"What's your information? Three of us died!"

The figure that appeared in the green crystal seemed to have been waiting for a long time. As soon as it appeared, it began to roar at Nia.

"Oh, someone from the next world came over. He was with the people from his homeland."

Nia herself had not seen it with her own eyes, but the information she had learned so far was also effective.

"The next world..."

The figure that was originally furious seemed to have calmed down a little.

He had subordinates guarding the crack, so he knew clearly that there were real strong men in the world that seemed to be covered by volcanic ash.

So this led to the fact that even though there was a crack, the Burning Legion did not attack that world with all its strength, but just kept testing it.

Now I don't know how many such strong men there are over there.

I didn't expect that the strong men over there came over. Did they come to support them knowing that the lips and teeth are cold? It's really a bit troublesome...

"Yes, your information is very important, which can be regarded as offsetting the fault."

Although the death of the three dreadlords, plus the one who lost contact before, their top combat power was almost lost by half.

But as long as General Zaka and the Lord of the Abyss are still there, the situation can be stabilized!

When this world is completely destroyed, you can try to sacrifice these creatures and awaken new high-level demons from the twisted void for support.

"This is my honor. We have already discussed it and want to go to the next world for refuge first. I will find a way to provoke conflicts between the two sides, and I am also actively developing other members. The progress is pretty good at present."

Nia's tone seemed a bit flattering.

In fact, his position here is high and high, and normally he doesn't have much motivation to join those dirty demons.

But the other side directly took out something that could help him complete the demon transformation and give him eternal life, and immediately made him kneel down.

He has already enjoyed everything, and seeing the birth, aging, illness and death of other people around him, he has no resistance to eternal life.

No matter how much power and money you have, it is so pale in the face of equal death.

He can't accept this!

Even before, he and the chaebol behind him invested in a lot of related research, but the results were minimal.

Now that we know that the Vought Group has good things, but it is also very dangerous to adults, it is still not as practical as the demon transformation!

And he also keenly realized that although these demons are cunning, insidious, and tyrannical, they still have serious experience deficiencies in politics.

He felt that once he entered it, he would be like a fish in water!

"Well, now you are mainly responsible for lurking, and then find out their specific number of strong people..."

Suddenly missing four top combat forces, now the Burning Legion also needs time to summon them from the twisted void again, and there is no intention of force attack.

They invaded many worlds, have rich experience, and are very patient.

Sometimes it is better to grasp the position of the rebels and keep them in captivity than to break them up and find them again.

"Don't worry, we are professional in this regard. I will try my best to provoke the conflict between the representative and the superhero team..."

Nia smiled slightly, and was very confident in this regard.

"Then I'll wait for your good news..."

After the mist on the Soul Stone disappeared, Nia also restrained the smile on her face, and then put it away.

After adjusting her collar, she pushed the door out.

This made the guards at the door a little stunned. Aren't you sleeping?

"I have something to discuss with Senator Porter. Take me there."


Just after Nia followed the guards and left, a figure slowly emerged from the shadows in his room.

"Tsk tsk, it's worthy of being a traditional skill..."

Tao Yu's expression was a little strange.

He had just completed the gathering of the tailed beasts, and he had a divination on a whim, and he noticed the problem here, and then came to take a look.

It can be said that there are traitors who defected to the Burning Legion, and they look like politicians. Tao Yu thinks it's not strange, it's completely natural.

But even if he saw a traitor, Tao Yu didn't mean to take him out directly.

He also found that the current situation of the fleet is a bit strange, and the remaining politicians of the Great Beauty have a considerable influence.

With them as the center, a basic order is still maintained.

Fighting and killing directly may have some side effects. It is better to let him start to bring out all the problems, stimulate conflicts and then resolve them...

"You saw it too, right?"

Tao Yu said coldly to the person next to him.

Then the air twisted, and a perverted man timidly showed his image.

It was the 'Invisible Man', one of the superheroes. He was not only able to achieve optical invisibility, but his skin also had a hardness beyond steel, enough to withstand bullets. His strength was actually quite good.

It was just that his personality was an out-and-out pervert and he liked to peek.

And he didn't care about meat or vegetables.

Today, he actually ran to someone else's room to peek, and ended up seeing incredible news.

The key is that he was caught!

Seeing Tao Yu coming out of the shadows at this time, the invisible man also felt a little uneasy.

This guy is comparable to the motherland!

