
【Since the level of Golden Goose Skill is too high, its level dropped after fusion, and the current level is 12!】

"What the hell?"

"Going back to the source?"

Whether the level drops or not, that's not a big deal.

The key is, Coach Wang said that changes would only occur at level 100, but he was restored when he practiced to level 50!?


Really explosive!

Golden Goose Kungfu, just by looking at the name, Jiang Chen already knew how awesome this light Kungfu was.

The authentic Xuanmen, Quanzhen martial arts!

The Living Dead Wang Chongyang, the leader of the Five Supremes, is the best in the world in Xiantian Kungfu, so his light Kungfu is naturally not bad.

Among the many internal Kungfu in the martial arts world, Xiantian Kungfu seems not as good as Nine Yin Nine Yang and Shenzhao Taixuan, but there is actually only one reason.

That is, apart from Wang Chongyang, no one else has comprehended Xiantian Kungfu.

Not to mention that none of the Seven Sons of Quanzhen can do it, even his junior brother Zhou Botong can't do Xiantian Kungfu either.

"Wait, this isn't Xiantian Gong...."

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment

"But having the Golden Goose Kung Fu is already pretty cool, it's Quanzhen's light Kung Fu, focusing on the authentic Xuanmen inner school. Guo Jing's ladder to heaven started with the Xuanmen light Kung Fu."

【[Golden Goose Skill]

Grade: Grade 7

Level: Level 12 0%

Attributes: Increases body movement by 216 points, increases internal strength by 120 points.

Goose Steps: Circulate internal strength to walk in the air (current number of steps is 12)

Golden Goose Speed Up: Circulate internal strength to suddenly accelerate (current increase of 50%)

Xuanmen Entry: Improves the effect of internal strength training (internal strength obtained from internal strength, internal strength value bonus, additional increase of 10%)......

"Seventh grade!"

"Depend on!"

"This is the seventh grade!"

The attribute explosion, that's not even worth mentioning.

The key is that it is a high-level martial arts, which comes with three special attributes.


Previously, Feiyan's acceleration was an additional bonus, but now it has been solidified as a special attribute. It has 50% for beginners. Once you break through the stage...

Damn! I dare not even think about it!

Stepping a hundred steps like geese, flying through the air.

This should be the signature skill of the Golden Goose Kung Fu, right?

Normal Qinggong can leap a hundred meters, but to step a hundred steps in the air, that's nonsense. Unless you are swinging your legs in the air, then you can do it.

Seriously, stepping in the air and flying a hundred steps in the air is a magical skill.

With the Golden Goose Kung Fu, you can step twelve steps in the air as soon as you get started.

Twelve steps for martial artists, are they twelve steps for ordinary people?

Just one step is seven or eight meters, and one step with strength can be dozens of meters away.......

The only pity is that the lightness effect is lost, but it should be restored after the level is increased.

"As expected of the Xuanmen sect, even the Qinggong has to add internal strength bonus..."

"Good fellow, the main point is that the skill is profound, I can beat you to death!"


Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The problem of too low martial arts level was finally solved, and the most difficult skill to catch up with the current masters seemed to have turned around after the appearance of Golden Goose Skill.

"Coach Wang's adventures seem incomplete, and Lin Hai's inheritance does not seem to be orthodox."

"Their martial arts should all be rooted in the Quanzhen lineage, but they are all pirated, or incomplete versions."

"Now that the two incomplete versions have been put together, and with my own understanding, I can finally trace back to the origin...."

After sorting out the clues,

Jiang Chen could almost conclude that it would be difficult to restore the Golden Goose Kung Fu even if he reached level 200 by practicing Feiyan alone.

And it was basically impossible to restore the Quanzhen inner power with the remaining Yanxing Kung Fu. As for Xiantian Kung, forget it.


, if he had the opportunity to obtain the Quanzhen martial arts in the future, he might have a chance.......

With the foundation of Qinggong, Jiang Chen did not delay and directly learned the internal power.

Quanzhen's internal power can be said to be the best internal power method to increase power, except for several unique skills and several divine books.

Even if it is incomplete, it is the most suitable for me at the moment.

There is only one thing.

Accumulate power quickly!

The internal power of other sects can't compare at all.

Even if Huashan's internal power comes from sunflower, it may only have advantages in other places. In terms of pure increase of power, Taoist Xuanmen is definitely a professional.

After all, they do this. For Taoists, martial arts are just incidental.

Practicing internal power and holding the golden elixir is their ultimate goal.

To put it simply.

Taoists have always been cultivating immortals!.......

【[Goose Flying Skill]

Grade: Grade 5

Level: Level 1 0%

Attributes: Increase internal strength by 14 points, increase internal force by 75 points

Sitting and Watching the Void: When meditating, the efficiency of internal strength cultivation increases by 10%, and the speed of internal strength recovery increases by 100%

Continuous Flow of Rivers: Increase the speed of internal strength recovery by 50%, and shorten the interval between internal strength operations by 10%......


