"Hahaha, cough cough~"

Yuan Hua's current state, once he laughed, was really a bit hideous

"Let me tell you, you will never be able to enter Huashan in your lifetime, let alone get the ultimate skills mission!"

"That makes sense." Jiang Chen thought for a moment, dragged the human pig with one hand, and jumped onto the eaves.


Yuan Hua was stunned.

It seemed that the other party really intended to imprison him....How could this be possible?

Even for just a few days, he couldn't bear it....

"Wait, let me tell you!"

Yuen Wah thought it through and said a process, which basically had no impact


"The unique skills are divided into the unique skills of the martial arts world and the unique skills of the sect. As long as Feng Qingyang is still in the Huashan Sect, the Dugu Nine Swords belongs to the unique skills of the sect."

"To trigger any sect's unique skills, one needs to be a disciple of the sect and have a certain status in the sect!"

"Linghu Chong's conditions are our conditions"

"In the plot, he is the eldest brother of the sect and the most qualified Huashan disciple."

"Therefore, our triggering conditions, when converted, require at least three generations of direct disciples of the Huashan Sect, and their qualifications must be outstanding. Not to mention the top three of the Huashan Sect, at least they must be the top ten masters to have a chance!"

Yuan Hua finished speaking in one breath, and finally paused.

Jiang Chen froze:"What else?""

Damn it!

Yuan Hua didn't expect that this guy was still not satisfied:"You don't even have a chance to meet any of these conditions, what's the point of talking about it?""


Jiang Chen frowned, and Yuan Hua was immediately scared:

"No, no, no~ I said!"

"Dugu Nine Swords is not an ordinary unique skill. The situation is special. We in Huashan have studied it for many years, but there is actually no 100% accurate trigger point."

"The most likely possibility should be to go up the mountain with Tian Boguang, find Linghu Chong, and then stand up when Linghu Chong is injured, win Tian Boguang, and gain Feng Qingyang's appreciation, which may trigger the unique learning mission."It

's complicated!

But it doesn't seem to be a lie.

If a unique learning mission can be simply described with a strategy, then everyone in the martial arts world has a unique learning.

It is precisely because of the harsh conditions and complex tasks that countless people have watched the plot and the unique learning, but you just can't get it.

If Yuan Hua said a 100% process at this time, Jiang Chen would not believe it.

Because the Dugu Nine Swords itself has not been born.

In other words, in today's martial arts world, there is not even one person who has completed the task, so how can there be a 100% accurate process and strategy? What

Jiang Chen wants to ask is actually the triggering conditions of the unique learning and the subsequent possible mission strategies.

After all, people have been studying for so many years, there should be something.

"Very good, happy cooperation. Jiang Chen was quite satisfied with the answer.

���He heaved a sigh of relief.

The next second,

Jiang Chen casually threw it into the manure pit.



Yuan Hua entered the water with a perfect score and went straight in.


Ugh ugh ugh ugh!!!


Jiang Chen~!!

I will never coexist with you!!......

Yuelai Inn, backyard wing

""Beautiful girl, what have you been mumbling about all the way? Are you impatient to wait?" Tian Boguang gently put Ye Ruoli on the bed, smiling.


"I said you are disloyal. Jiang Chen tried his best to save you, but you only cared about yourself and ran away quickly~"

Ye Ruoli was about to collapse.

Although she was the guardian of the Viper Gang and could call for help, the problem was that she was the best in the gang.

Who could save her?

Unless Tian Boguang was a man who only remembered to eat and not to be beaten, and had just been taught a lesson by the fishing net formation, he would definitely run away as soon as someone surrounded him, and he could still run with her.

More importantly, time!

Except for Jiang Chen, no one could find her before Tian Boguang took action.


Tian Boguang couldn't stand hearing this kind of talk.

"Am I that kind of person?"

"Brother Jiang's Qinggong is not much worse than mine. If he wants to leave, who can stop him with those few remaining rotten fish and shrimps?"


Ye Ruoli raised his eyebrows and looked out the window:"What about him? Did you see him chasing us along the way?"

"Ah, this..."

Tian Boguang thought that it was unlikely that anything would happen.

But he didn't see any pursuers along the way, and his Qinggong had slowed down a lot, but he still didn't see Jiang Chen.

"No way?"

"When I came out just now, I did see a few people from the Huashan Sect. They seemed to be quite skilled, but there was no reason for Brother Jiang to go up and fight with them, right?"

If it were an ordinary person, then there would definitely be no trouble if they met a master on the way back.

But if it was Jiang Chen,...


Tian Boguang suddenly felt unsure.

Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, are you a rapist or not? Why are you being so high-profile?

"Tsk, don't worry, I'll go out and take a look."

Tian Boguang will definitely leave Jiang Chen alone.

How can you abandon your brothers for a woman?!

"No need for that."

Jiang Chen spun gracefully and landed through the window.

"Ha, I just said you were okay, but this girl still cursed you!"Tian Boguang was overjoyed. Ye Ruoli's eyes lit up instantly when he saw Jiang Chen.

He didn't say anything.

But his gentle eyes made it very clear, help!

"The people from Huashan Society are here. They probably won't be here for long. Let's take a rest first." Jiang Chen pretended not to see them and walked to the chair next to him and sat down.

Huashan Society?

Tian Boguang was thoughtful after hearing this.

"Along the way, there was indeed a group of people who kept asking about me. It seems that they were from the Huashan Society."


"Monk Bujie is really looking for trouble. It's fine if his daughter falls in love with Linghu Chong, but why should he, a father-in-law, be so anxious?"

"Are you worried that your daughter won’t be able to get married?"

