"Eat, don't just stand there~"

Jiang Chen didn't care what Tian Boguang was thinking, he calmly picked up the chopsticks and started eating:"It's really dangerous to go out at this time, it's okay if there are more people."

No need for news.

As soon as Jiang Chen entered the door, looking at the eyes of the crowd, he knew that the mission of the unique skill had probably been leaked.

It doesn't matter who leaked it.

There are too many people.

The Wrath of the Wind Gang, Anya, Yuan Hua, and even Ye Ruoli are all possible.

Leaving the city at this time is a dead end, and staying in the city will also face the encirclement and suppression of various masters.

Today's enemy.

That is not just a little personal grudge before. Except for the Wrath of the Wind Gang, the rest of the people basically don't care.

Facing the unique skill.

All the masters in the world may take action.

No matter what famous and upright sect, what evil sect.

Catching Tian Boguang means holding the most critical point of the unique skill mission.

Even if you can't learn it, it doesn't matter.

The masters of your Huashan Sect can always learn it, right?

I will hold Tian Boguang hostage and never let you start the unique skills mission. You won't be able to get the Lonely Nine Swords in three hundred years, let alone a hundred years!

What can Huashan Sect do?

Either fight!

Or kneel down and beg.

Anyway, no matter what, they have to start the unique skills mission.

Therefore, the value of Tian Boguang is actually the same for everyone.

It is useful to Huashan Sect, and other forces can also threaten Huashan Sect if they get it, and even ride on the head of Huashan Sect and shit, and they dare not say a word.

The unique skills of the sect.

Different from the unique skills of the martial arts world.

Jiang Chen already knew this from Yuan Hua.

The unique skills of the martial arts world may be refreshed repeatedly.

However, the unique skills of the sect must be opened by the mission, and then the masters in the sect can do the tasks and learn them in turn.

How big is the difference in strength between a sect that has opened a unique skill and one that has not? It is obvious that the top combat power will face a situation of being crushed.

By then, the sect will have difficulty recruiting people, talent will be lost, income will drop sharply, and the territory will shrink....

A series of problems will cause the sect to decline. It is important.

Needless to say.

The reason why they haven't fought yet is that the masters of Huashan Sect have not arrived yet, and the masters of other sects may not be complete, or even the matter happened too quickly, and they haven't even thought about the decision. It is more likely that everyone knows the news, but they are not so anxious, and they are worried that if they act first, they may suffer first....


There is still a chance to fish in troubled waters for the time being.

Jiang Chen is not sure whether he will be in trouble, but with his Qinggong skills, it should not be a problem to get away with it.

As for Tian Boguang, we can only say that it depends on fate.

He is in danger wherever he goes now. Staying here may be safer than being outside.

After all, no matter how good his Qinggong skills are, he can't stand the opponent's large numbers.

This is inevitable.

Before Tian Boguang did not enter the plot process, it was useless to capture or kill him. The mission could not be launched. There were really few top masters who had nothing to do to capture him.

Now the times have changed~

It's really different.......

Jiang Chen ate without caring about anything else, and even asked for more dishes to take away.

Otherwise, under this situation, who knows when the next meal will be served.

"Bro, you have a good appetite...."

Tian Boguang couldn't eat, not even a single bite.

Even when facing the girls around him with enchanting figures, snow-white skin, and seductive eyes, he had no appetite.

"Sir, please don’t just eat the food, drink some wine~"

The girls looked extremely embarrassed when they saw Jiang Chen was concentrating on eating.



He was definitely the first person who spent tens of thousands of taels of silver to eat food in the private room specially opened in Yicui Tower without playing with girls or drinking!

If he hadn’t paid first, he would have looked like a freeloader!.......

How does the food at Yicuilou taste?

It's OK.

Jiang Chen can't tell whether the food is good or bad anyway, so he has to do two things at once, organizing his martial arts training........

Sword Skills Level 120, Light Skills Level 50, Internal Skills Level 30.

Remaining Experience Value Nearly 2 Million

"You must save experience points to reshape your martial arts, up to 1.5 million can be used"

"To maintain the unity of man and sword, the bonus of sword skills should be higher than that of body skills, so the level needs to be improved simultaneously...."


【The level of the Wind Chasing Sword Skill has been upgraded! Current level: 125 level 0%!】

【The level of the Wind Chasing Sword Skill has been upgraded! Current level: 130 level 0%!】......


【The level of Golden Goose Kungfu has been upgraded! Current level: 550%!】

【The level of Golden Goose Kungfu has been upgraded! Current level: Level 600%!】

1.3 million experience points.

Sword skills and Qinggong skills are increased by 10 levels each.......


