When he first launched a sneak attack on Joseph in the inner city, Tao Yu was still a little panicked, worried that there would be some means to detect him.

This time my mentality is much more stable.

After finishing the last hit, Tao Yu still remembered the situation when Joseph self-destructed, so he waited there for a moment, and then went over to touch the body with gloves.

‘It is highly toxic and has a chance of penetrating the skin. ’

Tao Yu's deified auxiliary ability was used again at this time. Unexpectedly, the body of the lizard man would turn into poison after death?

Is this because the venom glands ruptured and entered the body?

No wonder her style is different from Wei Nuo's wide-open and wide-open style. She should also take a dexterous route and use toxins to kill with one hit.

Very difficult!

Moreover, Tao Yu did not forget that when Wei Nuo was besieged by aliens, he used some kind of potion. He lost his mind and gained a sudden increase in strength. He was even parasitized by aliens and disembowelled, but he still managed to survive.

Tao Yu kept trying to open his mouth and used various information to stimulate him, and then made confirmation based on the superimposed spiritual sense of his deified crane shape and [warlord's gun], and only launched a sneak attack when he sensed the opponent's greatest mood swings.

"Fortunately, things have stabilized. Otherwise, we might have been in trouble if we didn't know the information about this toxin."

Tao Yu was still very satisfied with his caution. What if this guy could spray poisonous mist and cause large-scale damage?

No matter what trump card she has, it's safest to keep it in her pocket.

If the information about the 'Son of Destiny' couldn't distract the other party, Tao Yu was ready to talk dirty.

And if you never find the right time, you may even have to sacrifice yourself to find the opportunity.

Thinking of the other party's sharp teeth, Tao Yu couldn't help but shudder in her heart. Fortunately, there was no what if...

After touching the corpse with gloves, Tao Yu actually found a few good things.

Last time Joseph, the beast, blew himself up and nothing was left behind, but this time there were several items that were useful to Tao Yu!

One was a fang-shaped dagger with some lines wrapped around the handle. Although he did not notice the poison, Tao Yu still washed it with the water that had killed several people.

[Monster Fang]: A dagger made from monitor lizard teeth. It has the characteristics of [bleeding], [armor breaking], and [paralysis], and can absorb 900 willpower.

A piece of close-fitting inner armor that can only protect the area between the chest and abdomen. There are fine scales on the inner armor.

[Inner scale armor]: It has strong defensive power and anti-penetration ability. It can evenly distribute the damage received. It has weak defense against blunt objects and can absorb 400 willing power.

Although this inner armor looks cheaper than that dagger, the actual price is probably more expensive!

It is lightweight, and this defensive mode is highly resistant to bullets. Tao Yu really couldn't put it down, and he didn't mind at all that others had used it.

Even if it looks like a female item, Tao Yu doesn't mind, as long as it's practical to wear inside!

After rinsing with water, he started to take off his clothes and put on clothes on the spot, which made Jack next to him widen his eyes and open his mouth into an O shape.

What kind of fetish is this?

In fact, you are the pervert, right?

"What are you looking at? Superficial!"

Tao Yu's sensitive mind couldn't stand Jack's eyes, so she turned around and glared at him fiercely.

With a worldly outlook, you simply don’t know what practicality is.

While muttering, Tao Yu also accelerated the speed of dressing, quickly covering the inner scale armor.

In addition, there is a pair of knee pads and wrist pads, which are similar to the elastic leather type of sports knee pads. Their protective capabilities are average and they can absorb only one or two hundred will power, but they can increase explosive power and endurance to a certain extent, and reduce Muscle strain.

Good quality and low price, high cost performance.

"This is a similar route to mine. Everything is quite suitable."

These items don't actually contain much will power alone, but just like the blood orchid, which only absorbs less than 100, the function here really makes Tao Yu's whole body change from gun to gun!

"Although they are tools for touching corpses, they are small and can be hidden. In terms of benefits, it is still worth taking the risk."

Tao Yu was not worried about choking.

The company has company regulations, and the abyss has its rules. Even if the equipment he picked up in the abyss is really exposed, at least it will be difficult for the other party to use it as an excuse to do anything to him openly.

At least that's what it looks like on the surface.

In addition to these pieces of equipment that were useful to her, Tao Yu also found seven kinds of potions and put them in the backpack around her waist.

