"Tian Boguang appeared in South City, Dugu Nine Swords appeared, and the ultimate skills mission started?!"

"The Stormrage suffered heavy losses."

"Many famous masters of Huashan Sect went down the mountain overnight..."

"The Qingcheng Sect's rebel surrendered, and Jiang Chen took away all the secret books"

"Jiang Chen showed the unity of man and sword, is it possible that he is a chess piece that the Demon Cult has planted for many years?"

Shangguan Haitang had just entered the city and found a place to stay. Looking at the many messages passed by his subordinates, the whole person suddenly felt a little magical.

The ultimate skill is born!

The unity of man and sword?

The Demon Cult spy......

The news was more explosive than the last.

She had only entered the city, but it felt like she had been in seclusion for three months, as if the whole Ming Dynasty had changed!

Then, the last piece of news arrived.


Jiang Chen and Tian Boguang appeared at Yicui Tower at the same time. Check and verify quickly and report back immediately!...


Shangguan Haitang's face suddenly became a little ugly.

"Jiang Chen is so young, yet he is in league with that lecher. It seems that he might be a pawn of the Demon Cult......."......

Yuelai Inn.

Luo Xin was a little surprised, but she felt it was nothing big:"Humph, man! If you want to go, go. It's not like Sister Ruoli won't have anyone to marry~"

Mu Qingcheng frowned.

"Don’t you know what’s going on in the building now?"

"Don’t you know what Tian Boguang and Jiang Chen’s current identities are?"

"The leader of the Nufeng Gang has gone crazy. He has revealed everything about the Dugu Nine Swords and the unity of man and sword. He even spread the news that Jiang Chen and Tian Boguang went to Yicui Tower!!!"


Ye Ruoli and Luo Xin were shocked.


"The Windfury Gang was determined to make the situation worse, but...But Jiang Chen might......"

Luo Xin looked over in surprise and said,"Sister Ruoli, your mindset changes really quickly. You are already thinking about your man. Why don't you think about your sisters?..."

"Once the secret mission is leaked, and the masters from all over South City start fighting in the building, then our foundation that we have worked hard for decades will be in vain...."

Mu Qingcheng flicked her long sleeves and said,"Let's talk about it when we get back!"......

In this day and age, if a talented swordsman died on the street, it is very likely that no one would pay attention.

However, when the name of this swordsman is linked to a unique skill mission, it is absolutely hot.

More importantly, when there is a force behind it to fan the flames and send messages to all the people in the world for free, it is basically known to the world.

At this moment, even if you have only been in South City for a year and are not even a third-rate player, you will be awakened by the continuous private chat messages.

Late at night, figures jumped onto the eaves

"Oh shit!"

"The rooftop is a bit lively today..."

Everyone thought they had inside information, but once they got out, they found out that it was just like an announcement, known to everyone.

"Brothers, what’s going on?"

"I don't know. I came out to bask in the sun.~"

"Okay! Sharing joy is worse than enjoying it alone, so why not share it with others?"

"What the hell are you hiding?"

"Let’s go, let’s go to Yicui Tower and watch the fun first. What if those masters start fighting and we have to squat down and take advantage of the situation?"

"that is~"

"In the current Yicui Tower, only top-notch experts would dare to show up. If any of them dies, we will be rich!"

The crowd rushed to move, no matter if they had the ability to fight for the secret skills or not, they didn't want to miss it.......

On the other side.

Tian Boguang had just stepped into the hall of Yicui Tower when he immediately felt several sharp gazes.


Definitely a top-notch master!

He would be very careful when he met such a person on weekdays. How could he have thought that when he visited a brothel, he would run into several of them as soon as he entered the door.


That would be too embarrassing, right?

"Ahem, where is the madam? Please find a window seat for us brothers."

"Oh, sir, you really know how to enjoy yourself. But to be honest, all the private rooms tonight are reserved by guests...."As the madam spoke, a bit of greed appeared in her eyes.

Tian Boguang knew it, but he had always been a freeloader when he was out there, rarely spending money.

There was no other way.