【Jiang Chen】

【Level: Second-rate】

【The Unity of Man and Sword: Getting Started】

【Health: 2056】

【Internal Force: 19825】

【Attack Power: 2180】

【Attack speed: 39.08 (attacks per second)】

【Movement speed: 208.40 (distance moved per second/meter)】

【Strength: 852】

【Body Movement: 2505】

【Root bone: 652】

【Internal Strength: 1230】

【Perception: 1000】

【Fortune: Unknown】......

"If you want to break through to the first level, you will need at least tens of millions of experience points."

Jiang Chen thought to himself.

This experience is really terrifying.

With his own comprehension, it is so difficult to be promoted to the first-class level.

Even if the others have 60 or 70 points of comprehension, they will have to work hard for at least ten years to be promoted to the first-class level.

Fortunately, he still has the unity of man and sword.

The actual combat improvement is huge.

Even if facing the first-class realm, he still has a good chance of winning.

However, if the enemy is from a famous family, it is hard to say.

The masters of famous families have a very high degree of martial arts compatibility.

Purely relying on the teachings of the master, they will also be close to the state of unity of man and sword.

If they are super first-class, it goes without saying that they will definitely be.

As for the sword god Ximen Chuxue on the opposite side? Don't joke.

His unity of man and sword is definitely a great success, or even a perfect state.


Ximen Chuxue is not a murderer, and he has no interest in martial arts.

He only loves swords, only the sword in his arms.

This kind of legendary NPC, as long as it is not a murderer, will not take the initiative to attack the player.

If you insist on getting close, that's another matter.


Everyone is at most a same-prostitution relationship in a brothel, and it won't get awkward.


After finishing his martial arts, Jiang Chen had to organize his Qiankun bag.

He killed a lot and got a lot.

The Qiankun bag in his pocket was almost full.

"Come, ladies, please sit in the front. Jiang Chen threw the banknotes, each of which was worth one thousand taels.

"Thank you for your reward~!"

The girls came over to toast, just waiting for the red envelopes, but they got the red envelopes without doing anything, so they were naturally very happy. They sat in the front row happily, blocking most of the sight of Jiang Chen and the others.


Jiang Chen sorted out the things in the Qiankun bag one by one.

First of all, the silver notes.

No matter where you go, money is the most important.

Dozens of Qiankun bags together, a total of 280,000 taels of silver notes, a pile of silver, at least 30,000 taels.

This is the wealth after a large expenditure of less than 20,000 taels.

The main reason is Leng Rui'an's big treasury, which gives too much, and the second is Elder Yu and the two hall masters.

And Leng Rui'an's Qiankun bag is worth at least 100,000 taels. A normal Qiankun bag has three cubic meters of space.

A better one is ten cubic meters.

The better ones are thirty or fifty cubic meters.

At this level, if you want to buy one, you have to pay more than 10,000 taels.

And Leng Rui'an's is a full 100 cubic meters, which can be called a mobile villa, and there is even a bed inside.

It can be said that you can sleep on a Simmons mattress wherever you go, which is amazing!

The remaining equipment really doesn't have many highlights.

The high-quality equipment has similar properties. The best jade sword is already in Jiang Chen's hands.

As for the top-quality weapons, only Leng Rui'an's folding fan can be considered

【[Qian Kun Folding Fan]

Grade: Top Grade (Deep Blue)

Durability: 2180

Strength +120

Agility +80

Attributes: Change of move speed increased by 100%

Skills: Five black steel nails can be activated at any time when attacking, with the same lethality as a first-class hidden weapon (current usage 10/30)......

""Top-quality weapons, if it's a sword, it would be awesome."

Jiang Chen secretly said it was a pity.

This kind of thing, ordinary blacksmith shops will not sell, nor can they make it.

Black steel!

This is a top-quality metal that is unique to the Shenzhou Continent. It is extremely strong in terms of firmness, toughness, and plasticity, and it can also carry many extraordinary properties.

At the same time.

The color of black steel also represents the strength and value of its properties.

Azure is the most common level among the top-quality ones.

In the auction, an azure weapon made by a famous master will be sold for at least hundreds of thousands of taels.

And an azure weapon with skills will start at a million taels.

Jiang Chen killed so many people in one night, but they were not as valuable as this fan.

And if he wanted to buy a blue top-quality sword, he didn't have enough money.

Above the azure blue.

There is orange gold!

It is said that weapons and equipment blessed with orange gold black steel have properties that are one level higher than azure blue, and they must carry skills.

The more top-quality blazing red black steel may not be available in the entire South City. Most people in the martial arts world have only heard of it and are not qualified to take a look at it.���

I wonder if the one in Ximen Chuxue's hand is of the Blazing Red level?