"This internal skill is a pure Xuanmen route. In addition to increasing the power faster, it also has a longer endurance."

"Shorten the gap..."


Jiang Chen finally understood why Lin Hai could use Eagle Claw to launch a sneak attack while bursting out with his sword energy.

Others’ internal strength is unstable after bursting out with their ultimate moves, so they have to stop for a while, but Xuanmen’s internal strength focuses on long-term endurance, and the moves are continuous, so there is no such concern.

Although a one-time burst may not be strong enough, you can’t stand his continuous flow.

At present.

The internal strength and moves of the Wudang Sect are also the same. After all, they are all Taoists, and their internal strength has an innate advantage. To play this advantage, they must prolong the battle time.

Pull the enemy to their home court and fight to consume, then the Taoists will be invincible.

On the top of Huashan Mountain, Wang Chongyang’s innate power overwhelmed the heroes, and he fought one against four. It looked terrifying, but in fact, when his internal strength is deep to a certain extent, it doesn’t make much difference for him to fight one or five.

"Experience distribution..."

Qinggong and internal strength, both must be learned.

Qinggong is a must, and internal strength can be slowed down with the support of Bailing Pill, but it cannot be too low.

Sword skills are still facing the level 100 barrier.

Jiang Chen only has 380,000 experience points in his hand, so he must be careful with it.

The experience points for the fifth-grade internal strength to be upgraded to level 50 are......



Jiang Chen almost thought that he had miscalculated, but looking at the training experience, it was obviously correct.

You know, the upper limit of the fifth-grade martial arts is level 100, so this experience is normal experience.

I need 400,000, and others start at 40 million.

How much experience can you get every day in the third-rate realm?

I killed so many people yesterday, and the experience increase of 100 times is only a small million.

Even if the rest of the people fight for a whole day, they can't be this efficient.

Lin Hai, he is really not fooling around, his sword technique has exceeded 100, and his internal strength is not low. It is really obtained through twenty years of hard practice.

That's it!

It is probably the result of him giving up Qinggong directly. If he practices Qinggong again......

Either work day and night, or wait another ten years.

At this point, the advantages of the sect come out again.

There are people to teach in the sect, and the experience points are soaring.

Lin Hai got the inheritance in an adventure, and he learned it all by himself, which is at least several times more difficult than others.

"Fortunately, he had used up more than half of his internal energy before, otherwise, even with the Bailing Pill, it would be hard to say who would win."

"Taking a step back, if his Qinggong cultivation is good, then he would not even be qualified to consume him, and he would be torn apart by the sword energy within ten moves."

It's very dangerous.

But this is the martial arts world.

If you don't dare to take risks, you will never gain anything.


Jiang Chen always thought that the gap between the realm of not entering the flow and the third-rate was too big, and there should be two or three levels in between.

But after entering the third-rate and seeing the second-rate, he realized that the third-rate is just the threshold to step into this world.

Just within the third-rate realm, the strength begins to differentiate rapidly, and the gap continues to widen.

And if you really want to enter the second-rate, the effort and price you pay are even more serious.

Lin Hai.

Just barely entered the second-rate.

If it is a real second-rate master, martial arts, internal skills, and body skills, all come from famous families or are highly compatible, then with his current cultivation, nine out of nine times he can't beat him.

"Practice the body skills first, and then slowly improve the internal strength."

After thinking it through,

Jiang Chen knew how to practice.

Body skills are life-saving, and they must not be low.

Internal strength is the guarantee of survival in battle. As long as the internal strength is deep, there is a foundation for victory. Sword skills are the key to victory.

Life and death fights are inherently risky, and victory or defeat is often just a matter of one move.

Seek risk.

That is to focus on sword skills and body skills, and internal strength later.

After all, internal strength is enough as long as it can support short-term battles and bursts. Seek stability.

That is to practice sword skills, body skills, and internal strength at the same time, and every step is upright. As long as the opponent's realm and cultivation are similar to yours, combined with your own understanding, it can almost be said that you are invincible.

"Sword skills exceed 100, internal strength is level 10, and the rest are all body skills!"

What do you want stability?

Can stability bring benefits?

Others are authentic in the Xuanmen sect, have no worries about food and clothing, are not affected by wind and rain, can sit in the sect to practice for decades, and are invincible when they go out.

Do you have that qualification?

You also want stability?

Then don't even think about turning the tables in this life!

You must charge!

What you are betting on is risk!

What you are betting on is your life!

With your own understanding, as long as the body skills and sword skills are well coordinated, even if there is only one chance, you can kill a bloody way!

The fear is that facing a master, there is no chance of winning at all.

It is meaningless to live a little longer in a battle.

You must win!

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