[Martial Arts]

Daming Sword Technique

Grade: Grade 1

Level: Level 1000%

Attributes: Increases sword technique power by 100%, increases strength by 800, agility by 400, and root strength by 200.

Additional bonus: Increases sword technique move conversion speed by 100%, and when using internal force, can stimulate up to five sword qi (the power of sword qi is equivalent to 100% of the total power of the sword technique)

Five-stage bonus: Increases strength by 100, agility by 100, root strength by 100, sword qi like a rainbow (adds two additional sword qi, and increases sword qi power by 100)%)

【[Light Kungfu]

Golden Goose Kungfu

Grade: Grade 7

Level: Level 23 0%

Attributes: Increases body movement by 414 points, increases internal strength by 230 points.

Goose-like Hundred Steps: Circulate internal strength to walk in the air (current number of steps is 23)

Golden Goose Speed Up: Circulate internal strength to suddenly accelerate (current increase is 70%)

Xuanmen Entry: Improves the effect of internal strength training (internal strength obtained from internal strength, internal strength value bonus, additional increase of 20%)

【[Internal Strength]

Yan Xing Gong

Grade: Fifth

Grade Level: Level 10 0%

Attributes: Increase internal strength by 140 points, increase internal force by 750 points.

Sitting and Looking at the Void: When meditating, the efficiency of internal strength cultivation increases by 20%, and the speed of internal strength recovery increases by 120%.

Continuous Rivers: Increase the speed of internal strength recovery by 60%, and shorten the interval between internal strength operations by 15%.

Retained Attributes: Increase internal strength by 300 points

【Available experience points: 810 points】......

Of the two martial arts books, only one can be retained for attribute bonus.

But the internal strength is different. The increased internal strength value can be retained in part. The specific amount depends on the level of martial arts.

The higher the level of practice, the more can be retained, and vice versa.

Although the current level of the Goose Steps is very low, Jiang Chen still chooses to use it.

First of all.

Some of the lack of internal strength can be completely recovered in the seventh-grade body movement.


The power of sword energy has made great progress after the sword technique broke through 100, so the internal strength condensation is not lacking for the time being, and the more rare shortening of the internal strength operation interval makes it easier to play the effect in actual combat.......

"After the martial arts broke through the fifth stage, there must be a major change!"

After the swordsmanship broke through 100, Jiang Chen could finally confirm this.

The sword energy was like a rainbow.

The extra two sword energies directly increased his limit burst by 40%.

And the extra power increase was a terrifying 100%!

If the maximum power of his four sword energies in the past was around 40.

Then the maximum power of the seven sword energies now is more than 140.

A very terrifying improvement!

The swordsmanship improvement of 10 levels is too important!

And the biggest source of improvement is the fifth stage special effect!


Internal strength and light skills were also greatly improved in the fifth stage, and the fifth stage of grade martial arts is even more powerful.

Qualitative change!

"No wonder the watershed between third-rate and second-rate is at level 100, because once martial arts break through this stage, it is completely different from before...."

After barely qualifying for the second-rate position, he had a higher and higher opinion of Lin Hai's strength.

If it weren't for the Bailing Pill, even if his comprehension was against the sky, the ending would have been a sure death!

On the other hand, if there hadn't been the Bailing Pill, Jiang Chen wouldn't have been so foolish as to stay and wait to be surrounded by pursuers.


The strongest trump card has been used up, and it would be extremely difficult to find a pill of the same grade.

Lin Hai and the people in the Sword Hall have a lot of golden wound medicines and Qi-recovering pills.

There is even a top-grade Huitian Pill, which is enough to treat most injuries.

But it is impossible to increase your skills.


In the martial arts world, all the famous elixirs are limited to taking one. If you take them again, the effect is only 30% at most. If you force yourself to take them three times, it can only heal your wounds at most, and it is impossible to increase your skills.

Even if it is a different kind of elixir, such as the Shaolin Dahuan Pill, the effect will be discounted when you take it again.

"Improving Qinggong as soon as possible is the best way."

After thinking it over, Jiang Chen took out the equipment he had sorted out before and replaced it.

The equipment in the martial arts world is divided into five levels.

Ordinary, sophisticated, excellent, top-quality, and legendary.

Ordinary, that is, a blank slate, without any attribute bonus.

Clothes only provide a basic little defense, while weapons rely entirely on their own sharpness and sturdiness.

Sophisticated, also a blank slate, but the sturdiness is completely different.

The same weapon, a sophisticated sword cuts an ordinary sword, if the strength of both sides is equal, the ordinary sword will be damaged once and broken three times.

The same is true for clothes.

Facing weapons, it basically does not provide much defense.

The defense of armor is very high. If it is sophisticated armor, it is difficult for ordinary swords to penetrate.

But the problem is that, except for spear cultivators, axe cultivators, hammer cultivators, etc., the rest of the swordsmen and swordsmen do not like to wear armor.

People in the martial arts world basically wear tight clothes with cloaks or For those who use brocade clothes, at most they can add a breastplate or vest lining.

Being handsome is one aspect.

The key is speed and moves.

Armor has a huge impact on speed, slowing down the speed by at least 70%, and the moves are extremely inflexible, limited to going straight. Sword users wearing armor cannot use many moves.

If you like to chop directly, why not just use an axe or a hammer?

Excellent equipment, one hundred taels each.

It is the minimum requirement for people in the martial arts world.

In addition to improving the sturdiness of excellent equipment, more importantly, it can increase some attributes.

The best.

It will add more attributes, and there may be extremely rare special attributes.

As for the legend, Jiang Chen heard from the blacksmith that in addition to cutting iron like mud, the legendary equipment also has extremely exaggerated attributes, and may even have magical abilities.......

But legends are just legends after all, just listen to them.

The best is the treasure that all martial arts masters are crazy about, while excellence is the ceiling for ordinary people.

【Cold Jade Hair Bundle]

Grade: Excellent

Durability: 200

Bones + 10

Movement Skills + 20

【[Double Dragon Wristguard]

Grade: Excellent

Durability: 500

Bones + 10

Movement Skills + 20

【Flying Fox Boots]

Grade: Excellent

Durability: 500

Agility +15

Movement speed increased by 30%

【Ice Python Suit]

Grade: Excellent

Durability: 1000

Bones + 30

Movement Skills + 10

Ice Resistance Increased by 60%......

Lin Hai and his companions were all swordsmen, and they didn't even have a good quality sword.

And among all the equipment, there were very few that could increase their physical abilities. If these few pieces were broken, they wouldn't even have replacements.

"Use it first."

Buddha relies on gold, people rely on clothes.

After changing his equipment, Jiang Chen's temperament changed all of a sudden.

Originally, he was wearing a martial arts training suit, with his hair tied up casually, looking like a boy who knew a little martial arts.


The ice-green python suit perfectly shapes his body, the cold jade hair tie adds to his heroic spirit, and a pair of flying fox boots on his feet, stepping with the wind.

Even if someone knows Jiang Chen, they probably won't recognize him. As for those who don't know him, they won't even associate this young swordsman with the martial arts boy.

However, to be on the safe side.

Jiang Chen still took out a set of night clothes and put them on outside, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

Walking out of the cabin.

A few dark clouds just covered the moonlight, and the river was even darker.

"Hunting begins!"

Jiang Chen used his Qinggong skills and flew through the air like a night owl, flying across the river in the blink of an eye.

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