All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 502 A man of insight is a wise man

Scared, scared you?


As the Fourth Kazekage, Luo Sha only felt a headache at this moment.

But facing this situation, he could only sigh and said

"I wonder what compensation you want?"

"The Harkonnen family can use spices and Holmanz shield to compensate. It depends on how much you have in stock now."

Tao Yu glanced at Feide, who had lost his hands and feet but still had a small life left, and there was a calmness in his words.

It seems to be a matter of course.

This made Fede's eyes flicker as he fell to the ground, and then he took the initiative to say

"No problem, I am willing to provide you with these compensations, but I don't have any actual power now..."

Hearing Feide's words, Tao Yu also felt a little funny.

This guy still wants to use himself to seize power at this time?

But from the other party's perspective, it seems to be the case.

Currently, the Trail Blazers and the Harkonnen family have signed a relevant peace agreement.

Of course, the peace agreement itself is actually implemented based on the strength of both parties.

The reason why the little rich woman did not suddenly attack was not only unwilling to take risks with some technologically advanced weapons, but also because the Harkonnen family had mature collection and refining techniques.

Once they are pushed to the limit, they will jump over the wall, burn down the warehouse, and destroy the mining equipment, which will actually be a greater loss for the pioneers.

Moreover, the equipment of the Harkonnen family combined with the ninjas of Sunagakure Village are actually not weak at all, and they are not at the mercy of others.

But now that Tao Yu has just returned from the mysterious world, the situation is naturally completely different.

The current Baron Harkonnen has too much prestige and his subordinates are quite fanatical, so replacing him with a new one is actually a good choice.

The most important thing is that Tao Yu can serve all the spices they have in stock in one pot!

And Feide is also a ruthless person. Even though he is now disabled, the corrosive feeling in the wound is like invading the bone marrow.

But he still endured the pain and started to reveal some dirty information.

"I know our inventory of spices. There are more than 30 tons of crude spices and two tons of refined spices. These are all what we have saved over time. Based on our current production, it will take at least a year... "

Feide's words made Tao Yu's eyes light up.

There are so many more? !

Crude spices are equivalent to raw ores mined directly from the desert. They have limited value and are used to refine spices.

But refined spices are the ones that can be taken daily.

Personally, the optimal amount per day is only fifty grams!

But there are only a handful of people who can achieve this level of luxury.

When Laban and Masjounin were replaced, except for the Holzmann shield, it was only ten kilograms.

"This is something that can slightly increase your lifespan. Not to mention the improvement of your spirit, the temporary effect of activation after taking it is also pretty good. Even if you don't take into account the two low-probability skills, fifty grams of spices and one thousand willpower will definitely be released in seconds. …”

Tao Yu's eyes flickered, two tons of refined spices equaled 40 million willpower!

Thirty tons of crude products are purified at a ratio of ten to one. If all are refined, the total amount will exceed 100 million!

It just takes a while to realize it.

"Sure enough, if we just talk about willingness, resources are still the most valuable..."

Tao Yu sighed a little, whether it was the superconducting ore from the Avatar next door, or alien breeding, or those farming industries.

The unit price may be average, but it can win with quantity.

And the unit price of spices is not low either!

Feide seemed to have noticed Tao Yu's heartbeat, and endured the pain in his body and said

"In addition to official exchanges with you, we have also privately cooperated with a few individuals among your pioneers. They use your pioneers' intelligence at higher prices, and some can help us resist. There was some exchange of your equipment.”

Feide's words made Tao Yu come back to her senses from her thoughts.

Hehe, it seems that the little rich woman and the others have not yet succeeded in uncovering the rat in the dark.

But this seems to be natural. So many people choose to come to the new development area every day. Even if a batch is processed, there will inevitably be a new batch.

If he could really sit on the Diaoyutai, he would not have arranged to go to the state capital.

"Fortunately, it seems that the transmission device is still well controlled. The hostile forces may be worried about being ambushed. It seems that the disposable transmission device is not used, at least it does not seem to be so far..."

The fact that they secretly came over to exchange shows that they are still hiding from the public, and that they are not strong enough!

"Then, do you know who they are? Do you know their identities..."

Tao Yu has already begun to prepare for a dream channeling ritual.

