"Actually, I don't think we need to do this. When I discussed it with them before, they had already agreed to accept our asylum."

At this time, Shenhai, as someone who had been there in person before, still had a lot of say.

He was caught all the way by Tao Yu, and he witnessed Tao Yu kill three high-level demon species in an instant. In his eyes, the master who ran away for who knows what, is the real talker.

It's just that Shenhai has always been timid, and he didn't dare to say anything disobedient at this time. He just told Aragorn that he had promised to accept them as refugees.

"Just accepting us as asylum? Doesn't this make us refugees?"

Another congressman seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Refugees? Us?"

Another representative spoke up, as if they all had a common understanding on this matter.

"Actually, it is not impossible to go there first. Then we will find a way to transport more people over in batches. With the knowledge we have in hand, it seems that it is not impossible for some guys with bows and arrows to gain the right to speak. "

Another beautiful surviving politician came up with a more moderate plan.

"We are indeed professional in this regard."

"I think it's okay..."

Two hundred years ago, their ancestors used a similar plan in America, and recently, they also used it once in that place that cannot be lost.

Both plans can be said to be quite successful!

This time the original world was invaded by the Burning Legion, so it was normal to choose a new world.

"It seems that everyone has reached a consensus."

Steele, who was presiding over the meeting, saw the scene, then looked at the people of the motherland and the superheroes, and said in a gentle tone

"So, do you have any other opinions here? After all, the main combat power now relies on you, and even if you escape to Middle-earth, you still need to mediate with the indigenous people there."

"I don't have any objections, but there are too few manpower now."

The people of the motherland looked indifferent.

Anyway, no matter where he goes, it will not affect his status.

When it comes to the shortage of manpower, the locomotive's breathing becomes a little faster.

He has been secretly using Walter's compound No. 5 to temporarily enhance his superpowers.

Now after the end of the world, news about Compound No. 5 has actually been circulated to a small extent.

This is specially done by Watt Company.

Now that the Burning Legion invades, they need more cards!

So after the people of the motherland said that there were too few manpower, Steele appropriately said:

"So, I think now we have to put the super soldier program on the agenda."

"So, is that rumor true?"

Politician Nia, who had previously proposed to go there in the name of a refugee and then find an opportunity to take advantage of it, his eyes lit up slightly.

He had actually heard of this kind of rumor before the Abyss invaded.

But knowing the style of Walter Company well, he would definitely not take the initiative to mention this matter, as he would be easily silenced.

But now that Steele has spoken out first, the situation is completely different.

"Yes, in fact, superheroes are all formed the day after tomorrow..."

Steele glanced at the motherland when she said this, there are exceptions, but she won't tell.

“However, now that our manufacturing plant has been taken over by demons, I just have some inventory on hand.

"Furthermore, Compound No. 5 itself needs to be injected in infants when the bone marrow has not yet fully developed for the best effect. The mortality rate when used by adults is extremely high, and the superpowers obtained are also random..."

Steele then volunteered some shortcomings.

Currently, only Vought Corporation has control over Compound No. 5.

If it were in peaceful times, their behavior of secretly injecting babies would have been exposed long ago.

But in this special period, it can be stated directly and openly.

"So, my suggestion is that all the rescued children should be injected with No. 5 compound now! The number of compounds we have in stock should be enough.

"Or we can directly inject adults. Although the mortality rate for adults is high, the results are quick. Once successful, we can form an immediate combat capability.

"When the new combat power grows, we may be able to seize the factory back, and the relevant researchers are also on our ship..."

Now those demons directly use all humans as consumables.

If that's the case, why can't it become a consumable product for Watt Company?

The Burning Legion invaded, and I don’t know how many people died. If these people were injected with No. 5 compound, then I don’t know how many superpowers could be born!

If the proposal is passed, then Watt Company, which holds Compound No. 5, will become the uncrowned king of the new world!

But her words about giving injections to all children and not caring about the life and death of adults still made everyone at the scene feel a little scared.

If this is true, I don’t know how many people will die.

But at this time, no one in the conference room refuted this point, and it seemed that they all regarded it as acquiescence.

"Actually, our burden is quite heavy after saving so many people. Many people can't do anything."

A figure in navy uniform also spoke coldly at this time, seeming to express support.

The refugee fleet, with four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers as its core, was troubled by just one supply problem.

In the past, there was a complete logistics system, so it was no problem.

But now it mainly relies on various excavations and transportation by superheroes. Even docking at the port is quite risky, which has completely changed.

He knew that if time continued to drag on, a single act of eating, drinking, and drinking might bring down the team later.

"It's okay for a useless person to die more..."

The Burning Legion can use humans as consumables, offering sacrifices, labor, and transforming demons.

Then we, ourselves, should make such decisions and sacrifices for the future of mankind and to make mankind great again!

"I completely agree with this. Everyone must play their value."

Storm, who had survived World War II, now also spoke up.

He became the first superhero to agree.

She is a person with powerful superpowers second only to the people of the motherland, and she is also a successful case of injecting compound No. 5 into adults!

He is a rare boundary breaker among superheroes, and he can also fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and he can also summon lightning.

And he's also an extreme mustache thinker.

Although the people of the motherland have been obsessed with saving people recently, they also take this aspect of human life very lightly, and they also nodded to express that it doesn't matter.

The senior executives of Vought, politicians, and superheroes have all reached an agreement.

Even if others had any ideas, they didn't dare to bring them up at this time.

Starlight, who had just joined the superhero team not long ago, is now a typical example.

She obviously joined the superhero team for the justice in her heart, but during this time, the filter was shattered on the floor.

But for now, the team is indeed continuing to help ordinary people, and there is strong external pressure. She has gradually forgotten this.

But now that she was participating in this meeting and getting the conclusion in front of her, she woke up again.

Sure enough, these people are already rotten...

As the short meeting ended, the representatives did not go back directly because they still wanted to meet the representative from the next world.

It's just that Tao Yu is studying the issue of tailed beast fusion, so most of them have been assigned some rooms to let them wait and rest here temporarily.

"I'm going to take a nap, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do."

The politician Nia, who proposed to hide in the next world as a refugee first, and then slowly made plans, warned the guards outside, and then entered the room and closed the door.

After finishing all this and even going to the window to take a look, he quietly took out a green soul crystal.

While turning up the volume of the record player next to him to cover it up, a drop of blood fell on it.

After the soul crystal absorbed his blood, a trace of mist slowly emerged and condensed into a figure...

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