All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 566: Allied Invitation to Enlist

Théoden was the seventeenth king of Rohan and had ruled the kingdom for nearly forty years.

However, because Isengard is adjacent to Rohan, Saruman also arranged for a sycophant, Grima, to be by his side, and relied on Saruman's witchcraft to complete the erosion of Théoden.

The defense line in Rohan's gap is relatively weak, which is actually the reason why the king was confused and even manipulated.

However, Rohan and Gondor have an alliance, and they used to be a vassal state of Gondor.

After Boromir revealed his identity and the Horn of Gondor, Grima was unable to stop him.

They could only arrange for Théoden, who looked a little dull, to meet them.

In the not-so-splendid palace, Théoden looked quite haggard even though he was wearing a crown.

His eyes were lifeless, like a dying old man.

Even if his mouth opens and closes, he can barely hear any sound.

But beside him, there was a minister dressed in black, with a treacherous look on his face, who was listening attentively, nodding his head in agreement, and then raised his head to look at the crowd and 'translated'

"Welcome to Rohan, everyone. However, His Majesty is feeling unwell. I wonder why you come to Rohan?"

In fact, both Tao Yu and Gandalf clearly sensed something was wrong with King Théoden and looked at each other, but did not reveal it immediately.

The other party's physical condition is very bad, and doing something rashly may cause backlash.

"The thing is like this, Rohan was attacked before..."

Gandalf had friends all over the world, and he also knew Théoden. It was he who gave a brief explanation at this time, and then took out an autographed letter from Prince Théogede and presented it to him.

"...So this time we want to borrow some of Rohan's troops."

Gandalf was already prepared. Once the other party refused, he would quickly stop the guy closest to the king, lest the other party threaten King Théoden.

Then think of ways to figure it out slowly.

"Since it is an autographed letter from the prince, naturally we have to believe it. Let Éomer lead 7,500 of our Rohan warriors to follow you."

However, what happened to Tao Yu and Gandalf was unexpected. After listening to Théoden's whispered words, Grima actually translated and agreed directly.

And they arranged for King Théoden's nephew, Éomer, the war leader of the Kingdom of Rohan, to lead a team to accompany them.

This sincerity is not lacking!

Even Gandalf was a little stunned for a moment, wondering if he wanted to take action again.

Only Tao Yu's eyes lit up slightly.

He knew that Théoden was controlled by Saruman. With this phenomenon happening in front of him, it can only be said that Saruman, who returned to Isengard, chose to agree!

"He was willing to hand over 7,500 cavalry regiments after seeing me leading the charge of the Rohan cavalry. This..., he wants to use my hand to fight against Sauron?"

Tao Yu also understood the change in Saruman's mentality at this time.

Tao Yu didn't know what he wanted to do when he cooperated with the floods and glaciers created by the luck thief.

But now with more known information, it is certain that he chose to push himself to the table.

"I'm not afraid of being alone one-on-one, so I don't mind doing this. As long as Gandalf and the elf lady are willing to stand by me, then the winning rate is not low."

Tao Yu didn't mind being used, and it was still uncertain who would use him.

So now this King Théoden...

Tao Yu completed the spiritual transmission to Gandalf

"Mr. Gandalf, King Théoden is currently under the control of someone. If we act rashly, it may endanger his safety."

Tao Yu's words made Gandalf nodded imperceptibly.

"But if we continue to let it go like this, I'm afraid there will be dangers as well. And if Éomer leads the main force and leaves with us, it is very likely that Rohan will be attacked again."

"So we go back to Rohan Gap, counterattack Isinger first, kill those threats directly, and if not, we will severely damage those monsters."

Tao Yu's words made Gandalf slightly stunned.

But after thinking about it carefully, although the journey is a step back, it is indeed possible!

Their request was to take the Rohan cavalry to Gondor, and then prepare to attack the Black Gate.

But if we go back and deal with the threat behind it first, that’s okay.

You will be outside, and your life will be compromised...

Because Théoden was in poor health, he excused himself to go back to rest after agreeing to the request for troops.

He simply handed over Éomer to them.

Éomer was wearing a suit of armor, he was powerful and had a strong aura about him.

He is the most capable fighter in the Rohan Kingdom and the person with the strongest commanding ability.

He is also the one who has been protecting the capital and restraining Grima.

It is precisely because of his constraints here and the army under his command that the current Rohan can barely maintain stability even if the king is confused.

Éomer, who came in front of everyone at this time, actually looked a little unhappy.

He didn't know what would happen here after he was sent away from the capital under an excuse.

However, facing the Ring Guard team who came to borrow troops and the prince's letter, he couldn't put on an ugly face.

He just bowed slightly to Gandalf as a courtesy.

"General Éomer, the plan has changed. We will first fight back to Fall Khan's Ferry, ally with Prince Théojed, and then counterattack Isengard."

Tao Yu said to Éomer straight to the point.

This made him look stunned.

"Aren't we going to Gondor?"

"We were just attacked from behind, so the general doesn't want those Dunlendings to invade Rohan, right?"

Tao Yu used a little instigation.

Instantly, Éomer got excited.

No, absolutely not!

"I think you are right. Since we have lent you soldiers, you can arrange whatever you want. I am only responsible for fighting."

Éomer is not a person who sticks to the old ways. He is very flexible.

"Also, I hope the general can give me some of the command of the team."

Tao Yu did not say that he would take all the command.

Just like Prince Théodred before.

The Rohan Legion is not the Fremen who surrendered with the prophet Paul.

They have their own ideas and objects of loyalty.

So at most they can only rely on the commander's orders to temporarily obtain a certain degree of control.

But it is enough for blessing. After all, it is just an ordinary legion, and Tao Yu is not prepared to borrow these mundane powers.

The efficiency is too low, no matter their individual strength, or their trust and tacit understanding with me.

Even if there are many of them, it is useless.

It is even better to directly borrow the blessing of the alien, not to mention the high-cost cards such as the Balrog and the Dreadlord.

But Saruman has some misunderstandings about me at the moment, so this level is just right.

Chop off Saruman's minions first.

If he defected, take Gandalf with him to beat him up. If he continues to hide, then after defeating the orcs and slowly digesting them, go all the way to Gondor to counterattack the Dark Land...

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