All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 565: Information from the Pioneers

"This is my pioneer professional ability. If I don't absorb your power back, there will be no side effects. Do you want to feel it?"

Tao Yu looked at the members of the Ring Guard Team and asked.

This made everyone in the Fellowship of the Ring nod frequently.

"However, this ability requires me to control the team, and it also requires your trust. The more trust you have and the more cooperative you are, the higher the fit will be. Otherwise, it may have no effect."

Tao Yu's words made Gandalf's heart skip a beat.

He was afraid that there would be a new Sauron, but after thinking about it, he still did not stop Tao Yu's attempt.

Although they were just a temporary partner, after all, they had been traveling together for so long, so they were familiar with each other.

Some credit can still be given.

As everyone began to concentrate, they began to form a team and completed a connection with Tao Yu in some extraordinary field.

Tao Yu also allowed his power to conform to the link channel and gave them 'enchantment'.

Even if the compatibility is indeed not high, the bonus is not much.

But after all, Tao Yu's own strength was strong enough, and everyone still improved significantly.

Even the two hobbits, Frodo and Sam, could clearly feel their changes.

"I feel like I can hit ten..."

Aragorn moved his hands and feet and said with some surprise.

Aragorn is actually somewhat confident about his own strength, and his ability is indeed not weak.

Although it is nothing compared to the power of Tao Yu and Maiya who have transcended the mortal level, their combat power is still higher than that of Boromir.

He can even fight against jounin.

But now, he clearly felt an indescribable power emerging from his body, as if a steady stream of energy was being transmitted from the shadow.

Strength, speed, reaction, and even defense!

It seems that their shadows have self-discipline.

"Hey, let's see what happens."

Boromir threw a stone at Aragorn.

However, before the air-piercing stone could touch Aragorn, it was blocked by Aragorn's shadow autonomously, pinched in the shadow's hands, and then crushed directly!

"What a magical power..."

Aragorn's original power was all concentrated in the body, and he had no extraordinary abilities. Now he felt very novel about being able to control shadows for defense and even form armor.

"What do you mean by absorbing our power?"

The relatively calm elf Legolas asked curiously.

"Just like this."

Tao Yu adsorbed it at will. Although not many were adsorbed due to the fit, he still directly used the standard elf bow technique, shooting at the nearby trees in an instant, and piercing through them all.

Legolas' eyes widened as he watched Tao Yu easily shoot through the thick tree surrounding the three of them, using standard Elf archery.

He felt as if power was flowing through his shadow.

But as the other party was relieved, this feeling quickly recovered.

It's completely unlike his previous underworld ability. Normally, this is a win-win and complementary force.

Both parties benefit at the same time!

And because the power gap between the two sides is too large, the benefits that one can gain exceed those that the other party can gain.

"It's really good..."

"A born commander."

"If you raise an army, it will be invincible."

Several people said it sincerely.

Boromir, who kept throwing stones and tested almost everyone, said even more excitedly

"I feel like we can unite the coalition forces to counterattack Modo. We happen to be going to the capital of Rohan. I can definitely talk on behalf of Gondor..."

Although Aragorn is the true heir to the throne, before he has been recognized, his representation of Gondor is indeed no better than that of the eldest son of the regent...

Not to mention the Fellowship of the Ring traveled a long distance to the capital of Rohan.

Saruman also returned to Orthanc with Celeborn.

Orthanc is a tower made of four stone pillars, over 500 feet tall.

There are already a large number of strong orcs cutting and forging nearby.

Even though the first river-crossing attack suffered heavy losses, it did not affect the morale of these strong orcs at all, and they were still actively preparing for the war.

"What are these things?"

Celeborn glanced at the group of orcs with some disgust.

Half-orcs evolved and multiplied from the tortured fallen elves, and these strong orcs also gave him a very bad feeling.

"My masterpiece, the Orc."

Saruman glanced at Celeborn and spoke calmly.

"To defeat Sauron and sweep across the Middle-earth continent, we must have enough soldiers and horses. How many people do you have in the elves?"

Saruman's words silenced Celeborn for a moment.

There's no way to refute it.