Thinking of the strength and temper of the motherland, he couldn't help but feel restrained.

"Physical evidence, I'll stay, you have to be a witness, understand?"

Tao Yu pointed at the watch in his hand, and the invisible man kept nodding his head.

"I understand. He is a traitor and deserves death."

The invisible man carefully tested Tao Yu's attitude. In fact, after hearing the demon's promise of demon transformation and longevity.

The invisible man himself was quite tempted. He was worried that this guy was speaking in a sarcastic way...


"Mr. Tao, our representative wants to meet you. Let's discuss it together."

After Tao Yu showed up, the Homelander came up in person.

It was Steele who asked him, and he couldn't refuse.

"No problem, I also think we should talk. The Burning Legion is quite troublesome here."

Tao Yu did not reject the talk.

If the Burning Legion only had their top combat power, Tao Yu felt that he could try to lure it out and have a fight.

But the key problem is that now he also understands that even if this Burning Legion is just a branch, it can rely on sacrifice to directly summon demons from the twisting void.

This is a bit troublesome.

No matter how strong Tao Yu is, it is impossible for him to go back and forth in this world to clear those demons, so the local resistance must be raised.

At the very least, they must let their main force establish a temporary base in the neighboring Middle-earth continent, and then carry out long-term recovery operations here.

Otherwise, given the situation of the Burning Legion, once they let the snowball, causing the fragments of this world to collapse and the world's will to fall, it is very likely to spread to the surrounding world, forming a huge hidden danger.

And the Burning Legion does have this potential.

This is also the reason why he did not expose the traitor in person at the beginning...

It's still the combat meeting room of the aircraft carrier.

It's still the original representatives, but now Tao Yu and Ohnoki have joined.

"Mr. Tao, what we want to know now is that you are willing to accept us, but whether you will give us some corresponding powers. You may not know that our world believes that all people are born equal and will not accept some constraints."

Steel spoke first, with a relatively tough tone.

She has the support of her motherland, and when necessary, she also has the big move of giving herself to her motherland, so she is still very confident.

What he said was very high-sounding. They had discussed this before and it was a common will.

Although Tao Yu theoretically represented the frontier area, not Middle-earth, he felt it was interesting after hearing Steele's words.

"Wait a minute, it's still unclear whether Middle-earth is willing to accept everyone."

"Deep Sea said, you have agreed."

At this time, Nia also took the opportunity to speak.

"Yes, we are willing to accept refugees, but how many and who to accept are still unknown."

Tao Yu's words directly blocked the words, but made Nia even happier in his heart

"This is fraud! This is your unilateral breach of the agreement! We are not easy to bully!"

Nia's decisive voice made Steele, who was presiding over the meeting, frown slightly, but he also felt that it seemed okay to have one more black face now, and he could make up for it at a critical moment.

"Although we were chased around by those demons, Your Excellency should also know that we are not weak."

Another member of Parliament Porter also said in a tough tone at this time.

The attitude of "If I can't beat the devil, can I beat you?" is exactly in line with Tao Yu's judgment of them.

"We are all friends who fight against the devil, so we don't have to be like this."

At this time, Steele also spoke up to defend him, and then said to Tao Yu sincerely

"Mr. Tao, the devil destroyed our family and home, please don't destroy our last hope."

Although Steele's words were gentler than those of Nia and Porter, Tao Yu felt a little funny when they sang in unison.

This statement seems familiar.

"Destroy hope? No, it's to give you hope, but you don't know how to be grateful, and some people have joined the devil, which really disappoints me..."

Tao Yu's words shocked almost everyone at the scene.

Whether they really joined or were unaware, their hearts were turbulent.


Someone secretly joined the devil?

Damn, he didn't even say it out for everyone to refer to!

Even Steele felt a little heavy in his heart.

"Please don't talk nonsense, sir."

Hearing this, Tao Yu couldn't help but sneer.

"If I say yes, then yes..."


"In fact, you have some guesses in your heart. The whereabouts of the motherland were leaked and they were besieged before. This is the best example."

Tao Yu seemed very indifferent.

"In fact, in addition to my strength, I am also a fortune teller. I have a little knowledge of divination and have locked the target..."

As Tao Yu spoke, his eyes gradually turned into a dark blue color and scanned the whole audience.

They were all a group of ordinary people. He wanted to use relevant words to stimulate the snakes and form a connection with mysticism. He relied on divination to forcibly find out the people who were still lurking among them.

