Constantly digesting the newly acquired knowledge, Tao Yu's understanding of the so-called impact of the EVA world has become deeper.

"In fact, if we want to complete the human completion plan in the future, we will reshape the Kabbalah Tree of Life. At that time, with Unit 1 as the central source, and find the other nine sacrifices, we can open the door to becoming a god... …”

However, although Tao Yu has obtained the corresponding ladder to become a god, he obviously will not follow the path of the EVA world.

He had little interest in the Human Orange Juice Project.

It’s true that you have to turn it into your own use!

Then Tao Yu reached out and grabbed the Adam's Egg without hesitation, and then absorbed it directly!

The massive influx of world power made Tao Yu feel a trembling feeling in his soul.

"Not weaker than Lilith! It can almost fill up the talent, almost reaching 90%..."

Similar to what Tao Yu had expected before, this massive injection of world power has made Tao Yu's inherent barrier more and more strengthened, and even has a tendency to become sacred!

Ascending in accordance with the tree of life can lead to spiritual sublimation, and even transcend the constraints of the material world, or you can descend and accept the rules of physics again.

This is more like a dimension-enhancing process.

It’s just that the difficulty is needless to say...

However, Tao Yu is not that concerned about the current EVA world. Only when it is fully used for his own purposes can it be truly effective!

"However, the forbidden combination of Lilith and Adam, combined with the talent that is about to take shape, can also bring benefits besides talent..."

Tao Yu thought for a moment, and the holy circle appeared again above her head, but this circle seemed to be rippled around and wanted to spread out, leading to an unknown space.

In the area covered by the ring, Tao Yu also developed a sense of dominance.

The inherent barrier itself is also changing, completely turning into endless information, and simultaneously integrated into this shadow aperture!

Tao Yu could clearly feel Zhu Xian and Zhu Xian Sword Formation, but they seemed to be in a state of 'non-existence'.

It's like this door leads completely to a different world of nothingness, the negative universe!

At the same time, the power within the inherent barrier can easily interfere with the material world with the help of the 'door' above the folding fan!

It can even directly activate the Zhuxian Sword Formation to form a kind of mobile destruction!

"The combination of reality and reality feels really good..."

Tao Yu had a hunch that if the Dead Sea Documents were implemented in this world and the final completion of the process from 1 to 10 sefirot was completed, the final gate to godhood would probably be integrated into the human consciousness of the earth.

It's just that Tao Yu doesn't want to follow the rigid route in this world!

The ladder to becoming a god is already there, and the remaining steps are naturally modified according to yourself.

Even if other pioneers get it, it may be difficult to make changes.

But Tao Yu himself has mental immunity, and with the adjustment of [Power: Price], he can completely ignore the original steps.

"It doesn't need to be so complicated, I have already completed the promotion of my status!"

Tao Yu could feel that after he opened the [Gaf Gate], his entire personality had been significantly elevated, and he was sublimating in accordance with the tree of life.

It is already at the same level as the witch who saved the little man in the bottle and the holy will in Ou Cong!


"I obviously haven't lit the holy fire yet, this is forcibly raising my status..."

As Tao Yu closed again, he felt this feeling of falling again.

"After trying it once, I really want to keep it forever, but having a black circle on my head is too permeable."

Tao Yu has mental immunity and will not be intoxicated by the pleasure brought by sublimation. She likes it, but it is not uncontrollable.

Therefore, climbing along the tree of life and the process of personal sublimation have no side effects for Tao Yu.

If you want, there is nothing wrong with maintaining it for a long time. You can already be regarded as a different kind of saint!

After all, even in the general introduction of the little rich woman, it was said that most saints follow this route, but not all...

"I didn't have to follow the traditional path of other pioneers."

Even this ladder to godhood alone is enough for me to use temporarily. I can control it by myself, which is actually quite good to a certain extent...

Otherwise, Tao Yu's scalp would explode when he thought about the cost of teleporting back after becoming a saint.

"But I'm not like this. I can check it out during the teleportation... Oh, it was a bit of a miscalculation..."

Originally I just wanted to come here to catch the Nine Tails, but normally there is really no way to complete this level of transformation.

But who would have thought that the Zhu Xian Sword and the harvest of the EVA world would be so suitable...

While Tao Yu kept tinkering in the room, the fleet under attack also continued to sail towards the Third New Tokyo in accordance with Tao Yu's request before entering.

The crew members on the destroyed ships have also completed their transfers.

But in addition to moving people along the way, Kaji also encountered another somewhat thorny problem.

That was the inquiry from the European NERV branch, asking what happened.

When a veteran like Jiajie heard this, he knew that this was not what the European branch meant. There was a high probability that the behemoth SEELE had noticed something was wrong.

But although Tao Yu didn't say it clearly, with the ability that Tao Yu had shown before, Blessing could only continue to deal with it in the command room. He just said that he was attacked by the apostles and the losses were a bit heavy.

"...It's best if it's just the apostles attacking."

In the end, only a faint voice came from the other end of the phone, which seemed a little cold.

This made Kaji feel a little pressured.

But thinking that the Adam's Egg was gone and the third impact hadn't happened, it seemed that there was no need for him to feel any pressure.

"Hehe, the attacker may have something to do with SEELE. Is this a regret..."

After thinking for a moment, Kaji gave a direct order

"Continue sailing, send Unit 2 to the Third New Tokyo..."


Just when the ship was sailing on the sea, a few days away from the destination.

A group of uninvited guests came to the Third New Tokyo.

The special operations force directly under SEELE suddenly airdropped to the Third New Tokyo, coming very suddenly, or it could be said to be caught off guard!

Even a shrewd guy like Ikari Gendo didn't expect SEELE to suddenly make such a move at this time.

The apostles have not been completely eliminated, the preconditions have not been completed, and the birds have not been exhausted, so the bows will not be hidden!

From the beginning, NERV showed that it was good at dealing with the apostles, but there was a gap in the human single-soldier armed forces.

The biggest reliance was on Shiyan and the others.

However, after Ikari Gendō saw the efficiency of the special forces on the surface of the Third New Tokyo through the monitoring in the operations room.

He still directly ordered Shiyan and the others not to confront each other directly, and let SEELE's special forces control the various entrances and exits of the underground world.

"Misato, you take the driver to the EVA hangar first and wait for orders."

Ikari Gendō was also decisive. It was really troublesome for EVA to face individual units in the environment on the surface. There were too many bunkers.

However, in the underground world, it was relatively much more spacious!

After SEELE's special forces team peacefully took over the various entrances and exits, they did not carry out any massacres.

They just entered the underground city in batches and headed directly to the NERV headquarters. The purpose was very clear.

Ou Ya, wearing a women's windbreaker, followed the negotiation team.

But even though she entered the underground unimpeded, her expression seemed a little gloomy.

"The Holy Will fluctuated before, and Uncle Cong's Holy Will dissipated... Have you encountered such a strong enemy?"

Not every world can complete cross-border communication, such as the suppression of the EVA world.

But as an old-fashioned family like the Ou family, they naturally have their own means.

The Holy Will of the Saint is entrusted to the protection of blood. If the two people who come in use the same source, then the other party's Holy Will disappears, and perception will naturally appear.

After realizing that something was wrong, Ou Ya tried to contact many times, using the communication system of this world.

However, all the information fell into the sea, and there was no response at all.

That's why she put pressure on SEELE to let them understand the specific situation...

The feedback was that the fleet was attacked by the apostles midway!

"Are there any apostles so strong..."

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