Six of them should be specially used for her implanted alien body, and are highly toxic to ordinary people.

Tao Yu directly absorbed all the will power of these six potions, which totaled about 2,000.

When absorbing these potions, Tao Yu also noticed that such high-quality items would absorb the will power slower.

"If we see some artifact or something in the future, we might even suffer a counterattack when we absorb it."

After Tao Yu drank up the medicine that was useless to him, he also had some thoughts in his heart.

Then he looked at the only physical potion left, which was similar to Qi Bu Qi Pills but should be more efficient.

[Physical Strength Restoration Potion]: Slightly toxic, easy to bleed, greatly restores physical strength, stimulates nerves, and restores mental strength to a certain extent.

There were only three of this milky white physical recovery potion. Tao Yu kept it on his body and discarded the remaining potion that had been sucked up.

"Here, help and burn them."

Although it was getting dark, Tao Yu did not intend to leave directly. Instead, he went back to the pickup truck and got a small bucket of gasoline. With the tires of the abandoned vehicles, he piled several bodies together and then sprinkled them with gasoline and set them on fire.

Jack had recovered from the shock of Tao Yu changing into women's inner armor.

"Will it cause trouble?"

As a former member of the CIA task force, although Jack was willing to help ordinary people and had a positive outlook, he was not a person who was conservative and was quite skilled in destroying corpses and traces.

"If it was known that I did it, there would definitely be trouble. The power and influence of the people in the inner city are still very large."

"It was us."

Jack smiled and corrected Tao Yu's words, and took the initiative to light the fire.

"I can't imagine the scene of being pressed down by this sharp-toothed woman."

Jack shuddered, and the scar on his big nose trembled.

Tao Yu was silent for a moment but still did not correct him.

It seems that the female lizardman didn't like him...

Maybe he was too ugly...


"I still have to make a fortune..."

Tao Yu felt the nearly 7,000 points of willpower reserve and the upgraded equipment on his body, and he felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

Even if he didn't come to the barren zombie world, he would have been risking staying in the grassland and rainforest to hunt.

Not to mention the risk of facing the siege of aliens and losing more than the gain, even if he said that everything went smoothly, he couldn't come so fast even if he came day and night.

This is still considering that the skills in the newly developed area can still be sold at a high price, and he still has to go back and forth between the abyss and the present world to complete the task.

As a result, the gold coins of the lizardman exploded here, which was a huge profit. If the value of Cao Shaolin's [Warlord Sidearm] is also included, it will be even more.

At present, [Warlord Sidearm] is still the most valuable equipment on Tao Yu.

The two functions of [Armor Breaking] and [Precision] are actually quite ordinary, but the superimposed spiritual perception feels that it is very effective even for people with stronger strength.

Just like the deified crane form, Tao Yu thinks it is the most practical and promising of the five forms.

"It's right in front, let's stop here and rest in the car for a night to recharge our batteries."

Jack also stopped the car with the headlights on against the night.

There are already some roadblocks in front, and there are barbed wires next to them.

You can see that it is already very dilapidated.

Tao Yu can see that there are several traces of man-made cuts and damage on the barbed wire.

"Okay, have the zombies on the periphery been cleared?"

"Someone in front wanted to take away the equipment and military vehicles on the periphery, which attracted the zombies. Now most of the zombies in this base are concentrated in the center, which is more dense than the school we visited before. It is a challenge."

Jack has been here for so long, and he is still clear about some of the situations nearby. Although the last time he escorted things here was before the outbreak of the biochemical crisis, he still has a lot of understanding through the communication with other survivors.

"In fact, the best way to deal with this kind of place is to arrange people to lead the zombies away separately.

"But if you drive too fast, the zombies will stop chasing you. You can only ensure that you are driving at a similar speed and making noises continuously. Once you are surrounded, you will die. Everyone who has tried has died, and slowly no one will come."

The weapons depot has exploded. If someone has to risk his life to create an opportunity to get in, it may not be successful, and the harvest is uncertain, so naturally they will stop trying.

In terms of the current number of survivors and the proportion of supplies, there is no need to take such a risk.

"Then take a rest tonight, eat something, and I will tell you about the pile exercise by the way."

Because of absorbing the power of will, Jack has a very good physical foundation, which is similar to Tao Yu when he first learned it, and his own various fighting abilities are also very strong, so the speed of getting started is naturally fast...

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