing that came over is of extremely high status!

There is a feeling inside that I was misled when I faced Sun Guangyao.

He was not even aware of this thing until it quietly possessed him and poured into his spiritual body!

The etheric body, mental body and astral body in front were broken through with almost no reaction!

Well, then he was pushed to the ground by the divinity and trapped in his own body.

Now he is cursing in his own body.

Letting it out, it is actually possible to let it out. If it restrains its divine nature and opens an opening, it will go out.

You can even choose divinity to directly wipe it out, but there is no benefit in doing so. Just like when you were attacked by the evil god statue, divinity is too overbearing, and even if you choose to wipe it out, the dregs will not be left.

There's no threat anyway, so I'll just lock it up and see if I can ask something...

"Trapped in your body? You won't let him take over your body, right?"

"It shouldn't be, tsk~, it's a bit troublesome, but he should be the evil spirit lurking here. I don't feel there is any danger inside."

Tao Yu hesitated a little, then said

"How about I go in and take out the extraordinary items inside?"

"Is everything okay?"

Klein was a little worried and wanted to do divination.

But he found that he couldn't occupy anything at all. Thinking that he didn't understand the gray fog at the beginning, he sighed a little.

But thinking that since he couldn't see through the fellow's secrets in the gray mist, it didn't seem impossible that he could trap an evil spirit.

If an evil spirit comes above the gray mist, I will be certain of it.

"It's really okay."

Tao Yu responded again, and then began to study the gap.

"Although the gap is small, I can still get in."

As he spoke, he himself turned into a shadow and squeezed in through the gap. Then he also saw Sharon following directly through the wall in the form of a resentful spirit, but there was still a kind of wariness on her face, as if It's not like I'm completely reassured.

"Don't worry, everyone who meets you will have a share. Let's share it together."

This news was brought by Klein, and he also asked Sharon to help. Tao Yu would not keep it to himself.

In other words, he already vaguely felt that he had already obtained the greatest benefit...

An evil spirit from two thousand years ago, a treasure trove of knowledge...

"That's not what I'm worried about."

Sharon spoke.

"If you are worried about me, there is no need. Although this guy is indeed annoying, he is still within the range of my ability to deal with it."

Tao Yu went over and began to pick up those extraordinary characteristics.

Then he pushed open the door that was bleeding with blood, and saw three chairs inside...

"What's going on? Why are there three chairs?"

Tao Yu was a little surprised. The evil spirit must be the thing inside. Then Tao Yu saw another person who was interested.

It is a tarot card, and the image on it is completely different from other types. The person sitting in the chariot is not a king, but a male priest wearing a dark red robe.

Moreover, Tao Yu has also seen the portrait of this man, Russell Gustav!

"One of the twenty-two tarot cards he made?"

Picking up this card, Tao Yu glanced back, and it was clear that it contained the entire sequence formula for a path!

Sequence Nine ‘Hunter’!

Sequence 0 ‘Red Priest’…

'Red Priest'

The uniqueness of the red priest*1, the first characteristic of the red priest sequence*3

Ritual: Start a war that sweeps the continent and gain enough victory.

"Uniqueness? Sure enough, is there only one true god? And he also needs three Sequence One characteristics? Why three, only three?!"

Tao Yu looked at the information on the tarot cards and couldn't calm down for a long time. Then she saw the three chairs in front of her.

Good guy, three sequences one?

So you captured three angels from the sequence of the red priest path?

"He went crazy after jumping to a non-adjacent path? But who helped him capture three angels? Was he so strong before he became a god..."

So, the evil spirit in his body is a certain Sequence 1 angel evil spirit?

But then, Tao Yu saw two other mouths growing on the face of the sealed evil spirit in his body, where they were quarreling and yelling at each other.

Well, I guessed it wrong, it was three sequences of angels and evil spirits fused together.

This made Tao Yu look a little silent for a moment.

Why did I, who was only Sequence Six, catch three Sequence One angels and evil spirits?

You said that even if you have your own extraordinary characteristics, you can also save them for yourself first.

But the key is that these three idiots are pure evil spirits!

"Someone helped Tuduo become a god in order to create a balance between the four emperors. As for why they were chosen..."

Although they had just come into contact, Tao Yu could vaguely understand when they heard them yelling at each other and at themselves.

According to what can be seen on the Red Priest card, Sequence Eight is called the 'Instigator', which is somewhat similar to the 'Instigator', but one is overt and the other is covert.

It seems somewhat understandable.

Because the three of them were too talkative, some people or gods reached a consensus and captured them for sacrifice.

Oh, the case is solved...

"Want to remember it?"

Tao Yu did not hide anything and took out the tarot cards for Sharon to see. Sharon was also shocked by the contents of the tarot cards.

This is the way to become a god!

"There should be nothing left. Let's go..."

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