When Ou Cong appeared before, he destroyed all the battleships with a single move of his hand. He seemed to have the ability to directly manipulate metal, and he casually shaped one of the battleships into a solid iron ball.

That kind of display of strength made everyone feel full of despair.

However, Tao Yu descended from the sky like an angel, listening to the faint hymn in his ears and the halo above his head.

The cross-shaped AT force field exploded with one blow before, quickly erasing the enemy. This kind of strength was beyond the understanding of everyone present.

It's just that the AT force field has appeared, I'm afraid this is the apostle!

Special humanoid apostle!

Kaji seems a little trembling now, but he carries the Egg of Adam with him!

It’s over!

The third impact is coming!

"Why do you and Ikari Yuantang and the others have the same brain circuit?"

Tao Yu could read Kaji's emotions with just one glance, but Asuka was still a little confused.

"It's a bit presumptuous to slander your savior like this."

Tao Yu glanced at Jiaji, making the latter's expression dumbfounded, and then smiled bitterly.

"This is indeed my fault. I'm extremely sorry."

After saying that, he looked at Tao Yudao with a complicated expression.

"Actually, regardless of whether you are an apostle or not, I shouldn't be like this if you saved us before, and it makes no sense."

The strength displayed by the opponent is completely unmatchable and irresistible.

"Come with me and I'll give you something."

After saying that, he turned around and motioned for Tao Yu to follow him.

"Although the thing has a password and a self-destruct program for anti-AT force fields, it's probably of no use. I might as well just leave it to you."

Arriving at a crew room, Kaji opened the password to the safe and took out a small, square metal box.

"You probably came here because you wanted this, but since this gentleman can communicate, I wonder if I can ask you, will you launch a third attack?"

Asuka, who was also following next to her, only reacted belatedly at this time.

"What? Third Impact?!"

"If you want me to do that, that's not impossible."

Tao Yu said in a wicked way, with a naughty smile on his face.

"In no mood!"

Kaji and Asuka shook their heads at the same time. Who wants a third impact? They are crazy!

"Even if SEELE wants to, they have to eliminate all the other apostles first. Okay, let me borrow your lounge."

Tao Yu didn't notice, and directly drove Kaji and Asuka out of the room.

Even across the box, Tao Yu had completely felt the attraction of Adam's Egg to her.

It has an insidious influence.

It's just that Tao Yu himself can be exempted from this kind of response on the mental side, so he can stay calm.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid the fusion would be completed on the spot!

"Sure enough, there is another problem hidden in this. What is it? Does the world's will want this forbidden combination? Or has the world's will actually been corrupted by the evil god of the abyss..."

Tao Yu kept thinking in her mind, and there were many 'coincidences' along the way. Even though many of them were the result of her own initiative to pursue them through divination, Tao Yu still felt that it was 'too smooth'.

It was as if there was an invisible hand pushing me away from behind.

"Heh, let me see what's going on..."

In addition to Adam's egg, Tao Yu also felt the aura of another wish-power item. Combining the known information, it can be known that this is the 'Dead Sea Document' that records all changes.

The content inside can be regarded as a prophecy to some extent...

Putting the box next to him, Tao Yu raised his hand and combined the AT force field with his own enchantment method to seal the entire room, and then opened the box.

Accompanied by a mechanical sound, after the box was opened, you could see something that was only the size of a palm and looked like a human embryo frozen, and a cold air spread.

I don’t know if it was because of sensing Lilith’s fluctuations, but the Adam’s Egg seemed to be on the verge of awakening, but was temporarily sealed by Tao Yu.

Then he looked at the ancient parchment stacked up next to him.

I don’t know how long these parchments have been in existence, but they are stacked one on top of another, giving off a faint mysterious aura.

Tao Yu could also clearly feel a wave of will power from it.

Then without hesitation, he reached out and pressed the Dead Sea Document first.

Sensing the breath of the Dead Sea Document, Tao Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

There is no pollution information?

[Dead Sea Documents]: Some ancient books found in caves near the Dead Sea record the mystery of the origin of life in this world, including the Kabbalah tree of life and the ladder to godhood...

"It turns out to be a way to become a god? Cultivation? It doesn't seem like it. It seems to be just a pure concept, and it is an ability that can be absorbed? But it doesn't seem to be a skill..."

Tao Yu had mental immunity. Although he noticed that there might be something wrong with it, he still resolutely chose to absorb it!

If something goes wrong, Tao Yu can directly eliminate it from the body when the time comes, and he still has nearly 200 million willpower with him. Tao Yu is still very confident.

And with the injection of information, the Dead Sea Documents were directly burned page by page, first turning into charred residues, then gradually decomposing, and even disappearing directly!

At the same time, Tao Yu also had a burst of enlightenment in his heart, and seemed to have touched a new context.

This is different from the cultivation methods of Taiji Xuanqing Dao and Changsheng Jue. It is more like a pure ladder to godhood!

It does not bring power, nor does it have a way of cultivation, nor does it have specific skills.

But it gives an outline and framework!

Among the many ability light balls in Tao Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, a strange sapling began to thrive.

Even the skill light balls produced by his own deification and fusion have a tendency to be embedded in this tree of life.

Tao Yu can sense that he can stop at any time by relying on divine suppression, so he will temporarily follow this change.

There is nothing extra, it seems that he just simply changed a place and charged and lit up his Kabbalah Tree of Life.

"Twenty-two paths, ten source substances, four worlds, three pillars..., this..."

(Note, it is not the source substances and paths in the secret, but only the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Because there are too many contents, it is difficult to write in detail, just understand it roughly.)

A standard way to godhood, a very unique way of thinking and direction.

At the same time, this made Tao Yu think of the 22 ways to become a god in that mysterious world, and he vaguely felt a sense of fit.

"I feel that if I can collect all the 22 ways of that world into this tree of life, it seems a bit scary, but the style of that world is a bit wrong..."

Tao Yu thought of this, and suddenly saw his [Power: Price].

Now that he has been deified for the second time, the concept can also be distorted and changed, and then he just clicked it.

The Kabbalah Tree of Life actually began to turn upside down!

A sense of depravity rose instantly!

"Fuck? Can it be like this?!"

[Evil Tree]: The reverse side of the Tree of Life contains another layer of knowledge.

Ten reverse source substances, the same 22 connected paths, also represent another completely different path...

"Good guy, this thing can be used both positively and negatively, it's actually quite tricky, no wonder it feels wrong, it just met me..."

This is not a skill ability, Tao Yu did not find that it can be deified, this is more like a kind of "favorite" of skills?

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