"Just turn over?"

Tao Yu seemed a little surprised after hearing the arrangement made by Gandalf.

Shouldn't we take the small path and then encounter the Balrog?

Is there something wrong?

I don't know the exact location of the Balrog...

"Yes, this is the most convenient way, or does Mr. Tao have a better path?"

Gandalf looked at Tao Yu with a deep look.

Although he was still wearing a gray robe, he also had a sense of dignity.

"Well, I mean you also saw that our team is centered on Frodo, and you didn't let me keep the ring, so we shouldn't choose such a difficult route, after all, this mountain is too high."

Tao Yu answered and understood the problem.

In the original text, Saruman had already defected at this time. At that time, they were actually avoiding the powerful Saruman's intervention, and they also suffered from the blizzards and avalanches created by Saruman's spells, so they were forced to choose the passage occupied by the Balrog...

"I mean, there is no path or passage through?"

Tao Yu had just finished speaking, and Jimny, who seemed a little hurried and sleepwalking because of Galadriel's joining, came to his senses and said

"If you want to talk about passages, Moria can go directly through the Misty Mountains. My uncle Balin should be there. I think I can go and see."

Jimny's short legs also felt that it was a bit too difficult to cross the Misty Mountains.

"If there is a better place, I think it's okay."

Ai followed Tao Yu riding the alien flying dragon and saw how magnificent the Misty Mountains were.

To put it bluntly, even if he wanted to cross this terrifying mountain, it would take a lot of time.

"I have no objection."

Bodomir, the son of the regent prime minister who also flew over, nodded and thought that this was the truth.


There was a faint blue light flashing in Galadriel's eyes, which brought out a mysterious atmosphere from her own sense of holiness, as if she had foreseen something.

Then nodded

"I think it's okay. The future seems to be in crisis, but it can be overcome..."

Tao Yu heard Galadriel's words beside him, and his eyes lit up slightly when he looked at Galadriel. Does this person also have the ability of divination and prophecy?

In fact, to a certain extent, Galadriel can also be regarded as an alternative "disaster witch".

Both in terms of strength and ability category.

"Madam seems to be proficient in prophecy. I saw that you have made great achievements in the word spirit before. Maybe we have a chance to discuss it."

Tao Yu invited.

Tao Yu actually used "dirty words" before. Last time, he directly cooperated with the witch's petrification ability to capture the top boundary breaker Yueyun alive.

But he also clearly knew that the potential of the ‘Filthy Words’ was far more than that, and it should not be used just to bully weaklings.

So after returning to the abyss, he asked Paul to bring his mother over, wanting to consult with the Sisterhood about its capabilities.

To be honest, the current digestion process, the large-scale battles and teams that the Hunter Path needs to create, he thinks he can start to digest it slowly here.

The use of the power of nature leveraged by the Sequence 2 Angel-level ‘Weather Warlock’ and ‘Disaster Witch’, when the previous digestion is almost complete, the control will naturally be strengthened and you don’t have to be so cautious.

But the Sequence 2 ‘Filthy Words Elder’, who was the first to be used in actual combat by him, still seemed to be a little unsure of the direction.

“If you want so…”

The Elf Lady nodded slowly, and glanced at Tao Yu with an inexplicable look, and there seemed to be a little mysterious mist in her eyes.

Although Tao Yu was very happy, when he saw the beautiful eyes of this lady, he always felt that there seemed to be something hidden in them.

In his impression, this elf lady did not attend this meeting, but only provided help on the way to the Fellowship of the Ring, gave treasures, and then cast the water mirror to let Frodo see the future scene...

Then Tao Yu's eyes lit up slightly, and he couldn't help but think of Paul's original actions.

"At that time, the will of the world provided Paul with a sign, so that he took the initiative to find me. Did the will of this world also sense the crisis of the abyss and began to choose some means of self-rescue..."

Tao Yu knew that the will of the world fragments, except for the completely crazy ones in the giant world and the Holy Grail world, would generally take measures similar to the "chosen one" to save themselves.

There are prophetic chosen ones in the desert world and Middle-earth, so it is normal to take similar actions.

In fact, Galadriel is indeed very much like the chosen one of this world!

"Then thank you in advance."

Tao Yu took the opportunity to thank him first. The situation here surprised Gandalf, but he didn't say anything.

Because at this time the Fellowship of the Ring had already had the tendency to pass through Moria, and he, who was used to only guiding, would not stop it.

Just said

"Since everyone thinks so, let's set off..."


Coming out of the valley, we continued to move forward along the Misty Mountains. Although the road seemed a bit desolate and there was no road under our feet, it was still no problem for the team in front of us.

Even the two hobbits had a strong ability to cross mountains and ridges.

Originally, after Saruman defected, they still needed to avoid the crows that Saruman was monitoring.

But now, after feeling the familiar fluctuations from the crows, Gandalf would take the initiative to greet the crows.

As a white-robed wizard, Saruman did not come here himself, but he relied on crows to observe the situation of the Fellowship of the Ring from a distance. This is normal.

Tao Yu would not show anything in the team, but would chat with the beautiful elf lady about words and prophecies from time to time.

"It's a pity that your spellcasting ability seems to be innate."

Tao Yu felt a little regretful. It seemed that whether it was Maia or elves, their mysterious spellcasting ability seemed to be naturally acquired, more like a power bestowed by the God of Creation.

"It's amazing that the pioneers can improve themselves."

The perfect face of the elf lady looked very calm.

"Maybe from now on, Madam can do this too."

Tao Yu's words surprised the elf lady

"Oh? What's the explanation? Since the abyss you mentioned appeared, I do feel a little different."

"In order to save itself, the world will select people with excellent will and character to become the Chosen Ones, and obtain the ability to absorb willpower, which is even more efficient than our pioneers."

Tao Yu's words made Galadriel's eyes flash.

"The will of the world..., the Chosen One..."

After she got the ring, she made such remarks, which actually showed that this Elf Lady had a kind of pride in her bones.

Now that she has experienced the trial of the ring, her mentality has undoubtedly become more perfect.

But even so, after hearing what Tao Yu said just now, she felt that she must be the 'Chosen One'.

There is no reason...

"Moria is ahead."

At this time, Gandalf, holding a pipe, also interrupted the conversation between the two.

There is no doubt that he must also be the Chosen One of this world...

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