

Jiang Chen was really impressed.

"Make up stories, write essays, pure nonsense"

"To be honest, instead of believing your lies, I'd rather believe that I'm Qin Shi Huang!"

Anya's eyes widened:"Slut, who are you calling a bitch! ?"

"Aren't you?"

Jiang Chen was surprised.

"The day before yesterday you said you wanted to live with me forever."

"As a result, you got into Lin Tao's arms yesterday. It was so greasy, and your tongue was so fucking stringy that even dogs would shake their heads when they saw it."

Tsk tsk~

Jiang Chen helplessly spread his hands:"Congratulations to the brother opposite, congratulations, you are so lucky to be able to hold this rare treasure in your arms.~"

"Envy, jealousy, my teeth are almost broken~"

"But there is nothing we can do. They look down on us and leave us after they have their fun. All we can do is find an empty street corner in the middle of the night and lick our wounds in silence."

"Oh, no more talking, it's all tears."

Jiang Chen usually doesn't bother to talk nonsense, that's because he has never seen such a mean person.

Today, Xiaodao really opened his eyes.

There is no time to delay.

Tian Boguang was about to run away. Once his Qinggong floated up, it would be difficult for anyone to catch up.

This is an NPC. If you lose it, it's not a friend whose coordinates can be obtained through private chat.

And on the opposite side.

Anya's face turned green after hearing this, and she quickly turned around to explain:"Brother Yuan, don't listen to his nonsense. Lin Tao and I are just ordinary friends...."

""Get lost!"

Yuan Hua didn't have time to listen to her explanation.

He couldn't stand losing face in front of his subordinates, no matter what explanation he gave.

If it wasn't for something else, he would have cut Jiang Chen into pieces.

"Boy, tell me where Tian Boguang is, and I can leave you an intact body!"


"Who the hell are you, pretending to be your mother?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but chuckled:

"You're holding a bitch in your arms, and you really think you're the lowest of the low, the master of all the lowlies, right?"

"Where is Huan Tian Boguang?"

"Fuck it, I’m your dad, and I have to answer all your questions?"

"You two are a perfect match. Open the door for me, you bastard.~"

"A perfect match~really a perfect match!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Chen had already left.

In the dark night, only a trace of afterimage was left, and the loud word"a perfect match" echoed in the empty street.


Yuan Hua's pupils were bloodshot, and his fists were clenched, making a crackling sound:"Fuck~ What are you still standing there for, chase her~!"


Two Huashan masters chased after him one after another.

But with Jiang Chen's lightness skills, even if you are a Huashan master, you can't just chase him.......

"No way?"

"This guy runs too fast...."

"Damn it, I'm a level 80 star chaser, but I can't even see his shadow?!"

The two chased him out of two blocks, but there was no one in their eyes, and even the sound of the wind could not be heard.

It seemed that they were getting farther away....

"Let's chase them first, someone will come to support us later"

"If we let him and Tian Boguang go this time, I really don’t know when the Dugu Nine Swords will be born!"


On the other side,

Yuan Hua frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

And Anya came close to him like a little bird,"Brother Yuan, Jiang Chen is originally a member of the Demon Sect. This must have been planned. He sneaked into South City for many years just to disrupt the Dugu Nine Swords mission."

"Think about it, Huashan Club is full of experts, and is extremely powerful. If they can obtain Dugu Nine Swords, they will be invincible and dominate the martial arts world~"


After hearing these gentle words, Yuan Hua's anger faded a little.


Anya's face suddenly softened and she whispered timidly:

"Oh? There is such a strange thing!" Yuan Hua's eyes suddenly lit up:"Okay, okay, you go to the inn first, and I will come as soon as I finish my work!"

"Okay~ Na Yaer..."

Before he finished speaking, a faint green light appeared directly from between Anya's eyebrows.


Yuan Hua was so frightened that his face turned pale.

You know, he was facing Anya directly, and a sword pierced through Anya's forehead....