"Lord Saruman, I'm really sorry. I messed up. I don't know why those Rohan cavalry are so strong."

Puzi, who was wearing a white robe from the Floating City, quickly led his two subordinates towards this side and apologized sincerely.

"Humph, this matter has nothing to do with you. I need information now."

Saruman stared at the three of them, even if he did nothing, he put huge pressure on the three pioneers headed by Puzi.

Puzi felt the other party's momentum, as well as the terrifying operation of summoning floods before, which made him feel like he was facing the only disaster-level grandfather in the family!

This made Puzi secretly shocked. Did the other party become stronger again? Or did he deliberately hide something before? !

Perhaps Puzi's own strength is not very good, but after all, he was born in the floating city, and his judgment is still very strong under the influence of his surroundings.

"Please tell me, I will tell you everything I know!"

Puzi has actually told Saruman a lot of pioneer information, but he can't tell everything in detail, too much and too complicated, so he can only refine it.

At present, the biggest achievement on his side is actually to help the "priest" get in touch with Saruman.

Although the three of them are wearing collars, their status is completely different from the other two.

Their role is just to provide some proof for themselves and keep this identity as much as possible!

"Do you know this person?"

Saruman stretched out his hand and lightly tapped in the air, and then the air twisted, revealing the image of Tao Yu.

When Tao Yu came to the Lord of the Rings, he did not change his identity or conceal it.

Sometimes, revealing some information appropriately can also bring benefits.

When the three pioneers saw Tao Yu's appearance, their faces changed slightly.

"It seems that he knows."

"Yes, he is a very famous strong man among our pioneers, nicknamed 'Eight-armed Vajra' and named Tao Yu. According to my current information, he is not weak, with the strength of a boundary breaker, and he is not an ordinary boundary breaker."

Puzi said without hesitation.

"Boundary breaker..."

Saruman frowned slightly.

This thing is just a boundary breaker?

He has been in contact with these pioneers until now, and actually has some outlines. Although he has not seen the so-called boundary breaker face to face, it is said that this Puzi is almost at the level of a boundary breaker.

Can the gap be so big?

Or is this guy just bragging?

They are not of the same level no matter how you look at it...

"Is the information accurate?"

"At least 98% accurate. Although he is powerful, he is of low status. I can easily know it through the intelligence channels of my family..."

Puzi said confidently.

The other party is now in the state capital. He has defeated the boundary breaker Font and the stronger Steve. He is suspected of having duel-type space ability!

Being able to know this information also shows that his family is not simple!

"Yes, Lord Puzi knows much more than us. We have a lot of things that we don't know, and we are even misled."

The two inner city pioneers also spoke up at this time.

This made Saruman's expression uncertain.

He can be sure that these three people did not lie to him with his strength!

But he has never seen Tao Yu take action directly.

In the previous attack that penetrated the mountain, the opponent said that a dreadlord and a fire demon died together, and the opponent just pushed it a little bit...

"With his strange ability, it might be possible. Could it be that his original strength is not strong, and it is mainly the bonus ability..."

Saruman began to deduce.

According to the information here, the 'eight-armed Vajra' has the ability to duel space.

Maybe it is to pull people into an independent space, and then rely on the army of shadow monsters he summoned to form an army, and then use his enhanced ability and the powerful regeneration ability of the monsters to continuously wear them down?

Saruman began to simulate a set of killer moves of the opponent.

He was suddenly brought into an independent space, and then a large number of shadow aliens rushed towards him with hideous faces.

Moreover, these aliens have also obtained some kind of blessing, faster speed, and greater strength.

But they were easily defeated and disintegrated by his own power.

Even if this kind of shadow monster has a strong self-repair ability and can even be reborn continuously, it cannot threaten him.

The scene was cleared by powerful spell shock waves, and then the opponent behind the scenes was found out, and he was knocked away with a staff.

"So it's just like that..."

After confirming the information, Saruman smiled.

It's a pity that I was so cautious!

But it's good this way, his ability is still very strong.

Let him lead the human alliance to counterattack Mordor, and then sit back and reap the benefits!

It's stable!

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