Moria was built in the mountains. It can be seen as hollowing out the entire mountain, connecting the two ends of the Misty Mountains. It was once an extremely important passage.

This was once the most powerful and famous dwarf kingdom in Middle-earth.

Here the dwarves prospered and built one of the greatest cities ever built.

But the constant digging deep into the ground finally awakened the monster sleeping here, the Balrog who once served "Morgos"!

This also caused the dwarves to flee, and the area was once occupied by orcs and cave trolls.

The Troll is a stupid monster with infinite strength, created by Morgoth in imitation of the Ents who protect the forest.

The cooperation of orcs and trolls once blocked the passages on both sides.

However, a few decades ago, Balin of the Turin dwarf clan led some dwarves from Gushan to regain this place...

But now they came to the towering gate of Moria that was sealed.

While sighing at the magnificence of this giant 'dungeon' embedded in the mountain, I also felt that something was wrong.

"Oh, what's going on here?"

Jimny obviously still doesn't know the information that Moria has fallen again, and seems a little unbelievable.

"There have been terrible disasters here..."

Gandalf said, holding his pipe in his mouth.

At this time, Tao Yu had already opened the towering gate of Moria.

As soon as it was opened, a putrid smell came from inside.

You can see the corpses of dwarves and orcs all over the place.

Because of the passage of time, they have all turned into skeletons, and all kinds of rusty weapons are scattered on the ground.

"Oh, damn!"

Seeing the situation in front of him, Jimny naturally knew that something big must have happened, and then he walked in recklessly and yelled at the empty hall.

"Is there anyone? Uncle Balin..."

And his roar did attract some responses, and some red dots could be seen sporadicly popping up in the darkness.

Those are pairs of eyes.

"It's an orc."

Frodo looked at the glowing dagger in his hand and said hastily.

It was a gift from his uncle. It glowed whenever an orc was around, similar to Gandalf's Gramdrin.

Almost as soon as his voice fell, seemingly endless orcs in the darkness were already swarming towards them.

The armor and equipment on these orcs are relatively simple and not uniform. They seem to be pieced together with the dwarf equipment here in Moria, and many of them look rusty.

But judging from their running speed, just like the humans in this world created by gods, they are much stronger than ordinary people in other worlds.

He runs very fast and can continue to sprint towards this side with weapons in hand.

There was also a wah-wah-wah sound coming out of his mouth, which sounded like a ghost crying or a wolf howling.

Before he even got close, Legolas, an elf, stood with his bow drawn, and arrows shot out in succession with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Each blow was like an anti-material rifle, buzzing through the bodies of the orcs.

But it is obvious that his archery speed is extremely fast, and the power of the arrows is also extremely powerful. He can even penetrate two or three arrows with one arrow.

However, facing the dark orcs pressing over them, their numbers did not seem to decrease at all.

"I'll do it."

Tao Yu took the initiative to stand up and win favor. He still didn't feel any pressure in the situation at hand. This would be beneficial to Balrog's last-hitting and grazing in the future.

Originally Tao Yu subconsciously wanted to summon shadow soldiers.

As soon as the dozen or so boundary breakers led by Teng Lianghong and Yue Yun came out, they started killing them indiscriminately, without Tao Yu having to do anything.

But then he regained his composure, so he might as well use less of his underworld abilities first...

Then he clapped his hands, and the nearby ground began to shake violently, click~

A crack spread instantly, the nearby rocky ground suddenly cracked, and vines several meters thick rolled out, overwhelming the sky and pressing towards the swarming orcs!

Mudun·Demon Tree Realm is coming!

Thick vines several meters thick continued to split, and the dense branches that could make people feel trypophobia spread out and plunged into the group of orcs.

Tao Yu didn't even bother to transform into a shadow soldier when it came to things like half-orcs.

Otherwise, it will take a lot of trouble to replace it at that time.

Tao Yu, who just kept his hands clasped together and was constantly injecting energy to spawn vines, was a little speechless.

It may have something to do with his inability to control his power precisely, and there are also two angelic beings with serious negative attributes, Elder Murderous Whisperer and Witch of Disaster.

In the past, the painting style was just like the coming of the tree world from the underworld, but now it has become even weirder.

Originally, I even said that I would gather some natural things like trees to improve my painting style and gain some favor.

But the result seems to be a bit counterproductive...

There seemed to be various strange eyes and teeth appearing on the vines, of different sizes and strange shapes.

Especially at the top of the vines, there are also eyes that are constantly darting, or disgusting mouths similar to those of aliens that are constantly biting.

Although the eyes seem to have brought out part of the petrification ability, combined with the original sealing technique, the effect is outstanding.

But this feeling is really hard to describe...


A vine topped the giant alien mouth and bit an orc into two pieces in one bite, causing blood to fly.

Then he was hit hard by a large four- to five-meter troll next to him with a big stick. From the damage, red sap like blood flowed out and splashed all over the troll.

Immediately, several vines nearby seemed to have discovered prey and rushed towards the troll at the same time.

Many eyes hanging on the vines glared at the troll at the same time.

The already slow-moving troll became even more clumsy and even gradually became stiff.

Before the petrification was fully effective, the subsequent vines had already pounced on it and cut it into pieces in an instant!

Corpses and flesh were scattered, and the bloated body was broken and looked extremely disgusting.

And this kind of bloody scene happened in many places almost at the same time. The savage growth continued to penetrate the vines ahead, bringing killing and death wherever they went.

The deceased was very unsettled...

Ai and Kirabi were both stunned at the scene in front of them.

The last time you arrested us, although it was disgusting enough, it wouldn't be like this, right?

What happened to you during this time? !

Do we need to be grateful that you showed mercy last time and didn't do the same to us?

Even Ai and Qilabi, who already know some of Tao Yu's abilities and have some psychological defenses, are already like this.

Among the other members of the Fellowship of the Ring, except for the beautiful elf lady, everyone else was either frightened or wary.

Frodo and his little friend Sam, the two weakest hobbits, did not dare to look at the scene in front of them.

This is too exaggerated!

They are not holy saints, and they hate orcs. They don't think there is anything wrong with killing orcs. If they have the opportunity, they will definitely not let it go.

But looking at the splashing blood and corpses, and the whole scene of a slaughterhouse, I still felt sick to my stomach.

Tao Yu also looked back at everyone with some embarrassment, coughed and said

"Don't worry about it. I just didn't control my power well enough and summoned some evil plants. Our pioneers' abilities are inherently weird, but they look scary. I'm still very kind-hearted..."


A troll was squeezed to pieces, and the splattered plasma hit everyone's feet, adding a bit of embellishment to Tao Yu's words.


Do you have any misunderstanding about the word kindness...

"This is the orc that Mr. Tao helped us clean up. Although the power does not look good, we have enjoyed the benefits and don't care too much about worldly judgments."

Galadriel, who has lived for more than 8,000 years, has witnessed almost all major events in Middle-earth, and can face this scene calmly.

"These orcs may be the culprits that caused Moria to turn into the tragic situation before us, so I don't think it's okay."

Gandalf held his pipe in his mouth and his old face trembled.

"But maybe it would be better if it wasn't so, well, so dirty..."

He seemed to be considering his adjectives.

The other party has shown great ability, and has indeed resisted the temptation of the Lord of the Rings. Now he is still willing to help, and he does not want to hurt the other party with words.


Being able to withstand the temptation of the Lord of the Rings may not only be due to strong will...

The Ring contaminates them, more like a drop of ink dropped into a glass of water, staining them all in one go.

But if it was just a cup of ink, that would be it...

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