"But his daughter is still a nun......."

If it was the Huashan Sect in The Smiling

, Proud Wanderer, it would be like a back garden for him. He could enter and leave as he pleased. But now, Huashan is a famous sect with many experts.


There are so many top-notch experts on Huashan that you can't even count them with two hands. There are even Grandmasters.

And there may be more than one!

If you sneak up secretly, you may have a chance, but if you are watched by Huashan, and you still insist on going, you are simply courting death!

"Well, let's not talk about it. There's no rush to go to Mount Huashan, but today~"

Tian Boguang stared at Ye Ruoli with a lustful look, and couldn't help rubbing his hands excitedly.

"Hehe~ I’ll be a groom first today!"

"Wait!" Ye Ruoli couldn't move his body, but he could still speak. He looked at Tian Boguang and then pointed at Jiang Chen. The meaning was very clear, there was someone there!


Tian Boguang slapped his head and said,"Brother Jiang, well, why don't you go to the next room and have a rest first, and tomorrow, the two of us brothers will chop off a chicken head and burn yellow paper to become sworn brothers. What do you think?"

"Judging from my age, I am a few years older than you. I am your elder brother, but I can still be considered as your elder brother."

"Don't worry, I will never forget my brother as long as I have meat to eat."

"Tomorrow, yes, tomorrow, tell me which girl you like, we will come to snatch her, and I promise to arrange everything for you~"

Jiang Chen has not yet considered how to deal with Tian Boguang and Ye Ruoli.

This is the disgusting thing about the Shenzhou Continent.

Before the task is triggered, no prompts will be given.

Even if you meet a high-level NPC, you don’t know if it is considered an encounter. Even if you raise the relationship and friendship, you don’t know whether you will be given tasks and rewards.

At the beginning, many people still rushed to build relationships with NPCs.

Later, after more than ten years, the relationship was so good that they wanted to become sworn brothers, but they still didn’t teach you their unique martial arts, which was very embarrassing.

After years of research, people in the martial arts world understand.

All martial arts encounters have tasks, and there is a very strict task triggering process.


This process is only exceptional for one and a half situations.

One is to become a disciple!

After all, becoming a disciple is not about building relationships or making friends.

As long as an NPC accepts you as a disciple, he will definitely teach you martial arts one by one. As for what to teach, it depends on the NPC's mood.

In the world, how many teachers will teach all their skills to their disciples right away?

The other half is marriage.

Yes, marriage can only be considered half.

Even if you marry an NPC, the other party may not give you all his assets, but the probability of giving you all his assets is indeed higher than other situations, so it can be considered half.

The last thing is to kill directly, relying on your character and luck.

Many martial arts will not drop after killing, even if you are extremely lucky, because It is not included in the drop rate.

But if it is in a large-scale plot, and the NPC must be carrying the secret book, as long as you kill it, it will definitely drop.

For example.

When the Sun Moon Sect went to Huashan to snatch the secret book of the Sunflower Manual, if Ren Woxing was killed after he succeeded, he would 100% get the Sunflower Manual.

But, that plot was too old, and many large-scale plots are one-time. If it has already happened, it will not happen again.


The plot process, the task trigger point, a series of NPC guides, these are the most valuable information in the world.......

It seems that Jiang Chen really has no way to deal with Tian Boguang.

At most, he can be a quest guide for Dugu Jiujian. As long as he keeps following, he will definitely have the opportunity to get involved in Dugu Jiujian quests.

And Ye Ruoli is just a passerby.

When Nufeng was still there, she was still a little useful.

Now that Nufeng has suffered a serious blow and the Huashan Society has appeared, let alone her as a guardian, even if the Viper Gang stands on his side, it seems to be of little significance.

Just die.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen stood up directly.

And Ye Ruoli just happened to say:"Jiang Chen, I need to tell you something about Huashan Society~"

What a coincidence!

Jiang Chen took this opportunity to go over and kill her with one sword to save himself from worrying.

"Well, come closer~"

Ye Ruoli spoke weakly, and when she saw Jiang Chen blocking Tian Boguang's sight, she said,"This news is top secret. I'll only tell you, and it will be considered as repaying the favor today." Favor


Jiang Chen himself didn't think so, but the news of Huashan Society was still important, so he moved closer.

Ye Ruoli.

She came out to perform the mission tonight, wearing the clothes of Yicuilou. From beginning to end, she covered her face with white gauze, so that people could only see her bright eyes, but not her true face.

At this moment, Ye Ruoli stared at Jiang Chen, and with a flick of her tongue, she wrapped the veil in her mouth as nimbly as a snake, and then pulled it with her silver teeth, and the whole veil fell down.


Just looking at her eyes, you can tell that she is a beauty.

Normally, beautiful women wearing veils are... Extra points.

Once the veil is taken off, at least three and a half points will be deducted. If it is more, it is common to deduct dozens of points.

Because the hazy imagination is always more beautiful than the reality.

But Ye Ruoli is different.

After taking off the veil, she can actually give you a feeling of surprise.

It turns out that a beauty can look like this?

Bright eyes are charming, and red lips are soul-stirring!

If Shi Feixuan and Wu Qianyue are like fairies who have come down to earth with the smell of tea.

Then Ye Ruoli is a charming demon girl without any cover.

Demon, very demon!

At this moment, she is as fragrant as orchids, and her soft tongue gently exhales.

"Jiang Chen, I once swore a poisonous oath to my master before he died. No matter who it is, as long as he can take off my veil and see my true face, I will never marry anyone else in this life!"


Jiang Chen has never been so speechless in his life.

"Who do you think you are, Mu Wanqing!?"

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