In the early morning, when the sky was just slightly bright, Tao Yu had already gotten off the car to do today's exercises.

Even with [One Certificate, Forever Certificate], Tao Yu's ability will not degenerate, but it still takes time to improve.

Even when his willpower was not enough, he still insisted on daily practice. Now that he has enough willpower, he will not fall behind.

Tao Yu's figure was seen constantly urging different variants of the Wanliu Five Forms in the circle drawn by his feet, sometimes agile, sometimes heavy, and the muscles of the whole body could hear the sound of tension, like the bowstring being played, and the bones creaking under the circulation of qi and blood.

The movements were sometimes as fast as thunder, and sometimes as slow as a turtle.

But even if Tao Yu swung at that seemingly slow speed, accompanied by the compression and twisting of the muscles all over his body, and finally released a quick and short blow, he could make a strong sound in the air.

After a set of five-form interactive movements were all completed, Tao Yu slowly stopped and exhaled.

"High-level skills cost a lot."

Because he was not afraid of damaging his body, Tao Yu simply stretched and drank a bottle of sports drink, and then began to stuff Snickers into his mouth.

"You still need meat."

Tao Yu muttered in his heart. As soon as he got [Five Forms in One], Tao Yu started to come in to make money.

But the two times he encountered strong enemies, he could be said to have some failures.

The first time he faced Cao Shaolin, the burst of strength broke the knife, and the second time he did not dare to give the opponent a chance to get close.

After all, his proficiency was too low. If [Five Forms in One·Reform] was pushed to level 5, and the potential of his body was fully developed, he should be able to fight in close combat.

"The gun is very cost-effective, but unfortunately there is an upper limit. It is not easy to obtain unconventional firearms."

Tao Yu looked at the [Warlord's Gun] in his hand.

Fortunately, this is enough for him for the time being, but he needs to take precautions in advance through these two encounters.

"You got up really early."

Jack yawned, opened the door, got out of the car, stretched his muscles, and pressed his waist.

It was quite awkward to rest in the car.

"In the abyss, weakness is the original sin."

Tao Yu chewed the food, digesting it quickly with the help of [Swallowing Jin Gong·Modified].

The peristalsis of the stomach and the absorption of the intestines directly solved half of the backpack.

Tao Yu's way of rolling made Jack feel a little pressure, and he also quickly performed a set of Zhuang Gong, which was not yet completely introductory.

"The next battle is tough, save your energy."

Tao Yu looked at Jack and found it a little funny. He ignored the pain, but Jack couldn't.

"Okay, I'm not sure about the specific situation inside, so I'll observe it first and determine the countermeasures."

Looking at Jack's serious look, Tao Yu didn't feel much pressure.

"Don't be nervous. If it's really difficult, we won't look for it. We'll just go back and find a big guy to push it flat."

If there is a chance here, of course it's most cost-effective to get it yourself and then sell it.

But if the difficulty is too high, Tao Yu doesn't have to break through.

Eat as much as you want. Tao Yu knows that he has strong abilities in burst, sneak attack, ambush and lurking, and it is no problem to seize the opportunity to defeat the strong with the weak.

Joseph, Li Hui, Cao Shaolin and Lizard are all examples.

But endurance is indeed a shortcoming. When the Li family faced the miscellaneous soldiers later, they relied on kryptonian willpower to hold on.

Although it looks very convenient, it is really a bit unaffordable. Now that the strength is stronger, the consumption must be greater.

So to some extent, it is actually restrained by the zombies.

Because this base is related to Area 51, it is said to be magical, but in fact it looks very ordinary inside. Some ordinary military camps can be seen from a distance, and there is also an airport runway.

The outer barbed wire is very simple and rusty.

It seems to be just a large area of ​​land encircled by a military restricted area.

And there are more complete military camps inside, and you can see the walls, metal railings and electric grids on the walls.

In addition, there is a huge charred area and a small amount of debris, which is probably the weapons depot that exploded.

The two parked the car directly on the road outside, each holding a weapon and a backpack, and entered the base through a cut wire fence.

There are almost no zombies left outside, which seems to be quite scattered and does not pose a threat.

Some corpses can still be seen on the ground, which should be the zombies that the previous waves of people came in to clean up.

But further inside, whether it is in the military camp or on the airport runway, there are a lot of zombies.

Most of them are still wearing beautiful military uniforms.

It seems that all the people in this military camp have gathered there and are locked in.

"The place where the meteorite is studied is underground, and I know the location of the entrance, but it is in that military camp, which is a bit troublesome, and you have to find the identity card to go in. If the gate is closed, you probably have to search it out among the zombies."

After all, Jack had escorted things here before, and he has a deep understanding of this place.

"Let's try it. First, find a suitable place to sneak in."

Tao Yu didn't say anything, but he could hide in the shadows and sneak in through ventilation ducts when necessary.

After approaching the military camp, the two of them walked lightly, not wanting to attract the attention of the zombies.

Smelling the stench at the tip of their noses, looking at the metal railings that blocked the zombies and were much stronger than the outer wire fence, the two of them were also looking for a suitable breakthrough point.

Tao Yu was still chewing a Snickers bar while observing.

He lowered his voice and asked Jack

"What did that group of people do before? Why are they so close?"

"I don't know either. It's a little harder than I thought..."

Just when Jack was a little surprised, Tao Yu suddenly paused, then quickly looked up and saw a surveillance camera under the eaves of a building.

At this time, the camera was still flashing red lights regularly, obviously in working order.

Jack was a little surprised to see Tao Yu stop, but he was relieved after looking over, and then lowered his voice and said

"This is a military base after all. Look at the solar panels on the roof? It's no problem to maintain basic equipment when all are interrupted. After all, it's only been seven months."

"No, the camera just moved. There are living people or something with wisdom in it."

Tao Yu's deified crane form brought high spiritual perception, plus the passive superposition of [Warlord's Gun], just now he clearly felt the sense of being peeped.

This made Jack stunned. There are still living people?

"You also said that this is a military base. Although the outside is occupied for unknown reasons, it seems normal to have a safe area and enough food inside."

"You are right, maybe there is really someone. Let me test it."

Jack nodded to Tao Yu, and then took the initiative to come to the front of the camera while paying attention not to attract the zombies on the other side of the guardrail.

As a former CIA task force member, Jack is also very clear about some confidential codes, and he gestured directly in front of the camera.

Sure enough, soon the camera that seemed to be motionless moved up and down, as if nodding.

"Sure enough, there is someone."

Jack turned around and said to Tao Yu, and looked at Tao Yu's combat uniform again.

Although he was eating without a helmet, Tao Yu's outfit could easily be misunderstood.

"Your outfit, plus the code I used before, may have initially gained trust. There are so many zombies outside, and the people inside should be trapped, and trapped for a long time."

Jack made his own judgment.

The main thing below is the laboratory, and there may be guards or something, but in fact the main combat force is up there.

But it is obvious that the group above has turned into an enemy, so the people inside dare not come out again.

"But it is a bit strange. The drinking water in the military camp here shouldn't be so easily contaminated, right? How did it become like this outside?"

Tao Yu also began to think of another question at this time.

The people inside are fine, so it is likely that they did not drink the contaminated water inside, and they had a separate water supply?

If this is a zombie world itself, there is no need to consider so much, but this world was infected later, so there should be a source, so it shouldn't be too exaggerated.

But think about it carefully, the zombies who can still jump around for seven months are all here, it seems that it is nothing to become like this...

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