"It's cool. This thing is very powerful, but it's a pity that if it is taken to other worlds, there will definitely be reverse suppression."

After Tao Yu controlled the explosion of Unit 1, she also felt a sense of physical and mental pleasure.

No one can refuse to drive a big robot. In fact, Tao Yu wanted to try it when he saw the one in Pacific Rim.

It’s more fun to play now.

Entering this world, I have always been suppressed, and I am actually somewhat unaccustomed to it.

Now it can be considered a little bit of relief.

But soon, Tao Yu felt something was wrong. Wait, why is there the will to converge towards Unit 1?

Tao Yu, who hurried forward and ran over, was a little speechless as he watched the remains of the Water Angel, with a strong will power gathered on the No. 1 fuselage to be absorbed!

"What the hell! Didn't I kill this?"

Is Unit 1 the Chosen One?

What kind of monster is this!

But thinking of Ikari Wei's soul, Tao Yu felt that this seemed normal. After all, it was something with the potential to become a god.

To sum it up, EVA didn't go too far in treating Unit-00 as the protagonist. Shinji Ikari was just a activating plug-in.

"How to deal with this? There are more than one apostle. It's not a pity to waste just one, but you have to find a way for me to do the last hit..."

Tao Yu looked at the giant, limp body of Water Angel on the screen in front of him, like the deflated remains of a blue whale, with blood splattered all over the floor.

"Tsk, the apostle is so big. Can you control EVA to cripple him first, and then jump out to hit him?"

Because EVA is a completely sensory control, Tao Yu also has a judgment on the strength of the previous AT force field.

Just as he had predicted, under the suppression of the world's will, his full attack should be able to barely break through the Water Angel's AT field and cause damage to the apostle, but it would be difficult to cause fatal injuries.

You really have to rely on the No. 1 machine to destroy the apostle first, and then slowly come down to touch up the damage.

Moreover, the style of detaching during battle and then going up to finish the job by yourself always feels a bit wrong and inconvenient.

"If something is wrong, something is wrong. It is too wasteful for Unit 1 to absorb the wish power like this. If you want the wish power, you can take it to the next door to kill the cockroaches. For this kind of high-quality prey, it is more cost-effective to replace it with skills and wish power items..."

Tao Yu has already made a decision in his heart. He will try his best not to let go of every apostle in the future!

Even if you don’t use so much, you can still try to sell it for money...

It might even be possible to exchange it for the Heart of the World!

"In the past, I didn't have a channel to obtain the World Heart, but there must be some in the Sun family. If the quality is not enough, just count them together. There should be a lot of World Hearts in the ordinary world, and maybe there are some. What other channels..."

Just when Tao Yu set a goal for the future, Misato's voice also came from the cockpit.

"Minato, are you okay? The target has lost its breath of life. You can come back now."

The previous scene of Unit 1, where the apostles were wiped out in a blink of an eye, was really too scary!

They believe that EVA can resist the apostles, but it won't be so easy, right?

How can you be so afraid of the destruction of the world predicted by the Dead Sea Document?

Thinking that the UN army was completely crushed in front of the apostles before, and the N2 mines were useless, but now they are unable to take a single blow against the No. 1 machine, it really feels like a dream.


Tao Yu thought about it for a while, but still decided not to run away directly with the No. 1 machine.

A moment ago, he even had the intention of turning around and throwing a cross to blast away the twenty-fourth deck, and then jump off himself, but in the end he held back.

"Wait a minute. Since what Misato saw was a giant, the number one apostle is Adam. Now Adam's embryo is in Europe. When the time comes, Asuka will drive the number two unit to escort it over. This is the easiest thing for me. The first thing to get..."

The Adam embryo is something that can be implanted into Ikari Yuantang's hand. Compared with the size of the apostle, Tao Yu feels that it is much easier for him to handle it!

Tao Yu felt the changes in Unit 1 after absorbing the power of wish. Although it was indeed improved in all aspects, it could not directly absorb skills like the Pioneers. In fact, it was better to directly control the Water Angel in Unit 1. The S2 mechanism was eaten alive...

"Minato, you are really amazing!"

"You are the hero who saved the city!"

"You saved the world!"


As soon as Tao Yu came back, he received the most solemn welcome.

The entire NERV was established to confront the apostles, and it has always been instilled with the idea of ​​how awesome the apostles are and how dangerous the world is.

They are all people risking their lives to save the world.

After seeing the despairing power of the apostles, the devastating defeat of the UN army, and even being only slightly injured in front of the N2 mines, they also felt heavy in their hearts and could not guarantee that EVA could really succeed.

But Tao Yu's sudden appearance, and the No. 1 machine defeating powerful enemies in a snap, completely overturned their understanding.


Destroy the world?

That's it? !

We are the heroes who save the world!

The despair brought by the Water Angel was as great as it was at the beginning, and now it is becoming more and more fanatical.

Tao Yu, on the other hand, put on a classic smile like a native of the motherland.

"I'm just a pilot at best, and you are the real heroes..."

Unit-01 was almost intact. Except for the UN army, which suffered heavy losses at the beginning, and the aftermath of an AT force field cross cannon that Unit-01 had just come out, the overall damage was much smaller than it would have been.

The accident of Unit-00 being damaged was also completely thrown aside. Ikari Gendō was rarely commended by the Human Instrumentality Committee.

"You did a good job this time. Is this pilot from that village? Are there any control methods now?"

A representative in the holographic image seemed to have considered Tao Yu's identity.

Takigakure Village had already learned a lot in front of SEELE, and this group of soldiers who regarded completing the mission as their responsibility were definitely their favorite tools.

Now, I didn't expect that the child of Takigakure Village could reach this level.

Even though Takigakure Village had a good reputation, those who had used it said it was good.

But as the rulers of the world, they were never willing to see uncontrolled things happen!

The qualified person in front of them was really too exaggerated.

With the power displayed by Unit-01, no other existing power can contend with it.

So what if they save the world?

If there is a possibility of destroying the final plan and challenging their authority, then they still need to be contained!

"How about implanting a micro-bomb in his body?"

"Will this cause rebellious psychology?"

"You can install it secretly, just say it's a physical examination, and never let him know if he behaves normally."

"Yes, start from both sides, one side is gentle, and the other side is left with a backhand."

SEELE holds the Dead Sea Scrolls and secretly controls the world. They will never allow such uncontrolled things to happen.

They are the rulers of the world, the kings of the world, and are about to lead mankind to glorious evolution.

Even the global disaster caused by Antarctica can be easily blamed.

"You can't put all your hopes on one person. If he doesn't obey and dies, there will be no such good replacement."


"We will also start looking for other children. Now you just need to perform your duties and defeat the attacking apostles."

Finally, they made a final decision.

Ikari Gendō received recognition for his ability to defeat the apostle this time, and they can continue to advance the completion plan with confidence.

As the meeting ended, Ikari Gendō's deputy Fuyutsuki also said in a deep voice

"I didn't expect this new qualified person to be so strong. Can the fighting talent of that village be so terrifying when used in EVA..."

After sighing, he looked at Ikari Gendō again

"Then, should Yui's child be involved?"

Ikari Gendō crossed his hands on the table, his expression very calm

"They are right about one thing, we can't put all our hopes on one person."

After that, Ikari Gendō pressed the call button again

"Call Misato over, there is a task assigned to her..."

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