"The only remaining ones are Kyuubi and Nanao..."

In the inherent barrier, a collection of octopus-like tailed beasts stretched out their tentacles to capture the chakra of the fourth and fifth tails. After completing the assimilation and absorption, Tao Yu also felt the qualitative change of the chakra of the tailed beast again.

Although there are still two types of chakra missing, and both the Nine-Tails and the Seven-Tails are relatively important in terms of size, the texture of the mixed tailed beast chakra has become more obvious.

It is a bit more solid than the previous mixture.

"Sure enough, even without the heretic demon, I can still rely on negative energy to carry out magnetic restraint..."

Tao Yu was very satisfied with this change. He was confident that he could complete the fusion of the Ten-Tails chakra without the Ten-Tails body.

Once the Ten Tails are completed, it is possible to directly obtain the power of the Six Paths.

Even with his current level of strength, it doesn't mean that he can ignore this improvement.

"The power of the Six Paths is also all-encompassing. In fact, it goes well with the Immortality Art. However, the current level of the Immortality Art is relatively low. I hope that the immortal magic from Zhu Xian can be integrated into it and improved..."

While Tao Yu was conducting tail beast fusion and testing in the aircraft carrier compartment, many representatives from the survivor fleet outside came to the aircraft carrier one after another.

Helicopters began to land on the aircraft carrier.

"How's the situation?"

A mature woman who was a little older but well-maintained asked the people from her motherland who came to greet her.

"It was very successful. This time we defeated the Burning Legion's attempt and added a very reliable partner."

The people from the motherland looked at this woman with a strange look, but the woman pretended not to see it at all.

Her name is Steele, now a representative of Vought Corporation.

When the motherland was born in the laboratory and lacked love, Walter Company specially arranged for her to provide maternal love to control the motherland.

And it has been quite successful until now.

Although it can't be said to be obedient, for now, the people of the motherland are still under the control of Watt Company.

Because of this, at this time of doomsday, Vought Company has a very high say in the survivor fleet.

The surviving congressmen and fleet commanders of the Great Beauty are all about to become the puppets of Vought Company to a certain extent at this time.

Fortunately, these beautiful congressmen are just mouthpieces of capital. The only difference is that they represent different factions.

Now that they are all Walter's dogs, they are not used to it...

"A reliable partner... who knows people but not their hearts. We don't know exactly what he wants to do, so we can't be careless."

Steele's tone was a little heavy, and then he asked again

"Then what is his strength? Is it really the same as what Shen Hai said, or even better than you?"

When speaking of this, Steele seemed a little anxious.

The people of the motherland are the biggest trump card in her hand, and they are the reason why she is still in charge!

In fact, she doesn't reject the status quo very much. In the past, she had almost everything, she enjoyed everything she should enjoy, and all she wanted was power.

But in the past, she would still be subject to various restrictions and restrictions.

And now, relying on her motherland, she has almost become the most talkative person among the survivors!

This sense of accomplishment and excitement is really addictive.

But if the people of the motherland that I am proud of are no longer the strongest, then things will be a bit troublesome.

"This guy from Deep Sea..."

The people of the motherland also felt a little angry when they heard Shenhai talking about them behind their backs.

But when he mentioned Tao Yu's strength, he hesitated and said

"He is indeed very strong, and he has certain restraint methods against those high-level demons, but I am not weak either."

In fact, in their hearts, the people of the motherland can also judge that they are no match for that person.

The sudden instant kill speed alone is extremely terrifying.

But only in front of Steele, he was unwilling to admit this personally, which also made Steele, an ordinary person, have some misjudgments in his heart.

"I knew it would be difficult to replicate this miracle of our motherland."

After knowing what was going on, she relaxed a little and had new plans and approaches for the future.

"Where is he now?"

"He has negotiated some deals with Old Man Onoki. It seems to be going on now. Let's not disturb him."

The people of the motherland look indifferent and don't care much about these things.

Steele's eyes fell on the alien flying dragon on the deck and the fallen flying beasts ridden by the Ringwraiths.

Use these mounts to judge that person's strength.

The Witch-King of Angmar, as the strongest among the Ringwraiths with the 'No man can kill me!' buff, felt some malice and turned his head to look over.

The empty black shadow under the helmet made Steele slightly shocked.

"After completing the deal with Ohnoki, and still being so shady, I'm afraid it's targeting us. Do you want to seize power..."

Using oneself to judge others, Steele soon had his own judgment in mind.

"We are having a short meeting now. Representatives from several other ships have also been called over..."

"Now? Okay..."

The natives are no strangers to meetings, with their Super Sevens regularly meeting together and now into the apocalypse.

Originally, after learning about the previous incident, representatives from all parties had already arrived by helicopter, and now it was appropriate to hold a short meeting.

These people are either high-ranking officials of the original navy or some surviving members of Congress, and now they are all tied to the Vought Group's car...

"Everyone, the deep sea has brought about the situation in the world next door. This can be considered good news, but it is not optimistic yet..."

Steele presided over the meeting, and with the support of her motherland, no one dared to be presumptuous.

It's just that humans are a social group, and management is far more difficult than occupation.

The inefficiency of slaves lies here. How to mobilize human resources is a very complicated subject in itself and requires reasonable management arrangements.

Even if Steele has gained power, if he wants to pass on some measures, he still needs the help of the people in front of him and everyone must reach a consensus.

As Steele slowly explained the situation in Middle-earth, many attendees' eyes lit up.

A somewhat bald congressman asked with certainty.

"You mean, because of the world barrier in the next world, these demons can't easily pass by? And they are still using primitive crossbows?"

"Elves, orcs, hey, it's such an interesting world."

"What is the difference from the Indians back then? Although we have suffered heavy losses in strength, especially in terms of supply, it should be easy to occupy that place, right?"

"Going back to the days when a few colonial ships occupied an island?"

"We need firepower, we have firepower, we need individuals, we have superheroes."


Because I got the news about the world next door, the atmosphere at the scene became lively.

No wonder we were called to a meeting!

I didn’t expect such good news!

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished yet. According to what Shen Hai said, he met a human master from their kingdom, and his strength is not as strong as that of Shen Hai."

After I said this, I felt a little bit cold.

It turns out they are not just aborigines...

"We also know the strength of Deep Sea, but what about the number of people? Also, do they have any powerful individuals similar to the people of the motherland?"

A naval officer said solemnly.

Nowadays, nuclear bombs cannot be used. It can be said that if there are such individuals, except for the superhero Duizi of equal strength, they have almost no effective way to deal with it!

"One of them is the owner of those weird flying dragons outside. I am afraid that his strength is not inferior to that of the people of the motherland."

It would be a shame if I didn’t tell you earlier. If there is any problem, I think we can have a good talk...

Among the superheroes also present, Maeve, Locomotive and Deep Sea have all seen Tao Yu take action.

Although due to their strength, they were unable to make accurate judgments.

Maybe he can kill three high-level demons instantly, so he seems to be stronger than the people of the motherland, right?

Isn't it just that they are not inferior to the strength of the motherland?

In addition to them, there were also superheroes such as Starlight, Black, Invisible Man, Lamplighter and Storm who had never seen Tao Yu.

Contrary to the senses of Deep Sea and others, these people were shocked that there were still people with strength comparable to those of the motherland. This was really scary.

The people of the motherland are existences that can compete head-on with high-level demons.

But the good news is that they seem to be friendly forces for the time being.

Just listening to the discussion of those guys at the scene, if this big boss hadn't suddenly appeared, they would have wanted to transfer and escape to another world to become king...

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