
【You observed the battles of the masters and gained a lot, gaining 100,000 experience points!】......


Jiang Chen was shocked.

What he comprehended was the sword momentum, not the sword method.

All martial arts in the world, as long as they have grades, need to be coordinated with formulas and methods of using strength.

Moves are just a form.

Even if you have a high level of comprehension and a photographic memory, you can only learn the form, and it is impossible to directly learn the original martial arts.

But momentum is different.

This is not a move, but the essence, or it can be said to be intention.

Any martial arts has its momentum and its intention.

Swordsmanship seeks speed, and the momentum and intention are the essence of swordsmanship.

Simply put.

Observing martial arts and being able to imitate a move is to comprehend the fur.

And comprehending its momentum and understanding its intention is to comprehend the essence.

For example, the martial arts sect... Master.

People at this level can observe low-level martial arts and quickly simulate this kung fu with their own cultivation, experience, and level, and they can also deeply understand the true meaning of it.

But for a rookie, it is nonsense to want to understand the essence of advanced martial arts.

You don’t understand why other people’s martial arts are so powerful, how can you understand it?

Jiang Chen has a high level of comprehension, but he is still a newcomer. There are not many martial arts in the world that he can understand.

But Tian Boguang’s Kuangfeng swordsmanship is not among them.

The two martial arts routes are fast.

Jiang Chen has also seen the special effects of his swordsmanship, and has some experience in using it.

This is how he was able to understand it just by watching the battle.

"Lift your energy and feel light!"

"besides...Lifting heavy objects with ease?!"

After Jiang Chen's initial understanding, he understood that the"Stepping on the Three Layers of Clouds" also had the special effect of raising the energy and lightening the body, reducing the weight.

And the sword technique must have a similar special effect.

The name may not be this, but the effect must be to reduce the weight of the weapon.

From another perspective, let the sword technique be like the light skill, with forward and reverse movements as you wish, and change moves as you wish.


The most powerful thing may still be the mind method.

Continuous changes of moves, and all of them are full-strength attacks with additional internal strength, which are extremely demanding on the internal strength and meridians.

"Depend on!"

"This really needs a full set to be enjoyable~"

Jiang Chen was indeed envious of Tian Boguang, but it was obviously unrealistic to want a full set.......

Ye Ruoli looked at the rapist in front of her with a strange smile and was completely desperate. She had been in the martial arts world for decades, and no rapist had ever gotten the upper hand from her.

But she was careless and was about to fall into the hands of an NPC rapist. It was so shameful!


Ye Ruoli crushed a jade bottle at her waist. The emerald green liquid was glowing, and it seemed that it was not a tonic.


Ye Ruoli raised her head and swallowed it in one gulp. A bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Bamboo Leaf Green Snake, oh Bamboo Leaf Green Snake, I never thought I would be able to taste what you taste like in my lifetime..."


Tian Boguang naturally knew that it was a deadly poison, and he was anxious at the time:"Big beauty, you, what are you doing!?"


Ye Ruoli's eyes were full of pride, the software in his hand trembled, and he wiped his neck with his backhand:"Come here! Do you want the corpse too?"


"But corpses are also poisonous. If you are not afraid of death, come here~


It's not like Tian Boguang had never seen someone threaten someone with death. He had seen it too many times.

But he had never seen someone take poison without even touching the body.

"Tsk tsk, you are a beautiful girl, you are not a virgin, why are you so stubborn?"

What a pity! It

's a pity for Tian Boguang.

He has eaten the poison, and he will die within three quarters of an hour.

Moreover, this poison is so strong that he really doesn't dare to touch it.

"Really, you are even more stubborn than those nuns I have seen...."

Ye Ruoli angrily shouted,"Who are you talking about, baldy? You are not a virgin!"

"Of course I’m not~" Tian Boguang chuckled, but then he changed his mind and slapped his head with regret:"No wonder she smells so fragrant, I didn’t expect she is actually a virgin?"

"But you are dressed so coquettishly, and your words are...How come?...???"

"Oh, this...This is going to kill me~"

Cry to death!

Tian Boguang has seen chaste women who swear to die rather than obey, and he has also played with many prostitutes who are flirtatious and seductive.

But if you say that there are people who have both, he won't believe it.

How can one be both chaste and coquettish?

Now he believes it.

It's the best!

This is really a once-in-a-century opportunity, the best of the best!!!

This kind of top-notch is right in front of him, but he can't eat it or touch it.

Tian Boguang felt as if there were ten thousand ants crawling in his heart.

He was going crazy!

He was going to die!......

Jiang Chen on the eaves did not expect that Ye Ruoli still had such integrity.

He originally wanted to kill Ye Ruoli and retreat at the critical moment.

After all, they were all players, how could they watch her fall into Tian Boguang's hands.

But now, he was completely frozen.

It seemed that Tian Boguang was not going to leave. If he left, then now that there was such a big commotion and the people of the Angry Wind Gang surrounded him, would he be able to rush out?


It should be safer near Tian Boguang

"No more waiting"

"Reshape it directly!"

With the sword power he had comprehended, it was enough to reshape the sword technique.

But he didn't know what the effect would be after the reshape.

Jiang Chen originally wanted to find a place to try it quietly, but now he had no chance.


【Do you want to consume 1,000 experience points and start martial arts reshaping?】

【Note: The remodeling of martial arts is completely modified based on the players' experience. The system grade will only be determined based on the bonus value, and does not represent the actual power of the martial arts after the remodeling.

Grade is the comprehensive judgment given to martial arts by the game system.

After the remodeling, it will only be judged based on the bonus value, and the strength and combat ability of the martial arts will no longer be considered comprehensively.

To put it bluntly, even if it is a big garbage after the remodeling, with many flaws, the system will not modify the grade unless the bonus is reduced or increased.

This is normal.

After all, most martial arts are built-in to the system and have a lot of actual combat data for reference.

After the remodeling, no one knows what it looks like, how to evaluate it?

In the martial arts world.

Self-creation and remodeling have never been a problem.

At the beginning, many people tried this function, but later found that self-creation and remodeling were garbage, so they gradually gave up and regarded it as useless.

"let's start..."

Jiang Chen knew the price.

If he made a mistake, his 100-level swordsmanship would be directly scrapped.

He couldn't use it against the enemy at all, and at most he could throw out his sword energy.

At the same time, the scrapped swordsmanship would be fatal to any second-rate or higher masters, and he might not even be able to beat a third-rate master.


【Reshaping is on, consuming 1000 experience points per minute. If the experience points are insufficient, the reshaping process will be interrupted and the progress will be reset to zero.】

"The first step is to delete the obviously fancy actions"

"Then integrate the knife moves and sword techniques, and then check the flaws in the moves..."

Jiang Chen reshaped very quickly.

Many things were already considered when he was observing before. With one thousand points of comprehension

, he could remember any move and deduce it repeatedly in his mind.

It can be said that even a genius with full comprehension cannot complete the reshaping and creation at this stage.

The deduction of the flaws in any move requires a lot of comprehension and time to accumulate.

But Jiang Chen doesn't need it.

One thousand points of comprehension is not a height that any genius can match.

Things that others can't do, Jiang Chen can do.

In an instant, he can deduce thousands of changes, check the flaws in the moves, and then immediately modify them from the best angle.

This process, for others, at least takes months or years.

But Jiang Chen only needs tens of seconds.

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