Although Tao Yu could feel that Feide's mental power was much stronger than that of ordinary people, probably due to long-term use of spices.

But if you cook it carefully and get some superficial information through dream channeling, it’s quite easy...

"As expected, mice are still very cautious."

From Feide's dream, Tao Yu 'saw' the trader from his perspective.

They were all covered up tightly, and even some of the Harkonnen family's detection equipment couldn't detect anything about what kind of wishful objects they were.

As the heir to the Harkonnen family, Fede also knew some of the exchanged props.

They are all very sinister things.

‘This poison is colorless and tasteless. This small bottle is enough to kill your biggest sandworm. It can also be mixed into spices. Even if we are boundary breakers, if we don’t have a strong poison resistance talent, we will most likely die directly. ’

‘This kind of ‘ox-hair needle’ is specially used to break various shield force fields. It can also threaten boundary breakers by surprise. ’

‘This is a world barrier access device. Even if you don’t have the Chosen Ones and the Luck Stealers, you can use this to open a temporary channel for trading and exploration...’


All the things traded are quite targeted.

If the base has been trading with the Haknam family, it would be fine.

But if the two sides really have a conflict for some reason, and the Haknam family suddenly takes out these things and gives them to the ninjas to cooperate, it would not be surprising if a few people in the floating city died.

The ninjas themselves also have special attack blessings with assassination capabilities. In addition to these and a lot of information leaked by the other party, if they are targeted against the enemy, except for the little rich woman, it will be difficult for other children in the floating city to resist.

As long as the children of the floating city died, it would be a blow to the prestige and pressure for the little rich woman.

"It's a pity that I don't know their trading rules."

Tao Yu sighed.

Those guys were very cautious and really didn't leave any clues.

Although these things are very targeted, they don't have any family characteristics. They can be bought through channels like the Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce in the state capital by spending willpower.

"Yes, as the saying goes, a man of insight is a hero. You did a good job..."

Tao Yu nodded approvingly.

Let Feide's face also show joy. His efforts were not in vain...

The light in front of him was gradually swallowed by the black shadow. Feide suddenly found that endless black mud had crawled from the shadow to his body, and had silently covered his eyes.

The disappearing light was caused by the black shadow crawling up the pupil!

What's the situation?


"I don't like perverts."

As Tao Yu's voice fell, the black mud instantly swallowed Feide completely, and then quickly returned to the shadow.

This sudden change made Ye Cang and Luo Sha feel nervous.

In fact, in our eyes, you are also a pervert!

Luo Sha, who was also covered and sealed by the black shadow, had a miserable expression.

It's over, I'm going to be eaten...

Ye Cang, who was covered in blood, could only take two steps back cautiously, holding a kunai in his hand and holding it across his chest and said

"What do you mean, sir?"

He has fully cooperated and still killed people, he is really moody!

"Nothing, I just saw some disgusting pictures when I was communicating with the spirit in my dream. You don't know it at all, right?"

Tao Yu looked at the two of them strangely, and then said

"So, what compensation are you going to give?"

This made Luo Sha and Ye Cang's mouths twitch.

What, ask for our compensation and then kill us in one go?

That guy surrendered and was willing to be a puppet before!

But the situation was stronger than the person. Luo Sha, who was sealed by black mud and could not use any chakra in his body, hesitated for a while and asked proactively.

"According to the information, you have hired ninjas from the Hidden Mist Village, and you should know something about us. Please make your own conditions."

"Tailed beasts, I am more interested in tailed beasts. Have you made a Jinchūriki?"

Hearing Tao Yu's words, Luo Sha felt that his eyes went dark.

You are really rude!

Now this is the most valuable thing in our village!

But he soon found that his 'black eyes' were really black, and the black mud had covered all his eyes.

It seems that as long as he gave an unsatisfactory answer, he would become like the guy in front.

No wonder he wanted to kill him. Was it killing a chicken to scare the monkey before...

"In the name of the Wind Shadow, I agree to your request..."

After weighing the pros and cons, Luo Sha still chose to compromise.

Even if he refused, what?

It's just a waste of death!

The opponent's current strength is already so strong, not to mention the overall strength of the pioneers. Now that he has set his sights on the tailed beast, it will probably be difficult to resist...

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