"What nonsense!"

Nia stood up righteously, without any guilt, but seemed to be a bit righteous.

But then, Tao Yu was too lazy to say anything else. He just clicked on his watch and projected a three-dimensional projection, which showed the contact screen between Nia and the unknown warlock.

This moment made Nia look horrified.

Is this your divination method?

You can even divination images!

Time travel? !

How is it possible!

Others were also shocked when they saw it.

Not only were they shocked that someone really surrendered to the devil, but they were also shocked by this "divination method"!

"Is this, time travel? Terrible..."

Xingguang murmured to himself, with a shocked face.

"Uh, no, I just recorded it with a camera at the time."

Tao Yu's words made many people speechless and look up at the sky. They didn't expect that this "time travel" would be so simple.

However, some people were keenly aware of Tao Yu's watch.

In terms of technological level, it is even better than theirs!

Isn't it said that they still use bows and arrows over there?


It's just that the problem of the devil traitor is now in front of them, and they don't have time to delve into it.

They all looked at Nia with scrutiny.

But surprisingly, they were not too shocked in addition to being surprised.

They knew what kind of people they were.

In front of this kind of evidence, Nia's lips turned pale, and he didn't know how to refute it.

"This is fake, it's synthetic!"

"The invisible man can also testify to this."

Under the sudden evidence, Nia's defense was so pale and powerless.

They are all old hands, and you can actually know what's going on by looking at his expression.

At the same time, Tao Yu quickly used divination to lock his eyes on another person at the scene.

It's not that Congressman Porter, but the superhero Storm!

"I'm quite strange, aren't you from the mustache side? How can you get involved with Nia and his group? It's really against the sky..."

When the divination pointed to Storm, Tao Yu really didn't feel it was strange!

This guy's personality is much worse than that of the Homelander.

In fact, the Homelander can be regarded as a bear child with a bad temper, and he will even rush towards the moon.

But Storm is really cruel to the bone.

Suddenly Tao Yu turned his head to look at her, thinking of the records and evidence he had taken before, it is very likely that he has the same one on his side!

Storm did not have the slightest fluke mentality.

In an instant, a strong electric light burst out from her body, trying to affect everyone at the scene.

And she herself quickly flew out of the window at the same time.

She did not expect that she would be exposed at this time, but she had already prepared a backup plan!

As green electric lights began to emerge, her speed and strength in all aspects increased dramatically.

It is obvious that she has been connected with the Burning Legion for a long time, and has also completed a certain evil energy transformation, even demonization.

She is already a very strong level among superheroes, and she has enough confidence to break through the siege!

With her current speed and explosive power, even the motherland can't stop her!

However, the next moment, she was horrified to find that the lightning she released, even the evil energy lightning, was subject to a great constraint, and gathered towards Tao Yu's fingers.

It seemed that she was a docile and obedient baby, and was completely controlled by the other party.

"I know a little bit about thunder magic."

Tao Yu absorbed the thunder from Feng Bao, then chuckled and flicked his finger.

Thunder was mixed with a seal and ejected, forming the energy source of the Heavenly Chain in an instant. With the sound of a clatter, the Heavenly Chain completely bound Feng Bao in it.

Just as he started, he fell to the ground with a thud, and there was not even much aftermath of the attack!

"It's bad to have power but not be able to use it."

The sudden rebound of Feng Bao, and then being subdued in a flash, was completely unpredictable for ordinary people present, and even most superheroes.

Even the people of Homeland were a little shocked by Tao Yu's effortless suppression of Feng Bao.

This person's strength is probably higher than previously predicted!

But he can kill demons to improve, so there is still a chance.

"This, this..."

Steele was also a little shocked by the sudden change in front of him.

It felt like it suddenly became uncontrollable.

Nia surrendered to the demon?

With the video evidence and the evidence of the invisible man over there, it is definitely impossible.

But Feng Bao suddenly wanted to escape and was caught in an instant.

From the green lightning, it can be seen that Feng Bao has a problem.

But I didn't expect it to turn out like this...

This made Steele's original psychological advantages change instantly.

But just when she was thinking in her heart, fortunately, she still has her motherland.

Tao Yu looked at the motherland next to her and said something that made Steele feel terrified.

"Through the divination I just did, I found that you seem to have a son, A-Zu, and he is separated from you. Why didn't you mention it?"

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