Jiang Chen wanted to know, but he didn't look. A master of that level would be alerted immediately if you only looked at him.

If your eyes have other intentions, they will feel malicious.

If it is an evil NPC, they may attack just by looking at him. Even if it is a righteous NPC, if you look at him with bad intentions, it will reduce the friendliness and even arouse hostility.......

"Brother, you...What exactly do you do?"

Tian Boguang was watching Jiang Chen throwing the Qiankun bags one by one, his face was numb~

Good thing!

This thing must not be his own!

A Jianghu man would be amazing if he could only carry two or three Qiankun bags at most.

He had so many, he could only have killed people and robbed them.

At the beginning, Tian Boguang thought Jiang Chen was a rapist, but he didn't look like a rapist.

Now he understands.

He is not a rapist at all, but a more vicious bandit than a rapist!

Well, he has to kill without blinking an eye!

"Ah, these are all gifts from friends.

Jiang Chen said casually.

"There is no other way. It is really difficult to go out and travel the world without the help of friends~"


Tian Boguang has seen notorious thieves before.

But Jiang Chen is definitely the first one who kills and robs people so blatantly!!......

""Mr. Jiang, you are so elegant. You can sit in such a special seat?"

A gentle and low voice, as if with a magnetic force, sounded in the ears of the two.

Turning around, they saw a tall beauty wearing a flying gauze phoenix tail skirt and shoes with flowing clouds and rosy clouds.

Behind her, there were two beauties with enchanting figures. The one on the left looked familiar. It was Ye Ruoli who took off the veil.

As for the one on the right, I have never seen her before. Looking at her facial features, although she was not as charming as Ye Ruoli, she also exuded a pure and evil charm.

"There are also beauties!?"

Tian Boguang was stunned when he saw it.

Even in the face of crisis, he had to look at the beauties.

Especially when the two beauties were as beautiful as Ye Ruoli, each with their own merits, he couldn't help but look at them for even a second.

"The leader of the Viper Gang?"

""My slave, Mu Qingcheng, thanks you for coming tonight."

Mu Qingcheng is the leader of the gang and the head of Yicui Tower.

She would thank a distinguished guest.

But she came back specially not to keep him.

"There are too many guests in the building tonight. It is really ignorant for the servants to let Mr. Jiang sit here."

As he said this,

Mu Qingcheng took out two silver notes worth ten thousand taels.

"I am really sorry. This is just a small token of my appreciation. Please come back another day, Mr. Jiang. I will definitely welcome you when you come~"

Pay the money and send the guest away?

Before Jiang Chen even opened his mouth, Tian Boguang couldn't help himself.

"Don't leave, this location is great, I like it here"

"Besides, my sister-in-law hasn't left yet, and you, the head of the family, come here to kick her out. That's really not nice. Come on, come on, drink three glasses of wine first.~!"

Ye Ruoli saw the opportunity and secretly sent a message

"Jiang Lang, the whole city knows about the secret mission now. Not to mention the large number of people from the outside world rushing over, the masters in the building alone are beyond your ability to deal with...."

"Fortunately, they are still waiting to see who will make the first move. If they don’t leave now, they may never be able to leave.~!!"

Jiang Chen was sitting as steady as a mountain.

If he had time to talk nonsense, he might as well use it to reshape his martial arts.

Seeing this, Mu Qingcheng's eyes flashed with displeasure.

But before she could speak, she heard a bang downstairs, and the table full of wine and food was directly shattered by a palm.

"Jiang Chen!"

"My Qingcheng Sect's unique secret manual, is it in your hands! ?"

Oh no!

Ye Ruoli secretly said that it was not good.

"Jiang Lang, this person is Yu Chang'an, the younger brother of Yu An'an, the young master of Qingcheng Sect. He is a first-class person and is also outstanding among the newcomers in the martial arts world."

"The fact that you just killed someone to get the secret book has been spread by the Wrathful Wind Gang. In my opinion, if the secret book is useless, it is better to return it first to avoid causing disputes and giving other people a chance...."


Jiang Chen raised his lips and said,"Why should I give back something I stole with great effort?"


Ye Ruoli was speechless.


Yu Changan's eyes flashed, and he immediately jumped out of the private room and came to the center of the stage.

"Just admit it!"

"Laozi Shudaoshan, if you hand over the secret book intact, I will spare your life!"


Jiang Chen chuckled:

"What are you barking at?"

"After a few mouthfuls of yellow urine, you don’t even recognize your father, right?"

"Don't you even look at where you are? You just piss right away. Have you never been in the underworld, or have you never been beaten?"

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