"Oh? Mr. Fengying is still so tough as a prisoner. This is really beyond my expectation..."

Tao Yu didn't care at all about the kunai next to his throat, but what he said made Luo Sha a little confused.

It should be my kunai pressing against yours now, right?

And you are still wrapped in my sand.

Whether it's a sand blast or a kunai, it can kill you!

Can you be more respectful?

"Your Mightiness……"

But before Luo Sha could continue to speak, he was suddenly shocked to find that a cold aura was rapidly spreading towards his body!

Where he emerged from the sand with the help of shadows, those black shadows seemed to have turned into countless tentacles.

Luo Sha, who secretly had something bad going on, was about to use a sand substitute when he slashed the opponent's throat.

But the next moment, chains appeared out of thin air and penetrated him!

The kunai in his hand was also blocked by the shadow under the opponent's chin, 'reaching out'.

Halfway through using the sand double, gravel flew out.

The binding properties of the Heaven's Lock itself, combined with the sealing technique, forcibly suppressed half of the sand doubles, turning Luo Sha back to the present.

Then the second and third strokes firmly fixed him to the ground.

Feeling the silence of chakra in his body and the terrifying sealing technique, Luo Sha also had deep shock in his eyes.

This sealing technique has traces of the sealing technique of the ninja world. At least he can understand that it is a sealing technique.

But even the Vajra blockade of the Whirlpool clan may not be able to reach this level!

All the shadow-level chakra is dead, unable to be mobilized at all...

"Your Majesty Kazekage, please order them to stop. There is no irreconcilable conflict between us and Sunagakure Village. You are also someone who can cooperate with us in the future."

Tao Yu did not kill Luo Sha directly.

This guy is also a smart guy. If he relies on his magnetic escape to open and close, and fight with him in a sandstorm from a long distance, he may have to spend more time and effort.

But the crispy ninja came to assassinate him at close range...


Thank you for the gifts of nature?

"We ninjas..."

"If you don't stop, I'll kill them all."


Luo Sha shouted loudly.

In addition, the remaining sand ninjas over there have now united around Ye Cang. Looking at the two figures in front of them, they all felt huge pressure.

When I heard Luo Sha's words at this time, I even felt like a heavy burden.

Looking at Feng Ying who failed in his sneak attack but was caught instead.

They also feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

What kind of people are these?

The puppet master team at the beginning just wanted to test, relying on their life-saving ability to prepare to lose some puppets.

But who would have thought that these two guys who suddenly appeared could kill the puppet master faster than they could clean up the puppets!

Even Lord Ye Cang's attack was easily repelled by their cooperation, and he was covered in blood and obviously suffered a lot of trauma.

And Lord Kazekage was even captured...

The gap in strength, coupled with the capture of the commander, completely destroyed the fighting spirit of these ninjas. They all obeyed the order and dropped their weapons.

Although the strength of ninjas is not these weapons, it is also an expression of attitude.

"Well, that one wants to run away, catch him."

Tao Yu signaled, and Medici accelerated instantly. He jumped up to Feide who was about to run away, and directly picked him up.

Feng Ying was captured, and Feide, who could only be considered an ordinary person, had no ability to resist at all.

Medici directly carried him back and threw him in front of Tao Yu.

"Phew, although it's not a complete body, it feels pretty good."

Medici moved his shoulders and left this world. With the help of Tao Yu's power, he could materialize during use. It can be said that he relied on Tao Yu in all aspects.

This made him somewhat resigned to his fate.

And after knowing the abyss world outside and the current environment, he also felt that the only way to go now was to follow the boss.

As the boss becomes stronger, he may be able to find solutions to his world's problems.

I hope the boss is still interested in the sequence of his world...

Now that the conditions are completely different, Medici is now much more willing to assist Tao Yu.

"Who are you..."

Before Feide, who was in a state of embarrassment, could finish his words, one of his legs had already disappeared, and was instantly swallowed up by the black shadow rising from the ground.

After his legs disappeared and he lost strength and fell to the ground, Fede finally let out a scream.

"I don't like the look in your eyes or your voice."

Tao Yu had an indifferent tone, as if he was just making a statement.

"It's too loud."


One of Feide's hands was also swallowed by the huge mouth transformed from the shadow. There was no gap in the middle. Tao Yu seemed not to be prepared to listen to his explanation at all.

After asking twice in a row, he asked casually

"Oh, by the way, who are you?"

Tao Yu knew about Baron Harkonnen and Laban, but he really didn't know much about this guy.

"My, my name is Feide, I am the heir of the Harkonnen family. You should be Mr. Tao Yu who captured my brother. As expected, it is better to meet him than to be famous..."

It turns out that despite being crazy, Feder still knows how to talk.

Although my mind is not clear, I can still wake up after calming down.

And he didn't recognize Tao Yu at first. After Laban described Tao Yu's appearance, he generally confirmed it.

Be a trailblazer.

I also hope that I can be a pioneer, and I hope I didn’t admit my mistake!

"Well, so why are you attacking me? The Harkonnen family wants to declare war on us pioneers?"

Tao Yu's rhetorical question made Feide, who had lost both hands and feet, stunned.


We attack you? So it turns out we want to declare war with the Trail Blazers?

"Isn't it true? My subordinates and I are here, and you suddenly flew over in a menacing manner. Don't tell me that you just came here to take a look."

Although Tao Yu was the first to defeat those planes, the hostility of the other side was also quite obvious, right?

So it was indeed ourselves who they attacked!

"This, this, we are just chasing the Fremen, we didn't know you were here."

Although his limbs were obviously broken and he was actively attacked, Feide could only accept these words in humiliation.

It turns out that we took the initiative to stir up trouble...

"What Fremen? They are my favored ones. If you attack my favored ones, you are my enemy. You also arranged for ninjas to assassinate me. This is too much."

Tao Yu's words made Luo Sha, the fourth-generation Kazekage who was bound by the Heavenly Chain next to him, twitch at the corners of his mouth.

But there was no way to refute it.

It seemed that he actually tried to assassinate the other party.

For a moment, he actually felt a little sad.

When it becomes like this, the other party is taking advantage of it!

However, as Luo Sha, who has been hanging out in the ninja world and experienced the third ninja war, he also clearly knows that strength itself is the reason!

If the other party is so strong, then what the other party says is right.

This time, we were wrong...

"I'm really sorry. This attack is our problem. We didn't know about your relationship with the Fremen in advance."

Luo Sha sighed and apologized sincerely.

If it weren't for the fact that the Heavenly Chain penetrated his body, the chakra in his body was silent, and his body couldn't move at all, he would have tried to bow.

Tao Yu didn't care about this formal apology, he just said casually

"I'm not a murderous person, but you scared me and I have to compensate..."

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