"The last step is to add modification..."

The previous Daming swordsmanship was at most first-grade, and it was a first-grade transformed from a mediocre one, belonging to the lowest kind of first-grade.

Now if it is to be reshaped, the bonus must be modified.

And the bonus involves the mind method and meridians.

Even with Jiang Chen's comprehension, it is really too difficult to modify these now.

The best way is to keep the bonus unchanged.

However, if the bonus is different, the improvement of the swordsmanship can be said to be extremely limited. At most, it is superficially more concise and more threatening to the enemy.

The actual combat effect will be stronger, but the basic effect will not change much.

Positive and negative are at your will, and the moves can be changed as you wish.

This is the effect Jiang Chen wants.

But there are too many things missing. The two special effects of lifting the energy and lightening the body and lifting heavy objects with ease are currently unavailable.

"The only possibility is to copy it from Qinggong and Neigong."

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed, and after a little thought, he felt that it was feasible.

Jinyan Gong, the authentic Xuanmen.

Yanxing Gong, also came from Quanzhen.

These two martial arts are extremely profound.

Even if it is just imitation, a simple copy, it will definitely be better than adjusting it randomly.......

""Big beautiful girl, don't die!!"

Tian Boguang was almost furious, and said with a bitter face:"I beg you, please don't die first, everything can be discussed~" If the person is not dead, then everything is easy to talk about, and there will be countless opportunities in the future.

If the person is dead, then what is he playing?

Ye Ruoli was about to laugh at the other party, but his mind changed.

NPCs, like players, can be reborn.

But every time an NPC is reborn, its memory will be deleted and it will be resurrected to a certain plot stage.

Therefore, in the eyes of NPCs, the dead cannot be resurrected.

And in the eyes of NPCs, players and other NPCs are the same people.

If the rapist on the opposite side is a player, he should be laughing happily at this moment.


Die quickly!

After I die, I will go to the resurrection point to rescue people, and have more fun~

Players are not afraid of your threat of death, but NPCs are afraid!

"Humph, you better stop dreaming.~!"After Ye Ruoli finished speaking, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he murmured slightly:"Unless..."

"Unless what?"Tian Boguang said anxiously

"unless...Kneel down and worship me as your master!"Ye Ruoli's eyes turned and he raised his head and said.......

Tian Boguang was immediately overwhelmed:"I just got cheated by a master, it is impossible for me to worship a second master."

"Besides, with a beauty like you in front of me, how can I just look at you and not look at you? If you commit the crime of betraying your teacher and ancestors, how can I survive in the martial arts world?!"

"No, no, change another one~"

Ye Ruoli originally wanted to solve the problem once and for all, but seeing Tian Boguang's resolute look, it seemed unlikely.

"That...How about you teach me the Qinggong you just used?"


Stepping on the Three-fold Clouds, anyone who has seen this Qinggong will be jealous.

"That's not OK..."Tian Boguang shook his head again:"Oh no, that's fine.~"


Tian Boguang suddenly grinned and said,"Although the skill of stepping on the three-fold cloud cannot be passed on to others even if you die, as long as you marry me, you can learn it~"


Ye Ruoli was so angry that the poison exploded and he spurted out a mouthful of black blood on the spot.

"Get out! I'm going to die now...."

Before he finished speaking, a teasing voice sounded not far away.

"Ye Hufa, I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you making such a fuss?!"

"Leng Rui'an..."

Ye Ruoli secretly said, it's over.

The rescuers from the Viper Gang had not arrived yet, but the masters from the Wrath of the Wind Gang were one step faster.

When she looked up again

, there were already several figures on the roofs around her, looking down from above, keeping a close eye on the dead end where she was.

"Master Yan, Master Jian, plus three elders and a guardian..."

Just the ones she knew, this lineup almost made her despair.

Not to mention the masters that might exist in the dark night, it was simply impossible to escape.


She couldn't die!

The resurrection point was now 100% controlled by the Windfury Gang.

Once she died and was captured by the Windfury Gang, it would be all over.

The two gangs had been hostile for many years. She had bribed countless undercover agents, insiders, and people.

Moreover, she was a high-ranking member of the gang, and she knew all the key business channels, NPC relationships, martial arts, plots, and all kinds of information.

These things were too important, so important that even if she told them out, the Windfury Gang would never let her go.

And if she didn't tell them, she would still not be able to escape.

On the other hand, the Viper Gang would no longer believe in her.

Once she was caught, it would basically be considered a traitor.

Anyone who had anything to do with her would inevitably be dealt with by the Viper Gang.

So, run!

This is the only way.


She had just taken the poison. Although she was not dead, she was a useless person. Ye Ruoli must have the antidote. Before the other party took action, he took it out and swallowed it.

"Elder Leng, Jiang Chen is still nearby. This time, you owe me a favor. I'll leave that kid to you~"


Leng Rui'an laughed up to the sky.