He could only bleed a little today.

"Five hundred taels, is that enough?!"

As soon as the banknote came out, the madam's face not only did not look good, but also showed a trace of contempt:"Sir, where are you from? Don't you know where our Yicui Tower is?"

"So that you know, the seats in Yicui Tower usually cost one thousand taels to enter. Ha, with your five hundred taels, you can only watch the girls dancing in the hall~"

Damn it!

Tian Boguang's face almost turned green with anger.

It's true that he loves to have sex for free, but it's definitely not because he has no money.

"Where did this black shop come from? Are you kidding me? Five hundred taels of silver is enough for me to have sex with ten prostitutes!!"


The madam just sneered:"It's enough for your little country place, but don't you see, we are at the foot of Mount Hua, and those who come and go are all big names in the underworld!"

"The masters of Huashan Sect always spend thousands of taels of silver. With your little money, you should go around the corner and see if the old ladies standing on the street are asleep.


Tian Boguang did not go out without money, but he did not bring that much. After all, his biggest expense was not spending money.

Jiang Chen did not expect it to be so expensive, but fortunately, his money was not earned, so he did not feel bad about spending it. He immediately threw out a bright silver note of five thousand taels of silver.

"Is it enough?"


The madam saw the big ticket and her eyes widened:"Enough, it is indeed enough, but the window seats are hard to be vacant today. I don't know why, the gentlemen who come today like to have windows...."


This is nonsense!

In your brothel, there are suddenly so many martial arts masters. If a fight breaks out, and there is no window seat, won’t you be blocked by others! ?

"Stop talking nonsense and count."

Jiang Chen killed countless people in one night, and the hall master alone killed two. It is impossible for him to lose his life for a little money.

"Hey, sir, look at what you said.~"

"that...If you can add another 10,000 taels, I will arrange a special seat for you. I guarantee you will be satisfied with the seat!"

Jiang Chen took out Leng Ruian's Qiankun bag and flipped through it. He found a 10,000 tael silver note with the Xuanhong official seal.

"lead the way!"......

After a moment, Tian Boguang looked at the temporary tables and chairs, his hand already on the knife, the corners of his mouth twitching wildly.

"Damn it, are you looking for death?!"

""Master, isn't this position good enough?" The madam pointed to the hanging window behind her and said,"This window is definitely the largest. The stage is right under your feet, and you can see the beauty of all the girls...."

Yicui Building.

Hollow design, with windows on four sides.

However, one side is the stage, where the girls come out, so there are only three sides with tables.

The first floor lobby is for ordinary seats, the second floor is for private seats, and the third floor is for private rooms.

Jiang Chen is on the third floor, but there is no private room. It is just temporarily separated by a screen and tables and chairs are placed.

Girls come in and out, which doesn't matter.

But the problem is.

This angle is too domineering.

All the guests on the first, second, and third floors can see the two of them as long as they look up.

Because this position is right above the stage.


This position is really fucking amazing!......

"That's it." Jiang Chen was already here, so he was not afraid.

Tian Boguang was sweating profusely.

"Be careful, brother. The one at the diagonal angle is one of the top ten Wudang masters, Shang Wanli, who is known for his selfless sword skills."

"In addition, there are also many people from Huashan Sect and Qingcheng Sect."

"hiss...Looking across, Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows is also there, and the one next to him must be the Sword God Ximen Chuxue..."

My goodness~

Tian Boguang was already vomiting blood in his heart. He was hungry all night and came out to find something to eat.

It was fine if he was treated as a poor bastard. In the end, he finally sat down. The whole place was full of masters!

Really, Tian Boguang felt that the masters he had seen in the past year were not as many as those in this building today! The sword god came out and made a fuss!

What's going on!

If your brothel is so popular, can you tell me in advance? Damn it, I really won't come~~

Yes! Tian Boguang now doesn't think this is a black shop at all. One thousand taels per private seat. This price is very reasonable and absolutely fair. So many martial arts masters are"competing" on the same field. Anyone who pays less than one thousand taels is not qualified to enter this door!

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