Inside? ? ?


The internal energy exploded.

Anya's head exploded into pieces in front of Yuan Hua.

The bright red, tender white, and the explosion fragments hit Yuan Hua's face.

And behind the blood mist, was Jiang Chen's smiling face.

"you...You!?"Yuen Wah's head didn't explode, but it almost did:"You, why are you here!?"

"Bad luck!"

"How did I run into you two bitches again?"

Jiang Chen originally planned to chase Tian Boguang.

But he just agreed to Ye Ruoli's friend, and the woman reported Tian Boguang's coordinates to him every second.

Even through the text, he could feel her fear.

She was going crazy.

But Jiang Chen suddenly stopped being anxious~


Jiang Chen is back......

Looking at the frightened Yuan Hua in front of him, Jiang Chen just used his sword to cut off his five limbs on the spot, and then he spoke leisurely

"Tell me, how to trigger the Dugu Nine Swords mission?"

Anya said that Yuan Hua entered Huashan through the back door.

Now he is at most a newcomer to Huashan.

As a result, he still doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. He directly let go of two Huashan masters and stayed alone.

Isn't this telling others that there are three hundred taels on the ground, and it depends on whether you pick it up?


More than three hundred taels~

Dugu Nine Swords, a unique sword skill, its value is really not solved by three hundred taels.


Jiang Chen has learned a lot recently, but how can it be compared with the legendary unique skills?

In the Shenzhou Continent, almost everyone knows the plot of Jianghu unique skills.

But how to trigger the task process specifically is a learning.

Simply put.

Linghu Chong can learn Dugu Nine Swords through Tian Boguang to hook Feng Qingyang out.

But can you do it?

Even if you know According to the plot, you also followed Tian Boguang to find Feng Qingyang. Will Feng Qingyang definitely teach you?


Because you are smarter than Linghu Chong, and you are Feng Qingyang's brother-in-law?


This kind of unique learning task must have a trigger point.

Only by triggering this unique learning task can you have the opportunity to follow the plot, complete the task, and get the unique learning.


It depends on whether you have the ability to kill Feng Qingyang, and try your luck to get a unique learning from him.


Even if the whole world knows that Tian Boguang's visit to Huashan this time can trigger the unique learning task, but the specific process and trigger point, except for a few major forces, no one else has the opportunity to know.

Although Yuan Hua is stupid and green, he seems to have a high status in Huashan, and it is very likely that he knows something.


Screaming ~

Only then did Yuan Hua come to his senses from the horror. Looking at his broken limbs and legs, and his body turned into a human pig, his throat was almost broken.


"I am going to kill you!"

"Kill~Kill you~!!!"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly:"Wrong answer."

The jade sword flashed, and Yuan Hua instantly had dozens of shallow wounds on his body.


Jiang Chen grabbed the other person's throat.


The screams stopped abruptly.


Jiang Chen pretended to silence him:"Actually, I'm a very good person. For example, when I kill someone, I won't cut off your tongue, lock you up in a dungeon, and torture you slowly."


Yuan Hua's eyes suddenly revealed a look of fear, but he didn't seem to believe it.

Imprisonment and torture are methods that all people in the martial arts world would be terrified of.

But it's not easy to do.

First of all, you have to have power, otherwise there is no place to imprison, and secondly, you have to avoid being discovered by the other party. In short, it's very troublesome, but the effect is also outstanding.

Jiang Chen also knew this, so he continued:

"It's just a task triggering process, it doesn't affect you at all."

"After all, Huashan is your territory. Even if the mission process is leaked, who can climb Huashan and obtain the unique skills in front of you?"

"It's better to say it out loud, so that everyone can save trouble."

Yuan Hua thought about it for a while, then nodded slightly.

Jiang Chen's wrist also relaxed a little, allowing him to speak.


Yuan Hua took a break, then suddenly raised his head and said viciously:


"The Lonely Nine Swords mission can only be triggered by Huashan disciples!"

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