"What is Night Protector talking about?"

"Jiang Chen has already fallen into this elder's trap. He is just a bird in a cage and a fish in a net. How can this be considered a favor?"

"Talking about human feelings...Protecting you that night really counts as a favor."

"Originally, we just wanted to capture Jiang Chen, but who would have thought that we could kill two birds with one stone and hook out this old venomous snake like you as well? Wow, this is simply perfect.~!"


Ye Ruoli's heart was suddenly shaken.

"you...What did you say?"

Leng Ruian’s face darkened:"If Zhou Yiming had not been instigated by you guys long ago, why would our gang nominate him as an elder?"

"An ordinary Huashan rookie, does he really think that he can get along with everyone and win the whole game by relying on his connections in Huashan Club and his mediocre swordsmanship?"

Ye Ruoli gritted his teeth secretly.

Zhou Yiming, who has been an insider for more than half a year, provided the most valuable information, which might be the ambush of Jiang Chen this time.

But even this information itself is a trap!?

"He is indeed an old fox!"

"Jiang Chen, you never took it seriously, right?"

"instead...Are you going to take this opportunity to make a fortune from us or the Black Tiger Gang?....."


"It's too late to know now."

Leng Ruian suddenly opened the folding fan in his hand and said,"You are a smart person, just surrender. Maybe this elder will be in a good mood and give you a chance to surrender."

Ye Ruoli glanced at the masters around him, his brows locked, and he could not find any chance to break out.


Tian Boguang smiled when he saw her take the antidote.

"Beautiful girl, it seems that you are not planning to die for the time being?"

"Do these people have a grudge against you?"

"Okay~that’s great!"

"If I save you this time, you must not seek death again."


Tian Boguang! Ye

Ruoli seemed to be drowning and suddenly grabbed a life-saving straw.

Although this straw is a bit disgusting, she will save her life first. She has some experience in dealing with Tian Boguang, at least it is not a dead end.


"I swear to God, as long as you save me, I will never seek death~"


Leng Rui'an couldn't help laughing again.

"Ye Ruoli, do you really not know what human feelings are?"


Ye Ruoli suddenly looked up.

He seemed to have grasped something in his heart, and there was something a little wrong.

But for a moment, he just couldn't remember what went wrong.

"Tian Boguang travels alone for thousands of miles!"

"Your reputation is indeed very loud, but it is far less famous than that of your sworn brother."

Leng Rui'an gently waved his folding fan, looking confident.

"In the hundred years of Jianghu, this is your thirty-seventh appearance, but before this, you have never met Linghu Chong, nor Yi Lin"

"A few days ago, you were asked by Monk Bujie to go to Huashan to look for Linghu Chong...."


It exploded!

Ye Ruoli really felt that her brain exploded. Outrageous!

She was so wrong!!

Tian Boguang, among the many NPCs in the Jianghu, was definitely not a top-notch master, especially as a rapist, which was even more disgusting.

But, it had to be admitted that

Tian Boguang was definitely a key figure in the plot.

To be more straightforward.

Without him, Linghu Chong would not have been able to learn the Lonely Nine Swords!

One hundred years.

In the entire hundred years of Jianghu, no one had ever learned the Lonely Nine Swords!

Feng Qingyang also rarely appeared in front of the players, and even if he did, he would not give them any chance.

As for Linghu Chong, he appeared many years ago, but he never learned it, instead he had always been an ordinary disciple in Huashan.


In the current Huashan, Feng Qingyang was not of high seniority, so why was Linghu Chong not an ordinary disciple?

Nowadays, many of the world's unique skills have fallen into the hands of players, but the Lonely Nine Swords is an exception.

So many people speculated that the plot of the Lonely Nine Swords has not yet unfolded, or no one has found the trigger point yet.

Damn it!

Ye Ruoli really wanted to kill himself with one sword.


Why didn't he think of this when he clearly saw Tian Boguang just now? He actually left this key NPC alone and desperately chased Jiang Chen?

Isn't this picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons!?


The sesame seeds are gone, and the watermelons are also lost.

In the end, even his life is lost.


Stupid beyond belief~

"Leng Ruian, you came late on purpose, didn't you prepare something?" Ye Ruoli sighed softly, she was desperate.


Leng Ruian remained calm and asked,"Facing the famous martial arts master, do you think I should prepare something?"

On the roof, several huge nets with glittering metallic luster were pulled up in an instant.

There were more than one net in all directions.

In fact, there were more than one layer!

"Kendo, Dugu Nine Swords"

"The relevant information alone is worth a million taels!!"

"If anyone can hold Tian Boguang in his hands, then the top ten masters of Huashan Sect will be...Can you still sit still?!"

Even Leng Ruian, who is so calm, couldn't help but speak with some excitement.

"Ye Ruoli, this elder will remember your favor."

"Come on!"

"Capture Tian Boguang alive, and kill the rest without mercy!"

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